Wednesday, 28 February 2018
10:00 a.m.
Andrew S. Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West
regrets filed to date.
That Council receive this report for information.
That Council:
1. Adopt a
City of Ottawa Reconciliation Action Plan as presented in this report;
2. Adopt a
Statement of Reconciliation adapted from the June 1, 2015 Federation of Canadian
Municipalities Big City Mayors Caucus Statement of Reconciliation, attached
as Document 1.
That Council approve the Financial Plan for Water
Services described herein, attached as Document 1, and submission of the
Financial Plan to the province as required by Ontario Regulation 453/07.
That Council approve amendments to Zoning By-law 2008-250, as
shown in Document 1, as amended by the replacement map for the property
municipally known as 2599 Carling Avenue, and detailed in Document 2, and
that there be no further notice pursuant to Sub-section 34 (17) of the Planning
That Council approve:
1. that the first sentence
in Document 2, Part B, section 2 be amended by adding the following text
after the words ‘Scott Street Secondary Plan’: ‘and the Wellington Street
West Secondary Plan’;
2. an amendment to the Official
Plan, Volume 2a, Scott Street Secondary Plan, by removing 979 Wellington from
the plan boundary as detailed in Document 2, as amended;
3. an amendment to the Official
Plan, Volume 2a, West Wellington Secondary Plan, by amending the plan
boundary to included 979 Wellington Street, and to permit an increase in
building height as detailed in Document 2, as amended;
4. an
amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 979 Wellington Street West to permit
a nine-storey mixed use development as detailed in Document 4; and
5. that the implementing Zoning
By-law amendment not proceed to City Council until the agreement under
Section 37 of the Planning Act is executed by the applicant.
That Council:
a. approve an
amendment to the Official Plan, Volume 2a, Centretown Secondary Plan to
redesignate a portion of 355 Cooper Street from Apartment Neighbourhood to
Public/Institutional Area as detailed in Document 2;
b. approve an
amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 355 Cooper Street to permit
post-secondary education institution and a theatre as shown on Document 3 and
detailed in Document 4; and
c. consider
this report at its meeting on 28 February 2018, pursuant to Sub-Section 35.
(5) of Procedure By-law 2016-377.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for
1946 Scott Street to permit a nine-storey apartment building, as detailed in
Document 2 and amended by the following:
a. that the zoning be
amended to permit three of the parking spaces on the property to have a
minimum depth of 4.6m;
b. that statement 2. in
Document 2 be replaced with:
“2. Add a new exception, [XXXX],
to Section 239 – Urban Exceptions with provisions similar in effect to the
following:…”; and
c. that there be no further
notice pursuant to Sub-Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act.
Delegations: Four
delegations; split in their support, with caveats, and/or expressing concern
with staff position of not allowing bikes on LRT during peak periods.
Debate: Committee spent approximately
three hours on consideration of this item.
Vote: Three amending Motions were
moved for Recommendation 1 a); two were CARRIED (one CARRIED on a division of
ten “Yeas” to one “Nay” and one CARRIED unanimously) and one LOST on a division
of six “Nays” to five “Yeas”. Voting was severed on the report Recommendations.
Recommendation 1 b) was CARRIED on a division of 10 “Yeas” to one “Nay”. The
remaining recommendations were then CARRIED, as amended, with one dissent.
Direction to staff was also provided.
Position of Ward Councillor(s): This
is a City-wide report.
Position of Advisory Committees: This report references the 2008 report from the former Pedestrian
and Transit Advisory Committee (PTAC) to the former Transit Committee in
support of pets onboard transit vehicles, and recommending a pilot program be
put in place to allow this.
That Council:
1. Direct staff to develop an
amending by-law for enactment, as described in this report, as amended,
that includes the following:
a. Giving authority to the General Manager for a period
of 15 months after operations commence on the O-Train Confederation Line
to permit and regulate the carriage of bicycles onboard transit vehicles and
in stations and that the General Manager report back to the Transit
Commission and Council on the implementation of regulations under this
delegated authority before it expires;
i) that OC Transpo permit bicycles on the Confederation
and Trillium lines without time restrictions, subject to extraordinary demand
management, and the proposed restrictions on designated door boarding and
storing in the multiuse area only, and that the Transit By-law be amended
accordingly, and;
ii) that staff review the operations for one year,
including the collection of data on usage and impacts, with a report to be
submitted to the Transit Commission by Q1 2020 being after one year of
b. Giving
authority to the General Manager to permit small pets onboard transit
vehicles and in stations, with the requirement that the pet be transported in
an animal carrier or crate that can rest on a customer’s lap, and;
c. Additional
minor changes as required, to remove outdated information and add new
That Council approve the following representatives
of the community be appointed to the Crime Prevention Ottawa Board of
Directors for the period 2018-2022:
Farhia Ahmed
Reverend Anthony Bailey
Ed Buller
Steve Monuk
Meredith Porter
That Council approve the proposal to name the
gymnasium located at the Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre “Robert
and Linda Poulsen Gymnasium”.
That Council approve:
1. That the
plaza located at the southwest corner of Preston Street and Somerset Street
West adjacent to the Plant Recreation Centre, as shown in Document 1, be
designated “Saigon Square”; and
2. That a
commemorative boulder and plaque be erected in this location, as described in
this report, with the cost to be covered by the Vietnamese Canadian Centre;
3. That the
wording on the plaque be displayed as “This Square was named “Saigon” in
recognition of the contribution to the City Of Ottawa by the Vietnamese
Refugees who came to Canada in search of freedom”; and
4. That the
General Manager of Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services be delegated
the authority to negotiate and execute an agreement with the Vietnamese
Canadian Centre detailing the terms, conditions and responsibilities for this
project, to approve the final design and installation details of the boulder
and plaque and to approve the final wording for the plaque in consultation
with the Ward Councillor.
That Council approve the proposal to name the
Sawmill Creek Settling Pond the “Wendy Stewart Pond.”
That Council:
1. receive
and approve the 2014 Development Charges background study, as modified by
this report, in respect of the lands identified in Document 1 and the
Manotick Area Specific Development Charges; and
2. approve
the enactment of a development charges by-law amendment in the general form
attached as Document 4, such that the Manotick Area Specific Development
Charges will apply to the lands identified in Document 1, in addition to the
lands already subject to such charges.
That Council designate Housing Services as the
Service Manager for the administration of the provincial Development Charges
Rebate Program.
That Council approve:
1. an
amendment to the Official Plan to add to Volume 2a, Sandy Hill Secondary
Plan, by designated 213, 217, 221, and 223 Henderson Avenue and 65 Templeton
Street to permit small-scale commercial uses, detailed in Document 2; and
2. an
amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 213, 217, 221, and 223 Henderson
Avenue and 65 Templeton Street to permit a four-storey low rise apartment
dwelling and 150 square metres of commercial uses, as shown on Document 3 and
detailed in Document 4.
That Council:
1. defer the
requirement to pay Development Charges under the Development Charges By-law,
2014 until such time as Council has enacted a new Development Charges By-law;
2. approve
that the amount of Development Charges to be paid in accordance with (1)
above be the amount that would otherwise be due at the time of building
permit issuance, and such amount will not be subject to any interest charges.
That Council approve the Summaries of Oral and Written Public
Submissions for items considered at the City Council Meeting of February 14,
2018 that are subject to the ‘Explanation Requirements’ being the Planning
Act, subsections 17(23.1), 22(6.7), 34(10.10) and 34(18.1), as
applicable, as described in this report and attached as Documents 1 and 2.
by Councillor D. Deans
Seconded by Councillor M. Wilkinson
WHEREAS in 1910 women delegates from
around the world met in Copenhagen to propose that Women’s Day become an
international event to promote equal rights for women; and
WHEREAS the first International
Women’s Day was held in 1911; and
WHEREAS in 1977, the United Nations
officially called for all countries to mark a day for the recognition of women's
economic, political and social achievements; and
WHEREAS we are witnessing a significant rise in women’s activism and
a deepening resolve to reject gender discrimination in all forms; and
WHEREAS every year thousands of events are held around the world to
inspire, celebrate and honour women.
City Council declare March 8, 2018, to be International Women’s Day in the City
of Ottawa.
Councillors S. Blais and T. Nussbaum
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law 2007-268
respecting fees and charges for public transit services.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate
certain lands at voie Eric Maloney Way, voie Sora Way, voie Hawkmere Way,
croissant Labrador Crescent on Plan 4M-1594, as being exempt from Part Lot
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend the
Development Charges By-law No. 2014-229 in respect of the Manotick Area
Specific Development Charges.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend the
Sandy Hill Secondary Plan of Volume 2A of the Official Plan of the City of
Ottawa to add site specific policies for the lands municipally known as 213,
217, 221, and 223 Henderson Avenue and 65 Templeton Street.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of the lands known
municipally as 213, 217, 221, and 223 Henderson Avenue and 65 Templeton
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-Law
No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to correct technical anomalies within the
urban area of the City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City
of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2017-180 respecting the appointment of
Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in accordance with private property
parking enforcement.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change
the zoning of lands known municipally as 1946 Scott Street.
interpretation of these proceedings is available. Please speak to the
attendant at reception.
Accessible formats and communication supports are
available, upon request.
In Camera Items are not
subject to public discussion or audience. Any person has a right to request an independent investigation of
the propriety of dealing with matters in a closed session. A form
requesting such a review may be obtained, without charge, from the City’s
website or in person from the Chair of this meeting. Requests are kept
confidential pending any report by the Meetings Investigator and are
conducted without charge to the Requestor.