That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to consider the following motion, so that the Carlington Community Garden may proceed without further delay
WHEREAS the Carlington Community Garden, one of the largest community gardens in the City, was relocated from the grounds of the Carlington Community Health Centre, due to the multi-year renovation and expansion, to Carlington Park; and
WHEREAS, this relocation has meant the garden had to start from scratch, with a planned phased-in approach, over many years; and
WHEREAS Section 37 funds under the Planning Act from a nearby development, which were to finance the expansion of the community garden, are not yet available, such that expansion plans have been put on hold for 2022; and
WHEREAS, in the interim, the Carlington Community Garden is seeking $5000 in one-time funds from the Ward Councillor to pay for a garden shed at the current location; and
WHEREAS Community Gardens receive City funding via the Community Gardening Network; and
WHEREAS the Council Expense Policy provides that Members of Council may make contributions to community organizations, subject to certain restrictions including:
• Unless otherwise approved by motion of Council, contributions to individuals, businesses or City funded services and departments are prohibited;
• Unless otherwise approved by motion of Council, contributions are limited to 3.5% of the Members annual Constituency Services Budget; and
WHEREAS the requested contribution can be accommodated within the 2022 overall Ward 16 Constituency Services Budget;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council approve an exemption to the Council Expense Policy to permit Councillor Brockington to contribute up to $5000 to the Carlington Community Garden from the 2022 Ward 16 Constituency Services Budget; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this contribution not be subject to the 3.5% donation limit.