Wednesday, 22 November 2017
10:00 a.m.
Andrew S. Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West
The Council of the
City of Ottawa met at Andrew S. Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa,
on Wednesday, 22 November 2017 beginning at 10:00 a.m.
The Mayor, Jim
Watson, presided and led Council in a moment of reflection.
(note: the transcript can be found at the Confirmation of Minutes
The national anthem was performed by Kayleigh Styles.
Mayor Watson presented the Mayor’s City Builder Award to Don
Winchester. Mr. Winchester is the co-founder and President of the Barrhaven
Seniors’ Council, a registered not-for-profit and registered charity, providing
seniors programming in the Barrhaven community with just under 600 members. He
is also Senior Advisor of the Project Steering Committee for the Barrhaven
Community and Culture Centre.
All Members were
present for the meeting.
See specific
Agenda Items for declarations: Audit Committee Report 13 (Item 3 on the
Agenda), and Planning Committee Report 54A (Item 8 on the Agenda).
- Comprehensive traffic safety studies for Rosehill
Avenue and Alon Street, including the potential effects of the closure;
- Upgrade of traffic lights at the Huntmar Drive /
Maple Grove Road intersection, including advanced green lights;
- Implementation of permanent traffic calming
measures on both the full length of Rosehill Avenue and Alon Street to
achieve maximum safety (bikes & pedestrians).
- Full consultation with the community during the
process of designing and implementing traffic calming measures
Other communications received:
With respect to the Salvation Army proposal for Montreal Road (see
Planning Committee Report 54A - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law
Amendment – 325, 327, and 333 Montreal Road, 334 Montfort Street And 273 Ste.
Anne Avenue), the following were also received:
Submission containing the signatures of 850
individuals in opposition.
Submission containing the signatures of 428
individuals in opposition.
Submission containing the signatures of 165
individuals in opposition.
Submission containing the signatures of 155
individuals in opposition.
Submission containing the signatures of 106
individuals in opposition.
Submission containing the signatures of 30
individuals in opposition.
Submission containing the signatures of 27
individuals in opposition.
No regrets were
Moved by
Councillor M. Qaqish
Seconded by Councillor M. Taylor
That the
report from the Integrity Commissioner entitled “Integrity Commissioner –
2017 Annual Report”; the report from the Ottawa Board of Health entitled “Ontario’s
Health System Transformation: Response to the Minister’s Expert Panel Report”;
Audit Committee Report 13; Finance and Economic Development Committee Report
29; Planning Committee Report 54; Transit Commission Report 15; and the report from the City Clerk and Solicitor’s
Office entitled “Summary of Oral and Written Public
Submissions for Items Subject to Bill 73 ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the
City Council Meeting of November 8, 2017”, be received and considered; and
pursuant to subsections 35 (5) and 35 (6) of Procedure By-law 2016-377,
Council receive and consider Planning Committee Report 54A; and
That the
petitions listed on the Agenda, with respect to the closure of Johnwoods
Street, and with respect to the Salvation Army Proposal, be received.
That Council receive the attached report for information.
That Council:
a. approve the report entitled
“Ontario’s Health System Transformation: Response to the Minister’s Expert
Panel Report”; and
b. Subject to Council’s approval
of the report, direct the City Clerk and Solicitor to send confirmation of Council’s
approval to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
Jeff Leiper declared a potential, deemed pecuniary interest on Item 3 - Audit
Committee Report 13 – “Office of the Auditor General – Report on Audit
Follow-ups and Detailed Audit Follow-up Reports” as his spouse chaired the
Board of Directors of the Ottawa School of Speech and Drama at the time that
organization ceased operations with an outstanding debt to the City. That is
one of the items in the detailed in the audit follow-up reports.
Leiper did not take part in the discussion or vote on this item.
That Council receive the Report on Audit Follow-ups and detailed
audit follow-up reports.
That Council approve the Office of the Auditor General’s 2018 Work
with Councillor D. Deans dissenting.
That Council:
1. Delegate the authority to
the City Manager and the Mayor to participate in the commercially
confidential negotiations between the National Capital Commission and the
preferred proponent regarding the redevelopment of LeBreton Flats as an
interested party, based on the interests and principles outlined in this
report, up to and including the development of a recommended Agreement in
Principle related to the City of Ottawa’s participation in the redevelopment;
2. Delegate the authority to
the City Manager and the Mayor to engage in preliminary discussions with the
Ottawa Senators regarding to the future of the Canadian Tire Centre, as
appropriate and as described in this report;
3. Approve that the Finance and
Economic Development Committee be the Standing Committee delegated the
authority to make recommendations to Council related to the redevelopment of
LeBreton Flats for any matters requiring Council approval that cross Standing
Committee mandates, as described in this report;
4. Direct the City Manager to
provide a report outlining the results of the negotiations and preliminary
discussions with the National Capital Commission, the preferred proponent,
and the Ottawa Senators prior to the finalization of any agreements, as
described in this report.
division of 20 YEAS and 2 NAYS, as follows:
YEAS (20):
Councillors E.
El-Chantiry, R. Brockington, M. Taylor, D. Deans,
M. Fleury, G. Darouze, S. Qadri, J. Harder, M. Wilkinson, J. Cloutier,
K. Egli, S. Moffatt, S. Blais, B. Monette, M. Qaqish, D. Chernushenko, A.
Hubley, T. Nussbaum, T. Tierney, Mayor J. Watson
NAYS (2):
Councillors C.
McKenney, J. Leiper
That Council enact a by-law, as set out in Document 1, approving
the making of an application for approval to expropriate lands pursuant to
Section 4 of the Expropriations Act, that are required for purposes of the
Kanata South Link Project.
That Council approve Smart City 2.0, Ottawa’s Smart City Strategy,
as attached in Document 1.
Rick Chiarelli declared a potential, deemed indirect pecuniary interest on
Agenda Item 8, Planning Committee Report 54A - Official Plan Amendment and
Zoning By-Law Amendment – 325, 327, and 333 Montreal Road, 334 Montfort Street
and 273 Ste. Anne Avenue (ACS2017-PIE-PS-0126) - as his daughter is employed by the Shepherds of Good Hope, an
organization that is within the same funding bracket as the Salvation Army (the
applicant concerned in the report mentioned herein), and could see its
operations affected by changes associated with this application, should it
Chiarelli did not take part in the discussion or vote on these Items
1. approve:
a. an
Amendment to the Official Plan Section 3.1.4 and to the Montreal District
Secondary Plan for 325, 327 and 333 Montreal Road, 334 Montfort Street and
273 Ste. Anne Avenue to permit a shelter, residential care facility and
surface parking, as detailed in Document 2; and
b. an
amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 325, 327, and 333 Montreal Road, 334
Montfort Street and 273 Ste. Anne Avenue to permit a shelter and residential
care facility, as detailed in Document 3.
by Councillor M. Fleury
Seconded by Councillor J. Leiper
WHEREAS the Official Plan Section 5.2.6 point 3 states “Applications
for Official Plan amendments of city-wide significance will be considered
providing the following criteria are met:
a. The applicable policies in
Section 4:
b. The applicable information
and reports listed in policy 2i. Through xxx. Above have been submitted; and
c. Additional information
regarding the appropriateness of the proposed amendment, including a city-wide
analysis and evaluation of all alternatives, has been submitted.” and;
WHEREAS there should be a study of alternative sites for such a
facility, and Council should have a copy of such an analysis prior to decision;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that City Council defer consideration of
this application until such time as the applicant provides an analysis of other
available lands and potential sites to Planning Committee and Council.
LOST, on a division
of 6 YEAS and 17 NAYS, as follows:
YEAS (6):
Councillors D. Deans, M. Fleury, C. McKenney, D. Chernushenko T.
Nussbaum, J. Leiper
NAYS (17):
Councillors E.
El-Chantiry, R. Brockington, M. Taylor, G. Darouze, S. Qadri, J. Harder, M.
Wilkinson, J. Cloutier, K. Egli, S. Moffatt, S. Blais, B. Monette, J. Mitic,
M. Qaqish, A. Hubley, T. Tierney, Mayor J. Watson
by Councillor M. Fleury
Seconded by Councillor C. McKenney
WHEREAS the Salvation Army is a long standing service provider; and
WHEREAS the work that the organization does is needed to help our
most vulnerable in the City of Ottawa;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we recognize the value that the
Salvation Army brings, the importance of the services offered, and we applaud
their work in Ottawa.
by Councillor M. Fleury
Seconded by Councillor T. Nussbaum
WHEREAS the Montreal Road District Secondary Plan does not permit
surface parking on lots along Montreal Road; and
WHEREAS Report ACS2017-PIE-PS-0126 recommends the adoption of an
Official Plan Amendment to permit surface parking on the subject lands; and
WHEREAS the Report also recommends the approval of a Zoning By-law
Amendment to permit a development that would have parking spaces located within
the front yard save and except within the first 13 metres back from the lot
line abutting Montreal Road;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Document 3 – Details of Recommended
Zoning of Report ACS2017-PIE-PS-0126 be amended by replacing the text “a
minimum of 13 metres from the front lot line” with “a minimum of 26 metres from
the front lot line”; and
no further notice pursuant to Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act.
LOST, on a division
of 5 YEAS and 18 NAYS, as follows:
YEAS (5):
Councillors D.
Deans, M. Fleury, C. McKenney, T. Nussbaum,
J. Leiper
NAYS (18):
Councillors E.
El-Chantiry, R. Brockington, M. Taylor, G. Darouze, S. Qadri, J. Harder, M.
Wilkinson, J. Cloutier, K. Egli, S. Moffatt, S. Blais, B. Monette, J. Mitic,
M. Qaqish, D. Chernushenko,
A. Hubley, T. Tierney, Mayor J. Watson
by Councillor J. Cloutier
Seconded by K. Egli
WHEREAS Report ACS2017-PIE-PS-0126 recommends that a shelter use be
permitted on the subject lands up to a maximum size of 900 square metres in
gross floor area; and
WHEREAS the proponent has identified that the size of the proposed
shelter is 801 square metres in gross floor area; and
WHEREAS the size of the use is an important consideration when
considering the land use impacts of the proposed use;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Document 3 – Details of Recommended
Zoning of Report ACS2017-PIE-PS-0126 be amended by replacing the number “900”
with “801”; and
no further notice pursuant to Subsection 34 (17) of the Planning Act.
by Councillor S. Blais
Seconded by Councillor J. Cloutier
WHEREAS Section 45 of the Planning Act establishes the
jurisdiction of the Committee of Adjustment to authorize minor variances from a
by-law passed under section 34 or section 38 of the Act;
AND WHEREAS such authority is delegated to the Committee of
Adjustment by the Council of the City of Ottawa through its direction to
establish the Committee of Adjustment on September 12, 2001;
AND WHEREAS there is a desire to have matters relating to any
addition or expansion of the proposed shelter use at this location return to
Planning Committee and Council for consideration, regardless of whether they
are categorized as minor, or not;
Planning Committee recommend Council direct staff to initiate a by-law under
section 45 (1.0.3), to establish specific criteria in respect of any proposed
expansion or addition relating to the shelter use at 325, 327, AND 333 Montreal
Road, 334 Montfort Street and 273 Ste. Anne Avenue, so that any such proposal
is to be heard by Planning Committee and Council of the City of Ottawa; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the zoning by-law amendment adding
“shelter” as a permitted use to this location, if approved, shall not be
enacted until such time as the by-law referenced herein comes into force under
section 45 (1.0.4); and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that notwithstanding any resolutions made by
Council in respect of section 45(1.4), section 45(1.3) shall apply to this site
specific amendment, being a restriction on the ability to apply for a minor
variance from the provisions of the by-law in respect of the land, building or
structure before the second anniversary of the day on which the by-law was
amended, should the amendment be approved by Council.
with Councillors S. Moffatt and M. Qaqish dissenting.
by Councillor S. Blais
Seconded by Councillor J. Cloutier
WHEREAS Report ACS 2017-PIE-PS-0126
includes details on page 17 related to security strategies to be implemented as
part of the proposed development; and
WHEREAS Section 4.8.8 of the Official Plan speaks to principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental
Design in its review of development applications;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council approve that a holding
provision with two conditions be included in Document 3 – Details of
Recommended Zoning, as follows:
1. That the
holding provision not be lifted until the Site Plan Control Application for the
proposal is approved containing conditions related to the implementation of
design measures proposed in the Report provided by Security Through Safe Design
Inc. of May 1, 2017, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning,
Infrastructure and Economic Development; and
2. that the
holding provision not be lifted until such time as the Applicant has
implemented an Ambassador Program to the satisfaction of the General Manager of
Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development in consultation with the
General Manager of Community and Social Services.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there be no further notice pursuant to
Subsection 34 (17) of the Planning Act.
with Councillors D. Chernushenko and K. Egli dissenting on Condition 2 above.
by Councillor M. Fleury
Seconded by Councillor J. Leiper
BE IT RESOLVED that Planning Committee direct staff to bring forward
a Zoning By-law amendment to remove shelter as a permitted use on the lands
known municipally as 171 George Street after the Salvation Army has ceased its
shelter operations on these lands.
by Councillor M. Fleury
Seconded by Councillor T. Nussbaum
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Planning Committee recommend to
Council that the Zoning By-law amendments contained within Report ACS
2017-PIE-PS-0126 be repealed should the Salvation Army cease operating the
proposed facility.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there be no further notice pursuant to
Subsection 34 (17) of the Planning Act.
MOTION NO. 61/10
by Councillor M. Fleury
Seconded by Councillor R. Brockington
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Term of Council
Priorities Section of the report be revised to remove the identified Term of
Council Priorities in this report.
MOTION NO. 61/11
by Councillor K. Egli
Seconded by Councillor J. Cloutier
WHEREAS, over the course of the 3-day Planning Committee meeting to
consider the zoning and official plan amendments for the relocation of the
Salvation Army Shelter, Members of Council heard from an active and engaged
community that wants to be able to provide input into how this development
proceeds; and
WHEREAS the Salvation Army has indicated that it understands the
need to be proactive in engaging local residents and community stakeholders as
it develops the site plan in order to contribute to being a positive impact in
the neighbourhood; and
WHEREAS, although Council consideration of the zoning and Official
Plan amendment application must be based on land-use planning principles,
Council recognizes the importance of examining the services that will be
provided at the facility in the context of the neighbourhood and the City’s own
Housing First strategy; and
WHEREAS the federal and provincial governments are making
significant and targeted investments in housing and homelessness that may have
an impact on programming for this facility in the future; and
WHEREAS the next phase of the development and approvals for this
facility is expected to begin in the new year and take place over the next
several years and there is time for productive and meaningful dialogue to take
place to help shape the site plan review, drafting conditions and programming
of the facility to help it promote the City’s housing and homelessness goals
and lessen any community impact;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct staff to work with the
Ward Councillor, the Chair of Planning Committee, the Chair of Community and
Protective Services Committee, the Mayor and the Salvation Army to establish a
Site Plan Review and Programming Advisory Committee consisting of the
above-named Members of Council, relevant City staff, and community stakeholders
to provide input into the next phase of the Salvation Army Relocation
development; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, where deemed appropriate by the General
Manager of Planning Infrastructure and Economic Development in consultation
with Legal Services, specific recommendations from the Site Plan Review and
Programming Advisory Committee be incorporated into the conditions of Site
MOTION NO. 61/12
by Councillor D. Deans
Seconded by Councillor M. Fleury
WHEREAS, during the Planning Committee meeting,
many residents of Vanier expressed concern that their community will see the
positive growth that has begun in their neighbourhoods and along Montreal Road
stalled or reversed with the construction of the Salvation Army hub; and
WHEREAS the City is continuing to invest in
initiatives and infrastructure to improve life for Vanier residents and
businesses, including the redevelopment of Montreal Road and the establishment
of a Community Improvement Program for Montreal Road to encourage economic
development; and
WHEREAS the Building Better Revitalized
Neighbourhoods Initiative (BBRN) is a Term of Council strategic priority that
uses an innovative, collaborative and community-defined approach to the
delivery of new and existing programs and infrastructure to improve the health,
vibrancy and liveability of priority neighbourhoods in Ottawa; and
WHEREAS the BBRN has successfully worked in two
Neighbourhoods: Heatherington and Vanier South; and
WHEREAS the BBRN Initiative is overseen by a
Councillors Sponsor Group made up of the Chair and Vice-Chair of Planning
Committee, the Chair of Community and Protective Services Committee, the Chair
of Ottawa Community Housing Corporation, the Chair of the Board of Health and
Deputy Mayor Taylor; and
WHEREAS the BBRN Sponsors Group has developed an
expertise in developing collaborative stakeholder engagement processes for
target neighbourhoods, including grass roots resident driven collaboration
and this expertise can provide value to the Montreal Road projects outside of
the outcome of this Planning application;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct
staff working on program and infrastructure projects , including the upcoming
Montreal Road Redevelopment project and the upcoming Community Improvement
Plan, to work with the Building Better Revitalized Neighbourhoods Initiative
(BBRN) Sponsors Group on how to incorporate BBRN community collaboration tools
for those projects; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Building Better
Revitalized Neighbourhoods Initiative (BBRN) Sponsors Group identify the 2018
neighbourhood in the BBRN Initiative to be Vanier North.
The Committee
Recommendations, as amended by Motions 61/3, 61/5, 61/6, 61/7, 61/8, 61/9,
61/10, 61/11 and 61/12, and as set out in full below, were put to Council:
That Council
1. an
Amendment to the Official Plan Section 3.1.4 and to the Montreal District
Secondary Plan for 325, 327 and 333 Montreal Road, 334 Montfort Street and
273 Ste. Anne Avenue to permit a shelter, residential care facility and
surface parking, as detailed in Document 2; and
2. an
amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 325, 327, and 333 Montreal Road, 334
Montfort Street and 273 Ste. Anne Avenue to permit a shelter and residential
care facility, as detailed in Document 3, as amended by the following:
Document 3 – Details of Recommended Zoning of Report ACS2017-PIE-PS-0126 be
amended by replacing the number “900” with “801”; and
that there be no further notice
pursuant to Subsection 34 (17) of the Planning Act.
that a holding provision
with two conditions be included in Document 3 – Details of Recommended
Zoning, as follows:
the holding provision not be lifted until the Site Plan Control Application
for the proposal is approved containing conditions related to the
implementation of design measures proposed in the Report provided by Security
Through Safe Design Inc. of May 1, 2017, to the satisfaction of the General
Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development; and
the holding provision not be lifted until such time as the Applicant has
implemented an Ambassador Program to the satisfaction of the General Manager
of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development in consultation with the
General Manager of Community and Social Services; and
that there be no further notice pursuant to Subsection 34 (17) of the Planning Act.
the Zoning By-law amendments contained within Report ACS 2017-PIE-PS-0126 be
repealed should the Salvation Army cease operating the proposed facility; and
that there be no further notice pursuant to Subsection 34 (17) of the Planning Act.
3. that the Term of Council Priorities Section of the report be
revised to remove the identified Term of Council Priorities in this report.
that Council direct staff to initiate a
by-law under section 45 (1.0.3), to establish specific criteria in respect of
any proposed expansion or addition relating to the shelter use at 325, 327,
AND 333 Montreal Road, 334 Montfort Street and 273 Ste. Anne Avenue, so that
any such proposal is to be heard by Planning Committee and Council of the
City of Ottawa; and
a. that the zoning by-law amendment adding
“shelter” as a permitted use to this location, if approved, shall not be
enacted until such time as the by-law referenced herein comes into force
under section 45 (1.0.4); and
b. that notwithstanding any resolutions made
by Council in respect of section 45(1.4), section 45(1.3) shall apply to this
site specific amendment, being a restriction on the ability to apply for a
minor variance from the provisions of the by-law in respect of the land,
building or structure before the second anniversary of the day on which the
by-law was amended, should the amendment be approved by Council.
Council direct staff to bring forward a Zoning By-law amendment to remove shelter
as a permitted use on the lands known municipally as 171 George Street after
the Salvation Army has ceased its shelter operations on these lands.
Council direct staff to work with the Ward Councillor, the Chair of Planning
Committee, the Chair of Community and Protective Services Committee, the
Mayor and the Salvation Army to establish a Site Plan Review and Programming
Advisory Committee consisting of the above-named Members of Council, relevant
City staff, and community stakeholders to provide input into the next phase
of the Salvation Army Relocation development; and
a. that, where deemed appropriate by the
General Manager of Planning Infrastructure and Economic Development in
consultation with Legal Services, specific recommendations from the Site Plan
Review and Programming Advisory Committee be incorporated into the conditions
of Site Plan.
that Council direct staff working on program and infrastructure
projects , including the upcoming Montreal Road Redevelopment project and the
upcoming Community Improvement Plan, to work with the Building Better
Revitalized Neighbourhoods Initiative (BBRN) Sponsors Group on how to
incorporate BBRN community collaboration tools for those projects; and
a. that the Building Better Revitalized Neighbourhoods
Initiative (BBRN) Sponsors Group identify the 2018 neighbourhood in the BBRN
Initiative to be Vanier North.
8. That we recognize the value that the
Salvation Army brings, the importance of the services offered, and we applaud
their work in Ottawa.
The recommendations,
as amended, CARRIED, on a division of 16 YEAS and 7 NAYS, as follows:
YEAS (16):
Councillors E.
El-Chantiry, M. Taylor, G. Darouze, S. Qadri,
J. Harder, M. Wilkinson, J. Cloutier, K. Egli, S. Moffatt, S. Blais,
B. Monette, J. Mitic, M. Qaqish, A. Hubley, T. Tierney,
Mayor J. Watson
NAYS (7):
Councillors R.
Brockington, D. Deans, M. Fleury, C. McKenney, D. Chernushenko, T. Nussbaum,
J. Leiper
That Council approve the following:
1. The amendments to the
Procedure By-law as described in this report and attached in Document 2,
effective January 1, 2018;
2. The Council-Staff Relations
Policy as described in this report and attached in Document 3;
3. The Pregnancy and Parental
Leave for Members of Council Policy as described in this report and attached
in Document 4;
4. That the City Clerk and
Solicitor be delegated the authority to negotiate, finalize and execute a
two-year extension to the current Integrity Commissioner’s contract, with
renewal options set out in this report; and
5. That the City Clerk and
Solicitor be delegated the authority to amend any additional policies,
procedures and by-laws necessary to reflect the changes described in this
report that will come into force on January 1, 2018, pursuant to Bill 68, the
Modernizing Ontario’s Municipal Legislation Act, 2017.
That Council approve amendments to the Signs on City Roads By-law
and the Temporary Signs on Private Property By-law, as described in this
That Council approve the amendments to the Contribution Rebate
Program as described in this report.
That Council amend the Bank Street Business Improvement Area
By-law to specify the composition of the Board of Management shall be between
five and seven members, one of which shall be a Member of Council.
That Council approve the appointment of Michel Guilbeault to the
Downtown Rideau Business Improvement Area Board of Management for the term
expiring November 30, 2018.
That Council approve the appointments of Eric Kunstadt and Eli
Saikaley to the Glebe Business Improvement Area Board of Management for the
term expiring November 30, 2018.
That Council approve the appointment of Mike Lilly to the Kanata
Central Business Improvement Area Board of Management for the term expiring
November 30, 2018.
That Council receive this report for information.
That Council approve:
1. That the 2018 interim
property tax billing be set at 50% of the 2017 Adjusted/Annualized Taxes as
permitted by legislation;
2. That the following tax due
dates be approved for 2018:
i. Interim: March 15, 2018
ii. Final: June 21, 2018;
3. That the penalty and
interest percentage charge on overdue and unpaid tax arrears remain at the
rate of 1.25% per month (15% per year) unchanged from 2017; and
4. That Council enact a by-law
in the form attached as Document 1 to establish the 2018 interim taxes, tax
due dates, penalty and interest charges.
That Council approve a lease for 38,390 square feet at 2020
Walkley Road from Manulife Real Estate to continue to house the Social
Services Centre south-east office for a term of three (3) years commencing 1
May 2018 and ending 30 April 2021 for a total estimated consideration of
$3,105,222.50 plus HST for the term.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for
250 Vanguard Drive to permit an automobile rental establishment, as detailed
in Document 2.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for
2144 East Acres Road to permit Place of Worship as a permitted use, as
detailed in Document 2.
That Council receive this report for information.
That City Council approve the Summaries of Oral and Written Public
Submissions for items considered at the City Council Meeting of November 8,
2017 that are subject to the ‘Explanation Requirements’ of Bill 73, the Smart
Growth for Our Communities Act, 2015, as described in this report and
attached as Documents 1 and 2.
Considered In Camera pursuant to the Procedure By-law 2016-377,
Subsections 13.(1)(d) labour relations or employee negotiations and
13.(1)(f) the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege,
including communications necessary for that purpose.
As the content of the In Camera presentation to Committee regarding
the collective bargaining mandates for negotiations with the Amalgamated
Transit Union (ATU), Local 279 (Para Transpo) and ATU 1760 contains information
pertaining to the City’s bargaining approach and the background on
negotiations, the release of which could prejudice the City’s legal and
bargaining position in respect of these collective agreement negotiations, the
material falls within the exceptions contemplated by subsections 13(1)(d) and
13(1)(f) of City Council’s Procedure By-law, and is also exempt from disclosure
pursuant to subsections 6(1)(b) and 52(3) of the Municipal Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act. As such this matter will not be
reported out.
Considered In
Camera pursuant to the Procedure By-law 2016-377, Subsections 13.(1)(d) labour
relations or employee negotiations and 13.(1)(f) the receiving of advice
that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications
necessary for that purpose.
As the content of the In Camera presentation to Council regarding
the collective bargaining mandates for negotiations with the Ottawa
Professional Fire Fighter’s Association contains information pertaining to the
City’s bargaining approach and the background on negotiations, the release of
which could prejudice the City’s legal and bargaining position in respect
of these collective agreement negotiations, the material falls within the
exceptions contemplated by subsections 13(1)(d) and 13(1)(f) of City Council’s
Procedure By-law, and is also exempt from disclosure pursuant to subsections
6(1)(b) and 52(3) of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of
Privacy Act. As such this matter will not be reported out.
MOTION NO. 61/13
Moved by
Councillor M. Qaqish
Seconded by Councillor M. Taylor
THAT the Rules of Procedure be suspended to permit the Deputy City Solicitor
and staff to brief Council and receive direction with respect to the Collective
Bargaining Mandates for the following bargaining units:
- Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 279 (Para Transpo);
- ATU Local 1760; and
- Ottawa Professional Fire Fighter’s Association (OPFFA); and
FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Council resolve In Camera pursuant to Procedure
By-law 216-377, Subsection 13(1)(d), labour relations or employee negotiations
and Subsection 13(1)(f), the receiving of advice that is subject to
solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that
purpose, with respect to the above-noted collective bargaining matters.
recessed at 1:44 p.m., and resumed in closed session at 1:52 p.m.
resumed in open session at 2:40 p.m.
resuming in open session, Mayor Watson advised that Council has just met In
Camera to receive an update from staff regarding the collective bargaining
mandates for the following three bargaining units:
1. Amalgamated
Transit Union (ATU) Local 279 (Para Transpo)
2. ATU
Local 1760; and
3. Ottawa
Professional Fire Fighter’s Association
advised that these matters would not be reported out as they relate to labour
relations or employee negotiations, and advice that is subject to
solicitor-client privilege.
the In Camera Session, no votes were taken other than to give directions to
staff or to deal with procedural matters.
MOTION NO. 61/14
Moved by
Councillor M. Qaqish
Seconded by Councillor M. Taylor
That the
report from the Integrity Commissioner entitled “Integrity Commissioner –
2017 Annual Report”; the report from the Ottawa Board of Health entitled “Ontario’s
Health System Transformation: Response to the Minister’s Expert Panel Report”;
Audit Committee Report 13; Finance and Economic Development Committee Report
29; Planning Committee Reports 54 and 54A; Transit Commission Report 15; and the report from the City Clerk and Solicitor’s
Office entitled “Summary of Oral and Written Public
Submissions for Items Subject to Bill 73 ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the
City Council Meeting of November 8, 2017”, be received and
adopted as amended.
by Councillor Harder
Seconded by Councillor Tierney
WHEREAS the purpose of the ongoing R4 study is to review the land
use planning policies associated with low-rise single detached and multi-unit
dwellings for the purposes of assessing the land use planning impact of such
dwellings where they contain more than four bedrooms and to establish further
zoning standards to help ensure their compatibility; and
WHEREAS staff have requested that a sponsors group of councillors be
formed to help inform and guide the R4 study; and
WHEREAS such a sponsors group should be comprised of ward
councillors whose wards are most impacted by the issues the R4 study is looking
to address.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council approve a sponsors group for
the R4 study comprised of Councillor Brockington, Councillor Fleury, Councillor
Leiper and Councillor Chernushenko.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend
Volume 2C of the Manotick Secondary Plan of the Official Plan of the City of
Ottawa to add a site-specific policy at 1346 Bankfield Road.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the
zoning of part of the lands known municipally as 1380 Bankfield Road and to
repeal By-law 2017-350, entitled “A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend
By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of part of the
lands known municipally as 1380 Bankfield Road.”
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to close a
portion of Taylor Creek Drive, City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to close a
portion of the road allowance adjacent to lands municipally known as 2140
Baseline Road, City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to provide for the making of an application for approval to expropriate property in the City of Ottawa
as described in Schedules “A” and “B” to this by-law for
the purposes of the Kanata South Link Project.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa amending By-law
No. 50 of 2000 respecting the procurement of goods, services and construction
for the City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate
certain lands at Caithness Private on Plan 4M-1429 as being exempt from Part
Lot Control.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate
certain lands at 1200 Maritime Way on Plan 4M-1325, as being exempt from Part
Lot Control.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate
certain lands at voie Eric Maloney Way, voie Sora Way, voie Hawkmere Way,
croissant Labrador Crescent on Plan 4M-1594, as being exempt from Part Lot
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate
certain lands at voie Axis Way on Plan 4M-1544 and croissant Rainrock
Crescent, voie Wild Calla Way, cours Dragonfly Walk, rue Compass Street, voie
Featherfoil Way and croissant Shinleaf Crescent on Plan 4M-1545, as being
exempt from Part Lot Control.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate
certain lands at Wild Senna Way, Tralee Road, Twinflower Way, Gooseberry
Place and Spicebush Place on Plan 4M-1500, as being exempt from Part Lot
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2017-180 respecting the appointment of Municipal Law Enforcement Officers
in accordance with private property parking enforcement.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish
certain lands as common and public highway and assume it for public use
(Terry Fox Drive).
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the
zoning of lands known municipally as 2144 East Acres Avenue.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the
zoning of lands known municipally as 250 Vanguard Drive.
A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to remove the
holding symbol from the lands known municipally as 6638 and 6650 Bank Street
and part of the lands known municipally as 6622 Bank Street.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 367-77, to change the composition of the Board of Management for the Bank
Street Business Improvement Area.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to set the
instalment due dates and the interest and penalty rates applicable to the
collection of property taxes for 2018.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to authorize
the payment of rebates to individuals who make contributions to candidates
for office on the municipal council and to repeal By-Law No 2005-505 as
A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2004-239 regulating the placement of temporary
signs on private property.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa
to amend By-law No. 2003-520 to regulate signs and advertising devices
on City roads.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2003-237 respecting a housekeeping amendment to the Fireworks By-law.
A by-law to approve the expropriation of
certain properties in the City of Ottawa for the purposes of the Stage 2
Ottawa Light Rail Transit System project, as more particularly described in
Schedule “A” attached hereto.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2004-163 respecting updates to the Schedules of the Open Air Fire By-law.
MOTION NO. 61/16
Moved by
Councillor M. Qaqish
Seconded by Councillor M. Taylor
the following by-law be read and passed:
By-law 2017-381 to confirm the proceedings of the Council meeting
of November 22, 2017.
Council adjourned
the meeting at 2:44 p.m.