Wednesday, 23 September 2015, 10:00 a.m.
Andrew S. Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West
That Council:
1. Receive the Audited financial
statements of the Manotick Mill Quarter Community Development Corporation for
the Year 2014 in the Annual Report in Document 1; and
2. Appoint Ernst & Young LLP
as the auditor of the Manotick Mill Quarter Development Corporation for the
Year 2015.
That Council
1. The South Keys to Blossom Park,
Bank Street Community Design Plan, outlined in Document 2;
2. Official Plan amendments, as
outlined in Document 3, including the addition of the South Keys to Blossom
Park, Bank Street Secondary Plan; and
3. An amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 to implement the South Keys to Blossom Park, Bank Street Secondary
Plan, as shown on the maps in Document 4 and as outlined in Document 5.
That Council approve:
1. A waiver to Section 122A.(1),
clauses (b) and (c), of the Permanent Signs on Private Property By-law No.
2005-439, as amended, to allow a mural on the concrete retaining wall at 3
Lowrey street, facing Garland Street; and
2. A waiver to Section 4 of the
Signs on City Roads By-law No. 2003-520, as amended, to allow a mural on the
Garland Street road allowance.
Delegations: none.
Debate: The Commission spent one hour and
forty-five minutes on this item.
Vote: CARRIED as presented.
1. That staff provide the aggregate severance cost of Management
2. That staff provide information on the lessons learned from the
maintenance costs due to the cold weather experienced this past February.
3. That staff provide the projected ridership forecast for the Light
Rail Transit Confederation Line.
Position of Ward Councillors: City-wide.
Position of Advisory Committee: None.
That Council:
1. Receive the Q2 Status and
Year-end forecast for information;
2. Approve the capital closures
and adjustments as presented in Documents 3 and 4
That Council
1. The establishment of the
position of the Light Rail Regulatory Monitor and Compliance Officer for the
City’s Light Rail Transit System as described in this Report;
2. The delegation of authority to
the City Manager to prepare and submit the annual regulatory filing on the
Ottawa Light Rail Transit System to Transport Canada; and
3. The delegation of authority to
the City Manager to enter into a services/support contract with an external
third party to provide independent investigation services associated with the
Ottawa Light Rail Transit System.
That Council:
1. Receive the list of projects
funded through the Community Partnership Minor Capital program in 2014 as
detailed in Document 1 and as outlined in this report.
2. Approve the proposed list of
2015 Major Capital Partnership projects, as detailed in Document 2 and
outlined in this report and within the Council approved program budget
3. Receive the status update of
prior year Major Capital Partnership projects as detailed in Document 3.
Council approve an amendment to the Official Plan, included as Document 1, as
outlined in this report.
Council approve the Reimbursement Program for Development-Related Fees for
Charitable and Non-Profit Organizations continue in accordance with the City
of Ottawa Grants and Contributions Policy.
Moved by Councillor S. Moffatt
Seconded by Councillor E. El-Chantiry
the City of Ottawa has received a request for support for a biogas facility
in the rural area;
City Council support for individual applications can help projects qualify
for the Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) program;
renewable energy projects align with Council’s 2015-2018 Term of Council
Priorities for Sustainable Environmental Services (Support an Environmentally
Sustainable Ottawa) and Economic Prosperity (Support Growth of the Local
the Independent Electricity Service Operator (IESO) requires individual
motions of support for each project and the order in which applications are
received by the IESO is considered in the approval process; and
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve the individual motion of support for a
Biogas Facility FIT program project application listed as Appendix A.
Appendix A
WHEREAS capitalized terms not defined herein have the
meanings ascribed to them in the FIT Rules, Version 4.0.
WHEREAS Schouten Farms (the "Applicant")
proposes to construct and operate a Biogas Facility (the "Project")
on 6125 Malakoff Road Richmond, Ontario K0A 2Z0 (the "Lands") in
the City of Ottawa under the province''s FIT Program;
WHEREAS the Applicant has requested that Council of the
City of Ottawa indicate by resolution Council''s support for the construction
and operation of the Project on the Property.
WHEREAS pursuant to the FIT Rules, Version 4.0,
Applications whose Projects receive the formal support of Local
Municipalities will be awarded Priority Points, which may result in the
Applicant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other Persons applying for
FIT Contracts;
Ottawa supports the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this resolution''s sole
purpose is to enable the Applicant to receive Priority Points under the FIT
Program and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal
approval in relation to the Application or Project, or for any other purpose.
(Councillors E. El-Chantiry and K. Egli)
a) A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to repeal by-law No. 2014-406 and to establish certain lands as common
and public highway and assume it for public use (Abbott Street and avenue
Robert Grant Avenue).
b) A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-499 respecting fire routes.
c) A by-law of the City
of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2004-60 to appoint Municipal Law Enforcement
Officers in accordance with private property parking enforcement.
d) A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to designate certain lands at 522 and 524 Harvest Valley Avenue on
Plan 4M-1387, as being exempt from Part Lot Control.
e) A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to designate certain lands at Voie du Pin Rouge Way on Plan 4M-1473,
as being exempt from Part Lot Control.
f) A by-law of the City
of Ottawa to amend the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa to implement the
South Keys to Blossom Park, Bank Street Community Design Plan.
g) A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to implement the
South Keys to Blossom Park, Bank Street Secondary Plan.
h) A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa to implement
policies for the cost-sharing of park development outside the greenbelt and
in the rural area.
Simultaneous interpretation of
these proceedings is available. Please speak to the attendant at reception.
Accessible formats and communication supports are
available, upon request.
In Camera
Items are not subject to public
discussion or audience. Any person has
a right to request an independent investigation of the propriety of dealing
with matters in a closed session. A form requesting such a review may be
obtained, without charge, from the City’s website or in person from the Chair
of this meeting. Requests are kept confidential pending any report by the
Meetings Investigator and are conducted without charge to the Requestor.