Committee of Adjustment

Panel 1

Ben Franklin Place, The Chamber, Main Floor, 101 Centrepointe Drive, and by electronic participation

The hearing can be viewed on the Committee of Adjustment YouTube page. For more information, visit

Simultaneous interpretation in both official languages, accessible formats and communication supports are available for any specific agenda item by calling the Committee information number at least 72 hours in advance of the hearing.


Coordinator: Davette Nyota

Panel Members:

Chair: Ann M. Tremblay 

Members: John Blatherwick, Simon Coakeley, Arto Keklikian, Sharon Lécuyer

469 Wilbrod (Ward 12 - Rideau-Vanier)

The subject property is located in my neighbourhood. 

304 Fairmont (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)

212 Carruthers (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)

171 Armstrong, 277 Carruthers (Ward 15 - Kitchissippi)


Consent Application

(Estate of Beryl Ruth Herrick)

To subdivide the property into two parcels of land to create a new lot for residential development. 

(Agent: J. Cocks)


Permission Application

(Alfonso, Daniele and Steve Capretta)

To permit the extension of the existing non-conforming apartment building for a 3-storey rear addition containing six dwelling units. Portions of the existing building will be demolished.

(Agent: C. McCuaig)


Minor Variance Application

(2672717 Ontario Inc.)

To permit reduced front and rear yard setbacks and two parking spaces for the conversion of the existing three-unit dwelling into a four-unit, low-rise apartment building. 

(Agent: R. Viau)


Minor Variance Application


To permit a reduced bicycle space width and increased front yard walkway width and building height for the construction of a three-storey low-rise apartment building. 

(Agent: N. DeSanti)


Minor Variance Application


To permit an increased front yard walkway width, and reduced bicycle parking space widths, rear yard area and aggregated landscape area, for the construction of a low-rise apartment dwelling. 

(Agent: N. DeSanti)


Minor Variance Application

(Katy Marie Lisa Shearer and Sandy Thomas Shearer)

To permit a front facing attached garage for the construction of a two-storey detached dwelling. 

(Agent: M. Segreto)

1:55 pm