That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to consider the following motion as the next City Council meeting is not until November 9, 2022, and the motion relates to the tabling of the 2022-2026 Governance Review report in Q4 of 2022.
WHEREAS each new Council sets up its own governance mechanisms for its term of Council, largely through consideration of a Governance Review report, which includes establishing Committees of Council and their individual Terms of Reference, as well as the process for seeking membership on those Committees, selecting Chairs and Vice-Chairs and, since 2010, establishing budget directions; and
WHEREAS, traditionally, the Governance Review report for the new term of Council is tabled at the last meeting of the outgoing Council and is the first item of business of the first regular meeting of the new Council; and
WHEREAS recommendations in the Governance Review report for the new term of Council are generally developed further to consultation by the City Clerk with all Members of Council, which includes Members of the current Council as well as any new Members-elect for the new Council; and
WHEREAS the upcoming transition between Council terms will not be a typical transition for the new Council for a number of reasons, including:
- Bill 68, the Modernizing Ontario’s Municipal Legislation Act, 2017, which received Royal Assent on May 30, 2017, changed the start date for the new term to November 15, 2022, meaning that the Office of the City Clerk has only three weeks between Voting Day (October 24, 2022) and the start of the new term to provide focused orientation to newly elected Members of Council to help them be “day one” ready, as well as to undertake the practical issues of ‘onboarding’ Members, hiring their staff and transitioning the offices (for both departing Members and the newly elected); and
- Bill 3, the Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022, which received Royal Assent on September 8, 2022, makes a significant change in governance and powers of the next Mayor and the City Council for Ottawa (and Toronto), providing the next Mayor with powers that are expected to be detailed in forthcoming regulations and include:
- appointing and dismissing the Chief Administrative Officer/City Manager as well as various senior managers, and exercising general control and management of the municipality’s affairs for the purpose of ensuring its efficient and effective operation;
- appointing chairs/vice-chairs for “prescribed committees, or committees within a prescribed class of committees,” and establishing or dissolving such prescribed committees;
- bringing matters forward for Council consideration if the Mayor “is of the opinion that considering a particular matter could potentially advance a prescribed provincial priority”;
- vetoing certain by-laws approved by Council if the Mayor “is of the opinion that all or part of the by-law could potentially interfere with a prescribed provincial priority”; and
- proposing and preparing the municipal budget; and
WHEREAS, due to the number of current Members of Council choosing not to seek re-election, it is known even before the 2022 Municipal Elections are held that the outcome will be the most significant turnover of Council Members since before amalgamation; and
WHEREAS the Ottawa Light Rail Transit Public Inquiry is to make public its final report by November 30, 2022, possibly while the new Council is in transition, and the final report may include recommendations that have an impact on governance-related matters; and
WHEREAS, based on the traditional approach, the 2022-2026 Governance Review report would be tabled at a meeting of the outgoing Council on November 9, 2022 – less than three weeks after Voting Day, which would not leave sufficient time to fully consult the Mayor-elect with respect to the Bill 3 implications, or to fully consult the new Councillors-elect regarding governance matters while they undertake their intensive orientation and transition activities; and
WHEREAS the proposed Minister’s regulations for Bill 3 were posted on the Ontario Registry on October 3, 2022, and will have implications on the Governance Review report once finalized; and
WHEREAS it is reasonable to think Members of the new Council may wish to have more understanding of their roles through their orientation before providing feedback to the City Clerk on their own governance; and
WHEREAS the 2022-2026 Governance Review report will still incorporate the feedback from Members of the current Council, and their perspective on the various governance mechanisms; and
WHEREAS, given the shorter transition and orientation period prior to the new term of Council, as well as the number of significant matters that will impact decisions and Council’s decision-making process throughout the 2022-2026 Term of Council, staff believe delaying the tabling of the 2022-2026 Governance Review report until a few weeks after the new Council has taken office would provide opportunities for additional orientation and consultation with all Members, and allow the Mayor-elect more time to provide input on the new Bill 3 powers in relation to governance for the term;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that City Council approve the delay of the traditional tabling of the 2022-2026 Governance Review report at the last meeting of the outgoing Council until shortly after the new Council has taken office, on a schedule to be determined by the new Mayor.