Wednesday, 13 February 2013, 10:00 a.m.
Andrew S. Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West
The Council of the City of Ottawa met at Andrew S. Haydon
Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, on Wednesday, 13 February 2013 beginning
at 10:00 a.m.
The Mayor, Jim Watson, presided and led Council in prayer.
The National Anthem was performed by a jazz duo from Ashbury
Mayor Jim Watson and Councillor Marianne
Wilkinson presented the Mayor’s City Builder Award to Ms. Sarah Dehler for her years of dedication to environmental protection and for her
ability to educate and inspire residents, about recycling, sustainability and
many other environmental issues in the community.
Mayor Jim Watson, on behalf of His
Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada,
presented a Governor General Certificate of Commendation to Mr. Rob Lachambre
for rescuing an unconscious man from his partially submerged jeep following an
accident on July 21, 2011.
No declarations were received.
following communications were received:
Moved by Councillor B. Monette
Seconded by Councillor R. Chiarelli
Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Report 28; Finance and Economic
Development Committee Reports 28A and 29; and Transportation Committee Report
43, be
received and considered; and,
the Rules of Procedure be suspended to receive and consider the report from the
Selection Panel, Accessibility Advisory Committee, entitled “Appointment -
Accessibility Advisory Committee”; the report from the Selection Panel, Arts,
Culture, Heritage and Recreation Advisory Committee, entitled “Appointments -
Arts, Culture, Heritage and Recreation Advisory Committee”; the report from the
Selection Panel, Built Heritage Sub-Committee, entitled “ Appointments – Built
Heritage Sub Committee”; the report from the Selection Panel, Community
Services Advisory Committee, entitled “Appointments – Community Services
Advisory Committee”; the report from the Selection Panel, Environmental
Stewardship Advisory Committee, entitled “Appointments – Environmental
Stewardship Advisory Committee”; the report from the Selection Panel, French
Language Services Advisory Committee, entitled “Appointments – French Language
Services Advisory Committee” because of the urgency of the items contained in
the reports; and,
the Rules of Procedure be suspended to receive and consider Planning Committee
Report 44 because of the urgency of the item contained in the report (specific
reason set out below.)
(Waiver of the
Rules is being requested for Item 13 of the City Council Agenda so that parks projects can be undertaken this construction season.)
That Council
approve the following appointments to the Accessibility Advisory Committee,
all terms to be effective upon approval and to expire on 30 November 2014:
Victor Emerson
Gerald (Jerry) Fiori
Phillip Carle-Turcotte
Donald G. Patterson
Terry Gilhen
Brian Wade
Joseph J. Southall
Christine Carisse
Linda Paul
Ossama Ismail (reserve 1)
James St. John (reserve 2)
That Council approve the following appointments to the
Arts, Culture, Heritage and Recreation Advisory Committee, all terms to be
effective upon approval and to expire on 30 November 2014:
Rohini Bhalla
Terrence P. Quinlan
Harry J. Zarins
Richard Stanton
Greg Porteous
Nelson McDougall
Amanda Bennett
Ambereen Siddiqui
Jean-Paul Gagnon
Leona Wong (reserve 1)
John Allan (reserve 2)
Leo A. (Sandy) Smallwood; and
Carolyn Quinn.
CARRIED, with Councillor P. Clark
That Council approve the following appointments to the
Community Services Advisory Committee, all terms to be effective upon
approval and to expire on 30 November 2014:
Janet Claridge
Steve Jaltema
Luciana Nechita
Trupati Patel
Tina Pellegrini
Chris Penton
Denis Schryburt
Manu Sharma
Stuart Sykes
Amy Read
George W. Besner (reserve 1)
Johanna Hove (reserve 2)
NO. 49/2
Moved by Councillor M. Taylor
Seconded by Councillor S. Qadri
was a clerical error in the final order of names being recommended for appointment
to the Community Services Advisory Committee;
IT RESOLVED that Council approve the appointments with the following
George Besner be appointed as a voting member;
Johanna Hove be appointed as Reserve 1; and
Stuart Sykes be appointed as Reserve 2.
Item 4 of the City Council Agenda, as amended by Motion No. 49/2 and set out
in full below, was then put to Council:
That Council approve the
following appointments to the Community Services Advisory Committee, all terms
to be effective upon approval and to expire on 30 November 2014:
Janet Claridge
Steve Jaltema
Luciana Nechita
Trupati Patel
Tina Pellegrini
Chris Penton
Denis Schryburt
Manu Sharma
Amy Read
George W. Besner
Johanna Hove (reserve 1)
Stuart Sykes (reserve 2)
That Council approve the following appointments to the
Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee, all terms to be effective upon
approval and to expire on 30 November 2014:
Penny Thompson
Janice Dyer
Alison McDonald
Kris Nanda
Marielle McGovern
Nick Xenos
Kristoffer McNamara-Kilian
Zahirul Hasan Khan
Colleen Cranmer
That Council approve the following appointments to the
French Language Services Advisory Committee, all terms to be effective upon
approval and to expire on 30 November 2014:
Sonia Gaal
Jessica Smith
Jean-Louis Schryburt
Étienne Camirand
Tracy Ferne
Roger Bouchard
Élizabeth Allard
Anne Walsh
That Council:
1. Approve amendments to Zoning
By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of lands within villages as shown in
Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2; and
2. Approve amendments to the Carp Community
Design Plan as shown in Document 3.
3. Approve that home-based business provision
be added to DR1 Zone at 6667 Rideau Valley Drive South and that no further
notice be provided pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act
NO. 49/3
Moved by Councillor D. Thompson
Seconded by Councillor E. El-Chantiry
WHEREAS Report ACS2013-PAI-PGM-0008 recommends approval of amendments to
the Zoning By-law regarding the zoning of lands within the 26 villages; and
WHEREAS an amendment is needed to limit
the application of caps on gross leasable floor area in the RC-Rural Commercial
and VM-Village Mixed-Use zones that are proposed in the above report; and
WHEREAS a technical amendment is needed
to delete reference to minimum required lot area in exception [350r] as it
applies to Constance Bay in order to properly implement the intent of the legal
non-complying lot provisions proposed in the above report;
approve amendments to report ACS2013-PAI-PGM-0008 as follows:
1. Amend Document 2 – Details of Recommended Zoning by deleting the
text in section 4 of Document 2 and replacing it with the following text:
4. Amend
Section 229 (1) regarding the VM - Village Mixed-Use zone by adding language
similar in intent to the following,
(h) No single
commercial use will occupy more than 2500 m2 of gross leasable floor area on
any lot in a VM zone in a village shown on Schedule 9.
2. Amend Document 2 – Details of Recommended Zoning by deleting the
text in section 6 of Document 2 and replacing it with the following text:
Amend Section 217 (1) regarding the Rural Commercial zone by adding language
similar in intent to the following,
No single commercial use will occupy more than 2500 m2 of gross leasable floor
area on any lot in an RC zone in a village shown on Schedule 9.
3. Amend Document 2 by adding a new section 15 as follows,
exception [350r] as it applies to Constance Bay such that the reference to lot
area is deleted from the exception in order to properly implement the intent of
the legal non-complying lot provisions proposed in the Village Zoning report.
4. Amend Document 2 by adding a new section 16 as follows,
Amend Part 17
of Zoning By-law 2008-250 by adding a new schedule 9, see attached Document 5 –
Schedule 9 to Zoning By-law 2008-250;
5. That a new Document 5 entitled “Schedule 9 to Zoning By-law
2008-250” be added to the report to implement the new provisions added in items
1 and 2 of this Motion, see attached Document 5 - Schedule 9 to Zoning By-law
the Planning Act, subsection 34(17) no further notice be given.
Item 7 of the City Council Agenda, as amended by Motion No. 49/3 and set out
in full below, was then put to Council:
That Council:
1. Approve amendments to Zoning
By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of lands within villages as shown in
Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2 and as amended by the following:
Amend Document 2 – Details of Recommended
Zoning by deleting the text in section 4 of Document 2 and replacing it with
the following text:
4. Amend
Section 229 (1) regarding the VM - Village Mixed-Use zone by adding language
similar in intent to the following,
(h) No
single commercial use will occupy more than 2500 m2 of gross leasable floor
area on any lot in a VM zone in a village shown on Schedule 9; and,
Amend Document 2 – Details of
Recommended Zoning by deleting the text in section 6 of Document 2 and
replacing it with the following text:
6. Amend Section 217 (1) regarding the
Rural Commercial zone by adding language similar in intent to the following,
(e) No single commercial use will
occupy more than 2500 m2 of gross leasable floor area on any lot in an RC zone
in a village shown on Schedule 9; and,
Document 2 by adding a new section 15 as follows:
exception [350r] as it applies to Constance Bay such that the reference to lot
area is deleted from the exception in order to properly implement the intent of
the legal non-complying lot provisions proposed in the Village Zoning report;
Amend Document 2 by adding a new section
16 as follows:
Amend Part
17 of Zoning By-law 2008-250 by adding a new schedule 9, see attached Document
5 – Schedule 9 to Zoning By-law 2008-250; and,
2. Approve amendments to the Carp Community
Design Plan as shown in Document 3; and,
3. Approve that home-based business provision
be added to DR1 Zone at 6667 Rideau Valley Drive South; and,
That a new Document 5 entitled “Schedule
9 to Zoning By-law 2008-250” be added to the report to implement the new
provisions added in recommendations 1.i. and 1. ii., see attached Document 5 -
Schedule 9 to Zoning By-law 2008-250; and,
That pursuant to the Planning Act,
subsection 34(17) no further notice be given.
That Council:
1. Requests the Government of Canada
and Parks Canada to immediately rescind the proposed Rideau Canal fees until
a more acceptable proposal is presented.
2. Requests an immediate meeting with the
Minister of the Environment, Peter Kent to discuss this urgent matter which
affects the economic viability of all 13 member municipalities on the Rideau
3. Asks the MP’s representing the Rideau
Corridor to arrange for the requested meeting with Minister Kent.
4. Directs that a copy of this resolution be
forwarded to Doug Struthers, Mayor of Merrickville-Wolford to coordinate
That Council:
1. Approve the Brownfields Property Tax
Assistance/Rehabilitation Grant Application submitted by Greenbank Self
Storage Corporation, owners of the property at 300 Greenbank Road, for a
Brownfields Property Tax Assistance and Brownfields Rehabilitation Grant not
to exceed $622,439.00, payable as a property tax rebate or equivalent, to
Greenbank Self Storage Corporation, over a maximum of eight years, subject to
the establishment of, and in accordance with, the terms and conditions of the
Brownfields Property Tax Assistance/Rehabilitation Grant Agreement;
2. Delegate the authority to staff to
execute a Brownfields Property Tax Assistance / Rehabilitation Grant
Agreement with Greenbank Self Storage Corporation, establishing the terms and
conditions governing the payment of the Brownfields Property Tax Assistance /
Rehabilitation Grant for the redevelopment of 300 Greenbank Road, to the
satisfaction of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Infrastructure, the
City Clerk and Solicitor and the City Treasurer;
3. Resolve to exempt the proposed
redevelopment at 300 Greenbank Road from paying future municipal development
charges up to a maximum of $276,095.00, under Section 7(t) of the Development
Charges By-law 2009-216, under the Guideline for the Development Charge
Reduction Program due to Site Contamination, approved by Council March 28,
2007 and is included in the $622,439.00 grant request as outlined in
Recommendation 1;
4. Enact a Property Tax Assistance
By-law providing tax assistance for the property at 300 Greenbank Road
in the form of conditional cancellation and/or deferral of the increase in
the taxes levied on the property for municipal purposes under the provisions
and requirements of Section 365.1 (2), as amended, of the Municipal Act, the
amount not to exceed $622,439.00, subject to the terms and conditions of the
Brownfields Property Tax Assistance/Rehabilitation Grant Agreement; and
5. Approve staff apply for matching
property education tax assistance for the property at 300 Greenbank Road
under the Provincial Brownfields Financial Tax Incentive Program or through
any other replacement program administered by the Ministry of Municipal
Affairs and Housing.
That Council:
1. Approve the Brownfields
Rehabilitation Grant and Development Charge Reduction Program Application
submitted by Sonia by the River Inc., owners of the property at 350
Montgomery Street, for a Brownfields Grant not to exceed $422,702.00, to
Sonia by the River Inc., over a maximum of 10 years, subject to the
establishment of, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a
Brownfields Property Rehabilitation Grant Agreement;
2. Delegate the authority to staff to execute
a Brownfields Rehabilitation Grant Agreement with Sonia by the River Inc.,
establishing the terms and conditions governing the payment of a Brownfields
Rehabilitation Grant for the redevelopment of 350 Montgomery Street, to the
satisfaction of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and Infrastructure, the
City Clerk and Solicitor and the City Treasurer;
3. Resolve to exempt the proposed
redevelopment at 350 Montgomery Street from paying future Municipal
development charges up to a maximum of $356,986.00, under Section 7(t) of the
Development Charges By-law 2009-216, under the Guideline for the Development
Charge Reduction Program due to Site Contamination, approved by Council March
28, 2007 and is included in the $422,702.00 grant request as outlined in
Recommendation 1.
Moved by Councillor M. McRae
Seconded by Councillor M. Fleury
WHEREAS French recommendation 3 contained in the above-noted staff
report as presented to Finance and Economic Development Committee, was
incorrect and did not match the English recommendation; and,
WHEREAS the English version of the recommendation contained in said
report was correct;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT French recommendation 3 be corrected to accurately reflect
the wording contained in the English recommendation, as follows:
3. prenne les dispositions nécessaires pour
dispenser le réaménagement proposé du 350, rue Montgomery du versement de toute
redevance d’aménagement municipale future jusqu’à concurrence de 356 986 $,
conformément au paragraphe 7 (t) du Règlement sur les redevances
d’aménagement (no 2009-216) et aux lignes directrices en matière
de réduction des redevances d'aménagement à cause de la contamination de
l'emplacement, approuvées par le Conseil le 28 mars 2007, et fasse en
sorte que cette dispense soit incluse dans la demande de subvention de
422 702 $, tel que précisé à la recommandation 1.
Whereas the Province has
dictated that vacant commercial properties may apply for and receive a tax
rebate if the property is vacant; and
Whereas this subsidy is directly from municipal revenues; and
Whereas some properties are allowed to become derelict or create property
standards issues;
Therefore be it resolved that Council, to encourage activity with respect to
these properties, petition the Province to limit access to this rebate to a
three (3) year period.
NO. 49/5
Moved by Councillor M. Wilkinson
Seconded by Councillor E. El-Chantiry
WHEREAS the Province has dictated that vacant commercial
properties may apply for and receive a tax rebate if the property is vacant;
WHEREAS this subsidy is directly from municipal revenues; and
WHEREAS some properties are allowed to become derelict or create
property standards issues;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council, to encourage activity with
respect to these properties, petition the Province to limit access to
this rebate to a three (3) year period for properties meeting the following
than 50% of the building is vacant;
property is not in an area with higher than average vacancy;
property is not a single purpose/use property; and
Chief Property Standards Officer has determined that the property is derelict
and does not meet generally accepted property standards.
Item 11 of the City Council Agenda, as amended by Motion No. 49/5 and set out
in full below, was then put to Council:
WHEREAS the Province has dictated that vacant commercial
properties may apply for and receive a tax rebate if the property is vacant;
WHEREAS this subsidy is directly from municipal revenues; and
WHEREAS some properties are allowed to become derelict or create
property standards issues;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council, to encourage activity with
respect to these properties, petition the Province to limit access to this
rebate to a three (3) year period for properties meeting the following
than 50% of the building is vacant;
property is not in an area with higher than average vacancy;
property is not a single purpose/use property; and
Chief Property Standards Officer has determined that the property is derelict
and does not meet generally accepted property standards.
Council approve the following:
The revised
Committee/Board/Other memberships as outlined in Document 1.
The Chairs
and Vice-Chairs of each Standing Committee, the Transit Commission and
Sub-Committees as outlined in Document 2.
extension of the appointments of Blair Crew, Justin Ferrabee and Emily Rahn to
the Transit Commission until the end of this term of Council.
That the
recruitment process for the vacant citizen Transit Commission position begin as
soon as possible.
That the Petition
Policy be amended to provide that petitions related specifically to matters
within the mandate of the Transit Commission be sent directly to the Commission
as outlined in this report.
That the
Terms of Reference for the Transit Commission and the reporting protocols for
the Auditor General and any related policies and procedures be amended such
that the Transit Commission receives any audits within their mandate and
delegated authority for consideration, as described in this report.
That the
reporting protocols for the Auditor General and any related policies and
procedures be amended such that, with the exception of transit-related audits,
audits are tabled with the Audit Sub-Committee and referred to the Finance and
Economic Development Committee and Council, as described in this report.
That the
governance for the Cumberland Heritage Village Museum and the Nepean Museum be
amended as follows:
Cumberland Heritage Village Museum Board be dissolved, its by-law repealed and
that it be recreated as a Departmental Consultative Group as described in this
That the
Parks, Recreations and Cultural Services Department assume operations of the
Nepean Museum and Fairfield historic site including, as amended by motion
vii below:
authorization of 5.38 FTEs;
transfer of $408,923 in existing operating funding;
That the
Board issue working notice to existing museum employees in accordance with the Employment
Standards Act;
effective date of transfer to take effect following completion of working
notice; (as per Service Agreement, 60 days must be provided)
That all
contracts be ceased by the effective transfer date; and
That a
Departmental Consultative Group for the Nepean Museum be established as
described in this report.
June 30, 2013, be set as the final date of transfer of operations for the
Nepean Museum and Fairfields Historic Site and that any corresponding
agreements and funding advancements be adjusted accordingly to support this
transition period.
That staff
be directed to report back on the impact of the results of the National Capital
Commission’s Request for Proposal process for the Nepean Equestrian Park on the
Ottawa Municipal Campground, as outlined in this report.
That staff
be directed to undertake a review of the Pine View Municipal Golf Course’s
relationship to the City as part of the Department of Parks, Recreation and
Cultural Services’ review of the overall direction of City recreation services
and mandate, and to report back to the Community and Protective Services
Committee and Council.
The status
report on the compliance of the City’s agencies, boards and commissioners with
respect to their Municipal Act, 2001 policy requirements.
Section 3 of By-law 199-81 (a by-law of the Corporation of the City of Ottawa
to establish a Board of Management for the Rideau Area Improvement Area) be
amended to require one Member of Council as outlined in this report.
That the Accountability
and Transparency Policy be amended as described in this report, including
the process for the disclosure of executed contracts.
That the
Office of Protocol produce an annual public disclosure of all events and gifts
presented, as outlined in this report.
That staff
be directed to develop a Routine and Pro-active Disclosure Policy by the end of
Q2, 2013.
amendments to the Commemorative Naming Policy as described in this
establishment of a Roadside Memorial Sign Program as described in this report.
amendments to the Delegation of Authority By-law as outlined in this
That the Delegation
of Powers Policy be amended as described in this report.
That the Election-Related Resources Policy be amended as
described in this report.
amendments to the Procedure By-law outlined in this report related to
the following:
Committees; and
The Court
of Revision/Committee of Revision.
That the
litigation exclusion amendment be adopted as a permanent provision of the Purchasing
By-law as described in this report.
That the Procedure
By-law, the Delegation of Authority By-law and any other related
By-laws, as amended by this report, be included in the by-law listing of a
subsequent Council meeting.
appointment of Councillor Hobbs and Councillor Chiarelli to serve on the
Creative Industries Working Group of Invest Ottawa’s Film Office.
That the
Property Standards and License Committee be renamed the Property Standards and
License Appeals Committee.
That the
process for tracking formal Inquiries and Motions be amended to provide for a
review and recommendation for closure of Outstanding Motions and Directions
from the previous Term of Council early in each new Term of Council, following
the adoption of the new Term’s Priorities, as described in this report.
27) The guidelines for
the selection of City of Ottawa representatives for, and Member participation
in, the committees and/or working groups of the federal and provincial
municipal associations as described in this report.
That a
temporary FTE be provided to support the role of the Deputy Mayors, to be
funded from the Council Administrative Services budget, as described in this
29) That the current
policies for Council remuneration be amended as described in this report and as
a) That an annual
cost-of-living increase for Members of Council be established at the same rate
as for Management and Professional Exempt staff;
b) That Members over the
age of 65 receive benefits as described in this report; and
c) That eligibility for
the Transition Assistance Allowance include Members who retire.
That all City policies and procedures be
amended to be consistent with the recommendations in this report.
Moved by Councillor M. Taylor
Seconded by Councillor S. Moffatt
WHEREAS on December 6, 2006, City Council approved "that there be no
opting-out provisions regarding salary arrangements for members of
Council"; and
WHEREAS some Members of Council have
indicated that they wish to opt out of receiving cost-of-living increases;
Council be able to opt out of salary arrangements by indicating their preference
in writing with the City Clerk and Solicitor.
Motion No. 49/6 LOST on a division of 6 YEAS to 15 NAYS as follows:
YEAS (6): Councillors
S. Desroches, S. Moffatt, M. Taylor, D. Deans, D. Thompson and Mayor J. Watson.
NAYS (15): Councillors
E. El-Chantiry, R. Chiarelli, B. Monette, T. Tierney, A. Hubley, J. Harder, M.
Wilkinson, M. McRae, P. Clark, K. Egli, S. Qadri, R. Bloess, M. Fleury, P. Hume
and D. Chernushenko.
Moved by Councillor S. Desroches
Seconded by Mayor J. Watson
the Mayor’s salary be frozen at its current level for the duration of this term
of Council.
Motion No. 49/7 CARRIED with Councillors S.
Qadri and P. Clark dissenting.
Item 12 of the City Council Agenda, as amended by Motion No. 49/7, was then put
to Council and was divided for voting purposes:
Recommendations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 CARRIED.
Recommendation 18 CARRIED, with Councillor
S. Moffatt dissenting on cultural grants.
Recommendations 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
24, 25, 26 and 27 CARRIED.
Recommendation 28 CARRIED, with Councillor
R. Bloess dissenting.
Recommendation 29 a) CARRIED, with
Councillors S. Moffatt, T. Tierney and R. Bloess dissenting.
Recommendations 29 b) and c) CARRIED, with
Councillor R. Bloess dissenting.
Recommendation 30 CARRIED.
That staff report back
by end of May, 2013 on options available to Council with respect to the Pine
View Municipal Golf Course’s relationship to the City.
That Council approve that:
1. The budget for
the expenditure of cash-in-lieu of parkland funds from Ward Accounts, where the
project costs are $100,000 or more, include an amount of 10 per cent for
capital planning.
2. The 10 per cent capital planning amount for projects in
stream prior to the adoption of the 2013 budget on November 28, 2012, be funded
from the City-wide cash-in-lieu of parkland account.
Moved by Councillor R. Chiarelli
Seconded by Councillor A. Hubley
Be it
resolved that the recommendation be amended to change the funding source to
City wide contingency.
Motion No. 49/8 LOST on a division of 6 YEAS to 14 NAYS as follows:
YEAS (6): Councillors
R. Chiarelli, T. Tierney, A. Hubley, K. Egli, D. Deans and
D. Chernushenko.
NAYS (14): Councillors
S. Desroches, S. Moffatt, E.
El-Chantiry, B. Monette,
M. Taylor, J. Harder, M. Wilkinson, M. McRae, P. Clark, S. Qadri,
R. Bloess, M. Fleury, P. Hume and Mayor J. Watson.
That Council:
Receive the Westboro
Local Area Parking Study; and
2. Direct staff to review the
feasibility and impacts of developing a city-wide policy to permit signage in
the public right-of-way to privately owned off-street parking lots and
structures, and report back to the Transportation Committee.
CARRIED, with Councillor M. Fleury dissenting.
That Council issue a “Notice of Intention to Designate”
for Old St Mary’s Church Ruins and Cemetery, 269 Pinhey Point Road, under
Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act according to Statement of Cultural
Heritage Value included as Document 5.
That Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law
2008-250 to change the zoning of 3228 Moodie Drive from Mineral Extraction
Subzone 2 Exception [4r]-h (ME2 [4r]-h) to Mineral Extraction Subzone 2 with
an Exception (ME2 [xxxr]-h, as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in revised
Document 2.
That Council approve:
1. The appointment of the Councillor for Ward 4, Kanata North,
as its representative on the Kanata North
Business Park Improvement Area Board of Management for the balance of the
term of Council; and
2. The appointment of the following individuals to the Kanata
North Business Park Improvement Area Board of Management for the term
expiring November 30, 2014:
Chamberlain, Pleora Technologies
Tony Dunn, The
Marshes Golf Club
Peter Dooher,
Merkburn Holdings Ltd
J. Patrick
Ferris, Kanata Research Park Corporation
Kevin Ford,
Troy Hughes,
Brookstreet Hotel
Sam Khatib, Papa
Terry MacIver,
The Children’s Place
Marc McLaren, TD
Bank Group
David Ritonja,
Alcatel-Lucent Canada
Snelling, Connolly Nichols Allan & Snelling LLP
That Council
approve the appointment of Rosanne D’Amato and Gina Vacchio to the Bells
Corners Business Improvement Area Board of Management for the term expiring
November 30, 2014.
That Council receive this report for
That Council receive this report for
That Council:
1. Approve the Brownfields
Rehabilitation Grant and Development Charge Reduction Program Application
submitted by 345 Booth Street Limited, owners of the property at 345-357
Booth Street, for a Brownfields Rehabilitation Grant not to exceed
$274,020.00, to 345 Booth Street Limited, over a maximum of 10 years, subject
to the establishment of, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of
the Brownfields Property Rehabilitation Grant Agreement;
2. Delegate the authority to staff to execute
a Brownfields Rehabilitation Grant Agreement with 345 Booth Street Limited,
establishing the terms and conditions governing the payment of the
Brownfields Rehabilitation Grant for the redevelopment of 345-357 Booth
Street, to the satisfaction of the Deputy City Manager, Planning and
Infrastructure, the City Clerk and Solicitor and the City Treasurer; and
3. Resolve to exempt the proposed
redevelopment at 345-357 Booth Street from paying future Municipal development
charges up to a maximum of $124,064.00, under Section 7(t) of the Development
Charges By-law 2009 216, under the Guideline for the Development Charge
Reduction Program due to Site Contamination, approved by Council March 28,
2007 and is included in the $274,020.00 grant request as outlined in
Recommendation 1.
That Council approve
the appointment of Liliana Piazza and Robert Cabana to the Wellington West
Business Improvement Area Board of Management for the term expiring November
30, 2014.
That Council
receive this report for information.
That Council
approve that:
1. Pursuant to Section 110 of the
Municipal Act, 2001, the City of Ottawa enter into a Municipal Capital
Facilities Agreement (MCFA) with the Heartwood House organization as provided
in Document 1, in relation to the portion of the premises to be utilized for
managing and administering the OC Transpo Lost and Found service, where the
term of said Agreement is from the date of approval by Council until it
ceases to operate and provide the same service to the City of Ottawa under
the provisions of the MCFA at that location;
2. A by-law of the City of Ottawa, as
provided in Document 2, be enacted to designate the portion of the premises,
being occupied for the OC Transpo Lost and Found service, to be approximately
6% exempt from commercial taxation (as per the property’s current
classification) for municipal and school purposes, as permitted under Section
110 of the Municipal Act, 2001 and as defined in Ontario Regulation 603/06,
commencing from the date of approval by Council until it ceases to operate
and provide the same service on behalf of OC Transpo under the provisions of
the MCFA at that location; and,
3. The City Clerk and Solicitor be delegated the
authority to finalize and execute the Municipal Capital Facilities Agreement
as provided in Document 1.
Declare the property
known municipally as part of 187 Boteler Street and described as Lot 3, and
Part of Lot 7, Registered Compiled Plan No. 611769 designed as Parts 3, 4, 5
and 6, Plan 4R-26468 now in the City of Ottawa being part of PIN 042180175,
containing an area of .808 ha (1.99 acres) and identified as Parts 3, 4, 5
and 6 on Document “1” attached, as surplus to the City’s needs;
Waive the requirement
in Section 4 of the City’s Real Property Disposal By-law requiring notifying
the public of the pending sale of a City property;
Approve a land
exchange between the City of Ottawa for Part 3 on Plan 4R-26468 with the
United Arab Emirates in exchange for Part 2 on Plan 4R-26468 for no monetary
payment other than the usual adjustments on closing (plus HST to be paid by
each purchaser, if applicable), pursuant to an Agreement of Purchase and Sale
that has been received;
Approve the sale of
Parts 2, 4, 5 and 6, on Plan 4R-26468 to State of Qatar for $6,585,240 plus
HST, if applicable, less costs of approximately $1,025,000 expended pursuant
to an Agreement of Purchase and Sale that has been received; and
Provide delegated
authority to the Deputy City Manager of Planning and Infrastructure to adjust
the purchase price in Recommendation 4 up to an amount of $500,000 to account
for Risk Management measures, required at the time of development, to address
soil conditions at 187 Boteler Street.
Moved by Councillor B. Monette
Seconded by Councillor R. Chiarelli
That the
report from the Selection Panel, Accessibility Advisory Committee, entitled
“Appointment - Accessibility Advisory Committee”; the report from the Selection
Panel, Arts, Culture, Heritage and Recreation Advisory Committee, entitled
“Appointments - Arts, Culture, Heritage and Recreation Advisory Committee”; the report from the Selection Panel,
Built Heritage Sub-Committee, entitled “Appointments – Built Heritage Sub
Committee”; the
report from the Selection Panel, Community Services Advisory Committee,
entitled “Appointments – Community Services Advisory Committee”; the report
from the Selection Panel, Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee,
entitled “Appointments – Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee”; the
report from the Selection Panel, French Language Services Advisory Committee,
entitled “Appointments – French Language Services Advisory Committee”;
Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Report 28; Finance and Economic
Development Committee Reports 28A and 29; Planning Committee Report 44; and
Transportation Committee Report 43, be
received and adopted as amended.
NO. 49/10
Moved by Councillor D. Deans
Seconded by Councillor M. McRae
That the Rules of
Procedure be waived, due to the technical nature of the motion, to consider the
WHEREAS on October
3, 2012, an application to commemorate Paul Benoit for his significant
contributions to the community as head of the Ottawa International Airport
Authority (OIAA) was approved by the City Clerk; and
subsequently submitted an application to the Planning and Growth Management
Department to rename a privately-owned street on the OIAA property from
“Canadair” to “Paul Benoit”; and
WHEREAS the Director
of Building Code Services approved the change in the street name to “Paul
Benoit Private” on January 3, 2013, in accordance with her delegated authority
and Section 11 of the Private Roadways By-law (By-law 2002-521 as amended); and
currently seeking an exemption to name the street “Paul Benoit Driveway” and
the Municipal Addressing By-law, Schedule A, provides for the suffix
“Driveway” to be used for highways under Federal Jurisdiction; and
supports this change as, although the OIAA lands are not under Federal
Jurisdiction, the Planning and Growth Management Department is currently
reviewing the Municipal Addressing By-law, including considering
providing alternative designation(s) to the use of the “PRIV” designation
for roadways on publically-owned lands (municipal, provincial and federal),
which are not dedicated as public roadways, but do provide the general public
with access to important institutions or destinations;
RESOLVED that City Council approve a waiver of Section 11
of the Private Roadways By-law such that “Paul Benoit Private” be changed to
“Paul Benoit Driveway”.
NO. 49/11
Moved by Councillor E. El-Chantiry
Seconded by Councillor S. Desroches
THAT the Rules of Procedure be waived, due to
the need to establish signing authorities in a timely fashion, to consider the
following motion:
WHEREAS Councillor Stephen Blais is on medical
leave and there are a number of legislative and administrative matters that
must be addressed by a resolution of Council to provide for this leave and
ensure that Ward 19 matters are addressed in a manner that is consistent with
the Councillor’s wishes; and
WHEREAS, to effect this leave, the Municipal
Act, 2001 Section 259(1)(c) and Subsection 78(8) of the City’s Procedure
By-law permits a Council to excuse the absence of a Member of Council by
way of a resolution of Council; and
WHEREAS the Delegation of Authority By-law
requires the concurrence by the Ward Councillor prior to various planning
approvals being given and Councillor Blais has indicated that he wishes to
delegate his concurrence to Councillors Bob Monette and Rainer Bloess for the
duration of his leave; and
WHEREAS, with Councillor Blais’ absence,
Councillor Monette has agreed to sit as an interim member of the Agriculture
and Rural Affairs Committee to ensure the membership continues to be 5 members
and to represent Ward 19 matters; and
WHEREAS there will be routine bills that are
either of an administrative nature (i.e. phone/cable charges, newspaper/
magazine subscription, etc.) or for expenditures that have been previously
authorized by the Ward Councillor’s office;
authorize a leave of absence for Councillor Stephen Blais; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that concurrence under
the Delegation of Authority
By-law for Ward 19
matters may be given jointly by Councillors Rainer Bloess and Bob Monette; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council appoint
Councillor Bob Monette to the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee on an
interim basis, such that his term end when Councillor Blais returns to take his
seat on the Committee; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council delegate to
the City Clerk and Solicitor and the Deputy City Clerk the interim authority to
approve the payment of costs from the Ward 19 Office Budget only arising from
routine bills and, in consultation with the Ward 19 office staff and
Councillors Monette and Bloess, for annual, seasonal events where a past
practice for such costs being paid can be established, if there are sufficient
funds within the budget to do so.
Moved by Councillor D. Deans
Seconded by Councillor M. Wilkinson
WHEREAS in 1910 women delegates from around the world met in Copenhagen to
propose that Women’s Day become an international event to promote equal rights
for women;
WHEREAS the first International Women’s Day was held in 1911; and
WHEREAS in 1997, the United Nations officially called for all countries to
mark a day for the recognition of women's economic, political and social
year thousands of events are held around the world to inspire, celebrate and
honour women;
IT RESOLVED THAT Ottawa City Council declare
March 8, 2013, to be International Women’s Day in the City of Ottawa.
Moved by Councillor M. McRae
Seconded by Councillor S. Moffatt
WHEREAS Council has established a
deadline of March 31, 2013 for the confirmation of financial requirements for
the commercial facility by Plasco Energy Ottawa Inc. and the Plasco Energy
Group Inc. (Plasco); and
WHEREAS staff have been working with
Plasco to establish reasonable and achievable timelines for the confirmation of
the financial arrangements for the commercial facility and recommend an
extension to the March 31, 2013 deadline; and
WHEREAS, should Council grant an
extension, staff would bring forward a report on the confirmation of the
financial arrangements for the commercial facility for Environment Committee
and Council consideration no later than the end of August, 2013;
31, 2013 deadline for the confirmation of the financial
requirements for the commercial facility by Plasco Energy Ottawa Inc. and the
Plasco Energy Group Inc. (Plasco) be extended until the end of August 2013, and
that staff be directed to bring forward a report on these requirements to
Environment Committee and Council for consideration.
MOTION NO. 49/12
Moved by Councillor B. Monette
Seconded by Councillor R. Chiarelli
the following by-laws be enacted and passed:
2013-35 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
amend By-law No. 2003-499 respecting fire routes.
2013-36 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
amend By-law No. 2001-17 to appoint certain Inspectors, Property Standards
Officers and Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in the Building Code Services
Branch of the Planning and Growth Management Department.
2013-37 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
establish certain lands as common and public highway and assume it for public
use (Trailsedge Way, Contour Street)
2013-38 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
establish certain lands as common and public highway and assume them for
public use (Coventry Road, Dwyer Hill Road, Holland Avenue, Cooper Hill Road,
Upper Dwyer Hill Road, March Road, Trim Road, Malakoff Road, Donald B. Munro
Drive, Moodie Drive).
2013-39 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
regulate enclosures for privately-owned outdoor pools and to repeal By-law No
2013-40 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
amend By-law No. 2003-69 respecting compliance reports.
2013-41 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
amend By-law No. 2004-60 to appoint Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in
accordance with private property parking enforcement.
2013-42 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of part
of the lands known municipally as 3228 Moodie Drive and Part of Lot 14,
Concession 5 Rideau Front, Nepean.
2013-43 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to remove the holding symbol
from the property known municipally as 3698 Innes Road.
2013-44 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
amend By-law No. 2007-452 respecting tax deferral program fees.
2013-45 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
designate certain lands at 115, 225, 319 and 321 Meadowbreeze Drive being
exempt from Part Lot Control.
2013-46 A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
designate certain lands at 1024 and 1026 Old Montreal Road being exempt from
Part Lot Control.
MOTION NO. 49/13
Moved by Councillor B. Monette
Seconded by Councillor R. Chiarelli
THAT By-law 2013-47 to confirm
the proceedings of Council be enacted and passed.