WHEREAS in June 2019, Transportation Services initiated the Cycling Safety Review of High-Volume Intersections—which identifying high-volume intersections with heavy traffic and bicycling interactions along existing bicycling routes in Ottawa; and
WHEREAS a total of 74 intersections were identified as part of the preliminary screening exercise based on a combination of high cycling volumes, high volumes of turning motor vehicle traffic, and high posted speed limits; and a total of four or more cycling collisions during the most recent five-year collision data (2014-2018); some locations with three collisions were added to the list if a trend was identified; and
WHEREAS of those 74 intersections, 30 locations were screened in for further review; and
WHEREAS in September 2020, city staff issued a report titled Cycling Safety Review of High-Volume Intersections in ultimate long-term conceptual designs, which provide separated bicycling facilities and/or protected intersections for 29 of the 30 locations were developed and presented: and
WHEREAS the designs for these 29 intersections have not been implemented; and
WHEREAS the City of Ottawa is committed to increasing the bicycling modal share in order to meet transportation targets and environmental targets; and
WHEREAS the biggest factor in determining modal share is the existence of safe infrastructure; and
WHEREAS the funding necessary to make these intersection improvements was estimated at $32M; and
WHEREAS safety for bicyclists, pedestrians and motorists is an ongoing and current concern for residents of Ottawa;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff investigate funding options to advance the implementation of the 29 priority intersections and that staff report back with an update during the 2023 budget.