Ottawa City Council


Meeting #:
Andrew S. Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West, and by electronic participation

The Council of the City of Ottawa met at Andrew S. Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, on Wednesday, 11 October 2023 beginning at 10:00 a.m. The Mayor, Mark Sutcliffe, presided over the meeting from Council Chambers with some Members attending in person and the remaining Members participating remotely by Zoom.

Councillor R. Brockington acknowledged the passing of Richard Patrick "Mike" Scott, a longtime member of the Rideau Canoe Club and a member of the Ottawa Sports Hall of Fame.

Mayor M. Sutcliffe expressed concern over the images coming out of Israel in the past few days. He noted that we must all come together, reject terrorism and call for an end to the senseless violence. He expressed that our thoughts are with all of the people of Ottawa who have been affected by these events, and with the people of Israel.

Mayor Sutcliffe led Council in a moment of reflection. 

The National Anthem was performed by the Chorale entre nous choir.

Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details.

Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.

Mayor Sutcliffe announced the launch of the City of Ottawa 2023-2024 United Way Employee Campaign. He was accompanied by Mark Taylor of United Way/Centraide Ottawa; Honourary City Campaign Co-Chair Councillor Laura Dudas, City Campaign Co-Chair Dan Chenier and City Campaign Manager, Lauren Bussieres. 

All Members of Council were present.

No regrets were filed. 

  • Motion No.2023 - 22-01
    Moved byG. Gower
    Seconded byC. Kelly

    That Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Report 7; Community Services Committee Report 5; Finance and Corporate Services Committee Report 8; Light Rail Sub-Committee Report 7; Planning and Housing Committee Report 16; Transportation Committee Report 8; and the report from the City Clerk entitled “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of September 27, 2023” be received and considered.


ACS2023-PRE-PS-0107 - Osgoode (20)

  • Committee recommendation(s)

    That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for part of 5134 Piperville Road, as shown in Document 1, to permit the construction of an electrical transformer station as detailed in Document 2.


ACS2023-PRE-PS-0119 - Rideau-Jock (21)

  • Committee recommendation(s)

    That Council approve amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 5646 and 5650 Manotick Main Street, as shown in Document 1, to permit a restaurant with a drive through, as detailed in Document 2.

    Carried as amended
  • Amendment:
    Motion No.2023 - 22-02
    Moved byG. Darouze
    Seconded byD. Brown

    WHEREAS Report ACS2023-PRE-PS-0119 (the “Report”) recommends amending the City of Ottawa’s Zoning By-law to permit a restaurant with a drive through at 5646 and 5650 Manotick Main Street; and

    WHEREAS the Report recommends creating a new rural exception to facilitate the amendment but unintentionally omits a provision that recommends rezoning the lands to the new exception;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council amend Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Report 7, Item 2: Zoning By-law Amendment – 5646 and 5650 Manotick Main Street by amending Recommendation 1 to read as follows: 

    “That Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 5646 and 5650 Manotick Main Street, as shown in Document 1, to rezone the lands from Rural Commercial Zone, Subzone 1, Exception 152r (RC1[152r]) to Rural Commercial Zone, Subzone 1, Exception XXXr (RC1[XXXr]), to permit a restaurant with a drive through, as detailed in Document 2.”; and

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there be no further notice pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act.


ACS2023-PRE-PS-0120 - Osgoode (20)

  • Committee recommendation(s)

    That Council:

    1. approve an amendment to the Official Plan for 2545 9th Line Road, as shown in Document 1, to permit a soil packaging plant with leaf and yard waste composting as an ancillary use while remaining within the Rural Countryside designation, as detailed in Document 2.
    2. approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 2545 9th Line Road, as shown in Document 1, to Rural General Industrial with an exception to limit the uses to a soil packaging plant with leaf and yard waste composting as a conditional ancillary use, as detailed in Document 3.

ACS2023-PRE-EDP-0039 - City Wide

  • Planning and Housing Committee and Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommendation(s)

    That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 to permit up to 2 additional units on fully-serviced residential lots, in accordance with Provincial requirements under Bill 23, as shown in Document 1.

    Carried as amended
  • Amendment:
    Motion No.2023 - 22-03
    Moved byJ. Leiper
    Seconded byG. Darouze

    WHEREAS due to an oversight in drafting two technical amendments are required to correct the details of recommended zoning in Report ACS2023-PRE-EDP-0039 (the “Report”);

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the table following the words “Amend Part 15 (Exceptions) as follows:” in Document 1 of the Report be amended by replacing the words in column 2 of row 2 (“Miscellaneous Exceptions”) with:

    “By replacing each instance of the words “secondary dwelling unit” with the words “additional dwelling unit” in exceptions 225, 303, 630, 640, 731, 769, 1564, 1644, 1648, 1649, 1963, 1964, 2064, and 2110.”

    AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Document 1 of the Report be amended by adding the following:

    “Amend Section 109 by adding the following:

    Rear-Yard Parking in Residential Zones

    (11) In the R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5 zones:

    (a) No more than 70 per cent of the rear yard area may be occupied by parking spaces and driveways and aisles accessing parking.

    (b) At least 15 per cent of the rear yard area must be provided as soft landscaping.

    (c) No provisions of amending by-law 2023-XXX act to prevent the issuance of a 

    building permit for which a completed application for Site Plan Control, Committee of Adjustment approval, Zoning Amendment or Building Permit was received by the City or for which a decision was rendered by the Ontario Land Tribunal before October 11, 2023 and such applications may be processed under the provisions in place prior to this amendment.

    (d) Subsection (c) is repealed on October 11, 2024 (1 year after date of adoption by council).”

    AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that no further notice be provided pursuant to subsection 34 (17) of the Planning Act.


ACS2023-IWS-WL-0005 – Rideau-Jock (21)

  • Committee recommendation(s)

    That Council adopt the engineer’s report prepared by Robinson Consultants Inc., entitled Engineer’s report amendments to the Simpson Municipal Drain construction of the Biltmore Branch and modification of Branch 3, and give first and second readings to the By-law attached as Document 3 in accordance with Sections 42 and 45 of the Drainage Act of Ontario.


File No. ACS2023-CSS-GEN-012 – City-wide

  • Committee recommendation(s)

    That Council:

    1. Approve the refinancing of two Ottawa Community Housing Corporation projects described in this report for which the mortgages are due for renewal in 2023, and
    2. That the Director of Housing Services be delegated the authority to approve the refinancing of three Ottawa Community Housing Corporation projects, described in this report, for which the mortgages are due for renewal in 2024 provided the amount is not greater than the current subsidy and the outcome is revenue-neutral to the City of Ottawa, as described in this report.

File Number: ACS2023-RCF-GEN-0003 – City wide

  • Committee recommendation(s)

    That Council:

    1. Receive for information the list of projects funded under delegated authority through the Community Partnership Minor Capital program in 2022 as detailed in Document 1;
    2. Approve in principle the list of 2023 Community Partnership Major Capital projects as detailed in Document 2 and within the Council approved program budget envelope;
    3. Approve the transfer of $113,500 available in the 2023 Community Partnership Minor Capital Program budget to the Community Partnership Major Capital Program budget;
    4. Receive for information the status of Community Partnership Major Capital projects previously approved in principle as detailed in Document 3; and
    5. Approve the administrative updates to the guidelines for Major/Minor Capital Partnership Programs as detailed in the discussion.

File No. ACS2023-FCS-FSP-0015 - City-wide 

  • Committee Recommendation

    That Council receive this report for information.


File No. ACS2023-PRE-CRO-0024 – City-wide 

Carried with Councillor Menard dissenting.

  • Committee Recommendations

    That City Council:

    1. Waive the section of the City’s Leasing Policy that that requires public notice of City leasable space; and
    2. Delegate Authority to the Director, Corporate Real Estate Office, to enter into, conclude, execute, amend, and implement on behalf of the City, an Agreement for the Happy Goat Coffee Company to have a first right of refusal for five future commercial/retail spaces to be located within the Stage 2 O-Train stations, as outlined further in this report.

File No. ACS2023-TSD-TS-0016 – City-wide 

  • Committee Recommendation

    That Council receive for information the Status Update of the Action Plan for the Ottawa Light Rail Transit Public Inquiry’s recommendations that lie within the City’s jurisdiction, attached as Document 1 to this report.


ACS2023-PRE-PS-0115 - Kitchissippi (15)

  • Committee recommendation(s)

    That Council approve the following:

    1. An amendment to the Official Plan, Volume 2a, Scott Street/Westboro Secondary Plan, to permit a maximum permitted height of 80 metres (25 storeys) for the property municipally known as 200 Clearview Avenue, as detailed in Document 2;
    2. An amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 200 Clearview Avenue to rezone from R5C H(28) S216, O1[313] S216 and O1 [313] to R5C [XXXX] S216 to permit a 25-storey residential high-rise building, as detailed in Documents 3 and 4.
    Carried as amended
  • Amendment:
    Motion No.2023 - 22-04
    Moved byJ. Leiper
    Seconded byG. Gower

    WHEREAS Report ACS2023-PRE-PS-0115 (the “Report”) recommends amending the City of Ottawa’s Zoning By-law to permit a 25-storey residential high-rise building at 200 Clearview Avenue; and

    WHEREAS Document 3 contains a provision deleting Urban Exception 313 in its entirety; and

    WHERAS Urban Exception 313 contains zoning provisions that apply to lands other than the lands at 200 Clearview Avenue;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council amend Planning and Housing Committee Report 16, Item 1: Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment – 200 Clearview Avenue by replacing the text in Document 3, Section 2 with the text, “Amend Section 239, Urban Exceptions, by deleting the provision in Column V of Urban Exception 313 that reads “despite the above provisions an underground parking garage is permitted as shown on Schedule 216””; and

    THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there be no further notice pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act.


ACS2023-PRE-PS-0122 - Capital (17)

  • Committee recommendation(s)

    That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24 Hawthorne, as shown in Document 1, to permit a six-storey mixed-use, mid-rise building with site specific zoning exceptions, as detailed in Document 2.

    Carried as amended
  • Amendment:
    Motion No.2023 - 22-05
    Moved byS. Menard
    Seconded byJ. Leiper

    WHEREAS Planning and Housing Committee recommended Council to approve a zoning by-law amendment, in accordance with report ACS2023-PRE-PS-0122, for 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 and24 Hawthorne Avenue as presented at the October 4, 2023 meeting; and

    WHEREAS during the October 4 Committee discussion, public delegations and Committee member concerns were raised with respect to the proposed development providing more parking than the minimum zoning requirements with a design that did not allow for large mature trees in the rear yard; and

    WHEREAS the Official Plan in section 4.8.2 prescribes that space be provided for “mature, healthy trees on private and public property, including the provision of adequate volumes of high-quality soil…”; and

    WHEREAS following the October 4 Committee meeting, staff worked with the applicant team, receiving updated plans, to revise the design of the parking garage by notching out the southwest corner resulting in the removal of four parking spaces, which allows for a large mature tree planting area in the rear yard; and 

    WHEREAS the design of the planter box above the underground garage has been further designed to remove the previously proposed small trees, with the replacement of sufficient soil volume for four medium sized trees, achieving an appropriate urban canopy for the given site. 

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Schedule ‘YYY, in Document 3, be replaced with the attached Schedule (held on file with the City Clerk), which adds a new restricted buildable area in the rear yard where no buildings and structures above or below grade are permitted, to align with the revised landscape plan showing a large tree in this location; and

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Document 2, Details of Recommended Zoning, be amended by deleting the text of provision “i” and replacing it with “maximum building heights, minimum setbacks, minimum stepbacks and restricted buildable area as per Schedule ‘YYY’”. 

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to subsection 34(17) of the Planning Act, no further notice be given.


ACS2023-PRE-CRO-0026 - Citywide 

  • Committee recommendation(s)

    That Council receive the 2022 Annual Report and audited financial statements of the Ottawa Community Lands Development Corporation attached as Document 1.


File no. ACS2023-OCC-CCS-0084 - Osgoode (20)

  • Committee recommendation

    That Council approve the installation of protected/permitted left turn phasing (advance left-turn arrow) in all directions at the intersection of Bank St and Mitch Owens Rd.


File no. ACS2023-OCC-CCS-0125 - Citywide

  • Committee recommendation

    That the Transportation Committee recommend Council re-establish the TMP Council Sponsors Group to be made up of five Members of Council, with representation from the geographic regions of East, South, West, Rural and Central areas of the City of Ottawa as well as the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate, and Economic Development, or a designate as well as other City staff as needed.

  • Motion No.2023 - 22-06
    Moved byT. Tierney
    Seconded byM. Sutcliffe

    WHEREAS at its meeting of September 28, 2023, the Transportation Committee approved a Motion to re-establish the Transportation Master Plan Council Sponsors Group; and 

    WHEREAS the Transportation Committee recommended that the Sponsors’ Group include representation from the geographic regions of East, South, West, Rural and Central areas of the City of Ottawa as well as the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate, and Economic Development and other City staff as needed; and

    WHEREAS the general procedural guidance for Council Sponsors’ Groups approved by Council in the Advisory Body Review report (ACS2023-OCC-GEN-0008) provides that the Mayor or designate, and Chair and Vice-Chair of the relevant Standing Committee shall recommend to Council the membership of the Council Sponsors Group following a circulation for expressions of interest from Members of Council by the relevant department in consultation with the Office of the City Clerk.

    WHEREAS, as directed by Transportation Committee, the Office of the City Clerk, circulated for expressions of interest for membership on the Sponsors Group to all Members of Council, and received a total of 14 expressions of interest (including the Chair and the Vice-Chair of Transportation Committee); and

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council appoint six Members of Council to the to the Transportation Master Plan Council Sponsors Group, as follows:

    1. Councillor Tim Tierney (Chair, Transportation Committee)
    2. Councillor Catherine Kitts (Vice-Chair, Transportation Committee)
    3. Councillor David Hill 
    4. Councillor Ariel Troster
    5. Councillor George Darouze
    6. Councillor Allan Hubley
    Carried as amended
  • Amendment:
    Motion No.2023 - 22-07
    Moved byT. Kavanagh
    Seconded byT. Tierney

    BE IT RESOLVED that Councillor Jessica Bradley be added as an additional member of Transportation Master Plan Council Sponsors Group.


ACS2023-PRE-EDP-0045 - Citywide 

  • Committee recommendation(s)

    That Council authorize and direct the General Manager, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development, to enter into written agreements with the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority, the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, and South Nation Conservation by January 1, 2024, as required by provincial legislation, so that they can continue to use municipal levy funds to deliver programs and services to Ottawa residents.


File Number: ACS2023-RCF-GEN-0006 - Osgoode (20)

  • Committee Recommendation(s)

    That Council approve the proposal to name the outdoor volleyball court, located at Osgoode Village Park, 5701 Philip Street, the “Roger Michels Volleyball Court”.


File Number: ACS2023-RCF-GEN-0005 – Orléans South-Navan (19)

  • Committee Recommendation(s)

    That Council approve the proposal to re-name Innes Park Woods, located at 3828 Innes Road, “Victor Cyr Woods”.


File Number: ACS2023-RCF-GEN-0008 – Rideau-Jock (21)

  • Committee Recommendation(s)

    That Council approve the proposal to name a new park in the Minto Mahogany community, located at 623 Bridgeport Avenue, “Lt. Col. Roland Ashman Park”.


File Number: ACS2023-RCF-GEN-0007 – Rideau-Jock (21)

  • Committee Recommendation(s)

    That Council approve the proposal to name a new park in the Minto Mahogany community, located at 216 Skipper Drive, “Dr. O.B. Wilson Park”.


File No. ACS2023-FCS-REV-0005 – City-wide

  • Committee recommendation

    That Council approve taxes totalling $75,822 be written-off from the tax roll in accordance with the provisions of Section 354 of the Municipal Act, 2001, plus any related interest and fees for the properties listed on Document 1. The City has budget allocated for these write-offs in the tax remissions account.


File no: ACS2023-OCC-CCS-0113 - Orleans-East-Cumberland (1)

  • Committee recommendation

    That Council approve the installation of a permissive-protected left turn phase (advance left-turn arrow) at the entrance to the Mosque on Innes Road east of Tenth Line Road, and approve that the 2023 Ward 1 Temporary Traffic Calming Budget be used to fund the associated costs.

  • Report Recommendation

    That Council approve the Summaries of Oral and Written Public Submissions for items considered at the City Council Meeting of September 27, 2023, that are subject to the ‘Explanation Requirements’ being the Planning Act, subsections 17(23.1), 22(6.7), 34(10.10) and 34(18.1), as applicable, as described in this report and attached as Documents 1-4.


There were no in camera items.

  • Motion No.2023 - 22-08
    Moved byG. Gower
    Seconded byC. Kelly

    That Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Report 7; Community Services Committee Report 5; Finance and Corporate Services Committee Report 8; Light Rail Sub-Committee Report 7; Planning and Housing Committee Report 16; Transportation Committee Report 8; and the report from the City Clerk entitled “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of September 27, 2023” be received and adopted as amended. 

  • Motion No.2023 - 22-09
    Moved byJ. Bradley
    Seconded byM. Sutcliffe

    That the Rules of Procedure be Suspended to Consider the following Motion to coincide with the launch of the 2023 City of Ottawa Employee United Way Campaign.

    WHEREAS United Way East Ontario has been the City of Ottawa’s corporate charity and has participated in an annual employee campaign since 2001; and

    WHEREAS United Way East Ontario brings people from different organizations together to create long lasting social change through its three focus areas, All That Kids Can Be, From Poverty to Possibility, and Heathy People Strong Communities; and 

    WHEREAS United Way East Ontario launches its annual fundraising campaign every fall to support local charities, committed to a 100% local impact; and

    WHEREAS the City continues to use the United Way’s ePledge Donation program to allow employees to donate; and 

    WHEREAS the Chair of the Community Services Committee has historically taken on the role of honorary Co-Chair for the City’s Employee Campaign; and

    WHEREAS Chair Laura Dudas has indicated her willingness to continue in this capacity for the 2023 campaign; and

    WHEREAS the Honourary Council Co-chair will work with the General Manager of Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services on the 2023 City of Ottawa Employee United Way Campaign; and 

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council appoint Councillor Laura Dudas as the Honourary Council Co-Chair for the 2023 City of Ottawa Employee United Way Campaign.

  • Motion No.2023 - 22-10
    Moved byA. Troster
    Seconded byM. Carr

    That the rules of procedure be suspended to consider the following motion, as the event will occur prior to the next Council meeting on Wednesday, October 25, 2023.

    WHEREAS the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics is a fundraising and public awareness effort for Special Olympics Ontario; and

    WHEREAS the Ottawa Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics will occur on Thursday, October 12, 2023; and

    WHEREAS there will be rolling road closures performed by the Ottawa Police Service along the route of Elgin Street between 474 Elgin Street and Wellington Street, Wellington Street between Elgin Street and Bank Street, Bank Street between Wellington Street and Argyle Avenue, and Argyle Avenue between Bank Street and Elgin Street; and

    WHEREAS the rolling road closures will take place between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. (noon); and 

    WHEREAS the City of Ottawa’s Special Events on City Streets By-law (2001-260) prohibits road closures before 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday; 

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council approve the above-noted rolling road closures to facilitate the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. (noon) on Thursday, 12 October 2023, providing it meets the requirements, conditions, and approval of Traffic Services. 

  • Moved byM. Carr
    Seconded byR. Brockington

    WHEREAS August 10, 2023 saw significant flooding throughout the city; and

    WHEREAS the City has an Emergency Management Plan designed to provide an enhanced and co-ordinated level of planning and readiness to better respond to the needs of the community during a major emergency; and

    WHEREAS the City is experiencing an increasing number of extreme weather events, and with the ongoing climate change emergency the frequency is expected to continue to increase; and

    WHEREAS in Canada, flooding is the most common and costly natural disaster, causing approximately $1.5 billion in damage to households, property, and infrastructure annually, with residential property owners bearing approximately 75% of uninsured losses each year; and

    WHEREAS under Canada's Emergency Management Framework, municipalities have a role in leading local response and recovery; and

    WHEREAS the provincial Auditor General’s November 2022 report found that municipal assessment and reporting on stormwater infrastructure and flood resilience is not standardized, with potential impacts on long-term planning and funding decisions; and

    WHEREAS the Province and the City have already taken steps to improve our understanding of the impacts of climate change and to help municipalities prepare and protect communities, including public infrastructure; and

    WHEREAS the Province, through Ontario’s Flooding strategy, states that local governments hold the primary responsibility for identifying and managing flood risks; and 

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff ensure that provides clear information on, and the appropriate way to report, different types of flooding events; and

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City’s website have a centralized location for flood resources including flooding preparedness and mitigation methods, updates on ongoing studies, and updates to infrastructure. 

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT staff review and report back to council with findings on improvements that can be made to preventative flood and water management programs including the compassionate grant program and the residential protective plumbing program; and 

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT staff explore a system for better data sharing, communication, timely response, and coordination in relation to major weather events, their impacts on infrastructure, and communicating with affected residents.

  • Moved byR. Brockington
    Seconded byD. Brown

    WHEREAS, the 2024 Budget will bring a set of challenges and under-resourced budget lines; and

    WHEREAS, City Council is expected to fund core priorities that residents rely on; and

    WHEREAS, City Council has declared two emergencies related to Housing and Homelessness and Climate Change; and

    WHEREAS, to better inform Council’s decision making and to be transparent with the public, it is beneficial to understand what budget pressures are core mandated items for the City and which are not;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that as part of the draft 2024 Budget release, the Acting City Treasurer provide a memo identifying what portions of the Budget are resourcing non-mandated items.

  • Notice of Intent from Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc. to hold the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholder at the City Council meeting scheduled for October 25, 2023.
  • Notice of Intent from the Integrity Commissioner to submit a report to Council on an Inquiry Respecting the Conduct of Members of a Local Board for consideration at the City Council meeting scheduled for October 25, 2023.
  • Motion No.2023 - 22-11
    Moved byG. Gower
    Seconded byC. Kelly

    That the by-laws listed on the Agenda under Motion to Introduce By-laws, Three Readings, be read and passed.

    2023-422    A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2014-142, respecting the designation of the Charles Billings House, 187 Billings Avenue. 

    2023-423    A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2017-180 respecting the appointment of Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in accordance with private property parking enforcement.

    2023-424    A by-law of the City of Ottawa to close Jordan Gate and Deslauriers Circle, Plan 4M-1191, in the City of Ottawa

    2023-425    A by-law of the City of Ottawa respecting the permitting and regulation of clothing donation box owners and clothing donation boxes and to repeal By-law No. 2013-98.

    2023-426    A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate certain lands at cours Ibanez Walk, ruelle Alvarez Lane, chemin Kugagami Road, Plan 4M-1659 as being exempt from Part Lot Control.

    2023-427    A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common and public highway and assume them for public use (avenue Perseus Avenue).

    2023-428    A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend the Richmond Road/Westboro Secondary Plan of Volume 2A of the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa to increase maximum building heights and add site-specific policies to lands known municipally as 200 Clearview Avenue.

    2023-429    A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of lands known municipally as 200 Clearview Avenue.

    2023-430    A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of lands known municipally as 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, and 24 Hawthorne Avenue. 

    2023-431    A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend Volume 2C of the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa to add site-specific policies to lands known municipally as 2545 9th Line Road. 

    2023-432    A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of lands known municipally as 2545 9th Line Road. 

    2023-433    A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of lands known municipally as 5646 and 5650 Manotick Main Street. 

    2023-434    A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of part of lands known municipally as 5134 Piperville Road. 

    2023-435    A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law 2008-250 to align it with Bill 23 concerning Additional Dwelling Units and other related matters. 

  • Motion No.2023 - 22-12

    That the following by-law be read and passed:

    To confirm the proceedings of the Council meeting of 11 October 2023.


There were no Inquiries.

  • Motion No.2023 - 22-13
    Moved byG. Gower
    Seconded byC. Kelly

    That the proceedings of the City Council meeting of 11 October 2023 be adjourned.

  • The meeting adjourned at 10:57 am.

No Item Selected