Wednesday, October 14 2020
10:00 am
By Electronic Participation
This Meeting will be held
through electronic participation in accordance with Section 238 of the Municipal
Act, 2001 as amended by Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act,
Association of Municipalities of Ontario
AMO Policy Update – Main Street Recovery Plan & Increased
Mental Health Services, Economic Recovery Legislation, Firefighter Safety,
Child Care
AMO Policy Update – COVID-19 Public Health Measures, Municipal
Relief Phase 2 Funding, and an Inspector General of Policing
AMO Policy Update - Temporary PSW Support, Cybersecurity Resources
and Updated COVID school + child care screening guidance
AMO Policy Update – COVID-19 Fall Plan, COVID-19 Modelling, Social
Assistance Recovery & Renewal Plan, Food & Organic Waste Policy
Statement, and Pre-Budget Submissions
AMO Policy Update – New Long-Term Care Funding, Measures, and
Community Paramedicine to Address COVID-19
AMO Policy Update – New Stage 3 Restrictions
AMO Update - 2020 Federal Throne Speech Lays Out Priorities Including
Climate Action, Expanding Rural Broadband, Improved Housing Access, Child
Care and Long-Term Care Standards
Moved by Councillor S. Menard
Seconded by Councillor G. Gower
BE IT RESOLVED that Council suspend the Rules of
Procedure to permit the introduction of the following motion, in order to
respond in a timely manner to support all workers and to address the COVID-19 pandemic:
WHEREAS on March 17, 2020, the Government of the
Province of Ontario made an order declaring an emergency under Section 7.0.1
(1) the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, with a view to
ensuring that Ontario had available “every power possible to continue to
protect the health and safety of all individuals and families”; and
WHEREAS the Province of Ontario subsequently
issued a number of Orders pursuant to its authority under Section 7.0.1 (1) the
Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act; and
WHEREAS on July 24, 2020, the Ontario Government
enacted the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act,
thereby terminating the Province’s COVID-19 declared emergency but continuing
as valid and effective those orders made under the Emergency Management and
Civil Protection Act that had not otherwise been revoked before June 24,
2020, and also reserving a measure of authority necessary to amend and/or
continue those orders; and
WHEREAS on August 19, 2020, the Decent Work and
Health Care Network issued its report, “BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE: How to Close
the Paid Sick Days Gap During COVID-19 and Beyond”; and
WHEREAS that report recommended that, “all
provincial, territorial and federal jurisdictions update their employment
standards to require employers to provide at least 7 days of paid emergency
leave on a permanent basis”;
WHEREAS the COVID-19 pandemic continues to
evolve and is causing significant effects across the world and locally in Ottawa;
Mayor Watson to write a letter to Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Minister
McNaughton requesting that the provincial government immediately establish
job-protected sick leave, through regulation or legislation, that allows workers
seamless access of up to 10 days leave related to COVID-19; and
Watson to write a letter to the Prime Minister requesting that the temporary
pan-Canadian sick leave program be made permanent and include expanded seamless
access for workers.
That Council receive this report on the planning and development
charges implications of Bill 197, COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020.
That Council approve:
1. amendments to Zoning By-law
2008-250, as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Documents 2 and 4, as
amended by the following:
a. that Document 1F be replaced with
the revised map, per Motion no PLC 2020-30/2
b. That the zoning details in
Document 2 dealing with 112 Nelson Street be replaced with the following:
• “1. Rezone the lands as shown
in Document 1F and add the provisions as detailed in report ACS2018-PIE-PS-0086,
in addition to a holding provision as follows: -The holding symbol may only
be removed following the registration of a Section 37 agreement to the
satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic
Development Department.”
2. that there be no further
notice pursuant to Subsection 34 (17) of the Planning Act.
That Council approve amendments to Zoning By-law 2008-250, as
shown in Document 1 and detailed in Documents 3 and 4.
That Council consider and approve the report
Delegations: The committee heard two delegations
on this item
Debate: The committee spent one hour and 40 minutes on this item
Vote: The committee CARRIED the report, as amended.
Position of Ward Councillor: City Wide report
Position of Advisory Committee: None
That Council approve the following:
1. The approach and timetable
for consultation and consideration of the 2021 budget as outlined in the
2. The
following directions for developing the draft 2021 budget;
a. That the
municipal tax increase be set at 3 per cent overall inclusive of the
i. The
city-wide tax levy, which includes funding for Library and Public Health, be
increased by no more than 2.5 per cent for 2021 and that Council request that
the Library and Public Health Boards develop their draft budgets based on
their pro rata share of this tax increase;
ii. The
Ottawa Police Services levy be increased by no more than 3 per cent and that
Council request that the Police Services Board develop their draft budget
based on this tax increase;
iii. That the
Transit Levy be increased by 4.6 per cent which includes a $5 million increase
to the contribution to capital to replace the cancelled provincial gas tax
increase. This represents $33 for the average urban household and $9 for the
average rural household, and is a reduction from the 2020 requirement of $9
dollars per average urban household and $4 dollars for the average rural
b. That the
assessment growth taxation revenues generated from new properties be
estimated at 1.5 per cent of current taxation for 2021 and that Council
request that the Police, Public Health and Library Boards and the Transit
Commission develop their draft budgets within this allocation;
c. That all
City user fees and charges increase in accordance with the direction outlined
in the Fiscal Framework or the Long-Range Financial Plan V, including
incremental COVID cost recovery;
d. That the
Garbage Fee be increased in accordance with the approved Solid Waste Residential
Collections Contracts report and to address the capital investments required
for this service per the four-year capital spending plan;
e. That the
2021 Capital Budget be developed in accordance with the direction outlined in
the 2019 DC Background Study, Long Range Financial Plan V and Fiscal
f. That the
rate supported 2021 draft budget be developed in accordance with the approved
2017 Long Range Financial Plan V – Water, Wastewater and Stormwater;
3. That as part of the
Budget 2021 process, City staff review operating budgets in detail to
identify areas for potential savings resulting from changes in residents''
needs due to the Pandemic, with the purpose of bringing before a Council a
budget that demonstrates self-discipline and reflects the reality of the
financial situation of the City, the Province and the Country; and
4. That City departmental staff
review projects not started, nor tendered or have any dependency on other
projects by the City (for instance life-cycle renewal projects), to identify
projects that, should the need arise, may be postponed from the 2021 budget
year, with the intent to re-evaluate these projects for Budget 2022 when we
will have a better understanding of the long-term financial implications of
the Pandemic and its economic impacts.
That Council receive this report for information.
That Council surrender the Right of First Offer to
purchase the property known as 2475 Regina Street, described as being part of
lot 23, Concession 10F, as in NS153639, Nepean/Ottawa, and shown on Document
“1”, from Parkway House.
That Council:
1. Approve a special area levy
in the Stonebridge Community for the purchase of the Stonebridge Golf Course
from the owner, Mattamy Homes.
2. Direct the Deputy City
Treasurer, Revenue and Deputy City Treasurer, Corporate Finance to
administer the special levy for the amount of $7,000,000 from 2021 through
2029, for the area identified in Document 2.
3. Approve
the City’s acquisition of the Stonebridge Golf Course through the use of
funds collected from the special area levy and delegate authority to the
General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development
Department to finalize and execute a Tri-Partite Purchase and Sale Agreement
in the general form attached as Document 3, in accordance with the terms and
conditions detailed in this report.
4. Approve
the execution of an agreement between the City and the Stonebridge Community
Association governing the use of the subject lands and delegate authority to
the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department
to finalize and execute the Stonebridge Community Association Agreement in
the general form attached as Document 4, in accordance with the terms and
conditions detailed in this report.
Delegations: The
committee heard four delegations on this item
Debate: The committee
spent one hour on this item
Vote: The committee
Carried the report recommendations with an amendment to Document 1 of the
Position of Ward
Councillor: The Ward Councillors are aware of the recommendations within the
Position of Advisory
Committee: n/a
That Council approve:
1. the zoning changes
detailed in Document 1, to resolve issues and anomalies of the 2015 Infill
Zoning Regulations of By-laws 2012-147 and 2015-228, as amended, with the
following modification to Document 1:
a. amend Document 1
(Section 65, Table 65, row (6)) to read: “(b) In the R1, R2, R3 and R4 Zones
within Area A of Schedule 342:
(i) 6) (a) applies, and
(ii) On a lot with a depth of
between 23.5m and 30.5m, where the rear lot line abuts an R1, R2, R3 or R4
zone, the maximum projection is:
(1) 2 m at or below the first
floor and;
(2) 1.2 m above the first
(iii) Where a lot has a depth of
23.5m or less, the maximum projection is 0m;
(iv) In all other cases, the
maximum projection is 2 m.
(v) Where a deck or balcony
occurs above the first floor and is within 1.5 metres of an exterior side
wall or interior side lot line of a residential-zoned lot, a 1.5 metre high
opaque screen is to be provided facing the interior side lot line.”
2. that there be no further
notice pursuant to Subsection 34 (17) of the Planning Act
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for
1131 and 1151 Teron Road to modify the step-backs of the proposed nine-storey
building, permit a limited number of commercial uses, reduce the parking rate
for certain commercial uses and permit modifications to certain buffer strip
and loading zone provisions, as detailed in Document 2.
Council approve:
1. an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for part of 3640 Greenbank Road to permit a subdivision consisting
of single-detached dwelling units, semi-detached dwelling units, townhouses,
a school block and park block, as detailed in Document 2, as amended by
the following:
1) that Document 1,
Location and Detailed Zoning Map, be replaced with the revised map, per
Planning Committee Motion No PLC 2020-31/1;
2) that Document 2,
Details of Recommended Zoning, be amended as follows:
a. Area A from DR to I1A/O1
b. Area B from MR to I1A/O1
c. Area C from DR to R3Z[2665]; and,
d. Area D from MR to R3Z[2665].
2. that pursuant to the Planning
Act, subsection 34(17), no further notice be given.
Council approve:
1. that the zoning details
of Document 1 of Report ACS2020-PIE-EDP-0033 (Zoning Changes to Regulate
Residential Development in the Urban Area Inside the Greenbelt) be amended as
a) renumber 140(6)(a), (b),
(c) to 140(6)(a)(i), (ii), (iii);
b) insert the provisions from
section 139(5)(b) through (k) of By-law 2008-250, as it exists October 8,
2020, as section 140(6)(b) through (k), and update the references to those
sections, as necessary;
2. that the implementing
by-laws for reports ACS2020-PIE-EDP-0033 (Infill) and ACS2020-PIE-EDP-0016
(R4 Zoning Review, Phase 2) be arranged as follows:
a) that the implementing
by-laws for report ACS2020-PIE-EDP-0033 (Infill) be passed first and be split
into two by-laws as follows:
i) A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to amend Tables 156A, 156B, 158A, 158B,
160A, 160B, 162A, and 162B to implement the residential infill provisions
ii) A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to implement the residential infill
b) that the implementing by-laws
for report ACS2020-PIE-EDP-0016 (R4) be split into six by-laws with wording
in them to the effect of not coming into full force and effect until the
by-law (i) below is in full force and effect, as follows:
i) A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to implement the provisions, other than
amendments to the zoning map and to exceptions, as a result of Phase 2 of the
R4 Zoning Review.
ii) A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to amend Part 15 (Exceptions) with
respect to site-specific density cap provisions as a result of Phase 2 of the
R4 Zoning Review.
iii) A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to amend the zoning map for Sandy Hill
and Old Ottawa East north of Clegg Street consistent with Phase 2 of the R4
Zoning Review.
iv) A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to amend the zoning map for Hintonburg
and Mechanicsville consistent with Phase 2 of the R4 Zoning Review.
v) A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to amend the zoning map for Vanier
consistent with Phase 2 of the R4 Zoning Review.
vi) A by-law of the City of Ottawa
to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to amend the zoning map for R4 lands other than
Sandy Hill, Vanier, Hintonburg, Mechanicsville and Old Ottawa East north of
Clegg, consistent with Phase 2 of the R4 Zoning Review.
3. that there be no further
notice pursuant to Subsection 34 (17) of the Planning Act.
That Council:
1. Receive
the information about the status of the City’s contract with Precise Parklink
Inc., as described in this report and the confidential companion memorandum
from the City Solicitor, issued separately as Document 3, and not to be
reported out, as it relates to litigation and is covered by solicitor-client
2. Delegate
the authority to the General Manager, Public Works and Environmental Services,
to finalize and execute a five-year extension of the Parking Operations
System Agreement with Precise Parklink Inc., in accordance with the revised
contract terms and conditions as described in this Report, including the
revised calculation methodology for the revenue guarantee, ending October 31,
3. Delegate
the authority to the General Manager, Public Works and Environmental
Services, to negotiate, finalize and execute amendments to the contract with
Precise Parklink Inc. to better facilitate contract management, as outlined
in this Report.
That Council receive the Parking Services 2019
Annual Report.
That Council receive this report for information.
That Council reduce
the speed limit on River Road from:
1. 150 metres
south of Balmoral Drive to 80 metres north of Lowen Drive from 80 km/h to 60
km/h; and,
2. 130 metres
south of Earl Armstrong Road to Nicolls Island Road from 80 km/h and 70 km/h
to 60 km/h.
That Council adopt the Engineer’s Report prepared by Robinson
Consultants Inc., entitled Engineer’s Report Branch No. 4 Wilson-Johnston
Municipal Drain dated February 2020 and give 1st and 2nd reading to the
By-law attached as Document 2 to this report in accordance with Sections 42
and 45 of the Drainage Act of Ontario.
That Council approve amendments to the definition of
‘minor rezoning application’ as set out in By-law 2015-96 respecting fees for
planning applications, as detailed in Document 1.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for part of 2974 Shea Road, for the purposes of rezoning a portion
of the lands from Agricultural (AG), to Agricultural Subzone 5 (AG5), to
prohibit residential uses on the retained farmland, as detailed in Document
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for Part of 4960 Canon Smith Drive, for the purposes of rezoning a
portion of the lands from Agricultural (AG), to Agricultural Subzone 4 (AG4),
to prohibit residential uses on the retained farmland, as detailed in Document
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for part of 3964 John Shaw Road for the purposes of rezoning the
lands from Agricultural Zone (AG) to Agricultural Zone, Subzone 5 (AG5), to
prohibit residential uses on the retained farmland, as detailed in Document 2.
That Council adopt the Engineer’s Report prepared by Robinson
Consultants Inc., entitled Engineer’s Report John Taylor Municipal Drain
Realignment and Modifications dated August 2020 and give 1st and 2nd reading
to the By-law attached as Document 2 to this report in accordance with
Sections 42 and 45 of the Drainage Act of Ontario.
1. That Council approve the
a) The COVID-19 Financial
Mitigation Strategies for 2020 for Tax and Rate Supported Services as described
in this report.
b) That the following unrestricted
capital funds from capital projects be deferred to 2021 or later, as detailed
in Document 4, and the following be returned to source:
i. City Wide Capital Reserves $15,373,123;
ii. Transit Capital Reserves
iii. Rate Reserves $23,232,000 as follows:
(1) Water Capital Reserve $16,132,000;
(2) Wastewater Capital Reserve
(3) Stormwater Capital Reserve
iv. Development Charge Reserves $16,113,827.
v. Debt Authority $18,683,106 as
(1) City Wide Debt $13,740,547;
(2) Water Funded Debt $448,338;
(3) Transit Debt $3,122,000;
(4) Development Charge Debt $1,372,221.
c) That the Chief Financial
Officer submit a report to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, outlining
the City of Ottawa’s COVID-19 municipal operating costs and pressures along
with any other required information, and seeking additional funding under
Phase 2 of the Safe Restart funding program – Municipal Operating Pressures
That Council approve the appointments of Erin
Crowell, Sharon Bosley-House and Tara Hamilton to the Westboro Village
Business Improvement Area Board of Management for the 2018-2022 Term of
Council or until a successor is appointed during the next term of Council.
That Council:
1. Approve
the Brownfield Rehabilitation Grant application submitted by Cummings Caron
Property Limited, owner of the property at 1068 Cummings Avenue, for a
Rehabilitation Grant under the Brownfield Redevelopment Community Improvement
Plan Program not to exceed a total of $579,921 for which the grant payment
period will be phased over a maximum of five years of development, subject to
the establishment of, and in accordance with, the terms and conditions of the
Brownfield Redevelopment Grant Agreement;
2. Delegate
the authority to the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic
Development, to execute a Brownfields Redevelopment Grant Agreement with
Cummings Caron Property Limited, establishing the terms and conditions
governing the payment of the grant for the redevelopment of 1068 Cummings Avenue
, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and
Economic Development Department, the City Solicitor and the City Treasurer.
That Council approve an amendment to Section 101 of
Zoning By-law 2008-250 for Warehouse, Light Industrial, Heavy Industrial and
Technology Industry minimum parking rates, as detailed in Document 1.
That Council approve the Public Consultation Program
for 267 O’Connor Street as detailed in Document 1.
That Council approve the warrant processes and
criteria associated with the implementation of All-Way Stop Control (AWSC), as
outlined in the report.
That Council approve the Summaries of Oral and Written Public
Submissions for items considered at the City Council Meeting of September 23,
2020 that are subject to the ‘Explanation Requirements’ being the Planning
Act, subsections 17(23.1), 22(6.7), 34(10.10) and 34(18.1), as applicable,
as described in this report and attached as Documents 1 to 5.
Moved by Mayor J. Watson
Seconded by Councillor
D. Deans
WHEREAS the Ontario Police Services Act currently does not
provide for any authority in a Chief of Police or any oversight body to suspend
a police officer, without pay, when that officer is charged with or convicted
of a serious offence under the laws of Canada; and
WHEREAS public reports of police officers continuing to receive
their full pay, even while facing charges of serious and even criminal
misconduct, can diminish public respect for, and confidence in, the integrity
of police services across the Province; and
WHEREAS the Ontario Government in 2018 introduced the Safer
Ontario Act to modernize policing in the Province, including provisions for
the suspension without pay of police officers who are charged with serious
offences, in certain defined cases, in order to address these concerns; and
WHEREAS the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) has
passed resolutions calling on the Government of Ontario to make the necessary
changes to the Police Service Act to allow for the suspension without
pay of police officers in situations where: they are charged with serious
Criminal Code of Canada and other federal offences not related to their
performance of duty; when held in custody or when subject to a Judicial Interim
Release order with such conditions that prevent the officer from carrying out
the duties of a police officer; or, who are charged with serious Police
Services Act violations where the Chief of Police will seek dismissal of
the officer; and
WHEREAS the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards has passed
a resolution joining with the OACP in calling on the Government of Ontario to
make the necessary changes to the Police Service Act to allow for the
suspension without pay of police officers in situations where: they are charged
with serious Criminal Code of Canada and other federal offences not related to
their performance of duty; when held in custody or when subject to a Judicial
Interim Release order with such conditions that prevent the officer from
carrying out the duties of a police officer; or, who are charged with serious Police
Services Act violations where the Chief of Police will seek dismissal of
the officer;
WHEREAS the Safer Ontario Act was not passed before the
Provincial election in 2018;
WHEREAS identical provisions were later incorporated into the Community
Safety and Policing Act, 2019, which was enacted by the Provincial
Government in March, 2019 but which has never been proclaimed in force;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Ottawa City Council hereby calls on
the Provincial Government to declare in force those sections of the Community
Safety and Policing Act, 2019 as soon as possible, that are
necessary to provide Chiefs of Police or Police Services Boards, as
applicable, with the discretion to suspend a member of the police service,
without pay, who is charged with or convicted of a serious offence, in those
circumstances set out in the statute; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Ottawa City Council hereby calls on the
Provincial Government to further amend the legislative scheme governing police
services so as to streamline the process for the termination of a police
officer who is found guilty of serious or criminal misconduct.
Councillors K. Egli and D. Deans
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2017-180 respecting
the appointment of Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in accordance with
private property parking enforcement.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law 2001-301 to appoint
certain Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in the Transportation Services Department.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate the Clemow-Monkland
Driveway and Linden Terrace Heritage Conservation District and to adopt the
corresponding heritage conservation district plan.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to amend
Tables 156A, 156B, 158A, 158B, 160A, 160B, 162A, and 162B to implement the
residential infill provisions.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to
implement the residential infill provisions.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to
implement the provisions, other than amendments to the zoning map and to exceptions,
as a result of Phase 2 of the R4 Zoning Review.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to amend
Part 15 (Exceptions) with respect to site-specific density cap provisions as
a result of Phase 2 of the R4 Zoning Review.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to amend
the zoning map for Sandy Hill and Old Ottawa East north of Clegg Street consistent
with Phase 2 of the R4 Zoning Review.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to amend
the zoning map for Hintonburg and Mechanicsville consistent with Phase 2 of
the R4 Zoning Review.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to amend
the zoning map for Vanier consistent with Phase 2 of the R4 Zoning Review.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to amend
the zoning map for R4 lands other than Sandy Hill, Vanier, Hintonburg,
Mechanicsville and Old Ottawa East north of Clegg, consistent with Phase 2 of
the R4 Zoning Review.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change
the zoning of part of the lands known municipally as 4960 Canon Smith Drive.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change
the zoning of part of the lands known municipally as 3964 John Shaw Road.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change
the zoning of part of the lands known municipally as 2974 Shea Road.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 of the
City of Ottawa to implement omnibus amendments and to amend technical
anomalies and make minor corrections to the zoning of various properties
throughout the City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend Section 101 of By-law No.
2008-250 to permit a change to the minimum parking rates for Warehouse, Light
Industrial, Heavy Industrial, and Technology Industry uses.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change
the zoning of the lands known municipally as 1131 and 1151 Teron Road.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change
the zoning of part of the lands known municipally as 3640 Greenbank Road.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2015-96 respecting the fees for planning applications.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to impose special annual drainage rates
upon lands in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage
Act. R.S.O 1990, c.T.8.
A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2001-3 entitled “A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
appoint a Deputy Chief Building Official for the City of Ottawa”.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2013-416 respecting fees
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as
common and public highway and assume them for public use (Merivale Road and
Slack Road).
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as
common and public highway and assume them for public use (chemin Meynell Road
and croissant Hackamore Crescent).
interpretation of these proceedings is available.
Accessible formats and communication supports are
available, upon request.
The City of Ottawa continues to take COVID-19 seriously, and in
following the advice of provincial and federal governments, is making
significant changes to services and programming to help protect health and
wellbeing of the community. City Hall is temporarily closed to help stop the
spread of COVID-19. In-person Committee and Council meetings have been
cancelled. Such meetings, as warranted, will be held electronically until
further notice. For more information about service disruptions, please visit
our COVID-19 webpage: https://ottawa.ca/en/health-and-public-safety/covid-19-ottawa.
Members of the public may watch the Council meeting live on
RogersTV or the Ottawa City Council YouTube page. For more details and
updates visit https://ottawa.ca/en/city-hall/your-city-government/watch-or-listen-council-meetings
In Camera Items are not
subject to public discussion or audience. Any person has a right to request an independent investigation of
the propriety of dealing with matters in a closed session. A form requesting
such a review may be obtained, without charge, from the City’s website or in
person from the Chair of this meeting. Requests are kept confidential
pending any report by the Meetings Investigator and are conducted without
charge to the Requestor.