Wednesday, 27 May 2020
10:00 am
By Electronic Participation
This meeting was held
through electronic participation in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001,
as amended by Bill 187, the Municipal Emergency Act, 2020, and an Order
in Council of March 28, 2020, which amended the Emergency
Management and Civil Protection Act and prohibits organized public events
of more than five people.
The Council of
the City of Ottawa met on Wednesday, 27 May 2020 beginning at 10:00 a.m. The
Mayor, Jim Watson, presided over the teleconference meeting from Andrew S. Haydon Hall, with the remaining Members participating
remotely by teleconference.
Mayor Watson led
Council in a moment of reflection.
Members were present with the exception of Councillors D. Deans and R.
Moved by Councillor S. Moffatt
Seconded by Councillor L. Dudas
WHEREAS for each City Council meeting the
Clerk’s Office prepares a series of standard procedural motions, which Members
of Council are asked move and second on their behalf; and
WHEREAS at its meeting of May 13, 2020,
Council approved the procedural Motion to Adopt Reports (Motion 33/2 from
Councillors Moffatt and Dudas), as set out on Page 8 of Draft Minutes 33; and
WHEREAS the Clerk’s Office, in error, provided
the mover and seconder with the incorrect wording of the Motion to Adopt Reports,
which was then read into the record and adopted by Council;
Motion 33/2 of May 13, 2020 (Motion to Adopt Reports) to replace the words
“received and considered” with “received and adopted as amended”; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council Minutes 33
of May 13, 2020 be amended accordingly, and as amended be approved.
No Declarations
of Interest were filed.
Other Communications Received:
Submission received containing the names of 3720 individuals requesting
that Ottawa City Council not approve the expansion of the urban boundary (see
Planning Committee and Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Joint Report
by Councillor S. Moffatt
Seconded by Councillor L. Dudas
That the report from the Integrity Commissioner entitled
“Interim Report to Council
on an Inquiry Respecting the Conduct of Councillor Chiarelli”;
Planning Committee and Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Joint
Report 3; and Planning Committee Report 23; be received and considered.
Council received
an update from Doctor Vera Etches, Medical Officer of Health, with respect to
COVID-19. A copy of the presentation is on file with the City Clerk’s Office.
Council received
a verbal update from Steve Kanellakos, City Manager and Stephen Willis, General
Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development on the City of Ottawa’s
ongoing COVID-19 response, including a status update on the Economic Recovery
Task Team. A copy of the staff presentation is on file with the City Clerk’s
That Council receive this report for information.
That Council:
approve the Balanced Scenario as the
Residential Growth Management Strategy for the new Official Plan as described
in Document 1 attached, which accommodates 51 per cent overall of residential
growth through intensification, with an intensification target that increases to
60 per cent in the 2041 to 2046 period;
approve the inclusion of new urban
residential and employment land expansion of between 1,350-1,650 gross
hectares, which is to be selected using the criteria identified in Document 6
for residential land, and for employment land on the basis of strategic
additions to the urban employment lands base, with the final amount and
location of new urban residential and urban employment land to be brought
forward when the draft Official Plan is tabled in Q4 2020;
approve the following corrections be
made the main report -
replace Figure 4, page 24, so that the
Built-up Area Units, Greenfield %, and Greenfield Units columns accurately
reflect the intended intensification rate target scenario for each of the rows
from 2018-2021 to 2041-2046:
Urban Units
Intensification %
Built-up Area Units
Greenfield %
Greenfield Units
Urban Units
Intensification %
Area Units
amend the following references to add
- “ and an additional exception for the Village of Manotick only with respect
to the lands within the Village which run along the
western shore of the Rideau River.”
Page 37 - under d.
Conflicting Rural Use Factors:
within one kilometre of a Village will not be considered, except for the
village of Notre-Dame-des-Champs which is already almost fully surrounded by
the urban area.
Page 54 - under
RURAL IMPLICATIONS, first paragraph:
The City proposes, through the Urban Expansion Detailed
Evaluation Criteria, to maintain a 1-kilometre buffer around
existing Villages that are adjacent to the urban area so that they remain
distinct from the evolving suburban areas. The only exception will be for the
Village of Notre-Dame-des-Champs, which is already surrounded by existing and
proposed urban development and for which a buffer is not possible.
approve that the following corrections
be made to the Supporting Document 1 -Residential Growth Management Strategy
for the New Official Plan:
replace Figure 47, page 45 so that the
Balanced Scenario Built-up Area units of “14,600” shows “82,400”:
Urban Units
Intensification %
Built-up Area Units
Greenfield %
Greenfield Units
15-year total
Balanced scenario
Post-2036 surplus
Urban Units
Intensification %
Built-up Area Units
Greenfield %
Greenfield Units
15-year total
Balanced scenario
Post-2036 surplus
on page 45, Methodology Gross
Developable Area, first sentence, replace “995” with “1,281”, to read as
follows: “The Balanced scenario requires a portion of projected growth to occur
on 1,281 hectares of urban area expansion lands.”
amend the following references to add
– “ and an additional exception for the Village of Manotick only with respect
to the lands within the Village which run along the western shore of the Rideau
Page 7 - under
Urban: Expansion Area last bullet
within 1km from an existing Village (except Notre-Dames-des-Champs, which is
already predominately surrounded).
Page 48 – second
paragraph last bullet
within one kilometre of an existing Village (except Notre-Dame-des-Champs).
Page 50 - under
Conflicting Rural Use Factors
Generally, land within one kilometre of a village will not
be considered unless the village is already partially surrounded by the urban
area, for example Notre Dame-des-Champs.
approve that:
Criteria 6 “Availability
of Rapid Transit” be renamed “Availability of Rapid Transit or Transit Priority
- Isolated Measures”, and that points be included in Criteria 6 as follows:
6 points for
“Within the proximity of an existing Transit Priority Corridor - Isolated
2 points for “Within
the proximity of a future Transit Priority Corridor - Isolated Measures”
Criteria 7 “Proximity to Nearest Rapid
Transit Station” be renamed “Proximity to Nearest Rapid Transit Station,
Transit Priority Corridor – Isolated Measures or Park and Ride Feeding the
Rapid Transit System”, and that points be included in Criteria 7 as follows:
for locations within 1.9 km of a Park
and Ride feeding a Rapid Transit System and Transit Priority – Isolated
Measures, 2 points maximum
Document 1 and 6 are to be revised
where applicable to reflect these changes
approve the following additional
exclusions to lands, parcels and clusters of parcels that are to be considered
for candidates for inclusion into any proposed urban or village boundary
a. lands
in an Agricultural Resource Area are to be excluded from any and all consideration
as candidate parcels for inclusion in the urban or village boundary
b. lands
in an Agricultural Resource Area are not to be evaluated, considered or ranked
in any way that would allow lands to be even remotely associated or considered
for inclusion in expanded urban or village settlement areas
direct staff to adjust the scoring
criteria to account for the impacts to existing agricultural and livestock operations
and the Minimum Distance Separation;
approve that
Agricultural Resource Area lands are not to be used for urban infrastructure
such as storm ponds, water and wastewater infrastructure, sports fields or
other uses that support the development of new suburban communities;
approve that, to
recognize and protect the importance of mineral aggregate production (as
defined in the Official Plan as ‘Bedrock Resource and Sand and Gravel Resource
Areas’) for Ottawa’s construction and infrastructure needs that staff be
directed not to score, evaluate, consider or rank in any way residential
candidate parcels adjacent to or within 200 metres of Bedrock Resource and 200
metres of Sand and Gravel Resource Areas as identified on Schedule A and B of
the Official Plan, unless the landowner
can provide evidence by a qualified subject matter expert that the resource
will be exhausted by 2036;
approve that staff be directed to, when the official plan is presented in Q4
2020, include in their report (on a conceptual basis) the tool kit that will help
the City reach its intensification goals. For clarity, the report is not
expected to present the details but general trends such as new R4 zones on
arterial roadways, permit semi-detached in R1 zones as some potential examples;
approve that any rural parcels that
are beyond the catchment area of an already-planned transit station will need
Council confirmation of a funding source or mechanism for any necessary transit
network extensions, and any other component of required municipal
infrastructure, prior to the approval of its implementing
secondary plan;
approve that staff in Planning,
Infrastructure and Economic Development will further consider and detail the
requirements of secondary plans for greenfield development as part of the new
draft Official Plan to be tabled by the end of 2020;
approve that the draft Official Plan
policies should be coordinated with the City’s Refresh of the 10 Year Housing
and Homelessness Plan and assess implementation and enabling strategies such as:
updated definitions of affordability
including an analysis of the geographic differences of affordability within the
City; and
the role of Inclusionary Zoning in providing
affordable housing; and
providing enabling policies that
support the 10 Year and Homelessness Plan in areas of land use, infrastructure,
transportation, and the City’s use of its own assets and real estate;
approve that staff:
bring forward policies in the draft
Official Plan to ensure that any urban expansion areas are being planned,
funded, phased and built so that the necessary infrastructure and community
amenities are in place and coordinated with the development approvals process;
establish clear guidelines for
developers to notify residents who have purchased a home or land within the
development of all infrastructure and amenities which will be required to be
constructed or upgraded as a condition of application approval, and timelines
be made publicly available to increase accountability and transparency of the
application process;
approve that, in order to encourage
and support development at our transit stations and along the transit corridor,
staff be directed to advise the
appropriate Standing Committee(s) and Council how complex it would be to change
current City land disposal polices to create a competitive process for
City-owned lands and air rights at rapid transit stations and along the rapid
transit network that would offer City owned land at nominal costs in exchange
for tangible public benefits (such as long term affordable rental housing) that
equals or exceeds the value of the lands or air rights;
approve that:
in addition to the numerical criteria
recommended in Document 6 that Committee recommend that Council approve the
following additional evaluation lens:
“That all candidate parcels lands
shall be reviewed primarily against the policy directions contained in the
Council approved OP policy directions known as the “Five Big Moves” and the
numeric criteria. That evaluation will demonstrate how the future development
of the lands would advance the policy directions contained therein”.
the Criteria Section of the Staff
report Page 38 Section e. Scoring and selecting land be amended by the
After the sentence “The first
evaluation will likely identify lands that readily complete existing
communities in a logical and efficient manner.” Add the following:
“However, many of the growth
communities outside the greenbelt are largely complete within the current urban
boundary. Where additional expansion lands are recommended, it should be demonstrated,
that development of these new lands can be accommodated by existing and planned
community amenities.
As Agricultural Resource Area lands
will not be considered for inclusion for urban or village expansions, that
staff compile the complete list of all candidate parcels required to satisfy
the 2046 urban expansion land requirements (comprising extensions to existing
communities and other General Rural Area lands to establish a new
community(ies), consistent with Section of the approved Official
Further, that the
complete list of recommend candidate properties be presented to Committee and
Council for approval.”
A series of Motions were then put to Council for consideration,
as set out below.
by Councillor R. Brockington
Seconded by Councillor J. Leiper
BE IT RESOLVED that recommendations 1, 2, 5-8, 9, 11, 12, 14 and 16
be deleted and that a new recommendation 1 be adopted as follows:
approve the No Expansion Scenario as the Residential Growth
Management Strategy for the new Official Plan such that 100 per cent
intensification is achieved during the 2041 to 2046 period, resulting in 64 per
cent of overall residential growth within the built-up area through
intensificatioLOST on a division of 8 YEAS and 13 NAYS, as
YEAS (8):
Councillors R. King, C. McKenney, J. Leiper, C. A. Meehan,
T. Kavanagh, S. Menard, M. Fleury, R. Brockington
NAYS (13):
Councillors T. Tierney, S. Moffatt, M. Luloff, E. El-Chantiry,
G. Darouze, L. Dudas, J. Harder, A. Hubley, J. Sudds, J. Cloutier,
K. Egli, G. Gower, Mayor J. Watson
by Councillor R. Brockington
Seconded by Councillor C. Meehan
WHEREAS the City has declared a Climate Emergency, and has
recognized that Greenhouse Gas reductions require ambitious coordinated global
action; and
WHEREAS intensification is projected to have less impact on the
City’s community greenhouse gas emissions.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council approved the following:
- Using
the staff recommendation, direct staff in Planning, Infrastructure and
Economic Development to model an intensification target from 60% by
2041-2046 to ramp up to an intensification target by 70% by 2041-2046; and
- Replace
the first recommendation of the staff report so that it reads:
a Revised Balanced Scenario as the Residential Growth Management Strategy for
the new Official Plan as described in Document 1 attached, with a revised
intensification that increases to 70 per cent in the 2041 to 2046 period; and”
based on that revised intensification target; and”
- That
staff be directed to revise the intensification targets for each 5-year
period currently detailed on page 4 of the staff report so that there is
an appropriate ramping up to the 70% intensification target; and
- Replace
the second recommendation of the staff report so that it reads:
the inclusion of new urban residential land expansion commensurate with the
increased intensification target of 70%, which is to be selected using the
criteria identified in Document 6 for residential land, and for employment land
on the basis of strategic additions to the urban employment lands base, with
the final amount and location for new urban residential and urban employment
land to be brought forward when the draft Official Plan is tabled in Q4 2020.”
on a division of 9 YEAS and 12 NAYS, as follows:
YEAS (9):
Councillors R. King, C. McKenney, J. Leiper, C. A. Meehan,
T. Kavanagh, S. Menard, K. Egli, M. Fleury, R. Brockington
NAYS (12):
Councillors T. Tierney, S. Moffatt, M. Luloff, E. El-Chantiry,
G. Darouze, L. Dudas, J. Harder, A. Hubley, J. Sudds, J. Cloutier,
G. Gower, Mayor J. Watson
Moved by Councillor S. Menard
Seconded by Councillor J. Leiper
WHEREAS the study on Employment Lands has not been
completed and no report produced to support the recommendation; and
WHEREAS a decision on land budget
was refuted by the OMB in OPA 150 on the basis that an Employment study had not
been completed; and
WHEREAS the policy direction approved in December on this
matter regarding warehousing and distribution facilities in proximity to 400
highway interchanges within the Ottawa city limits concerned Rural Economic
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the recommendation to add
between 69 ha and 369 ha for employment lands to the city's urban area be set
aside until the required studies have been completed, including consultation,
with staff to report back prior to Official Plan approval.
with no Members dissenting.
Moved by Councillor Moffatt
Seconded by Councillor El-Chantiry
WHEREAS the Joint Committee of Planning and Agriculture and Rural
Affairs approved the New Official Plan – Growth Management Strategy
(ACS2020-PIE-EDP-0012) on May 19, 2020; and
WHEREAS recommendation 8 for Council’s approval is to
“approve that Agricultural Resource Area lands are not to be used
for urban infrastructure such as storm ponds, water and wastewater
infrastructure, sports fields or other uses that support the development of new
suburban communities”; and
WHEREAS it is important to ensure that all lands in expansion areas
must manage the growth within the identified parcels and not to bleed over the
REsolved that Council
replace recommendation 8 with
“approve that Agricultural Resource Area and
General Rural lands adjacent to new communities are not to be used for
urban infrastructure such as storm ponds, water and wastewater infrastructure,
sports fields or other uses that support the development of new suburban communities”.
with no Members dissenting.
Moved by Councillor G. Darouze
Seconded by Councillor E. El-Chantiry
WHEREAS the Joint Committee of Planning
and Agriculture and Rural Affairs committee approved the New Official Plan –
Growth Management Strategy (ACS2020-PIE-EDP-0012) on May 19, 2020; and
WHEREAS recommendation 9 for Council’s approval is to:
“approve that, to recognize and protect the importance of mineral
aggregate production (as defined in the Official Plan as ‘Bedrock Resource and
Sand and Gravel Resource Areas’) for Ottawa’s construction and infrastructure
needs that staff be directed not to score, evaluate, consider or rank in any way
residential candidate parcels adjacent to or within 200 metres of Bedrock
Resource and 200 metres of Sand and Gravel Resource Areas as identified on
Schedule A and B of the Official Plan, unless the landowner can provide
evidence by a qualified subject matter expert that the resource will be exhausted
by 2036;” and
WHEREAS upon review of the statement “unless the landowner can provide evidence by a qualified subject
matter expert that the resource will be exhausted by 2036” it has been
determined that it is impractical for staff in
Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development to receive and review reports
that may be provided by a qualified subject matter expert in a timely fashion
during the next phase of the OP evaluation; and
WHEREAS the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry is the authority
that must decide if and when a pit is exhausted;
REsolved that Council remove
that last sentence of the recommendation 9 so that it reads:
“approve that, to
recognize and protect the importance of mineral aggregate production (as defined
in the Official Plan as ‘Bedrock Resource and Sand and Gravel Resource Areas’)
for Ottawa’s construction and infrastructure needs that staff be directed not
to score, evaluate, consider or rank in any way residential candidate parcels
adjacent to or within 200 metres of Bedrock Resource and 200 metres of Sand and
Gravel Resource Areas as identified on Schedule A and B of the Official Plan.”
with no Members dissenting.
by Councillor J. Sudds
Seconded by Councillor C. McKenney
WHEREAS the Joint Committee of Planning and Agriculture and Rural
Affairs committee approved the New Official Plan – Growth Management Strategy
(ACS2020-PIE-EDP-0012) on May 19, 2020; and
WHEREAS recommendation 15 for Council’s approval, is as follows,
reflecting a Motion from Councillor Moffatt approved by the Joint Committee:
approve that, in order to encourage and
support development at our transit stations and along the transit corridor,
staff be directed to advise the appropriate Standing Committee(s) and Council
how complex it would be to change current City land disposal polices to create
a competitive process for City-owned lands and air rights at rapid transit
stations and along the rapid transit network that would offer City owned land
at nominal costs in exchange for tangible public benefits (such as long term
affordable rental housing) that equals or exceeds the value of the lands or air
rights; and
WHEREAS it would be appropriate to clarify that any such public
benefits would be approved and defined by Council;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that recommendation 15 be amended to read
as follows:
approve that, in order to encourage and
support development at our transit stations and along the transit corridor,
staff be directed to advise the appropriate Standing Committee(s) and Council
how complex it would be to change current City land disposal polices to create
a competitive process for City-owned lands and air rights at rapid transit
stations and along the rapid transit network that would offer City owned land
at nominal costs in exchange for Council approved and defined public
benefits (such as long term affordable rental housing) that equals or exceeds
the value of the lands or air rights;
with no Members dissenting.
Moved by Councillor M. Fleury
Seconded by Councillor J. Harder
WHEREAS to achieve the intensification
targets will mean massive changes in communities within the greenbelt;
policies in the Official Plan to:
- Describe the tools
necessary to achieve better design standards including built form and
materials, while respecting community character; and
- Policies to distribute
density and stimulate development broadly within the greenbelt to meet
above intensification targets, such as proactive rezoning and other incentives.
with no Members dissenting.
Moved by Councillor K. Egli
Seconded by Mayor J. Watson
- Staff be directed to use the annual monitoring programme, which
already tracks the office space vacancy rates in the City, and track whether
excess capacity is being repurposed to meet the needs for the growing
residential population; and
- Staff be directed to include policies in the Official Plan that
facilitate conversion of excess office capacity to residential uses; and
- In the eventuality that the conversion of office spaces is
demonstrated to assist the City to exceed its annual intensification
targets with the required range and mix of housing types, and where
intensification targets allow the City to maintain a minimum 15-year
housing supply at all times, that staff include policies in the Official
Plan that contemplate slowing down the intake of new greenfield areas through
Secondary Plans until such time as the land is proved to be needed to meet
the Provincial Policy Statement requirements.
with no Members dissenting.
Moved by Councillor S. Menard
Seconded by Councillor R. King
WHEREAS the report for the New Official Plan – Growth Management
Strategy (ACS2020-PIE-EDP-0012) details the growth strategies that would inform
the new Official Plan and guide development and growth in Ottawa until 2046;
WHEREAS the joint Committees of Planning and
Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommended approval of the Balanced
Scenario which included an urban expansion of residential land to the urban
boundary; and
WHEREAS a Secondary Plan is required for more detailed planning of
new greenfield communities; and
WHEREAS in an effort to ensure transit is
available within a new community as soon as possible; and
WHEREAS a Secondary Plan provides more detailed
information for a GHG emissions assessment;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, Council direct
staff to include policies within the new Official Plan requiring the following
to be addressed within the subject Secondary Plan for a new community prior to
its approval:
- Confirmation that
transit funding to build the Concept Network in the area subject to the
Secondary Plan is secured; and
- A GHG emissions
assessment is completed as part of the Secondary Plan.
with no Members dissenting.
Moved by Councillor S. Menard
Seconded by Councillor C. McKenney
WHEREAS the report
for the New Official Plan – Growth Management Strategy (ACS2020-PIE-EDP-0012)
details the growth strategies that would inform the new Official Plan and guide
development and growth in Ottawa until 2046; and
WHEREAS the joint Committees
of Planning and Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommended
approval of the Balanced Scenario which included an urban expansion of 1281
hectares of residential land to the urban boundary;
WHEREAS in an effort to avoid more costly lands
being added to the urban boundary and leap frogging of Agricultural Resource or
other constraint lands;
WHEREAS an increase in density assigned to
existing greenfield lands to a higher overall dwelling units per hectare to
reflect the trend of a lower percentage of single detached dwellings would
result in a reduced urban boundary expansion;
WHEREAS an increase in density assigned to new
expansion lands to a higher overall dwelling units per hectare to reflect the
trend of fewer single detached dwellings and increasing densities in our
suburban communities would result in a reduced urban expansion;
WHEREAS Report ACS2020-PIE-EDP-0012
indicated a difficulty in quantifying the potential in the resale market which
could satisfy some of the required residential land supply particularly with
regard to ground-oriented dwellings;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, Council direct staff to conduct further analysis on the above
considerations and report back to the Joint Committees
of Planning and Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee when the draft Official
Plan is tabled with an analysis and recommendations on the above considerations
with a view to reducing the corresponding urban residential land requirements
and the size of the urban boundary expansion.
Menard subsequently withdrew the above-noted Motion and introduced the following
Direction to Staff:
That staff conduct further analysis on already existing greenfield
areas, reflecting the already existing trend of fewer single family homes being
built and report back to the Joint Committees of Planning and Agriculture and
Rural Affairs Committee when the draft Official Plan is tabled to advise
Council on the feasibility of reducing the corresponding urban residential land
requirements and the size of the urban boundary expansion.
Watson called for a recorded vote on the above-noted Direction to Staff. The Direction
to Staff was then put to Council and LOST on a division of 5 YEAS and 16 NAYS,
as follows:
YEAS (5):
Councillors R. King, C. McKenney, J. Leiper, T. Kavanagh,
S. Menard
NAYS (16):
Councillors T. Tierney, S. Moffatt, M. Luloff, E. El-Chantiry,
G. Darouze, L. Dudas, J. Harder, A. Hubley, C. A. Meehan, J. Sudds, J.
Cloutier, K. Egli, M. Fleury, R. Brockington, G. Gower,
Mayor J. Watson
Joint Planning Committee and Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee
recommendations, as amended by Motions 34/5, 34/6, 34/7, 34/8, 34/9, 34/10 and
34/11, were then put to Council and CARRIED on a division of 15 YEAS and 6
NAYS, as follows:
YEAS (15):
Councillors T. Tierney, S. Moffatt, M. Luloff, E. El-Chantiry,
G. Darouze, L. Dudas, J. Harder, A. Hubley, C. A. Meehan, J. Sudds, J.
Cloutier, K. Egli, R. Brockington, G. Gower, Mayor J. Watson
NAYS (6):
Councillors R. King, C. McKenney, J. Leiper, T. Kavanagh,
S. Menard, M. Fleury
TO STAFF (Councillor S. Menard):
For staff to provide clear articulation of the timing of
new expansion lands with preconditions for approval of a secondary plan, with
the intent of phasing development so that existing vacant greenfield lands
precede expansion lands.
That Council approve:
1. an amendment to Zoning
By-law 2008-250 for 841, 845, and 855(A) Grenon Avenue to permit a
four-storey apartment building, as detailed in Document 2, as amended by
the following:
a. that Document 2 be
replaced with the following: “The proposed change to the City of Ottawa
Zoning By-law No. 2008-250 for 841, 845, and 855(A) Grenon Avenue: 1. Rezone
the lands as shown in Document 1 from R1O and R3A to R4M”; and
2. that pursuant to the Planning
Act, subsection 34(17), no further notice be given.
with Councillor T. Kavanagh dissenting.
That Council approve:
1. an amendment to Zoning
By-law 2008-250 for 1946 Scott Street to allow for the redesign of a
previously approved nine-storey apartment building, as detailed in Document
2, as amended by the following:
a. that the following changes
be made to 1. b) in Document 2:
i. delete the second
provision (hyphen);
ii. third provision: delete
“or 90 m, whichever is the lesser” and replace “storey below” with “sixth
storey” to read “at and above the ninth storey, the building must be setback
an additional 2 m from the rear wall of the sixth storey”;
iii. fourth provision: delete
“or 84 m, whichever is the lesser” to read “at and above the seventh storey,
a building must be setback a minimum of 400 mm from the front wall of the
principal building”;
iv. fifth provision: delete
“or 90 m, whichever is the lesser” and replace “storey below” with “sixth
storey” to read “at and above the ninth storey, the building must be setback
2 m from the front wall of the sixth storey”;
v. seventh provision:
replace “2.45 m” by “2.3 m” to read “minimum soft landscaped area abutting
the rear lot line: 2.3 m”;
vi. ninth provision: replace
“2.45 m” by “2.3 m” to read “minimum soft landscaped buffer of a parking lot
abutting the rear lot line: 2.3 m”;
vii. twelfth provision: replace
“double traffic lane” by “two-direction controlled single traffic lane” to
read “minimum width of a two-direction controlled single traffic lane
driveway providing access to a parking lot or parking garage: 3 m”;
viii. add the provision:
“minimum width of an aisle providing access to parking spaces in a parking
lot or parking garage: 5.5m.”
2. that pursuant to the Planning
Act, subsection 34(17), no further notice be given.
with no Members dissenting.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for
341 and 343 Tweedsmuir Avenue to permit the reduction of select zoning
performance standards in order to convert an existing pair of three-unit
dwelling into four-unit low-rise apartment dwellings, as detailed in Document
on a division of 12 YEAS and 9 NAYS, as follows:
YEAS (12):
Councillors T. Tierney, S. Moffatt, M. Luloff, E. El-Chantiry,
G. Darouze, J. Harder, A. Hubley, J. Sudds, J. Cloutier,
R. Brockington, G. Gower, Mayor J. Watson
NAYS (9):
Councillors R. King, L. Dudas, C. McKenney, J. Leiper,
C. A. Meehan, T. Kavanagh, S. Menard, K. Egli, M. Fleury
That Council:
1. approve an amendment to
Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 5924 and 5938 Hazeldean Road to permit 76 stacked
townhouses and ten back-to-back townhouses, as detailed in Document 2;
2. direct staff to work with
the applicant to achieve the following ahead of subsequent site plan control
a) the applicant must provide
a letter of intent to secure off-site parking spaces to be made available to
condominium owners for overflow parking on such terms as the applicant may
b) the applicant must obtain
approval of the detailed design for traffic calming on Victor Street;
c) the applicant must provide
transit passes to all its residents for a period of one year; and d) the
applicant must include a clause in all purchase and sale agreements, and a
notice on title, advising purchasers that each unit only comes with 1.0
parking space.
3. approve that pursuant to the Planning
Act, subsection 34(17), no further notice be given.
with no Members dissenting.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for
134 and 136 Willow Street to permit the reduction of select zoning
performance standards in order to convert an existing pair of three-unit
dwellings into four-unit low-rise apartment dwellings, as detailed in Document
with no Members dissenting.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for
866 and 898 Eagleson Road; 1325, 1355 and 1365 Terry Fox Drive to permit
residential land uses and two new park blocks as detailed in Document 2.
with no Members dissenting.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for
1158 Old Second Line Road to permit 47 two storey townhouse dwellings on
private streets, as detailed in Document 2.
with no Members dissenting.
That Council direct staff to bring forward an amendment to the
zoning by-law to reduce the parking requirements where automated technologies
would serve to reduce the number of parking spaces necessary for certain
warehouse and light industrial uses or components thereof.
with no Members dissenting.
by Councillor S. Moffatt
Seconded by Councillor L. Dudas
That the
report from the Integrity Commissioner entitled “Interim
Report to Council on an Inquiry Respecting the Conduct of Councillor Chiarelli”;
Planning Committee and Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Joint Report 3;
and Planning Committee Report 23; be received and adopted as amended.
Moved by Mayor J. Watson
Seconded by Councillor T. Tierney
WHEREAS on March
11, 2020 the World Health Organization assessed COVID-19 as a global pandemic;
WHEREAS the Government of Ontario and the City
of Ottawa have each declared a State of Emergency as a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection
Act, 1990; and
WHEREAS the COVID-19 pandemic presents the greatest
financial challenge that Canadian cities and communities have seen in
generations and many are on the brink of financial crisis as revenues are
plummeting, costs are rising, and municipalities cannot run deficits which puts
them, and the essential services they provide, further at risk; and
WHEREAS the financial impact to the City of Ottawa resulting from
the COVID-19 pandemic is currently estimated at a net loss of $66 million if the
state of emergency continues until June, $123 million if it continues until
September, and $186 if it continues until December (and this excludes financial
impacts to the Ottawa Police Service, Ottawa Public Health, and Ottawa Public
Library); and
WHEREAS on April 22, 2020 the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) formally
requested the federal government provide at least $10 billion in direct
emergency operating funding for Canadian municipalities; and
WHEREAS this request for federal emergency funding
included $7.6 billion in direct allocations (like the federal gas tax fund) for
all local governments, plus $2.4 billion for municipalities with transit
systems, as well as additional funding for municipalities facing extraordinary
challenges, such as those struggling to support vulnerable populations; and
WHEREAS in order to be effective nationwide,
federal funding must be straightforward, direct and flexible, which means a
single transfer that municipalities can use as needed, with no requirement for
provinces to match funds;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Ottawa unequivocally
support the position of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, and join the
Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and
other Canadian municipalities in lobbying the federal government regarding the
urgent need for direct emergency funding for local governments; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Ottawa, in coalition with
the Large Urban Mayors' Caucus of Ontario (LUMCO), advocate with the provincial
government for immediate funding to address public transit revenue losses and
ensure the liquidity of Ontario municipalities, as well as to realign capital
and service delivery responsibilities with sustainable revenue streams,
including new revenue tools for municipalities; and
RESOLVED that City Council request
that the Mayor, on behalf of the City of Ottawa, write a letter to the federal
government formally requesting they meet with Big City Mayors Caucus and the
Large Urban Mayors Caucus of Ontario, in order to determine the best way to
help municipalities fund current operations and maintain appropriate service
levels during the COVID-19 crisis, and allow for service levels to be quickly
re-established during the recovery period.
with no Members dissenting.
Moved by Councillor M. Fleury
Seconded by Councillor C. McKenney
WHEREAS drug use, overdoses and addictions
continue to be a problem in the City of Ottawa, with overdose emergency
department visits that have almost quadrupled and hospitalization rates that
have more than doubled between 2009 and 2019, with Fentanyl and analogues
implicated in almost 73% of opioid related deaths;
WHEREAS, local drug checking data (2019) from
Sandy Hill’s CTS indicates that 96.7% of drugs bought as opioids and 42.2% of
drugs bought as stimulants contain illicit fentanyl, fentanyl analogues or
other synthetic opioids;
WHEREAS drug use, overdoses and addictions
continue to increase costs to governments (for services such as shelters, healthcare,
and emergency services);
WHEREAS addiction issues have also been
destructive to communities and their economic well-being due to rising crime
and violence associated with the drug trade;
WHEREAS Ottawa Inner City Health, as a community
health partner of the City of Ottawa, aims to improve the health and access to
health care for people who are chronically homeless and integrate health care
services so that homeless individuals can receive the same quality of health
care as other Canadians;
WHEREAS since August 2017, Dr. Jeff Turnbull and
Ottawa Inner City Health successfully launched Canada’s first ever Managed
Opioid Program (MOP) in Ottawa providing controlled amounts of pharmaceutical-grade
narcotics (this prescription of narcotics is referred to as providing a “Safe
Supply”), housing, and other supports to 25 individuals, with positive impacts
and successes for individuals including stabilizing lives and decreasing crises
and decreasing petty crime in communities;
WHEREAS previous overdose rates of participants
in the pilot project averaged three times a week, and other people who use
drugs are pleading to be accepted into the program as a life-saving measure;
WHEREAS CTV Ottawa’s “In-Depth: “‘A City in
Crisis’ Part 3”’ on April 3rd 2019 by Catherine Lathem, covered the positive
impacts and individual successes of this small scale pilot project and it’s
positive impacts on stabilizing the lives of those with addictions in Ottawa;
WHEREAS the COVID-19 pandemic has further
demonstrated the lack of supports for our City’s most vulnerable and has also
highlighted the vulnerabilities in communities where petty crimes and
panhandling are main sources of income to fuel addictions which are
increasingly impacting small businesses and residents;
WHEREAS offering a Safe Supply of drugs to users
will save lives and reduce the community impacts of addictions;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the City of Ottawa take
action to expand the Safe Supply of drugs to the population in Ottawa that
meets the criteria for those most in need, by asking the Mayor to write to the
Provincial and Federal ministers of health asking them to implement and fund
the expansion of Safe Supply in Ottawa to provide immediate supports to people
who use drugs and decrease burdens on communities experiencing the impacts of
on a division of 18 YEAS and 3 NAYS, as follows:
YEAS (18):
Councillors T. Tierney, S. Moffatt, M. Luloff, R. King, L. Dudas,
J. Harder, C. McKenney, J. Leiper, C. A. Meehan, J. Sudds,
T. Kavanagh, J. Cloutier, S. Menard, K. Egli, M. Fleury,
R. Brockington, G. Gower, Mayor J. Watson
NAYS (3):
Councillors E. El-Chantiry, G. Darouze, A. Hubley
by Councillor J Leiper
Seconded by Councillor R.
WHEREAS the Owner of the lands at 1960 Scott Street was party to
Section 37 Agreements with the City of Ottawa registered as Instrument No.
OC1882453 and OC2141507 on April 21, 2017 and September 11, 2019 respectively;
WHEREAS such Agreements, in part, directed $270,000 that has been
provided by the Owner, to a Ward 15 specific fund for affordable housing; and
WHEREAS the specific funds for affordable housing have not been budgeted
or allocated towards any projects at this time; and
WHEREAS it is at the request and direction of the Ward Councillor to
have $50,000 of the above funds redirected towards a budget for a future sidewalk
project on Elmgrove Avenue; and
WHEREAS there is a reasonable planning relationship between the
proposed development subject to the intent of the Section 37 Agreement and the
community benefit of a sidewalk on Elmgrove Avenue;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council approve the redistribution of
the existing funds in the following manner:
a) $50,000 be directed from the existing Ward 15
specific fund for affordable housing towards the Elmgrove Avenue sidewalk
with no Members dissenting.
by Mayor J. Watson
Seconded by Councillor T. Tierney
BE IT RESOLVED that Council suspend the
Rules of Procedure to permit the introduction of the following motion, in order
to respond in a timely manner to support the local economy as a result of
restrictions imposed to address the COVID-19 pandemic:
WHEREAS the COVID-19 pandemic continues to
evolve and is causing significant economic effects across the world and locally
in Ottawa; and
WHEREAS on March 17, 2020, an emergency
related to the COVID-19 outbreak was declared in the whole of the Province of
Ontario, pursuant to Section 7.0.1 of the Emergency Management and Civil
Protection Act, as set out in Order in Council 518/2020; and
WHEREAS as part of the emergency declaration,
restaurants and retail stores have been significantly limited in their
operations, which has resulted in substantial local economic impacts; and
WHEREAS due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation
and the anticipated capacity restrictions from the Province of Ontario and
associated recommendations from Ottawa Public Health that physical distancing
be practiced in order to decrease transmission, which will limit the capacities
of tourism operations, restaurants and their outdoor right of way patios
compared to previous years; and
WHEREAS tour bus operators will want to
establish their tourist information kiosks and restaurant owners will want to
establish outdoor right of way patios as soon as possible and may wish to
expand or establish new patios or café seating to accommodate physical distancing;
WHEREAS the City of Ottawa requires permits
for tourist information kiosks, in accordance with the provisions of the
Encroachments on City Highways By-law No. 2003-446; and
WHEREAS the City of Ottawa requires permits
for outdoor right of way patios and café seating, in accordance with the
provisions of the Right of Way Patio By-law No. 2017-92, which includes
ensuring a minimum two-metre pedestrian clearway, and compliance with the
requirements of the Accessibility Design Standards; and
WHEREAS Section 7(1) of the Right of Way Patio
By-law No. 2017-92 requires public notification requirements for new right of
way patio permit applications; and
WHEREAS the Right of Way Patio By-law No.
2017-92 limits café seating at 8 seats (4 tables, 2 seats); and
WHEREAS for tourist information kiosks, right
of way patios and café seating, the City of Ottawa charges a permit processing
fee and fees based on the size of the tourist information kiosk and right of
way patio, and the number of seats for café seating; and
WHEREAS local businesses and the Economic
Partners Task Force have advocated for less regulation and lower fees to help
small businesses as part of the recovery efforts; and
WHEREAS the City of Ottawa can support the local
economy by providing a one-time waiver of the tourist information kiosk, right
of way patio and café permit fees, and waiving the limit on the number of
tables and chairs for café seating;
BE IT RESOLVED that Council approve the
i) Waive the daily rate for right of way patios and Tourist Kiosks, and
the annual permit fee for Café seating permits for 2020; however, continue to
collect the permit application fee of $62 to ensure that permits are acquired;
ii) Fund the $282,000 shortfall in budgeted revenue from unfilled vacancies
in Planning, Infrastructure, and Economic Development (PIED);
iii) Amend the Right of Way Patio By-law such that for 2020 only, an
applicant to the Café seating program may request an unlimited amount of Café
seating permits (to expand beyond the 4 table, 8 seat cap) where space exists,
at the discretion of the General Manager, PIED;
iv) Amend the Right of Way Patio By-law, for 2020 only, such that new
applications within 90m of residential properties that require public
consultation will pay a fee of $340 (modelled on the first time patio permit
fee, rather than the current $567) and that staff be directed to develop a
business process such that public consultation be completed within 10 business
days of the receipt of the patio application, with the delegation of authority
of this business process to be given to the General Manager, PIED; and
v) Direct staff to review opportunities for patios and retail
operations on private property to expand into abutting parking lots or other
private property for 2020 only, or in the right of way, where possible, and
bring forward ways and means to achieve this to Transportation Committee on
June 3rd.
on a division of 21 YEAS and 0 NAYS, as follows:
YEAS (21):
Councillors T. Tierney, S. Moffatt, M. Luloff, E. El-Chantiry,
G. Darouze, R. King, L. Dudas, J. Harder, C. McKenney, J. Leiper,
A. Hubley C. A. Meehan, J. Sudds, T. Kavanagh, J. Cloutier,
S. Menard, K. Egli, M. Fleury, R. Brockington, G. Gower,
Mayor J. Watson
NAYS (0):
NO 34/18
Moved by Councillor R. Brockington
Seconded by Mayor J. Watson
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to consider the following
motion in order that staff can take action as soon as possible to address the
risk to vulnerable road users.
WHEREAS on December 11, 2019 Council approved the 2020-2024
Strategic Road Safety Action Plan, a comprehensive and proactive strategy for making
Ottawa’s roads safe for all users, which included the theme “Think Safety, Act
Safely”; and
WHEREAS implementing Mobility Safety initiatives to enhance the
safety of vulnerable road users has been identified as an action under the
2020-2022 Term of Council Priorities; and
WHEREAS, as a result of changing behaviour patterns as a result of
COVID-19, daytime pedestrian and cycling activity on City streets has increased,
at the same time as an increased use of delivery services; and
WHEREAS the Ottawa Police Service has commenced an operation
targeting speeding on our arterial road network; and
WHEREAS there is now an opportunity for staff to implement targeted
initiatives, in accordance with the Strategic Road Safety Action Plan, to
enhance the safety of vulnerable road users during the COVID-19 pandemic;
BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct staff in Transportation Services (Safer
Roads Ottawa), in consultation with Public Information and Media Relations, to
develop a public awareness campaign/announcement related to road safety within
residential communities, including targeted outreach to delivery companies to
remind them of the need to obey speed limits, particularly within residential
communities; and
IT FURTHER RESOLVED that staff explore additional targeted initiatives to
protect vulnerable road users during this time, in keeping with the goals of
the Council-approved Road Safety Action Plan.
with no Members dissenting.
Moved by Councillor G. Darouze
Seconded by Councillor M. Luloff
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to consider the following
motion, as this is the last City Council meeting scheduled prior to the current
expiry date for the provincial State of Emergency.
WHEREAS the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to
evolve, causing significant effects across the world and in the City of Ottawa,
including restricting the ability for Council and Standing Committees to meet
in person while maintaining appropriate physical distancing; and
WHEREAS on March 17, 2020, an emergency related to the COVID-19
outbreak was declared in the whole of the Province of Ontario, pursuant to Section
7.0.1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, as set out
in Order in Council 518/2020;
WHEREAS on March 19, 2020, Bill 187, the Municipal Emergency
Act, 2020, received Royal Assent and amended the Municipal Act, 2001
such that, during any period where an emergency has been declared to exist in
all or part of the municipality under Section 4 or 7.0.1 of the Emergency Management
and Civil Protection Act, a municipality’s Procedure By-law may provide
A Member of
Council, of a local board or of a committee of either of them “who is
participating electronically in a meeting may be counted in determining whether
or not a quorum of members is present at any point in time” [the new Subsection
238(3.3)(a) of the Municipal Act, 2001], and
A Member of Council, of a local
board or of a committee of either of them “can participate electronically in a
meeting that is closed to the public” [the new Subsection 238(3.3)(b) of the Municipal
Act, 2001]; and
WHEREAS at its Special Meetings of meetings of March 25, 2020, and
April 22, 2020 respectively, City Council approved Motions 30/1 and 32/6 to
amend the Procedure By-law 2019-8 to allow Members of Council to
participate electronically in all meetings of City Council and Committees while
the emergency declaration set out in Order in Council 518/2020 remains in
effect (new Subsections 1(5)(6)(7) and (8) to the Procedure By-law); and
WHEREAS the Provincial State of Emergency under Order in Council
518/2020 was most recently extended on May 12, 2020 by the Ontario
Legislature, to June 2, 2020; and
WHEREAS it has not yet been determined whether the Provincial
State of Emergency will be further extended, or whether the Province will put
forward further amendments to the Municipal Act, 2001 to allow municipal
Councils to continue to meet remotely, without restriction, when the
municipality is not under a State of Emergency under Section 4 or 7.0.1 of the Emergency
Management and Civil Protection Act; and
WHEREAS, outside a State of Emergency, the Municipal Act, 2001 provides
that a municipality’s Procedure By-law “may provide that a member of council,
of a local board or of a committee of either of them, can participate
electronically in a meeting which is open to the public to the extent and in
the manner set out in the by-law provided that any such member shall not be
counted in determining whether or not a quorum of members is present at any
point in time”; and
WHEREAS the Office of the City Clerk can continue to support
remote meetings of Council and Standing Committees and is reviewing the
logistical, legal/security and procedural feasibility on resuming any manner of
in-person participation in Council and Committee meetings while there is still
a requirement to maintain appropriate physical distancing as recommended by
Ottawa Public Health; and
it is important that Council and Committees be able to continue to meet as
scheduled in order to advance the City’s legislative agenda and respond in a
timely manner to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Subsection 1(5) of the Procedure By-law be amended to allow
continued remote participation in Council and Committee meetings beyond the
Emergency Period by replacing:
the emergency declaration set out in Order in Council 518/2020 remains in effect
(the “Emergency Period”), pursuant to subsections 238(3.1) to 238(3.3) of the Municipal
Act, 2001”
such remote participation is permitted under the Municipal Act, 2001, as
amended, or other provincial statute”; and
IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, in order to respond to evolving
circumstances, Council suspend the notice requirements set out in Subsection
99(3) of the Procedure By-law such that these provisions may be amended or
revisited by a majority of Council at a future meeting until
August 31, 2020; and
IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City Clerk be directed to review the matter of
continued remote participation in Council and Committee meetings as part of the
Mid-Term Governance Review; and
IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be directed to explore alternative
forms of remote participation for City Council meetings (such as Zoom, Skype or
Microsoft Teams).
with no Members dissenting.
Moved by Councillor S. Moffatt
Seconded by Councillor E. El-Chantiry
That the Rules of
Procedure be suspended to consider the following motion in order to meet the
May 31, 2020 deadline as extended by the General Manager of Planning,
Infrastructure and Economic Development.
WHEREAS on June 14, 2017 City Council approved report ACS2017-PIE-PS-0077
for an adjusted Development Charge rate for 1229 Dwyer Hill Road; and
WHEREAS the report required the receipt of building permits prior to
December 31, 2017, as well as delegated authority for extension of this time
period to the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic
Development; and
WHEREAS through his delegated authority the General Manager has
extended the expiry date to May 31, 2020; and
WHEREAS the developer is close to rectifying all issues, but has not
yet been able to finalize building permits; and
WHEREAS the developer has indicated a willingness to pay the full
amount of the June 14, 2017 approved Development Charge amount in advance of
the building permits being issued for the City to hold in trust;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council approve that advance payment
of Development Charges for 1229 Dwyer Hill Road in the amount of $203,180.50
prior to May 31, 2020 be considered as satisfying the requirements set out in
the report.
with no Members dissenting.
by Councillor T. Kavanagh
Seconded by Councillor G. Darouze
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to
permit the introduction of the following motion, in order to provide timely
support to this initiative, given the short growing season and need for
planting to happen in the next few weeks.
WHEREAS COVID-19 has led to significant increased food and income
insecurity in Ottawa;
WHEREAS the demand for community food production has also increased
in Ottawa to address these issues;
WHEREAS Ottawa City Council and Ottawa Public Health have recognized
the need for community food production and publicly supported the opening of
community gardens across Ontario and within Ottawa;
WHEREAS the City of Ottawa already funds and partners with Just Food
on their Community Gardening Network and Community Garden Development Fund to
enhance the capacity of community food production in Ottawa;
WHEREAS demand by households in Ottawa for assistance to garden has
surpassed the capacity of Just Food staff and volunteers to meet in a timely
fashion, given the short growing season and need for planting to happen in the
next few weeks;
WHEREAS Just Food has confirmed the purchase of $5,000 worth of
seeds for distribution to Ottawa families with the goal of serving a minimum of
3000 families;
WHEREAS Just Food has sourced confirmed supplies for this project
with partners including Greely Sand and Gravel, who has committed a $25,000
donation of soil;
WHEREAS the City through its Human Needs Task Force has funded
Volunteer Ottawa to recruit, train and place volunteers during the pandemic;
WHEREAS accessing seed and soil is a barrier for many low-income
families in Ottawa and the City of Ottawa wishes to support strategies that mitigate
the pressure on the emergency food distribution channels in Ottawa, and build
food security and community resiliency long-term;
WHEREAS Ottawa’s food security partners have established community and
social networks to outreach to low income families struggling with food
WHEREAS the Ottawa Food Policy Council is supportive of the City of
Ottawa providing COVID19 emergency support for household food production in
addition to opening community gardens, particularly for families with longer-term
and new income security.
WHEREAS similar strategies have been used successfully in
municipalities across Canada including Brampton Ontario and Victoria, British
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Human Needs Task Force work with Just
Food to identify solutions for funding the required purchase of soil, soil bags
and seed envelopes and identify immediate human resource/volunteer solutions
required to support the communications with families, delivery to families,
packaging of seed and soil, and coordinating locations across Ottawa for
pick-up for those families who can.
with no Members dissenting.
by Mayor J. Watson
Seconded by Councillor L. Dudas
WHEREAS Council on December 12, 2018, appointed
Councillor Riley Brockington as the City of Ottawa’s representative to the
Association of Municipalities (AMO) for the 2018-2022 Term of Council; and
WHEREAS the AMO virtual Annual Conference and
Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place from August 17-19, 2020, during
which elections for AMO’s Board of Directors will be held; and
WHEREAS Councillor Riley Brockington has
expressed his continued interest in remaining Council’s representative on AMO
for the current term of Council is prepared to stand for re-election to the
Board as a Director as a Director in the Regional and Single Tier Caucus; and
WHEREAS a formal Council Resolution of support
is required to be submitted to AMO by June 22, 2020, in order for Councillor Brockington
to stand for this office; and
WHEREAS AMO provides partial reimbursement of
Directors’ travel expenses in accordance with their Board/Executive/Volunteer
Expense Reimbursement Policy, and the City of Ottawa would be expected to assume
all costs of the Member’s participation over and above those reimbursed by AMO;
Councillor Riley Brockington to stand for election to the AMO Board of
Directors as Director, Regional and Single Tier Caucus.
by Councillor S. Moffatt
Seconded by Councillor L. Dudas
That the
by-laws listed on the Agenda under Motion to Introduce By-laws, Three Readings,
be read and passed.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate certain lands at cour
Stanhope Court on Plan 4M-1655, as being exempt from Part Lot Control.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change
the zoning of the lands known municipally as 1158
Old Second Line Road.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change
the zoning of the lands known municipally as 341 and 343 Tweedsmuir Avenue.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change
the zoning of the lands known municipally as 841, 845 and 855A Grenon Avenue.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change
the zoning of the lands known municipally as 866 and 898 Eagleson Road and
1325, 1355 and 1365 Terry Fox Drive.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change
the zoning of the lands known municipally as 134 and 136 Willow Street.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change
the zoning of the lands known municipally as 1964 Scott Street.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change
the zoning of the lands known municipally as 5924
and 5938 Hazeldean Road
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate
certain lands at rue Grackle Street and rue Rallidale Street on Plan
4M-1653, as being exempt from Part Lot Control.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-499 respecting
fire routes.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa amending By-law
No. 50 of 2000 respecting the procurement of goods, services and construction
for the City of Ottawa.
by Councillor S. Moffatt
Seconded by Councillor L. Dudas
the following by-law be read and passed:
To confirm the proceedings of the Council meeting of May 27, 2020.
J. Leiper
At its meeting on May 27, Council approved a
re-zoning to permit a fourth unit in a triplex already built at 341 and 343
In this and similar re-zonings when a building
permit has already been granted prior to the re-zoning, are development
charges paid on the newly-approved unit? What is the mechanism in place for
ensuring that the required fees are paid in these instances throughout the
Council adjourned
the meeting at 5:16 pm.