Wednesday, June 24 2020
10:00 am
By Electronic Participation
This Meeting was held through
electronic participation in accordance with Section 238 of the Municipal Act,
2001 as amended by Bill 187, the Municipal Emergency Act, 2020.
The Council of
the City of Ottawa met on Wednesday, June 24, 2020 beginning at 10:00 AM. The
Mayor, Jim Watson, presided over the Zoom Webinar meeting from Andrew S. Haydon Hall, with the remaining Members participating
remotely by Zoom Webinar.
Mayor Watson led
Council in a moment of reflection.
Members were present with the exception of Councillor D. Deans and R. Chiarelli.
No Declarations
of Interest were filed.
Petition received containing the signatures of 694
people requesting that Ottawa City Council not approve the re-zoning plan
detailed in Item 9 of the Council Agenda - Zoning By-law Amendment – 3484 and
3490 Innes Road.
by Councillor L. Dudas
Seconded by Councillor E. El-Chantiry
That the report from Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc. entitled
“Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc. – 2019 Annual Report”;
the report from the Ottawa Board of Health entitled “Ottawa
Public Health 2019 Annual Report”; Built Heritage Sub-Committee Report 13; Standing
Committee on Environmental Protection, Water and Waste Management Report 9; Planning
Committee Report 25; Transit Commission Report 5; and
the report from the City Clerk entitled “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to
the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting
of June 10, 2020”; be
received and considered.
Council received
an update from Doctor Vera Etches, Medical Officer of Health, with respect to
COVID-19. A copy of the presentation is on file with the City Clerk’s Office.
Council received
a verbal update with respect to the City’s finances from Steve Kanellakos, City
Manager, and Wendy Stephanson, Chief Financial Officer. A copy of the staff
presentation is on file with the City Clerk’s Office.
1. Receive
the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements of Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc.
for the year ended December 31, 2019 as set out in the Annual Report at
Document 1;
2. Appoint
KPMG LLP as the auditor for Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc. for the year ending
December 31, 2020;
3. Approve
the recommendation of the Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors of
Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc., specifically,
a. that
Council appoint the persons identified at Document 2 (immediately follows the
report) to serve as a members of the Board of Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc. for
the corresponding terms as specified; and
b. request
that the Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc. Board of Directors elect Jim Durrell, C.M.
as Chair of the Boards of Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc. and Hydro Ottawa Limited;
4. Approve
the recommendation of the Board of Directors of Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc.
(HOHI), specifically, that the City of Ottawa, as shareholder, authorize HOHI
to make loans and advances to one of its joint venture entities, Zibi
Community Utility, and/or to guarantee its debts; and
5. Authorize
the Mayor and the City Clerk and Solicitor to sign a written resolution on behalf
of the City of Ottawa as shareholder of Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc. setting out
the resolutions approved by the City Council.
Jim Durrell, Chair of the Board of
Directors of Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc. and Bryce Conrad, President and CEO of
Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc, provided an overview of the Annual Report. A copy of
their presentation is held on file with the City Clerk.
The Report Recommendations were then put to Council and CARRIED
on a division of 21 YEAS and 0 NAYS, as follows:
YEAS (21):
Councillors C. A. Meehan, J. Cloutier, J. Sudds,
T. Tierney, S. Moffatt, E. El-Chantiry, J. Harder, K. Egli, R. King, M.
Luloff, G. Darouze, L. Dudas, C. McKenney, T. Kavanagh, M. Fleury, S. Menard,
R. Brockington,
A. Hubley, G. Gower, J. Leiper, Mayor J. Watson
NAYS (0):
That City Council receive Ottawa Public Health’s 2019 Annual
Report, for information of its members, in accordance with the City of
Ottawa Act, 1999.
That Council receive the report for information.
That Council:
1. Remove reference to the
properties listed in Document 1 from the Heritage Register;
Add reference to the following properties to the Heritage Register:
333 Friel Street;
77 Goulburn Avenue;
105 Queen Charlotte Street;
38 Range Road.
That Council receive the report on the Climate Projections for the
National Capital Region as summarized in this report and attached as Document
That Council:
1. Direct staff to amend the
new Tree Protection By-law to come into force and take effect on January 1,
2021 and to reduce the size of a Distinctive Tree from 50 centimeters to 30
centimeters in diameter at breast height in the new by-law; and,
Direct the General Managers of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic
Development (PIED) and Public Works and Environmental Services (PWES) to hire
up to four temporary resources (three in PWES; one in PIED) required to
implement the accelerated Distinctive Tree provisions outlined above using
vacant positions, until such time as permanent resources can be established
in a future budget using increased permit fee revenues and increased development
fee revenues to result in a net zero budget impact.
That Council refuse an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for 3484 and 3490 Innes Road to permit multiple mid- to high-rise
apartment buildings of nine, 12 and 16 storeys, as detailed in Documents 5
and 6.
with Councillors M. Fleury, R. King, J. Leiper, and C. McKenney dissenting.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for part of 3285 Borrisokane Road to permit 45 rear lane townhouses,
eight detached dwellings and to modify the minimum lot area and minimum rear
yard setback for one lot, as detailed in Document 2.
on a division of 12 YEAS and 8 NAYS, as follows:
YEAS (12):
Councillors J. Cloutier, J. Sudds, T. Tierney, E. El-Chantiry,
J. Harder, K. Egli, M. Luloff, G. Darouze, L. Dudas, A. Hubley,
G. Gower, Mayor J. Watson
NAYS (8):
Councillors C. A. Meehan, R. King, C. McKenney, T. Kavanagh,
M. Fleury, S. Menard, R. Brockington, J. Leiper
That Council:
1. not proceed with the
issuance of a Notice of Intention to Designate 860 Colonel By Drive under
Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act; and
2. approve that staff in
Heritage Planning explore options for enhanced heritage protection for the areas
covered by the Heritage Overlay on both Colonel By Drive and Queen Elizabeth
Driveway, and that the timing of this work be listed as part of the Planning
Infrastructure and Economic Development Departmental 2021 workplan report
which is to be considered by BHSC in Q1 2021.
CARRIED with Councillor S. Menard dissenting.
1. Authorize
the closing of capital projects listed in Document 1;
2. Approve
the budget adjustments as detailed in Document 2;
3. Permit
those projects in Document 3 that qualify for closure, to remain open; and
4. Approve
the return to source or (funding draw) for the following funding balances and
eliminate debt authority resulting from the closing of projects and budget
a) Transit
Capital Supported Reserve: $6,438,668;
b) Provincial
Gas Tax Reserve: $2,078
c) Development
Charge Reserve: $1,510,426
d) Debt
Authority: $123,719.
That Council approve the Summaries of Oral and Written Public
Submissions for items considered at the City Council Meeting of June 10, 2020
that are subject to the ‘Explanation Requirements’ being the Planning Act,
subsections 17(23.1), 22(6.7), 34(10.10) and 34(18.1), as applicable, as described
in this report and attached as Documents 1 and 2.
by Councillor L. Dudas
Seconded by Councillor E. El-Chantiry
That the
report from Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc. entitled “Hydro
Ottawa Holding Inc. – 2019 Annual Report”; the report from the Ottawa Board of Health entitled “Ottawa Public
Health 2019 Annual Report”; Built Heritage Sub-Committee Report 13; Standing
Committee on Environmental Protection, Water and Waste Management Report 9; Planning
Committee Report 25; Transit Commission Report 5; and
the report from the City Clerk entitled “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to
the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting
of June 10, 2020”; be
received and adopted as amended.
Moved by Councillor R. Brockington
Seconded by Mayor J. Watson
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to
consider the following motion prior to the end of the 2019-2020 school year.
WHEREAS, the World Health Organization (WHO)
declared the COVID-19 outbreak a public health emergency of international
concern on January 30, 2020; and
WHEREAS, the Province of Ontario declared a
State of Emergency on March 17, 2020, closing all public spaces, including
schools; and
WHEREAS, the closure of schools since March 17,
2020 has caused a state of flux in the education system, for all involved,
including students, parents, school administration, teachers and support staff;
WHEREAS, school officials and the professional
teaching and support staff rose to the occasion, pivoted to on-line teaching,
distributed resources to thousands of households and did their best to ensure
learning continued during the pandemic; and
WHEREAS, the efforts of teachers, other school
board staff and parents have been highly commendable and shall be acknowledged
and praised;
THEREFORE BE IS RESOLVED that, on this final
week of the 2019-2020 school year, Ottawa City Council extend its strong appreciation
and gratitude to all educators and school staff who did everything they could
to provide a sense of stability, comfort and care to their students, during this
unforgettable school year; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor share this
resolution with the Directors of Education for Ottawa’s four publicly funded
school boards (Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario, Conseil
scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien, Ottawa-Carleton District
School Board and Ottawa Catholic School Board).
by Councillor J. Leiper
Seconded by Councillor J. Harder
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to consider
the following motion in order to permit execution of an Agreement between the
City and Applicant without further delay;
27, 2019 (Report ACS2019-CCS-PLC-0009) Planning Committee recommended Council approve demolition control
for the existing building on 379 Wilmont Avenue;
AND WHEREAS on July 10, 2019 Council approved the requested demolition
control subject to conditions including the requirement for the Owner to execute
an agreement with the City within six months of the approval date;
AND WHEREAS the agreement was not executed within the required
period as a result of delay and as a result the initial approval has expired;
AND WHEREAS staff support a minor extension to permit execution of
the required agreement by both parties;
RESOLVED that Council extend the demolition control
approval for the existing building on the property at 379 Wilmont Avenue
subject the following conditions:
that until the time
of the construction of the first replacement building, the registered Owner
shall landscape the property to the satisfaction of the General Manager of
Planning Infrastructure and Economic Development; the registered Owner shall
prohibit the use of the property for other interim uses and maintain the
property in accordance with the Property Standards By-law;
the landscaping of
the property shall be finalized in collaboration with City staff;
the Owner shall pay
one hundred percent securities to the City for the value of landscaping the
property, with the securities to be released once these works are completed;
the Owner agrees that
to the discretion of the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic
Development Department, a replacement building must be substantially completed
within five years from the date of this approval and in default thereof, the City
Clerk shall enter on the collector’s roll the sum of $5,000 for the residential
dwelling to be demolished;
the registered Owner
shall enter into an Agreement with the City of Ottawa to include the foregoing
conditions and pay all costs associated with the registration of said
Agreement; at such time as a building permit is issued to redevelop the site
and the replacement building is in place, the Agreement will become null and
void and will be released upon request of the Owner; the Owner shall pay all
costs associated with the release of the agreement;
the Owner agrees that a demolition permit
will not be issued and the building cannot be demolished until such time that
the agreement referenced herein has been executed and registered on title;
this approval is
considered null and void if the Agreement is not executed within three months
of Council’s approval.
Moved by Councillor T. Tierney
Seconded by Mayor J. Watson
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to consider the
following motion, to allow for the pilot project to commence on July 13, 2020.
WHERAS in 2016, Council directed staff to undertake a pilot
project of speed cameras in school zones; and
WHEREAS in 2019, Community Safety Zones were established near
schools at eight sites for the purposes of piloting speed cameras in school
areas; and
WHEREAS the speed camera pilot was originally scheduled to start in
March 2020 and run through the end of the 2019-2020 school year, but was put on
hold as school was not in session due to COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, as a result of changing behavior patterns as a result of
COVID-19, daytime pedestrian and cycling activity on City streets has increased
and speeding has increased in the vicinity of the speed camera sites; and
WHEREAS the Ottawa Police Service has commenced an operation targeting
speeding on our arterial road network; and
WHEREAS on December 11, 2019, Council approved the 2020-2024
Strategic Road Safety Action Plan, a comprehensive and proactive strategy for
making Ottawa’s roads safe for all users; and
WHEREAS implementing initiatives to enhance the safety of
vulnerable road users has been identified as an action under the 2020-2022 Term
of Council Priorities; and
WHEREAS there is now an opportunity for staff to implement
targeted initiatives, in accordance with the Strategic Road Safety Action Plan,
to enhance the safety of vulnerable road users;
BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct staff in Transportation Services to initiate
the speed camera pilot project as of July 13, 2020, to address an increase in
speeding observed at these locations.
Moved by Councillor M. Luloff
Seconded by Councillor J. Sudds
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to
consider the following motion, in order to permit the Integrity Commissioner to
report to Council in advance of the summer legislative break:
WHEREAS, at its meeting of May 27, 2020, Council
received the second of two, interim reports from the Integrity Commissioner on
an inquiry respecting the conduct of Councillor Chiarelli; and
WHEREAS in his May 27, 2020 interim report to Council, the
Integrity Commissioner committed to report to City Council as soon as
practicable; and
WHEREAS Section 13 of the Complaint Protocol of the Code of
Conduct for Members of Council (Appendix A of By-law 2018-400) provides that,
upon receipt of a report from the Integrity Commissioner, the Clerk shall
indicate, on the next regular agenda of City Council, notice of intent to
submit a report for consideration at the following regular meeting of City
Council; and
WHEREAS Subsection 29(6)(b) of the Procedure By-law (By-law
2019-8) provides that notice of a report from the Integrity Commissioner shall
be given at the meeting of Council prior to the meeting where the report is to
be considered by Council and shall be released with the Agenda five calendar
days in advance of the Council meeting at which it is to be considered;
WHEREAS the Integrity Commissioner did not file his report(s) with
the City Clerk in order to place the required advance notice on the City
Council Agenda of June 24, 2020, but he expects to be in a position to file his
report(s) in advance of the City Council meeting of July 15, 2020; and
WHEREAS, due to the annual summer legislative
break, the next City Council meeting after July 15, 2020 is not until August
26, 2020;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council suspend
the notice requirements in Section 13 of the Complaint Protocol and Subsection
29(6)(b) of the Procedure By-law to permit the Integrity Commissioner, should
he be in a position to do so, to submit his report(s) to Council in relation to
the inquiry respecting the conduct of Councillor Chiarelli for consideration at
the City Council meeting of July 15, 2020, including releasing the report(s)
with the Agenda five calendar days in advance of the Council meeting.
Moved by Councillor J. Leiper
Seconded by Councillor J. Harder
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to consider the following
Motion, in order that the property owner may address these issues as soon as
WHEREAS the building on the parcel of land known as 266 Iona Street
is considered to be in a state of disrepair due to a fire in 2019; and
WHEREAS the site is being considered by the Committee of Adjustment
on July 22nd for a minor variance application to construct a two-storey
single detached dwelling; and
WHEREAS the applicant is required for insurance purposes to demolish
the remaining structure to satisfy the insurer’s requirements;
WHEREAS given the unusable condition of the building and the timelines
associated with the insurance for the proposed development; and
WHEREAS a replacement building is expected to commence in a
reasonable amount of time.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council approve demolition control for
the existing building on the property subject to the following conditions;
- The landscaping of the property shall
be finalized in accordance with conditions established by the General
Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development;
- The registered Owner shall enter into
an Agreement with the City of Ottawa to include the foregoing conditions
and pay all costs associated with the registration of said
Agreement. At such time as a building permit is issued to redevelop
the site and the replacement building is in place, the Agreement will become
null and void and will be released upon request of the Owner. The
Owner shall pay all costs associated with the release of the Agreement;
- The registered Owner agrees that a
demolition permit will not be issued and the building cannot be demolished
until such time that the Agreement referenced herein has been executed and
registered on title;
- This approval is considered null and
void if the Agreement is not executed within two months of Council’s
by Councillor J. Harder
Seconded by Councillor A. Hubley
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to consider the following
motion in order to expedite installation of the park sign.
WHEREAS on July 24, 2002, City Council approved, as amended, the
Commemorative Naming Policy; and
in keeping with its powers set out in the Municipal
Act, 2001, Council may assign a commemorative name by resolution,
notwithstanding the provisions included in the Commemorative Naming Policy; and
WHEREAS in recognition of extensive community service to the
citizens of Ottawa, the City has been asked to name unnamed parkland, in Ward 3
(Barrhaven), the “Tom Schonberg Park”; and
WHEREAS Tom Schonberg, past President and CEO of the Queensway
Carleton Hospital, was committed to development, modernization and innovation
within the healthcare field; and
WHEREAS he was a driving force behind multiple projects at the
Queensway Carleton Hospital; including the increase of diagnostics services,
opening of a state-of-the-art birthing centre, development of the Acute Care
for the Elderly (ACE) unit and various expansions within the Emergency
Department; and
WHEREAS the City of Ottawa’s Commemorative Naming Committee met on
February 26, 2020 to review the application and subsequently gave endorsement of
the proposed name; and
WHEREAS in accordance with the Commemorative Naming Policy, a 30-day
public consultation was then held on the proposed name and the Recreation,
Cultural and Facility Services Department received 36 comments in support of
the application and 0 comments in opposition; and
WHEREAS the name Tom Schonberg has been vetted through Emergency Services
and does not pose any concerns with respect to name duplication;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the unnamed parkland, located at 1 Cedarhill
Drive be named the “Tom Schonberg Park”.
by Councillor M. Fleury
Seconded by Mayor J. Watson
as the regulator for private cannabis retail in Ontario, the Alcohol and Gaming
Commission of Ontario (AGCO) has the authority to license, regulate and enforce
the sale of recreational cannabis in privately run stores in Ontario; and
on December 13th, 2018, Council agreed to "opt-in" to the Provincial direction
to allow Cannabis Retail to occur in the City of Ottawa, subject to a process
whereby staff review the locations under consideration and provide comments
back to AGCO on "key Principle" matters Council considers to be in
the public interest; and
Council considers a matter of public interest to include a 150 metre distance
separation from other Licensed Cannabis Stores, as the Board of Health has
noted concerns that excessive clustering and geographic concentration of
cannabis retail outlets may encourage undesirable health outcomes, and Economic
Development and Planning are concerned that over-concentration may cause
undesirable impacts on the economic diversity of a retail streetscape including
the distortion of lease rates, economic speculation, and the removal of
opportunity for other commercial businesses; and
WHEREAS the city has received concerns from local Business
Improvement Associations about impacts of over concentration of cannabis retail
on the diversity of businesses locating in key retail areas and impacts on
leasing rates; and
the AGCO has not, in the consideration of applications processed and approved
to date, considered the key principles articulated by Council, including the
concerns over the clustering of cannabis retail, as meeting their criteria as a
matter of public interest; and
cannabis retail is a new and unproven market, and no studies or precedent
exists to determine the number or distribution of stores that can reasonably be
supported by the local economy, and it is therefore prudent to establish the
means by which the AGCO, with input from a municipality, can regulate
over-concentration as the cannabis retail market evolves;
BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct the Mayor, on behalf of City Council, to write
the Honourable Rod Phillips, Minister of Finance of Ontario, and the Honourable
Doug Downey, Attorney General of Ontario, requesting the Ministry modify the
regulations governing the establishment of cannabis retail stores to instruct
the Alcohol and Gaming Commission to consider over-concentration as an
evaluation criteria, and provide added weight to the comments of a municipality
concerning matters in the public interest when considering the application of
new stores.
by Councillor J. Harder
Seconded by Councillor E. El-Chantiry
WHEREAS Council meetings are typically recessed between mid-July and
end of August; and
WHEREAS in many instances the ability to convey title in new homes
requires the lifting of part lot control; and
WHEREAS in order to be able to register a part lot control by-law,
the legal description, including the subdivision plan number must be contained
within the by-law; and
WHEREAS there may closings relating to a registered plan of
subdivision that will not be able to proceed if a part lot control exemption
by-law is not enacted; and
WHEREAS the Municipal Act, sections 9, 10, 11 and 23.1 permit
the City to delegate the power to enact certain by-laws;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council approves the following:
Between July 15, 2020 and August 31, 2020, inclusive, Council
delegates to the Director of Planning Services of the Planning, Infrastructure
and Economic Development Department, the authority to enact by-laws for the
exemption from Part Lot Control pursuant to the Planning Act, section 50
in respect of the land for which a part lot control exemption is sought. Such
authority shall be dependent upon the Director having received the concurrence
of the Ward Councillor prior to enactment.
by Councillor L. Dudas
Seconded by Councillor M. Luloff
WHEREAS pursuant to Subsection 28(4) of the Planning Act, R.S.O.
1990. C. P.13, City Council may, where it has passed a by-law designating the
whole or any part of an area covered by an Official Plan as a community improvement
project area, adopt a plan as a community improvement plan for the community
improvement project area; and
WHEREAS Section 5.2.5 of the City of Ottawa Official Plan
contemplates the preparation of Community Improvement Plans for designated Community
Improvement Project Areas;
WHEREAS on November 14, 2012 City Council approved the “Economic
Development and Innovation Department Work Program”, which included a strategy
to develop an Orléans Community Improvement Plan (the “Orléans CIP”) as one of two pilots; and
WHEREAS on September 11, 2013 City Council enacted By-law 2013-293 to adopt the Orléans
CIP; and
WHEREAS Section 5.3 of the Orléans CIP indicated
that a Tax Incentive Equivalent Grant program would be offered for an initial
period of five years, ending 10 September 2018, with an option to extend the
program for up to another five years, subject to the availability of funding as
approved by City Council; and
WHEREAS the principal goal of the Orléans
Community Improvement Plan is to attract major knowledge-based employers to the
area and to encourage the creation of new high-quality jobs; and
WHEREAS construction of Stage 2 of the
Confederation Line is already underway with the east extension from Blair
Station to Trim Road scheduled to be finished in 2022 and whereas higher
densities near stations and the expected increase in transit ridership would
provide new opportunities for private investment in property revitalization in
Orléans with associated employment increases as envisioned in the Orléans CIP;
Whereas the Ward Councillors and staff continue to
receive expressions of interest in extending the Orléans CIP grant program;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Council approve
that the duration of the Tax Incentive Equivalent Grant program available
pursuant to the Orléans CIP be extended from 11 September 2018 until 10
September 2023, inclusive.
Moved by Mayor J. Watson
Seconded by Councillor K. Egli
COVID-19 is expected to be a risk to the community for some period of time; and
the use of non-medical masks is “recommended for periods of time when it is not
possible to consistently maintain a 2-metre physical distance from others,
particularly in crowded public settings, such as: stores, shopping areas, [and]
public transportation”, as noted on the federal government’s COVID-19
Prevention and Risks website and also on the Ontario government’s COVID-19
website; and
it is in everyone’s best interest that as many barriers as possible be removed
to make public access to non-medical masks easier, because these masks are
needed in more and more environments as the economy opens up; and
the federal and provincial governments can almost immediately lower the cost of
these masks by 13% by eliminating the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) on these
newly-essential items;
BE IT RESOLVED that City Council request the Mayor write to the federal and
provincial governments to ask that the Harmonized Sales Tax be eliminated for
non-medical masks as soon as possible.
by Councillor S. Menard
Seconded by Councillor J. Leiper
WHEREAS the City of Ottawa—along with Ontario, Canada and the
world—are currently experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic; and
WHEREAS this pandemic has witnessed all orders of government put in place
emergency measures and guidelines in order to improve the health outcomes of as
many residents as possible; and
WHEREAS the city, the province and the country are seeking
cooperation from residents to adjust their habits, activities and lifestyles to
align with the guidelines relating to physical distancing; and
WHEREAS the Federation of Canadian Municipalities has released a
report conducted by The Urban Project outlining the need for municipalities to
develop transportation plans tailored to the recovery from COVID-19 and to
developing a resilient transportation system in the future, noting:
The COVID-19 outbreak has changed mobility patterns, and the way
people travel may continue beyond. Many cities are using the current situation
to re-think how their communities are planned and designed to ensure they are
more resilient to respond to similar crises over the long-term.
WHEREAS the Ottawa Board of Health has unanimously passed a motion
supporting the City of Ottawa to increase the amount of safe active
transportation space outdoors for residents, including when accessing essential
services, to improve their physical and mental health while still adhering to all
municipal and federal guidelines related to physical distancing; and
WHEREAS city traffic services reports that traffic volumes have
decreased on the City’s road network while traffic speed infractions have increased;
WHEREAS OPH has consistently recognized the need for residents to
access essential services and has encouraged residents to go outside for their
physical and mental health; and
WHEREAS the 2019 report from City of Ottawa, Planning, Infrastructure,
and Economic Development, titled The Building Blocks for a Healthy Ottawa,
emphasizes the connection between active transportation infrastructure and
mental and physical well-being; and
WHEREAS it is possible to implement low cost temporary traffic measures
on certain corridors to provide additional space on the right of way for active
transportation thereby connecting existing facilities;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff within the Transportation
Services Department develop and implement a plan (ActiveOttawa) this summer for
a cost effective greater active transportation network connectivity, expanded
road space for active transportation and safety enhancing measures which reduce
speed, recognizing the needs of residents during the Covid-19 pandemic.
by Councillor L. Dudas
Seconded by Councillor E. El-Chantiry
That the by-laws
listed on the Agenda under Motion to Introduce By-laws, Three Readings, be read
and passed.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa respecting the permitting, regulating and governing of filming
events on public and private property.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law 2001-301 to appoint certain Municipal Law Enforcement
Officers in the Transportation Services Department.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-445 make minor amendments to the Road
Activity by-law.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-497 make minor amendments to the Over
dimensional vehicles by-law.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2017-92 make a minor amendment to the
Right of Way Patio by-law.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-446 make a minor amendment to the Encroachments
on City Highways by-law.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-498 make a minor amendment to the Use
and Care of Roads by-law.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-447 make a minor amendment to the Private
Approach by-law.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-520 make a minor amendment to the
Signs on City Roads by-law.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of part of
the lands known municipally as 3285 Borrisokane Road.
by-law of the City of Ottawa regulating the operation and use of electric
kick-scooters in the City of Ottawa
by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2002-293, as amended, to
appoint Drainage Superintendents pursuant to the Drainage Act, R.S.O.,
1990, c.D.17.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend the fee in By-law No. 2013 – 252, as amended,
respecting shopping carts on highways and City property.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common and public highway and
assume them for public use (Rideau Street, Beechwood Avenue, Franktown Road,
Mackey Road, Nixon Drive, Woodroffe Avenue, Montreal Road, McMullen Road,
cours Damselfish Walk, Aylwin Road, Stone Crest Road).
A by-law of the City
of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common and public highway and assume
them for public use (promenade CitiGate Drive, place CrossKeys Place,
rue Systemhouse Street).
by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate certain lands at privé Escapade Private
and privé Quest Private on Plan 4M-1617, as being exempt from Part Lot
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to designate certain lands at terrasse Yacht
Terrace and cercle Coast Circle on Plan 4M-1657, as being exempt from
Part Lot Control.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2001-17 to appoint certain Inspectors, Property
Standards Officers and Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in the Building
Code Services Branch of the Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development
A by-law
of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2019–8 governing the proceedings of
the Council and its Committees – remote participation.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2017-180 respecting the appointment of
Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in accordance with private property
parking enforcement.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to change the name of West Hunt Club Road, a municipal highway
in the City of Ottawa, to Old Richmond Road.
by Councillor L. Dudas
Seconded by Councillor E. El-Chantiry
That the
following by-law be read and passed:
To confirm the proceedings of the Council meeting of June 24, 2020.
Councillor C. A. Meehan
Recently, it came to my attention that a roundabout in my ward
was constructed with an insufficient travel lane width, which would allow a
standard City snowplow to pass through the roundabout with its blade down, as
would be required during winter snow clearing operations.
It is unclear if the Roads Department was approached to provide
comments and feedback during the planning and design stage, which would have
provided the project planners with feedback addressing width requirements to
allow a City snowplow and other large vehicles with the necessary space to
pass through the roundabout successfully.
By way of this
inquiry, could the appropriate staff provide a response that outlines the current
process utilized by City Staff during the planning and design stage for infrastructure
works that allows other departments with the opportunity to review project
documents and provide comments and feedback?
Council adjourned
the meeting at 2:51 PM.