Wednesday, 26 February 2020
10:00 am
Andrew Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue W.
That Council appoint Councillor Laura Dudas as
Vice-Chair of Finance and Economic Development Committee.
That Council appoint Councillor Glen Gower as
Member at-large of Finance and Economic Development Committee.
That Council appoint Councillor Glen Gower as
Vice-Chair of Planning Committee.
That Council recommend to the Ottawa Public Library
Board the appointment of Councillor Matthew Luloff as Chair of Ottawa Public
Library Board.
That Council appoint Councillor Rawlson King as
Member and Chair of Built Heritage Sub-Committee.
That Council appoint Councillor George Darouze as
Member of Shaw Centre Board of Directors.
That the City of Ottawa Council receive this report
for information.
That Council approve the issuance of Notices of Intention to Designate
under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for the following
1. 247 Glebe Avenue,
Sub-Station No. 2, according to the Statement of Cultural Heritage Value,
attached as Document 4.
2. 340
Holland Avenue, Ottawa Electric Railway Powerhouse, according to the
Statement of Cultural Heritage Value, attached as Document 5.
3. 1275
Carling Avenue, Sub-Station No. 3, according to the Statement of Cultural
Heritage Value, attached as Document 6.
4. 351 King
Edward Avenue, Sub-Station No. 4, according to the Statement of Cultural
Heritage Value, attached as Document 7.
5. 39
Riverdale Avenue, Sub-Station No. 5 according to the Statement of Cultural
Heritage Value, attached as Document 8.
That Council approve:
1. That the
Director, Housing Services be delegated the authority to sign a Transfer
Payment Agreement with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the
Ministry of Finance, identify program priority household groups, and submit
to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, reports on a quarterly and
annual basis, for the Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit Program (COHB) based on
the details of the program and the spending plan outlined in this report;
2. That the
Director, Housing Services, be delegated the authority to reallocate funding
from one Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit Program priority household group to
another priority group within the same program year if the original planned
commitment for funding as outlined within the approved Priority Household
Plan cannot be met;
3. That in
the event additional funding becomes available under the Canada-Ontario
Housing Benefit Program due to any reallocation by the Ministry of Municipal
Affairs and Housing, the Director, Housing Services, be delegated the
authority to allocate the additional funding in keeping with the process
outlined in this report; and,
4. That the
Director, Housing Services be delegated the authority to allocate all
Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit Program funding provided such allocations are
in accordance with the provincial guidelines, and the priorities as set out
in this report.
That Council:
1. Approve
the Community Funding Framework Funding Policy Statements for the new
Community Funding Framework (ACS2019-CSS-GEN-0012, approved by Council on
September 25, 2019), as outlined in this report.
2. Delegate
authority to the Manager, Partner and Stakeholder Initiatives, to manage and
administer the Community and Social Services Department Community Funding
budget as detailed in this report and allocate all community funding in
accordance with the Community Funding Framework Funding Policy Statements
attached as Document 1 to this report, provided such allocations are within
approved budgets.
Delegations: The committee heard three delegations on this item, two
at its meeting on January 23, 2020 and one at its meeting on February 13, 2020.
Debate: The committee spent 46 minutes on this item at its January
23, 2020 meeting and deferred it February 13. On February 13, 2020 the
committee spent 18 minutes on the item.
Vote: The committee Carried the report recommendations with an
amendment to replace Documents 1 and 2 of the report with revised versions, and
to correct certain statements within the report .
Position of Ward Councillor: Councillor Moffatt voted in favour of
the report recommendation as amended.
Position of Advisory Committee: n/a
That Council:
1. approve an
amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 3809 Borrisokane Road to permit a
subdivision consisting of single-detached dwelling units, townhouses, and a park
block, as detailed in Document 2;
2. amend the staff report as
a. replace “Document 1
Location Map and Zoning Key” with the revised Document 1 , per Planning
Committee Motion No PLC 2020-20/1;
b. replace “Document 2
Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment” with the revised Document 2 , per Planning
Committee Motion No PLC 2020-20/1;
c. replace the statement
found in the section Summary of requested Zoning By-law Amendment Proposal
“The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry had confirmed that the
aggregate resources on the site have been exhausted” with “The Ministry of
Natural Resources and Forestry had confirmed that the pit license surrender
process has been initiated”; and
d. replace the statement “the
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has deemed the site to be
exhausted of aggregate and no longer requiring protection” found in the
Planning Rationale section with “The Ministry of Natural Resources and
Forestry had confirmed that the pit license surrender process has been initiated”;
3. approve that pursuant to
the Planning Act, subsection 34(17), no further notice be given.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for 2505 and 2707 Solandt Road to increase the height limit from 22
metres to 44 metres to allow a proposed eight-storey office building as
detailed in Document 2.
That Council receive the Light Rail Regulatory
Monitor and Compliance Officer Annual Report, attached as Document 1.
That Council approve that in 2020, OC Transpo
prioritize bringing forward a reliable GPS and user friendly app system on
all buses to give accurate information on bus location and cancellations to
transit users.
That Council approve the Summaries of Oral and Written Public
Submissions for items considered at the City Council Meeting of February 12,
2020 that are subject to the ‘Explanation Requirements’ being the Planning
Act, subsections 17(23.1), 22(6.7), 34(10.10) and 34(18.1), as
applicable, as described in this report and attached as Document 1.
by Councillor S. Menard
Seconded by Councillor C. McKenney
WHEREAS in 2019 the Province of
Quebec enacted Bill 21 (An Act Respecting the Laicity of the State)
which prohibits certain public servants from wearing religious symbols
including turbans, hijabs, kippahs, the cross and many others;
AND WHEREAS religious wear in certain
traditions is considered an important act of devotion and is not a mere symbol
of religious identity;
AND WHEREAS the wearing of
religiously-mandated articles of faith or clothing is a fundamental right in the
exercise of “freedom of thought, conscience and religion,” as written in
Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and does not in any
way diminish the ability of public servants to fulfill their duties;
AND WHEREAS restricting the ability of
citizens from wearing religious symbols affects all components of society:
first nations, settlers and immigrants;
AND WHEREAS freedom of religion in
Canada is protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian
Human Rights Act;
AND WHEREAS the City of Ottawa stands
firmly to support religious freedom as this is aligned with the Canadian
Charter of Human Rights;
AND WHEREAS a secular and religiously
neutral state is achieved by treating all citizens fairly through unbiased governance
structures that do not favour one religion over another;
AND WHEREAS forcing citizens to
abandon certain cultural and religious practices as a condition of employment
will create an environment that fosters intolerance and inequity;
AND WHEREAS Bill 21 is a divisive law
that perpetuates exclusion, discrimination, and class division by increasing
systematic barriers to employment for religious groups;
AND WHEREAS the National Council of
Canadian Muslims (NCCM), the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA), the
World Sikh Organization of Canada (WSO), and others have initiated a
constitutional challenge against Bill 21;
AND WHEREAS Ottawa is a
multicultural, socially diverse, and inclusive city that is home to many
different faiths, religions, genders, languages, and cultures;
AND WHEREAS Ottawa takes its role as
a human rights city seriously;
AND WHEREAS all levels of government
have an important role in protecting our shared values of tolerance and
AND WHEREAS other municipalities—including
Brampton, Calgary, Mississauga and Victoria—along with the province of Ontario
have condemned Quebec’s Bill 21;
Council oppose Quebec’s Bill 21 and support in principle the constitutional
challenge to Bill 21, and that Ottawa City Council continue to support building
a welcoming city where everyone has access to opportunity and prosperity.
the motion is forwarded to the Premier of Quebec.
Councillors M. Luloff and S. Moffatt
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend the fees in By-law No. 2003-514 to regulate the control
of discharges to sewers and sewage works.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common and public highway and
assume them for public use (placette Viceroy Mews, rue Minikan Street,
promenade Dun Skipper Drive, chemin Miikana Road).
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common and public highway and
assume them for public use (Gothwood Place).
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the lands
known municipally as 2505 and 2707 Solandt Road.
by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the
zoning of the lands known municipally as 3809 Borrisokane Road.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to designate the Ottawa Tennis and Lawn Bowling Club at 176
Cameron Avenue to be of cultural heritage value or interest.
A by-law to
amend by-law No. 2015-247 entitled, “A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
designate the Hartin Hotel, 1993 Robertson Road, Ottawa, to be of cultural
heritage value or interest”.
A by-law to
amend by-law No. 2014-144 entitled, “A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
designate the Alexander Fleck House, 593 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, to be
of cultural heritage value or interest”.
A by-law to
amend by-law No. 2015-246 entitled, “A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
designate Broadview Public School, 590 Broadview Avenue, Ottawa, to be of
cultural heritage value or interest”.
A by-law to
amend by-law No. 2015-245 entitled, “A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
designate 478 Albert Street, Ottawa, to be of cultural heritage value or
A by-law to
amend by-law No. 2014-145 entitled, “A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
designate Ruins and Cemetery, Old St. Mary’s Church, 269 Pinhey’s Point Road,
Ottawa, to be of cultural heritage value or interest”.
A by-law to
amend by-law No. 2014-142 entitled, “A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
designate the Charles Billings House, 187 Billings Avenue, Ottawa, to be of
cultural heritage value or interest”.
A by-law to
amend by-law No. 2014-143 entitled, “A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
designate St. Charles Church, 135 Barrette Street, Ottawa, to be of cultural
heritage value or interest”.
A by-law to
amend by-law No. 2015-250 entitled, “A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
designate the Snowdon House, 66 Lisgar Street, Ottawa, to be of cultural
heritage value or interest”.
A by-law to
amend by-law No. 2015-249 entitled, “A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
designate St. Anne’s Rectory, 17 Myrand Avenue, Ottawa, to be of cultural
heritage value or interest”.
A by-law to
amend by-law No. 2015-248 entitled, “A by-law of the City of Ottawa to
designate the City of Ottawa Workshops, 7 Bayview Road, to be of cultural
heritage value or interest”.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2017-180 respecting the appointment of
Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in accordance with private property
parking enforcement.
interpretation of these proceedings is available. Please speak to the
attendant at reception.
Accessible formats and communication supports are
available, upon request.
In Camera Items are not
subject to public discussion or audience. Any person has a right to request an independent investigation of
the propriety of dealing with matters in a closed session. A form
requesting such a review may be obtained, without charge, from the City’s
website or in person from the Chair of this meeting. Requests are kept
confidential pending any report by the Meetings Investigator and are
conducted without charge to the Requestor.