Wednesday, 8 March 2017
10:00 a.m.
Andrew S. Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West
The Council of
the City of Ottawa met at Andrew S. Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West,
Ottawa, on Wednesday, 08 March 2017 beginning at 10:00 a.m.
The Mayor, Jim
Watson, presided and led Council in a moment of reflection.
(note: the transcript can be found at the Confirmation of Minutes
The national anthem was performed by students
from Hopewell Avenue Public School.
Mayor Watson presented the Mayor’s City Builder Award
to Lee Ann Napiorkowski, in recognition of her commitment to volunteer coaching.
An Inclusion Coordinator Teacher at St. Peter Catholic High School, Ms. Napiorkowski
lends her leadership skills as head coach of the senior boy’s rugby team. She
is also the head coach of the Ottawa Beavers and Banshees Rugby Football Club,
and has coached other provincial and regional teams, including the Carleton
University men’s team.
Her passion and commitment for a winning attitude,
loyalty, equity, inclusion and respect with youth and athletes extended to her
establishing an ambassador program that better connects the parent Beavers and
Banshee Rugby clubs with junior players. Ms. Napiorkowski also leads
fundraising initiatives for financially challenged players who cannot afford
registration, equipment, or travelling costs. With her dedicated efforts, she
was also instrumental in establishing the John Kelly Memorial Award and
a rugby tournament in commemoration of a St. Peter’s student who tragically
passed away, at the request of the student’s parents.
Mayor Watson proclaimed March 8, 2017 International
Women’s Day in the City of Ottawa, in recognition of the global day celebrating
the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.
Mayor Watson presented copies of the International
Women’s Day proclamation to all female members of Council, being Councillor Jan
Harder, Councillor Marianne Wilkinson, Councillor Diane Deans and Councillor
Catherine McKenney.
Following the presentation of the proclamation, the Councillor
Diane Deans delivered remarks sharing her own reflections on International
Women’s Day, the experiences of women in the current socio-political climate,
and the need for the seek ways to address the concerns of women in our City. She
spoke to her participation in the January 2017 Women’s March in Washington, and
to the concurrent Women’s March in Ottawa, and shared a series of photos from
these events.
All members were
No declarations
of interest were filed.
Moved by:
Councillor M. Wilkinson
Seconded by: Councillor B. Monette
That the
report from the City Clerk and Solicitor’s Office entitled “Status Update -
Council Inquiries and Motions for the Period Ending March 3, 2017”; Finance
and Economic Development Committee Report 19, (Item 1, Recommendations 7 b)
and c); Environment and Climate Protection Committee Report 13; Finance and
Economic Development Committee Report 21; Planning Committee Report 40; and Transportation Committee Report 21 be received and considered; and
That the
Rules of Procedure be suspended to receive and consider Finance and Economic
Development Committee Report 22, due to the time sensitivity of the matters
contained in this report, as the next City Council meeting is not until April
12, 2017.
Deferred from the City Council meeting of November 9, 2016.
7. That the following measures be
implemented to address procedural matters and requirements resulting from
Bill 73, the Smart Growth for Our Communities Act, 2015:
b. Establish
a Planning Advisory Committee that reports to Planning Committee and
Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee and is composed of three Members of
Council, the General Manager of the Planning, Infrastructure and Economic
Development Department, and two citizen members, including the recruitment
and selection process, as described in this report; and
c. The
Terms of Reference for the Planning Advisory Committee as outlined in this
report and in Document 2.
by the following Motion:
by Councillor J. Harder
Seconded by Councillor T. Nussbaum
WHEREAS, effective July 1, 2016, the Planning Act, as amended
by Bill 73, the Smart Growth for Our Communities Act, 2015, requires
that particular municipalities, including the City of Ottawa, appoint a
Planning Advisory Committee (“PAC”) that includes at least one resident of the
municipality who is neither an employee of the municipality nor a Member of
Council, with the remaining elements of the PAC’s composition, as well as its
mandate, left up to individual municipalities to determine how this Advisory
Committee would be most effective; and
WHEREAS Part I, Recommendations 7(b)
and 7(c) within the 2014-2018 Mid-term
Governance Review report (ACS2016-CCS-GEN-0024) proposed the establishment of a
PAC for the City of Ottawa, including a recommended composition, mandate and Terms
of Reference; and
WHEREAS, on November 9, 2016, City Council considered the 2014-2018
Mid-term Governance Review report and approved Motion No. 41/3, which deferred
consideration of Part I, Recommendations 7(b)
and 7(c) within the report to a Council meeting
in Q1 2017 and noted that, “receiving additional feedback from community and
industry stakeholders, and a further review by staff of practices in other
municipalities, may further assist in determining how the PAC would be most
effective and best complement a number of initiatives already in place at the
City of Ottawa with respect to public engagement, citizen representation and
collaboration in planning matters”; and
WHEREAS, as described in the 2014-2018 Mid-term Governance Review
report, the City of Ottawa is committed to public engagement in planning
matters, and currently incorporates citizen representation and collaboration in
a number of ways, including but not limited to:
Urban Design Review Panel;
representation on the Built Heritage Sub-Committee;
Planning Primer program;
pilot program enabling community associations to participate in pre-application
consultation meetings between developers and City planners in wards within the
City’s Development Review Inner Urban Area;
Groups; and
public consultations, workshops and open houses; and
WHEREAS a review by staff of practices in other municipalities
indicates that there is no consistent approach being applied to address the
Bill 73 PAC requirement, with some municipalities using existing Advisory
Committees or other bodies, some municipalities establishing new PACs with a
variety of mandates, and other municipalities not yet meeting the requirement;
WHEREAS, on February 6, 2017, the Chair of Planning Committee held a
planning engagement session at which various community and industry
stakeholders reviewed and discussed the Planning Services 2017-2018 Work
Program, and feedback resulting from this session may assist in determining how
a PAC could provide for meaningful citizen engagement and stakeholder
participation; and
WHEREAS, after assuming his role with the City of Ottawa on February
27, 2017, the new General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic
Development met with the Chair of Planning Committee and the City Clerk and
Solicitor to review and discuss how a PAC could complement the City’s other
ongoing initiatives with respect to public engagement, citizen representation
and collaboration in planning matters; and
WHEREAS, further to the recent initiatives and developments set out
in this motion, additional consultation with Members of Council and
stakeholders is required to develop the proposed composition, mandate and Terms
of Reference for a City of Ottawa PAC;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT City Council defer consideration of
Part I, Recommendations 7(b) and 7(c) within the
2014-2018 Mid-term Governance Review report
(ACS2016-CCS-GEN-0024) to a Council meeting by Q4 2017; and
approve the establishment of a working group comprised of Councillors Harder,
Moffatt and Nussbaum to work with staff to bring forward recommendations on
proposed composition, mandate and Terms of Reference for a City of Ottawa
Planning Advisory Committee.
That Council receive this report for information.
That Council:
1. Receive
the Air Quality and Climate Change Management Plan update attached as
Document 1;
2. Receive
the information on the status of the City’s Renewable Energy Strategy (Energy
Evolution), as described in this report, and;
3. Approve the establishment of a Sponsors
Group, comprised of Councillors Chernushenko, Moffatt, Nussbaum, Brockington,
and Hubley to assist staff in the next phase of their work on the Renewable
Energy Strategy (Energy Evolution), as described in this report.
That Council:
Approve the
implementation of the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project and related projects
as outlined in this report and as follows:
1. Approve
that the following be incorporated into the procurement process for the Stage
2 Light Rail Transit Project:
a. The
alignment changes and other refinements to the functional design for the
Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project, as described in this report, and as
i. The
Confederation Line West Extension, as follows:
1. Alignment
Improvement at Richmond Road;
2. Alignment
Improvement and Station Shift at Lincoln Fields;
3. Pinecrest
Creek Re-alignment at Iris Station;
4. Bayshore
Station Shift;
5. Goldenrod
Bridge Connection.
ii. The Trillium
Line South Extension, as follows:
1. Airport
Station Shift;
2. Relocated
Walkley Yard Maintenance and Storage Facility;
3. Leitrim Road
Overpass Shift.
b. The
Trim Extension and the Airport Rail Link, as described in this report and
conditional on full funding from the federal and provincial governments and
achieving a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ottawa MacDonald-Cartier
International Airport Authority;
c. The
Moodie Extension and Maintenance and Storage Facility, as described in this
d. The
recommended projects for ‘bundling’ into the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit
Project procurement process, as described in this report, and as follows:
i. The
planned City works listed in Appendix 3;
ii. The
Ministry of Transportation of Ontario’s Highway 417 (Maitland Ave. to Highway
416) Expansion Project, on the understanding the project will be fully funded
by the provincial and federal governments and conditional on an Interface
iii. The
Highway 174 (between Montreal Road and Jeanne d’Arc Blvd.) Project to explore
advancing the ultimate Highway 174 configuration, as described in this report
and subject to the identification of a funding source;
e. The
following actions related to the projects being included in the Stage 2 Light
Rail Transit Project Procurement process:
i. Direct
staff to initiate an Environmental Assessment (EA) addendum to the West
Transitway Extension Environmental Assessment Study (Bayshore Station to
Moodie Drive) to advance the conversion from bus rapid transit to light rail
transit, as described in this report, and file the addendum with the Ministry
of the Environment and Climate Change in accordance with Ontario EA
Regulation 231/08 for transit projects;
ii. Direct
staff to initiate an Environmental Assessment (EA) addendum to the
Confederation Line West Extension Environmental Assessment Study (if
required) to expand the Bayshore Station bus facility, as described in this
report, and file the addendum with the Ministry of the Environment and
Climate Change in accordance with Ontario EA Regulation 231/08 for transit
2. Approve
the updated Stage 2, Ottawa LRT Business Case, attached as Appendix 4;
3. Approve
the procurement model and process for the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project,
as described in this report, including as follows:
a. Delegate
the authority to the City Manager to execute the Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) between the City of Ottawa and the Rideau Transit Group, as described
in this report; and
i. Approve
the $492 million budget and funding sources for the Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) with the Rideau Transit Group, as outlined in this report
and conditional on these costs being eligible for federal and provincial
funding; and
ii. Delegate
the authority to the General Manager, Transportation Services, to proceed
with the MOU variations of the Rideau Transit Group’s work, and to negotiate,
finalize and execute an agreement with the long-term lenders, if required, as
described in this report.
b. Direct
staff to proceed with the Design, Build, Finance (DBf) procurement process
for the Confederation Line East and West extensions and related projects, as
described in this report;
c. Direct
staff to proceed with the Design, Build, Finance, Maintain (DBFM) procurement
process for the Trillium Line extension and related projects, as described in
this report;
d. Receive
the information on the Project Schedule, as outlined in this report.
e. Delegate
authority to the City Manager to negotiate, finalize and execute an agreement
with Infrastructure Ontario, if required, as outlined in this report.
4. Approve
the following related issues and actions for the implementation of the Stage
2 Light Rail Transit Project and related projects, as outlined in this
a. Receive
the information on the cost estimates for the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit and
related projects and the update on the federal and provincial partnership
b. Receive
the information on the short-listed options for addressing traffic and
mobility during construction as described in this report; and
i. Approve
the advanced purchase of 34 lifecycle replacement buses in 2017 and the
associated $28 million budget, to be funded as described in this report;
c. Approve
the following actions with respect to land assembly and property acquisition
for the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project and related projects, as described
in this report and as follows:
i. Direct
Corporate Real Estate Office staff to proceed with the acquisition of the
property interests required to facilitate the construction, use and
maintenance of the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project and related works, as
described in this report;
ii. Delegate
the authority to the General Manager, Corporate Services and City Treasurer
to place any by-laws required pursuant to the Expropriations Act for the
purposes of authorizing the making of applications for approval to
expropriate property and authorizing the expropriation of property rights, on
a Council Agenda, if necessary to facilitate the construction, use and
maintenance of the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project and related works, with
the concurrence of the Mayor and the Ward Councillor, and as described in
this report;
iii. In
addition to the authority contained in Delegated Authority By-law No.
2016-369, delegate the authority to the General Manager, Corporate Services
and City Treasurer to approve any real estate transaction involving the
acquisition of any interest in, or right to use, real property for the
purposes of the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project and related works,
including any offer of compensation payable under the Expropriations Act, and
execute documentation as required and any amendments thereto, regardless of
the total value of the transaction, provided it is accordance with the
requirements of the Real Property Acquisition Policy, is within the project
budget for the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project and has the concurrence of
the Mayor and the Councillor whose ward includes the relevant property;
iv. Direct
staff to report the details of the real estate transactions related to the
Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project and approved under delegated authority,
including expropriations, to the Finance and Economic Development Committee
and City Council after all property interests required for the Stage 2 Light
Rail Transit Project and required works have been acquired by the City and
all claims for compensation have been settled; and
v. Delegate
the authority to the Director, Corporate Real Estate Office to enter into
agreements with the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) providing for
the use of City-owned property by the Ministry of Transportation for nominal
consideration for the purposes of widening and other Highway 417 works between
Preston Street and Maitland Avenue in exchange for the use of property owned
by the Ministry of Transportation by the City for nominal consideration for
the purposes of the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project and related projects,
as described in this report.
d. Delegate
the authority to the Ottawa Light Rail Transit Executive Steering Committee
to confirm and recommend to Council the preferred proponent(s) at the close
of the Request for Proposals and to, at the discretion of the City Manager,
be the decision-making and escalation authority with respect to contract and
construction matters; and
i. Delegate
the authority to the City Manager to add or remove members of the Ottawa
Light Rail Transit Executive Steering Committee as required;
e. Receive
the information on the Communications and Stakeholder Relations approach.
5. Approve
the following with respect to relevant partner agreements for the Stage 2
Light Rail Transit Project and related projects:
a. Delegate
the authority to the City Manager to negotiate and finalize the Contribution
Agreements with the federal and provincial governments for the Stage 2 Light
Rail Transit Project and related projects, as described in this report, and
including full funding for the Trim Extension and Airport Rail Link and
delegate the authority to the Mayor to execute the final Contribution
b. Delegate
the authority to the City Manager to negotiate, finalize and execute
documents required to implement the terms of the Agreement in Principle between
the City and the National Capital Commission dated May 10th, 2016, as
outlined in this report, including the Property Term Sheet, together with any
required amendments to the terms of the Agreement in Principle reasonably
required to permit the completion of the matters described in the Agreement
in Principle;
c. Delegate
the authority to the City Manager to negotiate, finalize and execute the
Memorandum of Understanding with the Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International
Airport Authority with respect to the Airport Rail Link, based on the
principles outlined in this report;
d. Delegate
the authority to the City Manager to negotiate, finalize and execute the
Interface Agreement with the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario’s, with
respect to bundling the Highway 417 (Maitland Ave. to Highway 416) Expansion
Project, as outlined in this report;
e. Delegate
the authority to the City Manager to negotiate, finalize and execute the
Agreement in Principle with Public Service and Procurement Canada with
respect the construction of a Goldenrod Bridge, as outlined in this report;
f. Receive
the information with respect to the Indigenous Community Engagement Strategy
for the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project, as outlined in this report;
g. Receive
information on the provision and location of public washrooms for the Stage 2
LRT Project, as outlined in the report;
h. Receive
the information with respect to the Public Art Program for the Stage 2 LRT
Project, as outlined in the report.
i. Receive
information on the incorporation of pedestrian and cycling connectivity in
the Stage 2 LRT Project, as outlined in the report.
6. Approve
the inclusion of Station-Oriented Development Opportunities for Baseline
Station, Cleary Station and Pinecrest Station in the Design, Build, Finance
(DBf) procurement process for the Confederation Line East and West
extensions, as described in this report;
7. Delegate
the authority to the City Manager to accept and approve changes to the Stage
2 Light Rail Transit Project design, in accordance with the principles
outlined in this report, with the concurrence of the Ward Councillor and the
8. Delegate
the authority to the City Manager to address any unforeseen matters with
respect to proceeding with the procurement and next steps towards
implementation of the Stage 2 Light Rail and related projects on the
understanding that any actions will be consistent with Council direction on
this matter, within the relevant project budgets, undertaken with the
concurrence of the Mayor and any affected Ward Councillor, and reported back
to Council either through the Finance and Economic Development or as part of
the report recommending the contract award, as appropriate.
by Councillor J. Harder
Seconded by Councillor K. Egli
WHEREAS Council’s next review and update of the Official Plan (OP),
Transportation Master Plan (TMP) and Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) will
extend the City’s planning horizon beyond 2031; and
WHEREAS the affordability model established within the current LRFP
for Transit, which addresses priority projects for each phase of the 2013 TMP,
will be updated as a matter of course in coordination with the next TMP update;
WHEREAS there is no light rail transit connection for Barrhaven
planned within the affordable envelope to 2031; and
WHEREAS the most recent census has demonstrated that Barrhaven is
the fastest growing area of the city; and
WHEREAS it is Official Plan policy to connect major residential
areas with major employment, education and retail hubs and to ensure that the
City’s investment in transit reflects the service needs of the community as a
whole; and
WHEREAS recent federal and provincial budgets have significantly
increased the availability of transit infrastructure funding subsequent to the
2013 TMP analysis; and
WHEREAS the TMP update will align with the next Official Plan review
which will address growth patterns for employment and residential growth across
the City, including Barrhaven; and
WHEREAS the 2013 TMP already identifies the conversion of Southwest
Transitway from bus rapid transit (BRT) to light rail transit (LRT) to connect
Barrhaven to the Confederation Line as part of its Ultimate Network;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that staff be directed to fully assess the
feasibility and relative priority of converting the Southwest Transitway from
bus rapid transit (BRT) to light rail transit (LRT) to connect Barrhaven to the
Confederation Line at the earliest opportunity, including options for
implementation staging (such as interim BRT improvements) and the
identification of other rapid transit supportive facilities to serve Barrhaven
residents (such as park and ride lots), while respecting the affordability
model established within the Long-Range Financial Plan for Transit, and that
this work inform the next Transportation Master Plan update and include a
review of projects currently within the Affordable Rapid Transit and Transit
Priority Network.
by Councillor S. Qadri
Seconded by Councillor A. Hubley
WHEREAS Ottawa’s Light Rail Transit Project has
established a proven dedication and commitment to providing affordable,
efficient, and accessible transit services for residents living across the City
of Ottawa network; and
WHEREAS the Finance and Economic Development
Committee have expanded the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project Council
Recommendations to include an extension West to Moodie Drive in order to
accommodate the rapidly growing transit demands of Ottawa’s western
communities; and
WHEREAS residents from Ottawa’s
Stittsville and Kanata communities have expressed a clear interest in improved
transit delivery and the most efficient Park and Rides to connect to LRT that
service these communities are regularly brought to maximum capacity; and
WHEREAS these are rapidly growing suburban
communities which require convenient and effective transit options to ensure
that the benefits and environmental sustainability of LRT can be granted to a
larger percentage of Ottawa’s population; and
WHEREAS the end of the Moodie extension
would be an optimal location for a Park and Ride as it is in this area that
traffic congestion is heightened in the A.M. rush hour and would provide
commuters with the opportunity to utilize transit as an alternative while
alleviating traffic congestion on Ottawa’s Highway 417;
directed to explore opportunities for a Park and Ride to be located at the
Moodie Station with consultation among all the large landowners in the
immediate vicinity including leasing opportunities with the National Capital
Commission; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that staff report
back to Finance and Economic Development Committee by the end of 2017.
by Councillor K. Egli
Seconded by Councillor J. Leiper
WHEREAS the City of Ottawa and the City of
Gatineau have recently strengthened their collaboration in the areas of
tourism, economic development and transit coordination;
WHEREAS both Mayor Watson and Gatineau Mayor
Pedneaud-Jobin have identified the benefits of working more closely together on
interprovincial transit coordination in advance of the opening of the
Confederation Line;
WHEREAS there is a benefit to Ottawa and
Gatineau working together to understand each city’s short, medium and long-term
rapid transit goals with a view to improving the transit experience for
residents and visitors and increasing economic development and tourism
WHEREAS the City of Ottawa is working
to significantly reduce the number of OC Transpo buses on surface streets by
investing in the Confederation Line tunnel;
WHEREAS hundreds of thousands of residents
and visitors travel between both cities annually;
WHEREAS approximately 60,000 commuters
travel between Ottawa and Gatineau on a typical weekday;
WHEREAS the demand for interprovincial
transit trips is expected to increase by over 65% by 2031;
WHEREAS both cities have indicated a
desire to explore the potential future use of the Prince of Wales Bridge as a
rapid transit corridor, which could significantly contribute to reducing the
number of buses traveling in both directions between Ottawa and Gatineau while
improving air quality, enhancing environmental outcomes and reducing commuter
times for residents of both communities; and
WHEREAS the City of Ottawa has worked
closely with both the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada to
leverage unprecedented investments in public transit infrastructure by all
governments in the region;
WHEREAS capital works associated with the
interprovincial transit strategy, such as the rehabilitation of Prince of Wales
Bridge, are currently outside the City of Ottawa’s affordability envelope for
direct staff to continue to work with their counterparts in the City of
Gatineau, to explore potential enhancements to public transit and active
mobility connections between Ottawa and Gatineau, including, but not limited
to, the future use of the Prince of Wales Bridge, to inform the next update to
the Transportation Master Plan; and
Mayor Watson to formalize the exploratory discussions, already initiated by
both Mayors, aimed at improving the rapid transit experience for residents of
both cities, including, but not limited to, the potential future use of the
Prince of Wales Bridge for rapid transit and active mobility with the goal of
establishing next steps, and reporting back on the progress of these
discussions before the end of this term of Council.
by Councillor S. Blais
Seconded by Councillor M. Qaqish
WHEREAS, during consideration of the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit
Implementation report on February 24, 2017, the Finance and Economic
Development Committee directed staff to “investigate the installation of a
washroom at Place d’Orléans Station and report back at the appropriate time;
WHEREAS staff has reviewed the transfer volumes and the cost of the
installation of washrooms at the Place d’Orléans Station and determined that
the transfer volumes will be higher than the stations at Bowesville, Bayview,
Lincoln Fields and Trim, all of which will have public washroom facilities, and
that the installation of public washrooms was anticipated in the original scope
of the Stage 2 Confederation Line East expansion and can be accommodated within
the current budget;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council approve that the functional
design of the Confederation Line East Extension be amended to include public
washrooms at Place d’Orléans Station, on the understanding that there will be
no additional capital budget pressure resulting from this change.
The Committee
Recommendations, as amended by Motions 47/3, 47/4, 47/5 and 47/6, and as set
out in full below, were put to Council:
That Council:
Approve the
implementation of the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project and related projects
as outlined in this report and as follows:
1. Approve
that the following be incorporated into the procurement process for the Stage
2 Light Rail Transit Project:
a. The
alignment changes and other refinements to the functional design for the
Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project, as described in this report, and as
i. The
Confederation Line West Extension, as follows:
1. Alignment
Improvement at Richmond Road;
2. Alignment
Improvement and Station Shift at Lincoln Fields;
3. Pinecrest
Creek Re-alignment at Iris Station;
4. Bayshore
Station Shift;
5. Goldenrod
Bridge Connection.
ii. The Trillium
Line South Extension, as follows:
1. Airport
Station Shift;
2. Relocated
Walkley Yard Maintenance and Storage Facility;
3. Leitrim Road
Overpass Shift.
b. The
Trim Extension and the Airport Rail Link, as described in this report and
conditional on full funding from the federal and provincial governments and
achieving a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ottawa MacDonald-Cartier
International Airport Authority;
c. The
Moodie Extension and Maintenance and Storage Facility, as described in this
d. The
recommended projects for ‘bundling’ into the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit
Project procurement process, as described in this report, and as follows:
i. The
planned City works listed in Appendix 3;
ii. The
Ministry of Transportation of Ontario’s Highway 417 (Maitland Ave. to Highway
416) Expansion Project, on the understanding the project will be fully funded
by the provincial and federal governments and conditional on an Interface
iii. The
Highway 174 (between Montreal Road and Jeanne d’Arc Blvd.) Project to explore
advancing the ultimate Highway 174 configuration, as described in this report
and subject to the identification of a funding source;
e. The
following actions related to the projects being included in the Stage 2 Light
Rail Transit Project Procurement process:
i. Direct
staff to initiate an Environmental Assessment (EA) addendum to the West
Transitway Extension Environmental Assessment Study (Bayshore Station to
Moodie Drive) to advance the conversion from bus rapid transit to light rail
transit, as described in this report, and file the addendum with the Ministry
of the Environment and Climate Change in accordance with Ontario EA
Regulation 231/08 for transit projects;
ii. Direct
staff to initiate an Environmental Assessment (EA) addendum to the
Confederation Line West Extension Environmental Assessment Study (if
required) to expand the Bayshore Station bus facility, as described in this
report, and file the addendum with the Ministry of the Environment and
Climate Change in accordance with Ontario EA Regulation 231/08 for transit projects;
2. Approve
the updated Stage 2, Ottawa LRT Business Case, attached as Appendix 4;
3. Approve
the procurement model and process for the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project,
as described in this report, including as follows:
a. Delegate
the authority to the City Manager to execute the Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) between the City of Ottawa and the Rideau Transit Group, as described
in this report; and
i. Approve
the $492 million budget and funding sources for the Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) with the Rideau Transit Group, as outlined in this report
and conditional on these costs being eligible for federal and provincial
funding; and
ii. Delegate
the authority to the General Manager, Transportation Services, to proceed
with the MOU variations of the Rideau Transit Group’s work, and to negotiate,
finalize and execute an agreement with the long-term lenders, if required, as
described in this report.
b. Direct
staff to proceed with the Design, Build, Finance (DBf) procurement process
for the Confederation Line East and West extensions and related projects, as
described in this report;
c. Direct
staff to proceed with the Design, Build, Finance, Maintain (DBFM) procurement
process for the Trillium Line extension and related projects, as described in
this report;
d. Receive
the information on the Project Schedule, as outlined in this report.
e. Delegate
authority to the City Manager to negotiate, finalize and execute an agreement
with Infrastructure Ontario, if required, as outlined in this report.
4. Approve
the following related issues and actions for the implementation of the Stage
2 Light Rail Transit Project and related projects, as outlined in this
a. Receive
the information on the cost estimates for the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit and
related projects and the update on the federal and provincial partnership
b. Receive
the information on the short-listed options for addressing traffic and
mobility during construction as described in this report; and
i. Approve
the advanced purchase of 34 lifecycle replacement buses in 2017 and the
associated $28 million budget, to be funded as described in this report;
c. Approve
the following actions with respect to land assembly and property acquisition
for the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project and related projects, as described
in this report and as follows:
i. Direct
Corporate Real Estate Office staff to proceed with the acquisition of the
property interests required to facilitate the construction, use and
maintenance of the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project and related works, as
described in this report;
ii. Delegate
the authority to the General Manager, Corporate Services and City Treasurer
to place any by-laws required pursuant to the Expropriations Act for the
purposes of authorizing the making of applications for approval to
expropriate property and authorizing the expropriation of property rights, on
a Council Agenda, if necessary to facilitate the construction, use and
maintenance of the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project and related works, with
the concurrence of the Mayor and the Ward Councillor, and as described in
this report;
iii. In
addition to the authority contained in Delegated Authority By-law No.
2016-369, delegate the authority to the General Manager, Corporate Services
and City Treasurer to approve any real estate transaction involving the
acquisition of any interest in, or right to use, real property for the
purposes of the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project and related works,
including any offer of compensation payable under the Expropriations Act, and
execute documentation as required and any amendments thereto, regardless of
the total value of the transaction, provided it is accordance with the
requirements of the Real Property Acquisition Policy, is within the project
budget for the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project and has the concurrence of
the Mayor and the Councillor whose ward includes the relevant property;
iv. Direct
staff to report the details of the real estate transactions related to the
Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project and approved under delegated authority,
including expropriations, to the Finance and Economic Development Committee
and City Council after all property interests required for the Stage 2 Light
Rail Transit Project and required works have been acquired by the City and
all claims for compensation have been settled; and
v. Delegate
the authority to the Director, Corporate Real Estate Office to enter into
agreements with the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) providing for
the use of City-owned property by the Ministry of Transportation for nominal
consideration for the purposes of widening and other Highway 417 works
between Preston Street and Maitland Avenue in exchange for the use of
property owned by the Ministry of Transportation by the City for nominal
consideration for the purposes of the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project and
related projects, as described in this report.
d. Delegate
the authority to the Ottawa Light Rail Transit Executive Steering Committee
to confirm and recommend to Council the preferred proponent(s) at the close
of the Request for Proposals and to, at the discretion of the City Manager,
be the decision-making and escalation authority with respect to contract and
construction matters; and
i. Delegate
the authority to the City Manager to add or remove members of the Ottawa
Light Rail Transit Executive Steering Committee as required;
e. Receive
the information on the Communications and Stakeholder Relations approach.
5. Approve
the following with respect to relevant partner agreements for the Stage 2
Light Rail Transit Project and related projects:
a. Delegate
the authority to the City Manager to negotiate and finalize the Contribution
Agreements with the federal and provincial governments for the Stage 2 Light
Rail Transit Project and related projects, as described in this report, and
including full funding for the Trim Extension and Airport Rail Link and
delegate the authority to the Mayor to execute the final Contribution
b. Delegate
the authority to the City Manager to negotiate, finalize and execute
documents required to implement the terms of the Agreement in Principle
between the City and the National Capital Commission dated May 10th, 2016, as
outlined in this report, including the Property Term Sheet, together with any
required amendments to the terms of the Agreement in Principle reasonably
required to permit the completion of the matters described in the Agreement
in Principle;
c. Delegate
the authority to the City Manager to negotiate, finalize and execute the
Memorandum of Understanding with the Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International
Airport Authority with respect to the Airport Rail Link, based on the
principles outlined in this report;
d. Delegate
the authority to the City Manager to negotiate, finalize and execute the
Interface Agreement with the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario’s, with
respect to bundling the Highway 417 (Maitland Ave. to Highway 416) Expansion
Project, as outlined in this report;
e. Delegate
the authority to the City Manager to negotiate, finalize and execute the
Agreement in Principle with Public Service and Procurement Canada with
respect the construction of a Goldenrod Bridge, as outlined in this report;
f. Receive
the information with respect to the Indigenous Community Engagement Strategy
for the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit Project, as outlined in this report;
g. Receive
information on the provision and location of public washrooms for the Stage 2
LRT Project, as outlined in the report;
h. Receive
the information with respect to the Public Art Program for the Stage 2 LRT
Project, as outlined in the report.
i. Receive
information on the incorporation of pedestrian and cycling connectivity in
the Stage 2 LRT Project, as outlined in the report.
6. Approve
the inclusion of Station-Oriented Development Opportunities for Baseline
Station, Cleary Station and Pinecrest Station in the Design, Build, Finance
(DBf) procurement process for the Confederation Line East and West
extensions, as described in this report;
7. Delegate
the authority to the City Manager to accept and approve changes to the Stage
2 Light Rail Transit Project design, in accordance with the principles
outlined in this report, with the concurrence of the Ward Councillor and the
8. Delegate
the authority to the City Manager to address any unforeseen matters with
respect to proceeding with the procurement and next steps towards
implementation of the Stage 2 Light Rail and related projects on the
understanding that any actions will be consistent with Council direction on
this matter, within the relevant project budgets, undertaken with the
concurrence of the Mayor and any affected Ward Councillor, and reported back
to Council either through the Finance and Economic Development or as part of
the report recommending the contract award, as appropriate;
9. Direct staff to fully assess the
feasibility and relative priority of converting the Southwest Transitway from
bus rapid transit (BRT) to light rail transit (LRT) to connect Barrhaven to
the Confederation Line at the earliest opportunity, including options for
implementation staging (such as interim BRT improvements) and the
identification of other rapid transit supportive facilities to serve
Barrhaven residents (such as park and ride lots), while respecting the
affordability model established within the Long-Range Financial Plan for
Transit, and that this work inform the next Transportation Master Plan update
and include a review of projects currently within the Affordable Rapid
Transit and Transit Priority Network;
10. Direct staff to
explore opportunities for a Park and Ride to be located at the Moodie Station
with consultation among all the large landowners in the immediate vicinity
including leasing opportunities with the National Capital Commission; and
have staff report back to Finance and Economic Development Committee by the
end of 2017;
Direct staff to
continue to work with their counterparts in the City of Gatineau, to explore
potential enhancements to public transit and active mobility connections
between Ottawa and Gatineau, including, but not limited to, the future use of
the Prince of Wales Bridge, to inform the next update to the Transportation
Master Plan; and
ask Mayor Watson to
formalize the exploratory discussions, already initiated by both Mayors,
aimed at improving the rapid transit experience for residents of both cities,
including, but not limited to, the potential future use of the Prince of
Wales Bridge for rapid transit and active mobility with the goal of
establishing next steps, and reporting back on the progress of these
discussions before the end of this term of Council.
12. Approve that the functional design of the
Confederation Line East Extension be amended to include public washrooms at
Place d’Orléans Station, on the understanding that there will be no
additional capital budget pressure resulting from this change.
on a division of 24 YEAS to 0 NAYS, as follows:
YEAS (24):
Councillors M. Wilkinson, S. Blais, A. Hubley, D. Chernushenko, J.
Mitic, G. Darouze, K. Egli, D. Deans*, R. Brockington, J. Harder,
C. McKenney*, S. Qadri, J. Leiper*, R. Chiarelli*, T.
Tierney, B. Monette, S. Moffatt, M. Fleury, M. Taylor, E. El-Chantiry, M.
Qaqish, J. Cloutier,
T. Nussbaum*, Mayor J. Watson
NAYS (0):
*Members dissented on specific
recommendations as set out below;
D. Deans, J. Leiper, C. McKenney and T. Nussbaum dissented on Recommendation
R. Chiarelli, D. Deans and C. McKenney dissented on Recommendation 4(c)(iv).
Deans dissented on Recommendation 4(d)(i).
That Council receive this report for information.
That Council:
1. Approve
the Brownfield Rehabilitation Grant application submitted by 1663321 Ontario
Inc., owner of the property at 200, 230 and 260 Steamline Street, for a grant
under the Brownfield Redevelopment Community Improvement Plan Program not to
exceed a total of $4,516,053 for which the grant payment period will be
phased over a maximum of 10 years per phase of development, subject to the
establishment of, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
Brownfield Redevelopment Grant Agreement;
2. Delegate
the authority to the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic
Development, to execute a Brownfields Redevelopment Grant Agreement with
1663321 Ontario Inc., establishing the terms and conditions governing the
payment of the grant for the redevelopment of 200, 230 and 260 Steamline
Street, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure
and Economic Development Department, the City Clerk and Solicitor and the City
by Councillor J. Cloutier
Seconded by Councillor J. Harder
WHEREAS the report entitled Brownfield
Grant Program Application - 200, 230 and 260 Steamline Street (ACS2017-PIE-PS-0008) names 1663321
Ontario Inc. as the registered owner of the
aforementioned property; and
WHEREAS the holding company has completed a transfer in
ownership from 1663321 Ontario Inc. to 1384673 Ontario Inc. – a
change that was not brought to the Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department’s attention until after Finance and
Economic Development Committee’s approval on February 24, 2017; and
WHEREAS this transfer in ownership presents no implications with
respect to the report’s recommendations and there are no other revisions required
to the application;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that all references to the registered owner
of the subject property in report ACS2017-PIE-PS-0008 be amended to reflect
1384673 Ontario Inc.
The Committee recommendations,
as amended by Motion No. 47/7 were put to Council and CARRIED.
That Council receive this report for information.
That Council:
1. Declare
the property known municipally as 1463 Prince of Wales Drive described as
Part of Lot 34, CON Broken Rideau Front, as in CR506608 in the City of Ottawa
being all of PIN 040760002, containing an area of 0.50 ha (1.26 acres) and
shown hatched on Document “1” attached, as surplus to the City’s needs;
2. Waive
the requirement in Section 5 of the City’s Real Property Disposal Policy
requiring notification to the public of the pending sale of a City property;
3. Waive
the requirement in Section 1.2 of the City’s Real Property Disposal Policy
requiring all real property to be disposed of at market value and approve the
sale of the lands known municipally as 1463 Prince of Wales Drive to the
Ottawa Boys and Girls Club for the sum of $1.00 pursuant to a Memorandum of
Understanding between the City of Ottawa and the Boys and Girls Club dated
November 14, 2016 subject to any easements that may be required.
4. Delegate
authority to the Director, Corporate Real Estate Office to negotiate,
conclude and execute, on behalf of the City, the final documents required to
complete this transaction, within the contractual and financial parameters
set forth in this Report.
1. Receive
for information an update regarding the ByWard and Parkdale Markets
Revitalization Project including progress related to the George Street Plaza
Signature (“Book End”) Stands initiative as outlined in this report;
2. Approve the proposed amendments to
ByWard Market Program By-law 2008 449 and the Parkdale Market Program By-law
2008-448, as detailed in Document 1 and outlined in this report, and delegate
the authority to the Markets Manager to temporarily re-locate stands on York Street
for the 2017 Summer Vending Season and to administer the provisions of the
Sponsorship and Stand Management Agreement and the associated stand
allocation permits as related to the Signature (“Book End”) Stands on the
George Street Plaza, as outlined in this report; and
3. Direct
that the City Clerk and Solicitor, in consultation with the General Manager,
Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development, be authorized to make
minor amendments and revisions to the Parkdale Market Program By-law 2008-448
and the ByWard Market Program By-law 2008-449 as may be required for clarity
and administrative efficiency, and to give effect to the decision of Council.
That Council:
1. approve
an amendment to the Official Plan by designating part of 300 Goulbourn Forced
Road as Urban Natural Features as detailed in Document 1; and,
2. approve
an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for part of 300 Goulbourn Forced Road
to rezone the new open space corridor to Environmental Protection Zone and
realign zoning boundaries as detailed in Document 2.
by Councillor J. Harder
Seconded by Councillor M. Wilkinson
WHEREAS Report ACS2017-PIE-PS-0030 (Official Plan Amendment and
Zoning By-law Amendment – Part of 300 Goulbourn Forced Road) recommends
approval and adoption of an Official Plan Amendment and related Zoning By-law
Amendment; and
WHEREAS, following Planning Committee’s approval of the report on
February 28, 2017, a technical discrepancy was identified which requires a
correction to Recommendation 1 and the text of the associated Official Plan
Amendment – specifically, that two small areas of the subject lands be
designated General Urban Area and Urban Natural Feature to facilitate the
proposed Zoning By-law amendment;
Recommendation 1 a. be amended by adding
the text, “and General Urban Area” immediately following the text, “Urban
Natural Features”
Document 1 be amended as follows:
a. Part A – The Preamble, 1. Purpose, be amended by adding the text,
“and Urban Natural Features to General Urban Area” immediately following the
text, “Urban Natural Features”
b. Part B – The Amendment be amended as follows:
Amend 2. Details of the Amendment, by
adding the text, “and Urban Natural Features to General Urban Area” immediately
following the text, “Urban Natural Features”
by replacing Schedule 1 with the attached
Schedule; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to the Planning Act, Subsection
34(17) no further notice be given.
The Committee
Recommendations, as amended by Motion 47/8 and as set out in full below, were
put to Council:
That Council:
1. approve
an amendment to the Official Plan by designating part of 300 Goulbourn Forced
Road as Urban Natural Features and General Urban Area as detailed in Document
1; and,
2. approve
an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for part of 300 Goulbourn Forced Road
to rezone the new open space corridor to Environmental Protection Zone and
realign zoning boundaries as detailed in Document 2.
that document 1 be amended as follows:
Part A – The Preamble, 1. Purpose, be
amended by adding the text, “and Urban Natural Features to General Urban
Area” immediately following the text, “Urban Natural Features”
Part B – The Amendment be amended as
Amend 2. Details of the Amendment, by
adding the text, “and Urban Natural Features to General Urban Area”
immediately following the text, “Urban Natural Features”
by replacing Schedule 1 with the
attached Schedule (per Council Motion 47/8); and
that pursuant to the Planning Act,
Subsection 34(17) no further notice be given.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for 175 Main Street to permit 13 single detached and 36 townhome
dwellings, as detailed in Document 2.
That Council approve:
1. an
Official Plan amendment to the Preston-Carling District Secondary Plan,
Schedule B, to permit a high-rise building for the property at 333, 343, and
347 Preston Street and 17 Aberdeen Street, as detailed in Document 2; and
2. an
amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 333, 343, and 347 Preston Street and
17 Aberdeen Street to permit a high-rise building, as detailed in Document 3.
That Council:
1. Amend
the 2013 Ottawa Cycling Plan to replace the Donald Street cycling project
(P1-39) with a new cycling project on McArthur Avenue as described in this
report; and,
2. Delegate
authority to the General Manager, Transportation Services in consultation
with the General Manager, Public Works and Environmental Services, to modify
the Winter Cycling Network as each cycling project is completed in accordance
with winter cycling needs, connectivity and affordability, and reported
through Transportation Services’ annual Delegated Authority Report.
That Council:
1. Approve
the Right of Way Patio By-law, as set out in this report and attached as
Document 1, and authorize the City Clerk and Solicitor, in consultation with
the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development, to
make minor revisions and amendments to the By-law as may be required;
2. Approve
the amended fee structure for Outdoor (Right of Way) Patios, Café seating,
and Parklets as set out in Document 2;
3. Approve
the phased-in application of the proposed Right of Way Patio By law whereby:
i. Applications
for new patios and parklets are subject to the proposed Right of Way Patio
By-law; and,
ii. Applications
for the renewal of existing patios and parklets are subject to the provisions
of the new By-law except for the requirements regarding the Accessibility
Design Standards and pedestrian clearway, which are deferred for a one year
transition period for both the Summer 2017 and Winter 2017-18 patio seasons,
as described in the report;
4. Direct
that staff bring forward to Transportation Committee in February 2018 a
report on the progress made in designating the pedestrian clearway adjacent
to all existing patios and the progress of those patios in meeting the relevant
sections of the City of Ottawa Accessibility Design Standards.
5. Approve:
1. A waiver of Subsection 19(1) of the
Noise By-law (By-law 2004-253, as amended) to permit the use of noise
amplification devices on all types of ROW patios subject to the proposed ROW
Patio By-law (Document 1); and,
2. That Sections 7 and 8 of the proposed
ROW patio By-law (Document 1) be struck out and replaced with the following
7. (1) A first-time application for a new
ROW patio that is a front a curbside or a streetside patio with a proposed
separation of less than 90m from a property zoned as residential or mixed
residential/Commercial will be processed as follows:
(a) Residents and residential property owners
within the 90m distance, the local Business Improvement Area and any local
community association registered with the City of Ottawa will be notified by
letter of the proposed ROW patio, and provided with a copy of the proposed
plan for the ROW patio, with the following conditions:
(i) comments from residents and residential
property owners must be received by the General manager within fifteen (15)
working days of receipt of the letter; and,
(ii) the Ward Councillor shall be informed of
the application;
(b) If no objections to the proposed ROW patio
are received, the General Manager may issue a permit in accordance with this
(c) An objection to an aspect of the ROW patio
that meets this by-law will be considered as resolved.
(d) The General Manager shall use conditions
of the permit to resolve objections, and an objection to an aspect of the ROW
patio that can be enforced as a condition of the permit will be considered as
(e) Where one or more objections remain, the
General Manager shall report to the City’s Transportation Committee, which
shall approve, approve with conditions, or refuse approval of the permit for
the ROW patio, and, (i) the applicant and any objector will be notified of
the time and date that the report is to be considered at Transportation
Committee; and, (ii) the Transportation Committee decision shall be final.
(2) Any conditions or requirements related to
noise or noise attenuation imposed on a pre-existing front, curbside or
streetside patio in a permit granted by the City prior to the coming into
force of this by-law shall continue and be imposed on any permit issued under
this by-law for such a patio.
(3) A ROW patio permit issued for a new patio
within 30m of any property zoned as residential or mixed residential/
Commercial shall include the provision that the ROW patio is required to
close each night by 11:00 p.m., and that no patrons are permitted on the ROW
patio after this time.
(4) A ROW patio permit issued for a new patio
within 30m of any property zoned as residential shall include the provision
that audio speakers on the patio must be turned off by 11:00 p.m. nightly.
8. The General Manager will review any
noise-related complaints by a property owner or a tenant of a dwelling on a
property zoned as residential or mixed residential/Commercial concerning a
ROW patio, and:
(i) will advise the ROW permit holder of the
(ii) the permit holder shall have ten (10)
days within which to improve the situation; and,
(iii) if the General Manager deems it
necessary, may impose on the ROW patio permit in question one or more
conditions to mitigate the noise complaint, including but not limited to: a.
requiring the ROW patio to close each night by 11:00p.m., and that no patrons
are permitted on the ROW patio after this time; b. requiring that audio
speakers on the ROW patio must be turned off by 11:00 p.m. nightly; or c.
requiring noise attenuation measures be implemented in respect of the ROW
6. Approve that the definition of
“pedestrian clearway” in Section 1 of Document 1 be struck out and that the
following definition be substituted: “pedestrian clearway” means a clear and
unencumbered area of the highway approved by the General Manager that is
reserved for pedestrian traffic;
7. Approve that up to $18,000 of the 2017
patio permit program revenue be made available to provide for seasonal
enforcement staff resources for the 2017 summer patio season to augment
enforcement of the Noise By-law and other applicable by-laws.
by Councillor C. McKenney
Seconded by Councillor M. Fleury
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That Council approve:
Subsection 7(4) of the proposed ROW patio By-law (Document 1) be struck out and
replaced with the following subsection:
7. (4) A ROW patio
permit issued for a new patio within 30m of any property zoned as residential
or mixed residential/Commercial shall include the provision that audio speakers
on the patio must be turned off by 11:00 p.m. nightly.
The Transportation
Committee Recommendations, as amended by Motion 47/9 and as set out in full
below, were put to Council:
That Council:
1. Approve
the Right of Way Patio By-law, as set out in this report and attached as
Document 1, and authorize the City Clerk and Solicitor, in consultation with
the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development, to
make minor revisions and amendments to the By-law as may be required;
2. Approve
the amended fee structure for Outdoor (Right of Way) Patios, Café seating,
and Parklets as set out in Document 2;
3. Approve
the phased-in application of the proposed Right of Way Patio By law whereby:
i. Applications
for new patios and parklets are subject to the proposed Right of Way Patio
By-law; and,
ii. Applications
for the renewal of existing patios and parklets are subject to the provisions
of the new By-law except for the requirements regarding the Accessibility
Design Standards and pedestrian clearway, which are deferred for a one year
transition period for both the Summer 2017 and Winter 2017-18 patio seasons,
as described in the report;
4. Direct
that staff bring forward to Transportation Committee in February 2018 a
report on the progress made in designating the pedestrian clearway adjacent
to all existing patios and the progress of those patios in meeting the
relevant sections of the City of Ottawa Accessibility Design Standards.
5. Approve:
1. A waiver of Subsection 19(1) of the
Noise By-law (By-law 2004-253, as amended) to permit the use of noise
amplification devices on all types of ROW patios subject to the proposed ROW
Patio By-law (Document 1); and,
2. That Sections 7 and 8 of the proposed
ROW patio By-law (Document 1) be struck out and replaced with the following
7. (1) A first-time application for a new
ROW patio that is a front a curbside or a streetside patio with a proposed
separation of less than 90m from a property zoned as residential or mixed
residential/Commercial will be processed as follows:
(a) Residents and residential property owners
within the 90m distance, the local Business Improvement Area and any local
community association registered with the City of Ottawa will be notified by
letter of the proposed ROW patio, and provided with a copy of the proposed
plan for the ROW patio, with the following conditions:
(i) comments from residents and residential
property owners must be received by the General manager within fifteen (15)
working days of receipt of the letter; and,
(ii) the Ward Councillor shall be informed of
the application;
(b) If no objections to the proposed ROW patio
are received, the General Manager may issue a permit in accordance with this
(c) An objection to an aspect of the ROW patio
that meets this by-law will be considered as resolved.
(d) The General Manager shall use conditions
of the permit to resolve objections, and an objection to an aspect of the ROW
patio that can be enforced as a condition of the permit will be considered as
(e) Where one or more objections remain, the
General Manager shall report to the City’s Transportation Committee, which
shall approve, approve with conditions, or refuse approval of the permit for
the ROW patio, and, (i) the applicant and any objector will be notified of
the time and date that the report is to be considered at Transportation
Committee; and, (ii) the Transportation Committee decision shall be final.
(2) Any conditions or requirements related to
noise or noise attenuation imposed on a pre-existing front, curbside or
streetside patio in a permit granted by the City prior to the coming into
force of this by-law shall continue and be imposed on any permit issued under
this by-law for such a patio.
(3) A ROW patio permit issued for a new patio
within 30m of any property zoned as residential or mixed residential/
Commercial shall include the provision that the ROW patio is required to
close each night by 11:00 p.m., and that no patrons are permitted on the ROW
patio after this time.
(4) A ROW patio
permit issued for a new patio within 30m of any property zoned as residential
or mixed residential/Commercial shall include the provision that audio
speakers on the patio must be turned off by 11:00 p.m. nightly.
8. The General Manager will review any
noise-related complaints by a property owner or a tenant of a dwelling on a
property zoned as residential or mixed residential/Commercial concerning a
ROW patio, and:
(i) will advise the ROW permit holder of the
(ii) the permit holder shall have ten (10)
days within which to improve the situation; and,
(iii) if the General Manager deems it
necessary, may impose on the ROW patio permit in question one or more
conditions to mitigate the noise complaint, including but not limited to: a.
requiring the ROW patio to close each night by 11:00p.m., and that no patrons
are permitted on the ROW patio after this time; b. requiring that audio
speakers on the ROW patio must be turned off by 11:00 p.m. nightly; or c.
requiring noise attenuation measures be implemented in respect of the ROW
6. Approve that the definition of
“pedestrian clearway” in Section 1 of Document 1 be struck out and that the
following definition be substituted: “pedestrian clearway” means a clear and
unencumbered area of the highway approved by the General Manager that is
reserved for pedestrian traffic;
7. Approve that up to $18,000 of the 2017
patio permit program revenue be made available to provide for seasonal
enforcement staff resources for the 2017 summer patio season to augment
enforcement of the Noise By-law and other applicable by-laws.
That Council receive this report for information.
That Council approve the
following appointments to the Sparks Street Mall Authority Board of
Management for the term expiring November 30, 2018:
• Councillor
Catherine McKenney
• Court
Curry, Manager, Right of Way, Heritage & Urban Design, City of Ottawa
• Nathalie
Laliberté, Director General, Parliamentary Precinct Branch, Public Services
and Procurement Canada
• Bill
Leonard, Director, Real Estate Management, National Capital Commission
• Tony
Kano, Chair, Sparks Street Business Improvement Area
• Michael
Swan, Director of Leasing, Brookfield
That Council:
1. delegate
authority to the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic
Development Department to grant draft approval to a subdivision or permit a
plan of subdivision to proceed to registration where the subdivision contains
an intersection with a major collector or arterial road, and to provide for
the reimbursement of the cost of design and construction of the intersection,
and that this delegated authority be limited to:
a) intersections
identified in the 2014 Background Study (as amended and adopted by Council);
b) reimbursement
of up to $950,000, exclusive of H.S.T., inclusive of traffic signalization
for a standard, all movement intersection;
c) reimbursement
of up to $2,000,000, exclusive of H.S.T., for a roundabout;
2. approve
that, upon completion of the works, reimbursement shall occur the later of
either the year the intersection was forecast in the 2014 Background Study
(as amended and adopted by Council) and 2018;
3. direct
staff to:
a) identify
in the 2018 Budget the amounts for which payments will be required in 2018,
b) update
the Intersection Control Measures program to align with the Ontario Municipal
Board rulings specific to the City of Ottawa.
That Council:
1. Approve
the installation of an all-way stop control at the intersection of Strasbourg
Street and Chinian Street; and,
2. Approve
the installation of an all-way stop control at the intersection of Gerry
Lalonde Drive and Chinian Street.
MOTION NO. 47/10
Moved by Councillor
M. Wilkinson
Seconded by Councillor B. Monette
That the
report from the City Clerk and Solicitor’s Office entitled “Status Update -
Council Inquiries and Motions for the Period Ending March 3, 2017”;
Environment and Climate Protection Committee Report 13; Finance and Economic
Development Committee Reports 21 and 22; Planning Committee Report 40; and Transportation Committee Report 21 be received and adopted as amended.
MOTION NO. 47/11
Moved by
Councillor D. Deans
Seconded by Councillor M. Wilkinson
1910 women delegates from around the world met in Copenhagen to propose that
Women’s Day become an international event to promote equal rights for women;
first International Women’s Day was held in 1911; and
1977, the United Nations officially called for all countries to mark a day for
the recognition of women's economic, political and social achievements; and
year thousands of events are held around the world to inspire, celebrate and
honour women; and
2017 Canada celebrates its 150th Anniversary, which is an opportunity to
proudly recognize the outstanding leadership and contributions of women on a
local, provincial, national and international scale;
IT RESOLVED THAT Ottawa City Council declare March 8, 2017, to be International
Women’s Day in the City of Ottawa.
MOTION NO. 47/12
Moved by Councillor
B. Monette
Seconded by Mayor J. Watson
Orleans Craft Beer Festival is an outdoor festival promoting local breweries,
food vendors and musicians; and
Orleans Craft Beer Festival is to occur on Friday June 9, 2017 through Sunday
June 11, 2017; and
Centrum Boulevard, from Brisebois Crescent to Prestone Drive is required to be
closed to accommodate the festival and on-street festival set-up; and
on-street festival set-up will commence at 11:00am on Friday June 9, 2017 and
the festival will begin operation at 1:00pm on Friday June 9, 2017; and
City of Ottawa’s Special Events on City Streets By-law (2001-260, as amended),
Policy Annex D “Approval Criteria for Other Events Requiring Road Closures”
approved by Council on July 11, 2001, prohibits road closures before 6:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday; and
Subsection 3(2) of Ontario Regulation 389/91, as amended under the Liquor
Licence Act, provides that prescribed special occasions for the purposes of
Special Occasion Permits (SOPs), include a public event designated by a
municipal council as an event of municipal significance; and
Council at its meeting of November 23, 2016, approved the definition of event
of municipal significance as being a single or recurring special event,
occurring on City or private property, which has a high economic and business
benefit to the residents and communities of Ottawa and/or the National Capital
Region that attracts local, national and international visitors and
participants, as well as a wide range of media coverage;
IT RESOLVED that Council approve the road closure for Centrum Boulevard from
Brisebois Crescent to Prestone Drive from 11:00 a.m. on Friday, June 9 to 11:00
p.m. on Sunday, June 11 for the Orleans Craft Beer Festival, providing it meets
the requirements, conditions and approval of Special Events Advisory Team
(SEAT); and
RESOLVED THAT Council declare the Orleans Craft Beer Festival an event of
municipal significance for the purpose of the Special Occasion Permit submitted
by the event organizer pursuant to Ontario Regulation 389/91 as amended.
MOTION NO. 47/13
by Councillor D. Chernushenko
Seconded by Councillor J. Cloutier
That the Rules of Procedure be waived to consider the following
motion to allow for the event to proceed on April 8, 2017 and the next Council
meeting is not until April 12, 2017:
WHEREAS Subsection 3(2) of Ontario Regulation 389/91, as amended
under the Liquor Licence Act, provides that prescribed special occasions
for the purposes of Special Occasion Permits (SOPs), include a public event
designated by a municipal council as an event of municipal significance; and
AND WHEREAS Council at its meeting of November 23, 2016, approved
the definition of event of municipal significance as being a single or recurring special event, occurring on City or private
property, which has a high economic and business benefit to the residents and
communities of Ottawa and/or the National Capital Region that attracts local,
national and international visitors and participants, as well as a wide range
of media coverage;
AND WHEREAS the SugarLumberFest on April 8, 2017 will see
approximately 2500 guests throughout the day and approximately 450 events at
any time;
AND WHEREAS the SugarLumberFest will have significant economic and
business benefit and will draw visitors from across the City to participate in
many activities and given the potential media coverage;
declare the SugarLumberFest an event of municipal significance for the purpose
of the Special Occasion Permit submitted by the event organizer pursuant to
Ontario Regulation 389/91 as amended.
MOTION NO. 47/14
by Councillor D. Chernushenko
Seconded by Councillor J. Cloutier
That the Rules of Procedure be waived to consider the following
motion to allow for the events to begin on March 21, 2017 and the next Council
meeting is not until April 12, 2017:
WHEREAS Subsection 3(2) of Ontario Regulation 389/91, as amended
under the Liquor Licence Act, provides that prescribed special occasions
for the purposes of Special Occasion Permits (SOPs), include a public event
designated by a municipal council as an event of municipal significance; and
AND WHEREAS Council at its meeting of November 23, 2016, approved
the definition of event of municipal significance as being a single or recurring special event, occurring on City or private
property, which has a high economic and business benefit to the residents and
communities of Ottawa and/or the National Capital Region that attracts local,
national and international visitors and participants, as well as a wide range
of media coverage;
AND WHEREAS the Ottawa Welcomes the World Events are hosting
approximately 70 events, hosted by partners including embassies from many
AND WHEREAS Ottawa Welcomes the World Events will see approximately
500 guests at these events which run from March 21 to December 1, 2017;
AND WHEREAS the Ottawa Welcomes the World Events will have significant
economic and business benefit and will draw visitors from across the City and
around the world to participate in these events;
declare the Ottawa Welcomes the World events, events of municipal significance
for the purpose of the Special Occasion Permit submitted by the event organizer
pursuant to Ontario Regulation 389/91 as amended.
MOTION NO. 47/15
by Councillor M. Qaqish
Seconded by Councillor D. Chernushenko
That the Rules of Procedure be suspended, due to the timelines for
the tender of the project, to consider the following motion:
WHEREAS the approved 2017 Road Resurfacing Program (Project
908492) included the resurfacing of Prince of Wales Drive (480m N of Strandherd
Drive to Hunt Club Road), estimated to cost $3.8 million; and
WHEREAS preliminary engineering has revealed that this stretch of
Prince of Wales requires rehabilitation rather than resurfacing, and that this
rehabilitation cannot wait until Prince of Wales is widened; and
WHEREAS staff has identified that $4.7 million in additional funding
is required to undertake the road rehabilitation work; and
WHEREAS Prince of Wales is a major north/south arterial road, and
staff recommends completing the work in a single construction season given the
major impact the extensive work required will have on the community and the
flow-through traffic, and staff further recommends undertaking the
construction in 2017 so that the 2018 program is not encumbered; and
WHEREAS the Prince of Wales Road reconstruction project is set to
immediately go out to tender and full funding authority is required for that
tender; and
WHEREAS Finance staff is currently in the process of preparing the
capital closing report and is confident that this additional requirement can be
accommodated this year through the capital closing and therefore recommends
that the $4.7 million requirement to undertake this work in 2017 be funded from
tax-supported debt;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that City Council approve that the capital
authority for the 2017 Resurfacing Program (908492) to complete the Prince of
Wales Drive (480m N of Strandherd Drive to Hunt Club Road),
Reconstruction Project be increased by $4.7 million, to be funded with
tax-supported debt; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the General Manager of Corporate
Services and City Treasurer be directed to review the projects coming forward
as part of the capital closing report, to identify the most appropriate method
of refinancing this additional authority.
by Councillor C. McKenney
Seconded by Councillor J. Leiper
WHEREAS the Bank Street Business Improvement Area (BIA) will host
the annual Glow Fair Music Light Art event;
AND WHEREAS many of the Glow Fair activities will be happening
outdoors on Bank Street and Gloucester Street, including a main stage for
AND WHEREAS the BIA has requested the closure of Bank Street from
Slater Street to Gladstone Avenue, and Gloucester Street from O’Connor Street
to Bank Street, from 1:00 p.m. on the third Friday in June to 6:00
a.m. on the third Sunday in June (annually), to increase the safety and
security of the area;
AND WHEREAS the City of Ottawa’s Special
Events on City Roads (2001-260) By-law prohibits road closures before 6:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council approve
the road closure for Bank Street from Slater Street to Gladstone Avenue, and
Gloucester Street from O’Connor Street to Bank Street, from 1:00 p.m. on the
third Friday in June to 6:00 a.m. on the third Sunday in June, for
2017 and 2018, for the Glow Fair Music Light Art event, providing it meets the
requirements, conditions and approval of Special Events Advisory Team (SEAT).
MOTION NO. 47/16
Moved by
Councillor M. Wilkinson
Seconded by Councillor B. Monette
That the
by-laws listed on the Agenda under Motion to Introduce By-laws, Three
Readings be read and passed;
A by-law of the City
of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2006-75 respecting fees and charges for
inspections and file searches by Ottawa Fire Services.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2006-76 respecting fees and charges for Ottawa Fire Services.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to close Part
of Lot 23 (West Waller Street) and Part of Albert Street, Plan 3922.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to change the
name of rue Maple Street to voie Heritage Maple Way, a municipal highway in
the City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to close an
untraveled road allowance located to the rear of the lands municipally known
as 201 Parkdale Avenue.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish
certain lands as common and public highway and assume it for public use (Bayview
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2004-253 respecting exterior bus announcements.
by-law of the City of Ottawa to repeal By-law No. 2017-55 and to establish
certain lands as common and public highway and assume it for public use
(Swale Road, Frank Kenny Road, Bleeks Road, Merivale Road, Marvelville Road,
Third Line Road, Johnwoods Street, Belcourt Boulevard, Maple Avenue).
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish
the rural and urban service areas for stormwater service fees.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of part of the lands
known municipally as 175 Main Street to permit two detached dwellings.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of part of the lands
known municipally as 175 Main Street.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend the
Official Plan for the City of Ottawa to change the designation of part of the
lands municipally known as 300 Goulbourn Forced Road.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of part of the lands
known municipally as 300 Goulbourn Forced Road.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend the
Official Plan for the City of Ottawa to amend Schedule B of the
Preston-Carling District Secondary Plan in Volume 2a – Secondary Plans of the
Official Plan for the City of Ottawa for part of lands municipally known as
333, 343, and 347 Preston Street and 17 Aberdeen Street.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2008-250 of the City of Ottawa to change the zoning of the lands known
municipally as 333, 343, and 347 Preston Street and 17 Aberdeen Street.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate certain
lands at rue Mondavi Street on Plan 4M-1522, as being exempt from Part Lot
by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2004-60 to appoint Municipal
Law Enforcement Officers in accordance with private property parking
by-law of the City of Ottawa designating the Kanata Central Area as an
improvement area.
by-law of the City of Ottawa establishing a Board of Management for the
Kanata Central Area as an improvement area.
MOTION NO. 47/17
Moved by
Councillor M. Wilkinson
Seconded by Councillor B. Monette
That the following by-law
be read and passed:
To confirm the proceedings of the Council meeting of March 8,
Council adjourned
the meeting at 12:58 p.m.