WHEREAS the City’s Commemorative Naming Policy, approved by Council on July 24, 2002, outlines the criteria and process for commemoratively naming municipal streets, parks and facilities (or parts thereof); and WHEREAS the Commemorative Naming Policy provides an exception allowing Council to assign a commemorative name by resolution, in keeping with its powers set out in the Municipal Act, 2001; and
WHEREAS, the late Linda Dodd (1949-2020) was a long-time resident and volunteer in Carlington (River Ward); and
WHEREAS, Ms. Dodd served on the Carlington Community Association for many years, mainly as Treasurer, but also serving in other capacities; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Dodd also served as a volunteer with the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Canadian National Institute for the Blind, the Arthritis Society and Canadian Cancer Research, earning her the Sovereign Medal for Volunteerism in 2017; and
WHEREAS, the gazebo in Harrold Place Park was replaced in 2021, and is a focal point in this park for local families; and
WHEREAS, there is strong support in the community to recognize the memory of Linda Dodd; and
WHEREAS, the Carlington Community Association endorses the commemorative naming of the Harrold Place Park Gazebo in memory of the late Linda Dodd; and
WHEREAS the family of Linda Dodd have been consulted and support this proposal;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the gazebo, located at Harrold Place Park, 1 Harrold Place, be named the “Linda Dodd Gazebo”; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an appropriate stand and plaque be installed displaying the name and including a brief history of Linda Dodd’s contributions; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all costs related to the production and installation of the stand, plaque and associated public event be funded through the Councillor’s office.