Wednesday, 09 October 2019
10:00 am
Andrew S. Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue W.
The Council of
the City of Ottawa met at Andrew S. Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West,
Ottawa, on Wednesday, 09 October 2019 beginning at 10:00 a.m.
The Mayor, Jim
Watson, presided and led Council in a moment of reflection.
The national anthem was performed by Lyndon
Jim Watson presented the Mayor’s City Builder Award to Chris Binkowski,
Christina Johnson and Kenzie McCurdy from StopGap Ottawa in recognition of
their efforts to make Ottawa more accessible. Started in 2015, StopGap Ottawa
helps make businesses more accessible by building ramps for their entrances. StopGap
Ottawa is part of a larger foundation, Stop Gap Foundation, whose aim is to
create a world where every person can access every space, where a barrier free
world would help give everyone the opportunity to live a life full of independence,
spontaneity and ultimate fulfillment.
All Members were
present at the meeting, except Councillor D. Deans (See Motion
No. 20/1 of September 25, 2019), R. Chiarelli, and M. Luloff.
No declarations of
interest were filed.
Moved by Councillor
T. Tierney
Seconded by Councillor G. Gower
That Agriculture
and Rural Affairs Committee Report 7; Finance and Economic Development
Committee Report 8; Planning Committee Report 13; Transportation
Committee Report 5; and the report from the City Clerk entitled
“Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions
for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the
City Council Meeting of September 25, 2019”; be
received and considered.
1. Approve
Document 1 attached to this report as the City of Ottawa Comment on the
Proposed Changes to the Provincial Policy Statement;
2. Direct
staff, following the September 26, 2019 Planning Committee, October 3, 2019
Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, and October 9, 2019 Council, in
accordance with such modifications as approved by Council, to finalize and
submit the revised Document 1 as the Official City of Ottawa Comment on the
Proposed Changes to the Provincial Policy Statement by October 21, 2019; and
3. Receive
the Draft Staff Analysis and Comments Table on the Proposed Changes to the
Provincial Policy Statement attached as Document 2 to this report.
Council approve:
1. Amendments
to Planning Applications fees as set out in By-law 2019-95, as detailed in
Document 1;
2. The
addition of seven full-time equivalent (FTE) positions for the Planning
Services and Legal Service Areas, at an annual approximate cost of $800,000.00,
funded entirely from the increase in fee-generated revenues, noted in Recommendation
by Councillor E. El-Chantiry
Seconded by Councillor J. Harder
WHEREAS the report ACA2019-PIE-PS-0095, Planning Services Funding
Review and Staff Increase proposes amendments to Planning Application fees; and
WHEREAS Document 1 details the current and proposed City of Ottawa
user fees; and
WHEREAS rural areas are defined in Schedule A – Rural Policy Plan of
the Official Plan; and
WHEREAS the rural Councillors have expressed a concern that the cost
to develop lands in surrounding rural communities, such as Lanark or Prescott
-Russel, is already lower; and
WHEREAS the rural area Councillors feel that such a rapid increase
in application fees would disadvantage rural economic development in the City
of Ottawa;
WHEREAS the zoning fees can be
isolated from the rest of the fees such that the cost of living, the payment
for LMS and the amount required for the FTEs, as detailed in the report, would remain
the same;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council approve an incremental increase in the zoning fee for rural
applications, as defined in Schedule A of the Official Plan, for 2020
and increasing to the full amount, in 2022; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council approve the replacement of
Document 1 with the attached revised version (Revised
Document 1 held on file with the City Clerk).
The Report Recommendations,
as amended by Motion No. 21/2, were put to Council and CARRIED.
That Council direct staff in the Planning, Infrastructure
and Economic Development department to initiate an Official Plan Amendment
and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit the redesignation of lands to the south
of the Osgoode Care Centre to permit a long term care facility.
That Council approve:
an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 1950 Scott Street, 312 and
314 Clifton Road to permit a high-rise apartment building, as detailed in
Document 2;
2. that, in order for the
applicant to be able to sign the required Section 37 Agreement, the following
recommendation be deleted:
that the implementing Zoning By-law not
proceed to Council until such time as the agreement under Section 37 of the Planning
Act is executed.
3. that pursuant to the Planning
Act, Subsection 34(17) no further notice be given.
with Councillors J. Leiper, C. McKenney, and S. Menard dissenting.
That Council approve:
the zoning provisions for high-rise buildings, as detailed in
Document 1;
2. an
amendment to correct an anomaly in the GM – General Mixed-Use Zone concerning
a provision that was inadvertently omitted in By-law 2014-292, replacing the
former land use “apartment dwelling, mid-high rise” with “apartment dwelling,
mid-rise” and “apartment dwelling, high-rise”, as detailed in Document 1.
That Council approve:
1. an amendment to Zoning
By-law 2008-250 for 412 Sparks Street to permit an 18-storey retirement home,
as detailed in Document 2;
2. that, in order to permit
projections above the height limit in accordance with Section 64 of the
Zoning By-law, 412 Sparks Street be removed from Schedule 11; and
3. that pursuant to the Planning
Act, Subsection 34(17) no further notice be given.
That Council:
1. Approve
the updated City of Ottawa Municipal Parking Management Strategy, including
the following elements:
a. Setting
a minimum Parking Reserve Fund amount of $8 million and a maximum Parking Reserve
Fund of $20 million; and,
b. Directing
staff to amend the existing Delegation of Authority By-law to reflect the
recommended changes in the Rate Setting Guidelines; and,
c. Increasing
the Business Improvement Area (BIA) Parking Grant Program to $10,000 for each
BIA in paid parking areas; and,
d. The
updated Terms of Reference for the Parking Stakeholder Consultation Group and
the Local Area Parking Studies;
2. Approve
increasing the $3.00 per hour on-street parking rates to $3.50 per hour, with
the maximum set at $4.00 per hour effective January 1, 2020;
3. Approve
the addition of three full-time equivalent positions to support the development
and implementation of a Bike Parking Strategy, to be funded through the Paid
Parking Program;
4. Receive
the Governance Review Report as presented by MNP Ltd, attached as Document 6;
5. Approve that the excess funds
in the Parking Reserve Fund, expected to be approximately $4 million, be
applied to eligible works in progress, as described in this motion, and that
the amounts returned to the City-wide reserve be used to establish baseline
funding for the Strategic Road Safety Action Plan for consideration in the
Draft 2020 Capital Budget.
That Council appoint Mr. Andy Robinson, P. Eng of Robinson Consultants
Inc. as the Engineer of record to prepare a report under Section 8(1) of the Drainage
Act in response to a petition received under Section 4 of the Drainage
Act, as described in this report.
That Council appoint Mr. Andy Robinson, P. Eng of Robinson Consultants
Inc. as the Engineer of record to prepare a report under Section 8(1) of the Drainage
Act in response to a request received under Section 78 of the Drainage
Act, as described in this report.
That Council:
1. Approve the Brownfield Rehabilitation
Grant application submitted by 2641484 Ontario Inc., owner of the property at
101 and 103 Pinhey Street, for a Rehabilitation Grant under the Brownfield
Redevelopment Community Improvement Plan Program not to exceed a total of
$141,298 for which the grant payment period will be phased over a maximum of
10 years of development, subject to the establishment of, and in accordance
with, the terms and conditions of the Brownfield Redevelopment Grant
2. Delegate the authority to the
General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development, to
execute a Brownfields Redevelopment Grant Agreement with 2641484 Ontario Inc.,
establishing the terms and conditions governing the payment of the grant for
the redevelopment of 101 and 103 Pinhey Street, to the satisfaction of the
General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department,
the City Solicitor and the City Treasurer.
That Council approve a community-wide vote to determine
support for continuation of the Kanata North Nuisance Mosquito Control
Program and area-specific levy, as detailed in this report.
That Council approve a community-wide ballot to determine
support for an area specific levy in order to purchase 198 acres of golf course
lands located in the Stonebridge Community.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for 151 Chapel Street to permit two 25-storey buildings, as detailed
in Document 2.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for 3324 Findlay Creek Drive (formerly part of 4789 Bank Street and
an unaddressed parcel immediately to the north west) to permit the development
of the lands for a residential subdivision and associated uses as detailed in
Document 2.
That Council approve:
1. an amendment to the Official
Plan to the Preston-Carling District Secondary Plan, Schedule B, to permit a
high-rise residential building at 333, 343 and 347 Preston Street and 17
Aberdeen Street, as detailed in Document 2 – Proposed Official Plan Amendment;
2. an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for 333, 343, and 347 Preston Street and 17 Aberdeen Street to
permit the boundaries of MC[107] H(148) A.S.L. zone to extend northward to
accommodate a larger building floorplate for a previously approved high-rise
residential building, as detailed in Document 3 – Details of Recommended Zoning
and Document 4 – Location Map and Zoning Key Plan.
Committee Recommendations
That Council:
1. approve the application for
the construction of a retirement residence at 412 Sparks Street, located in
the Cathedral Hill Heritage Conservation District, according to plans
submitted by Hobin Architecture, received on July 15, 2019 and attached as
Documents 7 and 8;
2. delegate the authority for minor
design changes to the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic
3. approve the issuance of the
heritage permit with a two-year expiry date from the date of issuance unless
otherwise extended by Council.
(Note: The statutory 90-day timeline for consideration of this
application under the Ontario Heritage Act will expire on October 15,
(Note: Approval to alter this property under the Ontario
Heritage Act must not be construed to meet the requirements for the issuance
of a building permit.)
That Council reduce the speed limit on
Famille-Laporte Avenue and Cardinal Creek Drive from 50 km/h to 40 km/h for
the entire length of each road.
That Council approve the Summaries of Oral and
Written Public Submissions for items considered at the City Council Meeting
of September 25, 2019 that are subject to the ‘Explanation Requirements’
being the Planning Act, subsections 17(23.1), 22(6.7), 34(10.10) and 34(18.1),
as applicable, as described in this report and attached as Documents 1 and 2.
Moved by Councillor
T. Tierney
Seconded by Councillor G. Gower
That Agriculture
and Rural Affairs Committee Report 7; Finance and Economic Development Committee Report 8;
Planning Committee Report 13; Transportation Committee Report 5; and the report from the City Clerk entitled “Summary
of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act
‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of September 25, 2019”;
be received and adopted as amended.
by Mayor Watson
Seconded by Councillor Leiper
WHEREAS in 1940, during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands in the
Second World War, the Dutch Royal Family was evacuated and offered a safe
refuge in Ottawa; and
WHEREAS in 1943 Crown Princess Juliana gave birth to her third
daughter, Princess Margriet, at the Ottawa Civic Hospital, making her the only
royal personage ever born in Canada; and
WHEREAS the Government of Canada temporarily declared a maternity
suite at the Ottawa Civic Hospital to be extraterritorial jurisdiction so the Princess
would inherit her Dutch Citizenship from her mother and remain in the line of
succession; and
WHEREAS in celebration of the Princess’ birth, the Government of
Canada flew the Dutch flag over the Parliament’s Peace Tower in Ottawa, the
only time in history a foreign flag has been accorded this honour; and
WHEREAS the Crown Princess Juliana and her daughters stayed in Ottawa
until the Liberation of the Netherlands in 1945, becoming a part of the
community; and
WHEREAS a deep and lifelong friendship was forged through the prominent
role that Canada played in ending the Dutch oppression under the Nazis; and
WHEREAS we remember that this relationship was forged in the courage
and sacrifice of more than 7,600 Canadian soldiers, sailors and airmen who died
fighting for the Liberation of the Netherlands; and
WHEREAS every year since the war, the Netherlands has sent thousands
of tulips to Ottawa, in appreciation of Canada’s sacrifice and for providing
safe harbour to the Dutch Royal family; and
WHEREAS the Canadian Tulip Festival was established in 1953 to
celebrate the historic gift of tulips from the Dutch Royal Family; and
WHEREAS the Festival commemorates the crucial role that the Canadian
Armed Forces played in the Liberation of the Netherlands and Europe, as well as
the birth of Princess Margriet in Ottawa; and
WHEREAS 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the Liberation
of the Netherlands; and
WHEREAS the City of Ottawa hopes to build on our 75 years of
friendship with the people of the Netherlands by commemorating Ottawa’s special
connection with the Dutch Royal Family; and
WHEREAS both The Ottawa Hospital and the Canadian Tulip Festival are
in strong support of a commemoration in honour of Princess Margriet’s legacy
and as a symbol of our lifelong friendship with the people of the Netherlands;
WHEREAS Fairmont Park, located 350 meters from the Ottawa Hospital
Civic Campus, is a fitting tribute to Princess Margriet and the 75th
Anniversary of the Liberation of the Netherlands;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Fairmont Park, located at 265 Fairmont
Avenue, be renamed the “Princess Margriet Park”; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an appropriate plaque be installed in
the park displaying the name “Princess Margriet Park” and including a brief
history of the commemoration.
by Councillor J. Leiper
Seconded by Councillor J. Harder
WHEREAS the expiry date of the Westboro
Interim Control By-law (ICB) is October 10th; and
WHEREAS it is appropriate to consider in a
timely manner whether the ICB should be extended;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Rules of Procedure
be suspended to permit the consideration of the following motion:
WHEREAS pursuant to section 38 of the
Planning Act, R.S.O.1990, c. P.13, the Council of the Corporation is entitled
to extend interim control; and
WHEREAS on October 10th, 2018 Council
directed the emplacement of an Interim Control By-law on lands bounded by
Golden Avenue to the west, Byron Avenue to the north, Tweedsmuir Avenue to the
east and Dovercourt Avenue to the south, and the Planning Department continues
to study options to amend the land use regulations and policies associated with
infill and intensification in this area;
Council of the City of Ottawa enacts as follows:
1. That a
by-law be added to the agenda of the Council meeting of October 9th,
2019 which by-law provides that item 2 of the said By-law No. 2018-362 be amended
by replacing the text, “This by-law is repealed on October 10th, 2019.” with
the text, “This by-law is repealed on October 10th, 2020.”
motion to suspend the Rules of Procedure to consider the following
Motion at this meeting was put to Council and LOST, as set out below.
by Councillor S. Menard
Seconded by Councillor C. McKenney
That the Rules of Procedure be Suspended to
consider the following motion, as the 2019 Federal Election will take place
prior to the next Council meeting.
WHEREAS access to the democratic process via voting
should be made as easily accessible as possible; and
WHEREAS federal law requires that all employers
must allow up to three hours to employees to vote if their regular hours do not
allow for it otherwise, under Section 132 of the Canada Elections Act -(1)
Every employee who is an elector is entitled, during voting hours on polling
day, to have three consecutive hours for the purpose of casting his or her vote
and, if his or her hours of work do not allow for those three consecutive
hours, his or her employer shall allow the time for voting that is necessary to
provide those three consecutive hours; and
WHEREAS transportation, and its associated
costs, can be impediments to voting alongside work and personal schedules; and
WHEREAS the City of Ottawa, as a democratic
institution, should support residents in their attempts to vote, working to facilitate
access to voting stations and removing barriers that could prohibit or discourage
residents from voting; and
WHEREAS the City may be able to seek funding for
this action—or for similar future actions—from the federal government,
Elections Canada or other governmental organizations; and
WHEREAS OC Transpo has been investigating the possibility
of allowing a fare free day of service as part of the opening of the LRT
Confederation Line to encourage residents of Ottawa to use the transit system;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that OC Transpo transit
service be made available free of charge on Monday October 21st, 2019.
of the Rules of Procedure was put to Council as follows:
That the Rules of Procedure be Suspended to
consider the following motion, as the 2019 Federal Election will take place
prior to the next Council meeting.
on a division of 9 YEAS and 12 NAYS, as follows:
YEAS (9):
Councillors T. Kavanagh, R. Brockington, M. Fleury, S. Moffatt,
R. King, C.A. Meehan, S. Menard, J. Leiper, C. McKenney
NAYS (12):
Councillors J. Sudds, A. Hubley, K. Egli, L. Dudas, T. Tierney,
G. Gower, J. Cloutier, S. Blais, E. El-Chantiry, J. Harder,
G. Darouze, Mayor J. Watson
by Councillor L. Dudas
Seconded by Councillor G. Darouze
BE IT RESOLVED that the Rules of Procedure be suspended receive and
consider the appointment of the Chief Financial Officer/ City Treasurer and
requests for exemptions pursuant to the Bilingualism Policy for pending appointments
to the extended Senior Leadership Team; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Council resolve In Camera pursuant to Procedure
By-law 2019-8, Subsections 13(1)(b), personal matters about an identifiable
individual, including staff; and 13(1)(d), labour relations or employee
negotiations, to receive a verbal update with respect to the appointment of a
Chief Financial Officer/ City Treasurer and exemption requests pursuant to the
Bilingualism Policy.
resolved In-Camera at 10:50 am
resumed in open session at 11:43 am
resuming in open session, the Mayor advised that Council has met In Camera
to receive an update from the City Manager with respect to the positions of
Chief Financial Officer/City Treasurer and Director of Long Term Care, and the
exemption request pursuant to the City’s Bilingualism Policy for these
positions. During the In Camera session, no votes were taken other than
procedural motions and/or directions to staff.
considered the following motions in open session:
by Councillor L. Dudas
Seconded by Councillor G. Darouze
WHEREAS on March 20, 2019, the City Manager announced
the pending retirements of two of the City’s General Managers on the Senior
Leadership Team; and
WHEREAS on March 27, 2019, City Council received
a presentation on the succession planning at the senior management level by the
City Manager, which streamlines the City of Ottawa’s organizational structure
for the effective and efficient delivery of services that is in keeping with
Council’s priority for a proactive succession management program; and
WHEREAS the City Manager has also provided an
overview of a new organizational alignment on areas within his delegated
authority, which included personal matters about identifiable individuals as well
as employee and labour relations;
WHEREAS Council received the City of Ottawa’s succession
planning for the senior management level and new organizational structure as presented
by the City Manager at the City Council meeting of March 27, 2019, and approved
the change in title and scope of two statutory officers as described in the
associated presentation and as follows:
• That the City Clerk & Solicitor position become
two positions, one being the City Clerk and one being the City Solicitor; and
• That the City Treasurer and General Manager of
Corporate Services become two positions, the City Treasurer/Chief Financial
Officer and the General Manager of Innovative Client Services; and
WHEREAS after a comprehensive national
recruitment effort, a Chief Financial Officer has been selected; and
WHEREAS Section 286. (1) of the Municipal Act,
2001, requires the City to appoint a Treasurer who is responsible for handling
all of the financial affairs of the municipality on behalf of and in the manner
directed by the council of the municipality;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Wendy Stephanson,
Chief Financial Officer, be appointed the Treasurer for the City of Ottawa, effective
December 12, 2019; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council approve an
exception pursuant to Section R.6.3.1 iii) of the Bilingualism Policy, for Wendy
Stephanson, on the understanding that Wendy Stephanson will undertake French
language training and progress in this area and that her proficiency will be assessed
as part of her ongoing performance reviews.
by Councillor L. Dudas
Seconded by Councillor G. Darouze
WHEREAS Section R.6.3.1 iii) of the City’s Bilingualism Policy
requires that bilingualism be considered a prerequisite for any internal
promotion to a designated bilingual position within Level 1 to 3 management
groups” and that “any exceptions, after having undertaken a comprehensive
recruitment effort, shall require Council approval”;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that City Council approve an exception pursuant
to Section R.6.3.1 iii) of the Bilingualism Policy, for Dean Lett, on
the understanding that Dean Lett will undertake French language training and
progress in this area and that his proficiency will be assessed as part of his
ongoing performance reviews.
Moved by Mayor J. Watson
Seconded by Councillor J. Cloutier
WHEREAS on September 24, 2019 Councillor Rick
Chiarelli provided notice to the Mayor and the City Clerk, including medical
documentation of his inability to attend at Committee and Council for an
indeterminate period of time, and at least until October 9, 2019 inclusive, due
to medical issues; and
WHEREAS at its meeting of September 25, 2019,
City Council considered Motion 20/5 with respect to Councillor Chiarelli’s request
for an authorized leave of absence; tabled the resolution to authorize a leave of absence for
Councillor Rick Chiarelli and directed the City Clerk to liaise with Councillor
Rick Chiarelli and to provide an update to City Council; and;
WHEREAS on October 8, 2019 Councillor Rick
Chiarelli provided updated written medical documentation to the Clerk’s Office including
his physician’s recommendation for continued leave on medical grounds until
November 11, 2019 inclusive; and
WHEREAS in accordance with Subsection 66(5) of
the Procedure By-law, a motion that has been tabled at a previous meeting of
Council may not be lifted off the table unless notice is given under Section 59
of the Procedure By-law;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council, at its
meeting of October 23, 2019, lift from the table the following resolution, for
BE IT RESOLVED THAT City Council authorize a leave of
absence for Councillor Rick Chiarelli
Moved by Councillor T. Kavanagh
Seconded by Councillor R. King
WHEREAS Sections 390 and 391 within Part XII of Municipal
Act, 2001 provides the statutory framework for Council to impose fees and
charges to recover the City's costs related to services or activities provided,
for use of its property, and property under its control; and
WHEREAS there must be a reasonable connection
between the fees charged and the cost of the services provided
WHEREAS parking fees are imposed to recover
costs related to the services and objectives identified within the Municipal
Parking Management Strategy; and
WHEREAS the City of Ottawa does not currently
have the statutory authority under the Municipal Act, 2001 to use parking
revenues for projects related to sustainable transportation including sidewalk
construction and cycling infrastructure.
behalf of the City of Ottawa, petition the Province of Ontario to make the
necessary changes to the Municipal Act to permit the City of
Ottawa and other Ontario municipalities the ability to use municipal parking
revenues for projects related to sustainable transportation including sidewalk
construction and cycling infrastructure.
Moved by Councillor
T. Tierney
Seconded by Councillor G. Gower
That the
by-laws listed on the Agenda under Motion to Introduce By-laws, Three Readings,
be read and passed; and
That the following
by-law be read and passed, in accordance with the Motion approved at this
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2018-362, entitled, “A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to establish interim control for lands within the Westboro
neighbourhood” to extend interim control for one year
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2017-180 respecting the appointment of Municipal Law Enforcement Officers
in accordance with private property parking enforcement.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend
By-law 2001-301 to appoint certain Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in the
Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department and in the
Transportation Services Department.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate
certain lands at cercle Artemis Circle and voie Bowstring Way on Plan 4M-1633,
as being exempt from Part Lot Control.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish
certain lands as common and public highway and assume them for public use (Village
Centre Place).
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend
By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the lands known municipally as
1950 Scott Street and 312 and 314 Clifton Road.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend Preston-Carling
District Secondary Plan, Schedule B, of the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa
to permit a high-rise residential building at 333, 343 and 347 Preston Street
and 17 Aberdeen Street.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa
to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of part of the lands known
municipally as 333 Preston Street.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend
By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the lands known municipally as
412 Sparks Street.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend
By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the lands known municipally as
151 Chapel Street.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2008-250 to implement provisions related to high-rise buildings.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend
By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of part of the lands known municipally
as 3324 Findlay Creek Drive, formerly 4789 Bank Street.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa
to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to correct an anomaly in the GM-General
Mixed-Use Zone.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend
By-law No. 2018-362, entitled, “A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish
interim control for lands within the Westboro neighbourhood” to extend interim
control for one year
Moved by Councillor
T. Tierney
Seconded by Councillor G. Gower
That the
following by-law be read and passed:
To confirm the proceedings of the Council meeting of October 9, 2019.
Councillor S. Menard (OCC 18-19)
Can you please report back to Council in a timely fashion, with
the policy rationale for offering free transit on the days we currently do,
and what criteria we might utilize to assess what other days might make good
policy sense to implement free transit in Ottawa.
Councillor S. Menard (OCC 19-19)
Can staff provide to Council Rideau Transit Group (RTG)/City maintenance reports related to door issues prior to the
launch of LRT.
Councillor J. Leiper (OCC 20-19)
With respect to yesterday’s train disruption, in lay terms, was anything
physical "broken" when the passenger held the door open? That is,
was the door's continued inability to operate when technicians went to fix it
the result of a mechanical failure, or was it a programming issue?
Is the affected train operating now? If so, what was done to fix
it? If not, what issues specifically are being addressed with it to fix it?
Council adjourned
the meeting at 11:52 am.