Wednesday, 12 June 2019
10:00 am
Andrew Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue W.
No regrets filed to date.
J. Sudds and S. Menard
1. That the
2018 Ottawa Community Housing Corporation (OCHC) Annual Report as described
in this report and set out in Document 1 be received; and
2. That the
signed audited Financial Statements of Ottawa Community Housing Corporation
(OCHC) for the year 2018 as described in this report and set out in Document
2 be received; and
3. That the
Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign a written resolution on behalf
of the City of Ottawa as Shareholder of OCHC setting out the resolutions
approved by City Council.
That Ottawa City
1. Recognize
the important role that public libraries play in the community through early
literacy programs that are integral to developing proficient readers and
ensuring that children succeed in school and digital literacy programs that
help ensure that citizens can contribute to the digital world;
2. Recognize
that digital content is the fastest growing area of publishing and that
public libraries must be able to offer digital publications to their
customers as part of their core service offering to the community,
particularly given the digital divide and the contemporary rapid pace of
digitization of educational and cultural materials;
3. Recognize
that for many seniors, low income families, youth, and new Canadians,
libraries are a crucial tool for participation in their communities – from
education to searching for jobs to consuming Canadian cultural materials, and
that barriers to accessing digital publications hamper public libraries’
capacity to provide modern, digital services to those demographic groups and
to other library customers. This is exacerbated when some publications may
only be available to public libraries in digital forms;
4. Indicate
its support for Ottawa Public Library and the Canadian Urban Libraries
Council in efforts to increase access to digital publications for public
library customers in the City of Ottawa and across Canada;
5. Call on
the Federal government to investigate the barriers faced by public libraries
in acquiring digital publications and the problems these barriers pose for
vulnerable demographic groups in Canada; and,
6. Further
ask the Federal government to develop a solution that increases public
library access to digital publications across Canada and assists public
libraries in meeting the cost requirements to acquire digital publications.
That Council
1. Adopt the Engineer’s Report
prepared by Robinson Consultants Inc., entitled Amendment to the Engineer’s
Report for the Van Gaal Municipal Drain dated January 2019, as amended by
the following:
a. All references to the
drawing completed by Nak Design Strategies, entitled Planting Plan III,
Revision 8 dated January 2015, be replaced with the drawing by Nak Design
Strategies, entitled Planting Plan III, revision 9 dated May 30, 2019 (set
out in supporting Document 1)
b. All references to the
drawing completed by Coldwater Consulting Ltd. entitled Sections, Village of
Richmond Channel Re-Alignment, Revision 5 dated June 5, 2016 be replaced with
the drawing by Coldwater Consulting Ltd. entitled Sections, Village of
Richmond Channel Re-Alignment, Revision 6 dated May 27, 2019 (set out in
supporting Document 2)
c. All references to the
drawing completed by Coldwater Consulting Ltd. entitled Van Gaal Drain,
Village of Richmond, Channel Re-Alignment, Revision 5, dated June 5, 2016 be
replaced with the drawing by Coldwater Consulting Ltd. entitled Van Gaal
Drain, Village of Richmond Re-Alignment, Revision 6 dated May 27, 2019 (set
out in supporting Document 3)
2. Give 1st
and 2nd reading to the By-law attached as Document 2 to this report in
accordance with Sections 42 and 45 of the Drainage Act of Ontario.
That Council appoint Mr. Andy Robinson, P. Eng of
Robinson Consultants Inc. as the Engineer of record to prepare a preliminary
report under Section 10 of the Drainage Act in response to a petition
received under Section 4 of the Drainage Act, as described in this
That Council approve an amendment to
Zoning By-law 2008-250 to create a new land use, “cannabis production facility”,
amend Section 97 “Medical Marihuana Production Facility” to include
provisions applicable to this new use, and make additional amendments to the
zones that permit the new use as detailed in Document 1a – Details of
Recommended Zoning.
That Council:
1. approve an amendment to
Zoning By-law 2008-250 to permit Cannabis Production Facility uses in the AG
and RU zones as detailed in Document 1b – Details of Recommended Zoning, as amended
by the following:
a) Amend Item 1 on Document
1b – Details of Recommended Zoning so it reads as follows: “Amend Section
211(1)(c) by adding the following provisions “Cannabis production facility,
limited to outdoor cultivation and greenhouse cultivation in a greenhouse
that existed as of the date of the passing of this by-law”
b) Add the following as item
3 on Document 1b – Details of Recommended Zoning: “Amend Section 240 – Rural
Exceptions by amending exception 857r with provisions similar in effect to
the following:
a. In Column III, replace
the text with “Cannabis Production Facility”.
b. In Column V, replace the
words “medical marihuana production facility” with “cannabis production
c. In Column V, add the
words “Maximum total floor area for cannabis cultivation in greenhouses:
65,000 square metres.”
That Council approve that By-law 2013-199 – be
extended until December 1, 2019, to facilitate issue resolution between
stakeholders and allow staff to report back to the Agriculture and Rural
Affairs Committee with recommendations in November, 2019.
That Council approve the draft 2018 City of Ottawa
Consolidated Financial Statements.
Delegations: None.
Debate: The Committee spent three hours and 45 minutes on this
Vote: CARRIED as presented.
Position of Ward Councillor: City wide.
Position of Advisory Committee: None.
That Council consider and approve the report
That Council:
1. Direct staff to undertake a
Request for Proposal (RFP) process to retain an independent consultant to
conduct a comprehensive ward boundary review for the City of Ottawa, as
described in this report and consistent with the Terms of Reference attached
as Document 3;
2. Approve
that temporary annual funding, equivalent to one Full-time Equivalent (FTE),
be provided to support any Member whose ward population size in Document 4 is
projected to be larger than the average ward population size by more than 33
per cent during the 2018-2022 Term of Council, as an interim measure until a
new ward boundary by-law comes into force, as described in this report;
3. Direct the
City Clerk and Solicitor to send a letter to the Premier of Ontario and the
Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to advise of any Council
decisions with respect to a comprehensive ward boundary review for the City
of Ottawa, as described in this report;
4. Approve that the City
Clerk and Solicitor’s letter to the Premier of Ontario and the Ontario
Minister of Municipal Affairs also specifies that Council intends for the
ward boundary review to be conducted on the basis of retaining the current
number of wards, being 23, each represented by a single elected Member, in
addition to a Mayor elected by general vote, as set out in By-law No. 2005-534;
5. Approve that the Terms of
Reference for the City of Ottawa’s 2019-2020 comprehensive ward boundary
review, as outlined in Document 3, be amended to direct the independent
consultant to bring forward ward boundary options that retain the existing
Council composition, as described in this motion, and pending any feedback
received from the Ontario Government in response to the City Clerk and
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for 383 Albert Street and 340 Queen Street to permit two
twenty-seven storey apartment buildings with ground floor commercial and a
parking garage, as detailed in Document 2.
That Council approve
the following:
1. That
Council approve the letter attached as Document 1 to this report and summary
of Staff comments attached as Document 2 to this report and the City Clerk
and Solicitor forward both to the Minister;
2. That Mayor
Watson invite Minister Clark to meet in Ottawa with the Mayor and Chairs of
Planning Committee and ARAC to discuss these comments;
3. That, if
and when the Provincial Legislature refers this matter to a standing
committee, the City Clerk and Solicitor shall contact the of clerk of the
applicable standing committee to request that a delegation from the City of
Ottawa consisting of the Chair of Planning Committee, the Chair of ARAC, the
General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development and a
Legal Services staff member, or their delegates, be permitted to appear as
witnesses before the applicable standing committee to speak to the City of
Ottawa’s comments on Bill 108, and shall provide all information required by
the standing committee in order to complete the request;
4. That, if
permitted by the legislative standing committee, the aforementioned
delegation attend as witnesses to present the City’s comments to the
That Council:
1. Approve
the enhancements to the annual Pavement Marking Program as described in this
2. Approve
the transfer of $1.1 million of the City-Wide funding from the Capital
Projects listed in Document 4 to a new capital project for the purchase of a
longitudinal pavement marking truck, as described in this report; and,
3. Return to
source, Development Charge revenues of $139,960 from the Capital projects
listed in Document 4.
That Council approve the updated Adult School
Crossing Guard Program as described in this report.
That Council approve the Pedestrian Crossover (PXO)
Program, as described in this report.
Delegations: The committee heard seven delegations on this item.
Debate: The committee spent one hour and 30 minutes on this item.
The committee CARRIED the report recommendations with one direction to staff.
of Ward Councillor: City-Wide.
of Advisory Committee: None. The Accessibility Advisory
Committee and the Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee will be
consulted during the master plan review process.
That Council approve the approach, scope and timing
for the review and update of the Transportation Master Plan (TMP), Ottawa
Pedestrian Plan (OPP), and Ottawa Cycling Plan (OCP), as detailed in this
That Council:
1. Approve
the functional design for the Earl Armstrong Road Extension Environmental
Assessment Study, as described in this report and supporting documents; and,
2. Direct
Transportation Planning staff to finalize the Environmental Study Report and
proceed with its posting for the 30-day public review period in accordance
with the Ontario Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process.
That Council approve the Parking Services 2019
Business Plan, as described in Document 1.
That Council receive the Parking Services 2018
Annual Report.
Committee Recommendation
That Council approve the proposal to name the
outdoor pavilion at the Manotick Centennial Park, located at 5572 Doctor
Leach Drive, the “Ian McDonald Pavilion”.
That Council approve the proposal to name the two
ball diamonds at the Osgoode Community Centre, located at 5660 Osgoode Main
Street, the “Clarence Mussell Ball Diamonds”.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for Part of 2113 River Road, for the purposes of rezoning a portion
of the lands from Agricultural Subzone 2 (AG2), to Agricultural Subzone 5
(AG5), to prohibit residential uses on the retained farmland, as detailed in
Document 2.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for 3250 Old George Street to permit site-specific zoning amendment,
as detailed in Document 2.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for Part of 4344 9th Line Road, for the purposes of rezoning a
portion of the lands from Agricultural (AG) and Agricultural Subzone 1 (AG1),
to Agricultural Subzone 4 (AG4), to prohibit residential uses on the retained
farmland, as detailed in Document 2.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for 4205 Nixon Drive, for the purposes of rezoning a portion of the
lands from Agricultural Subzone 3 (AG3), to Agricultural Subzone 7 (AG7), to
prohibit residential uses on the retained farmland, as detailed in Document
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for 6067 First Line Road, for the purposes of rezoning the lands
from Rural Countryside Zone (RU) and Mineral Aggregate Reserve Zone,
Exception 7r (MR[7r]) to Rural Residential Zone, Exception xxx1r (RR(xxx1r),
Rural Residential Zone, Exception xxx2r (RR(xxx2r), and Rural Residential
Zone, Exception xxx3r (RR(xxx3r) and Open Space Zone (O1), to facilitate the
development of a conservation subdivision.
That Council approve the Sinking Fund Financial
Statements for 2018.
That Council receive this report on outstanding Lease Financing
Agreements as at 31 December 2018 as required by Ontario Regulation 653/05
amended to Regulation 291/09 and the City’s Administration of Capital
Financing and Debt Policy.
That Council:
1. Receive the results of the
City’s investments for 2018, as required by Ontario Regulation 438/97
as amended, Section 8(1), and the City of Ottawa Investment Policy, as well
as information regarding Prudent Investor and the Green Bond Program.
2. Approve the increase of
short-term borrowing limit from $100 million to $500 million for the purposes
of short-term borrowing in the Temporary Borrowing By-law 2018-398.
3. Approve
the recommendation to change the temporary short-term borrowing by-law
established for the term of Council to a permanent short-term borrowing
by-law that can be repealed or amended and replaced in the future if needed.
That Council receive this report for information.
That Council approve
the following:
1. That the
viable properties known as 159 Forward Avenue, the road allowance at Bullman
Street and Hinchey Avenue and 2040 Arrowsmith Drive, as shown in Documents 1,
2 and 3, be declared surplus to the City’s needs and designated for the
purpose of affordable housing development; and
2. That the
Director, Housing Services and the Director, Corporate Real Estate Office be
delegated the authority to dispose of the properties identified in
Recommendation 1, and shown on Documents 1 to 3, for nominal consideration to
housing proponents selected by an Action Ottawa Program Selection Committee
and in accordance with the Request for Proposal process approved by Council
on April 29, 2015 in Planning Committee Report 5A (ACS2015-COS-CSS-0005)
described in this report.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 to permit a residential subdivision at 5615 and 5621 Fernbank Road,
as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 2.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for 1850 Walkley Road to permit a 700 square metre restaurant, as
detailed in Document 2.
That Council approve the Summaries of Oral and Written Public
Submissions for items considered at the City Council Meeting of May 22, 2019
that are subject to the ‘Explanation Requirements’ being the Planning Act,
subsections 17(23.1), 22(6.7), 34(10.10) and 34(18.1), as applicable, as
described in this report and attached as Document 1.
by Councillor C. McKenney
Seconded by Councillor R. King
WHEREAS the Bank Street Business Improvement Area (BIA) will host
the annual Glow Fair Music Light Art event;
AND WHEREAS many of the Glow Fair activities will be happening
outdoors on Bank Street and Gloucester Street, including a main stage for
AND WHEREAS the BIA has requested the closure of Bank Street from
Laurier Avenue to Gladstone Avenue, and Gloucester Street from O’Connor Street
to Bank Street, on the third weekend of June (annually) to increase the safety
and security of the area. The road closure will begin at 1:00 p.m. on Friday
and end at 6:00 a.m. on Sunday;
AND WHEREAS the City of Ottawa’s Special
Events on City Roads (2001-260) By-law prohibits road closures before 6:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council approve the road closure for
Bank Street from Laurier Avenue to Gladstone Avenue, and Gloucester Street from
O’Connor Street to Bank Street. The road closure will take place on the third
weekend of June from 1:00 p.m. on the Friday to 6:00 a.m. on the Sunday from
2019 to 2022, for the Glow Fair Music Light Art event, providing it meets the
requirements, conditions and approval of Special Events Advisory Team (SEAT).
Moved by Councillor C. McKenney
Seconded by Councillor S. Menard
WHEREAS a bicyclist was killed in the painted bike lane on Laurier
Avenue outside City Hall on Thursday May 16, 2019; and,
WHEREAS this fatality occurred nine days after a bicyclist was
seriously injured on Parkdale Avenue; and,
WHEREAS this most recent death occurred five months after bicyclist
Jenfung Wu was killed on the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway: and,
WHEREAS approximately two cyclists and nearly six pedestrians are
killed each year on Ottawa’s streets, and dozens more injured, many severely;
WHEREAS there is ample evidence of the infrastructure interventions
that municipalities can implement to reduce or eliminate road deaths and
serious injury in the event of collisions; and,
WHEREAS no road deaths or catastrophic injury are acceptable; and
WHEREAS municipalities worldwide have adopted Vision Zero policies
that set out that no road deaths are acceptable in those jurisdictions, with
commitments to investigate road deaths that do occur and implement the measures
necessary to prevent those; and,
WHEREAS Vision Zero policies further set out that all road deaths
are preventable, including cyclists, pedestrians, vehicle drivers and vehicle
WHEREAS a Vision Zero Policy and Framework will set out measures to
be taken in the design of city infrastructure – including but not limited to
streets, roadways, bike lanes, cycletracks, sidewalks and paths – that
prioritizes the safety of vulnerable road users (i.e. pedestrians and
bicyclists). These measures should include, but not be limited to, the
All arterial roads, arterial mainstreets and
mainstreets will be included in the city’s official bike network, and that this
will be reflected in the upcoming Official Plan and associated plans;
All arterial roads, arterial mainstreets and
mainstreets, when constructed, re-constructed or resurfaced, will include the
construction of infrastructure for pedestrians and bicyclists that meets the
highest standards of safety;
All roads included in the city’s official
bike network, when constructed, re-constructed or resurfaced, will include
dedicated, segregated, protected bike lanes and intersections;
All roads not covered by (a), (b) or (c),
when constructed, re-constructed or resurfaced, dedicated, segregated,
protected bike lanes and intersections will be considered; and where those are
not included, traffic engineers will provide an evidence-based rationale;
That the speed limit on residential streets
be set at 30 km/h.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Ottawa adopt the Vision
Zero Policy and Framework to "eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe
injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all”;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the staff recommendations for the
City’s Vision Zero Policy and Framework will be brought to Council no later
than Q4 2019.
AND THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following measures be
implemented immediately:
That all traffic lights be optimized for the
safety of vulnerable road users first, transit priority second and traffic flow
That the City eliminate all “revert reds”;
That the City eliminate all “beg buttons”;
That the City eliminate right-on-reds where
bike lanes are present;
That the city undertake to identify all
floating painted bike lanes (such as is located across from City Hall where the
bicyclist was killed) and devise a plan to convert those to safe, segregated,
protected bike lanes;
That all painted bike lanes currently on
arterials, arterial mainstreets and mainstreets, or that are part of the city’s
current bike network, have flex stakes installed this within three weeks and
that City staff finalize plans to convert those to safe, segregated, protected
bike lanes and intersections within one year.
Moved by Councillor J. Leiper
Seconded by Councillor C. McKenney
BE IT RESOLVED that WHEREAS a bicyclist was
killed in the painted bike lane on Laurier Avenue outside City Hall on Thursday
May 16, 2019; and,
WHEREAS this fatality occurred nine days after a
bicyclist was catastrophically injured on Parkdale Avenue; and,
WHEREAS this most recent death occurred five
months after bicyclist Jenfung Wu was killed on the Sir John A. Macdonald
Parkway: and,
WHEREAS approximately two cyclists and nearly
six pedestrians are killed each year on Ottawa’s streets, and dozens more
injured, many severely; and,
WHEREAS there is ample evidence of the
infrastructure interventions that municipalities can implement to reduce or
eliminate road deaths and serious injury in the event of collisions; and,
WHEREAS no road deaths or catastrophic injury
are acceptable; and
WHEREAS dedicated, segregated cycling
infrastructure is critical to protecting the lives of cyclists; and,
WHEREAS dedicated, segregated cycling
infrastructure is key to achieving the modal share targets asserted in the
Transportation Master Plan; and,
WHEREAS the current design of much of Ottawa’s
cycling network provides insufficient segregation, and is too often
disconnected with unprotected gaps that diminish the utility of the entire
network; and,
WHEREAS the federal government has recently
announced a one-time increase to municipalities’ share of the gas tax that in
Ottawa will result in an additional $57 million to be spent on infrastructure;
WHEREAS staff have undertaken to review the
City’s cycling infrastructure to identify the improvements necessary to
eliminate unsafe cycling infrastructure;
WHEREAS Council has recently referred the matter
of the one-time federal gas tax infrastructure transfer to FEDCO;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council recommend
to FEDCO placing the highest priority in its decision-making that the one-time
federal gas tax infrastructure transfer be held by the City as a reserve
dedicated to cycling infrastructure improvements to accelerate projects
identified in the Transportation Master Plan and any projects identified by
staff in the review now underway addressing unsafe cycling infrastructure.
Councillors J. Sudds and S. Menard
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate
certain lands at croissant Escarpment Crescent on Plan 4M-1489 as being exempt
from Part Lot Control.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2001-17 to appoint certain Inspectors, Property Standards Officers and
Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in the Building Code Services Branch of
the Planning, Infrastructure, and Economic Development Department.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish
certain lands as common and public highway and assume them for public use
(Rideau Street, Montreal Road, McArthur Avenue, Cummings Avenue, Bachman
Terrace, Fitzgerald Road, Baseline Road, Hawthorne Road, Louis Lane, Jonathan
Pack Street, Church Street, Harris Place, Grants Side Road, Farmview Road,
Galetta Side Road, McArton Road, Fernbank Road, River Road, Devine Road,
Stagecoach Road, Russell Road).
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2003-445 respecting the regulation of road activity on City highways.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to authorize
the temporary borrowing of monies to meet the current expenditures of the
City of Ottawa and to repeal By-law No. 2018-398
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate
certain lands at 133, 135, 137, 139 and 141 voie Boundstone Way on Plan
4M-1556 as being exempt from Part Lot Control.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate
certain lands at 1200 to 1235 rue Cavallo Street on Plan 4M-1589 as being
exempt from Part Lot Control.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish in the Tax
Stabilization Reserve for the City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish the Transit
Operating Reserve for the City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa
to establish the Employee Benefits Reserve for the City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish
the Landfill Closure Reserve for the City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish the City Wide
Capital Reserve for the City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa
to establish the Transit Capital Reserve for the City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish the Fleet Reserve
for the City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish the Housing Reserve
for the City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish the Police Capital
Reserve for the City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish the Police Fleet
Reserve for the City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish the Water Reserve
for the City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish the Wastewater
Reserve for the City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish the Stormwater
Reserve for the City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa
to establish the Solid Waste Reserve for the City of Ottawa.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish
the Ottawa Library Reserve Fund for The Ottawa Public Library.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2007-452 being a by-law to establish a tax deferral program for
low-income seniors and low-income persons with disabilities who are owners of
real property in the residential/farm property class.
A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-445 with respect to road cut fees.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2003-447 respecting fees for private approaches.
A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2017-92 respecting fees for ROW patios on City
A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-520 respecting the fees for certain signs and
advertising devices on City roads.
A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-446 respecting fees for encroachments.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2003-497 respecting permit fees for over-dimensional vehicles.
A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to designate a part of the area covered by the Official plan for the
City of Ottawa as the Montreal Road Community Improvement Plan Area.
A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the lands known
municipally as 383 Albert Street and 340 Queen Street.
A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of part of the lands
known municipally as 4344 9th Line Road.
A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of part of the lands
known municipally as 2113 River Road.
A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the lands known
municipally as 6067 First Line Road.
A by-law of the City of
Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the lands known
municipally as 4205 Nixon Drive.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the lands known municipally as 1850
Walkley Road.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the lands known municipally as 3250 Old
George Street.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the lands known municipally as 5615 and
5621 Fernbank Road.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2008-250 to implement the zoning related to cannabis production
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2017-180 respecting the appointment of Municipal Law Enforcement Officers
in accordance with private property parking enforcement.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to Adopt the
Montreal Road Community Improvement Plan.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to provide for amendments to the existing Van Gaal Drain in
Lots 22 and 23, Concession IV, Rideau-Goulbourn Ward, former Township of
Goulbourn in the City of Ottawa.
interpretation of these proceedings is available. Please speak to the
attendant at reception.
Accessible formats and communication supports are
available, upon request.
In Camera Items are not
subject to public discussion or audience. Any person has a right to request an independent investigation of
the propriety of dealing with matters in a closed session. A form
requesting such a review may be obtained, without charge, from the City’s
website or in person from the Chair of this meeting. Requests are kept
confidential pending any report by the Meetings Investigator and are
conducted without charge to the Requestor.