Wednesday, September 8, 2021
10:00 am
Andrew Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue W.
By Electronic Participation
This Meeting was held through
electronic participation in accordance with Section 238 of the Municipal
Act, 2001 as amended by the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250
for 5254 Bank Street, for the purposes of rezoning the land from Rural
Countryside Subzone 2 (RU2) to Rural General Industrial Subzone 3, Exception
XX (RG3 [XXr]), with provisions as per the revised Details of Recommended
Zoning below:
The proposed change to the City of Ottawa Zoning By-law No.
2008-250 for 5254 Bank Street:
1. Rezone the lands as shown in Document 1.
2. Add a new exception to Section 240 – Rural Exceptions with
provisions similar in effect to the following:
I – Exception
II Applicable Zones
III – Exception
Provisions - Additional Land
Uses Permitted
IV – Exception Provisions - Land
Uses Prohibited
V – Exception Provisions - Provisions
All uses until the hold is removed, except:
Minimum lot area:
1,700 sq. m
lot width: 22 m
Despite the provisions of the underlying
zone, all uses and development, including the construction of buildings and
structures, are prohibited until the holding symbol is removed
The holding symbol can
be removed only after the following have been submitted and approved by the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and
Economic Development:
· Site Plan Control application demonstrating that the
wastewater generated from the proposed use can suitably treated on site
with a permittable wastewater servicing option
Management Report
Impact Assessment
Resource Impact Assessment
That Council appoint Mr. Andy Robinson, P. Eng of Robinson
Consultants Inc. as the Engineer of record to prepare a report under Section
76(1) of the Drainage Act to revise the assessment schedule of the
Cranberry Creek Municipal Drain Engineer’s Report (1969) prepared by Graham,
Berman and Associates Ltd. in response to the decision of the Agriculture,
Food and Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal regarding Cranberry Creek Municipal Drain
dated 30 June 2020.
That Council approve an exception to Section 5.1 of
the Council Expense Policy to allow for the allocation from the Ward 21
Office Budget to the Safer Roads Ottawa Program to support the installation
and maintenance of a bike repair station at 692 Coffee & Bar located at
5546 Manotick Main Street.
Delegations: The committee heard 2 delegations on this item.
Debate: The committee spent 1 hour on this item.
Vote: The Sub-committee carried the report recommendations with an
amendment. Recommendation 1(a) of the staff report (requiring stucco-only
cladding) was severed and lost on
a division of 1 yea and 7 nays.
Position of Ward
Councillor: The Ward Councillor is aware of the application, as noted in the
Position of Advisory
Committee: N/A
That Council:
1. Approve the application to alter the property at 207
Clemow Avenue including to lift and shift the house forward, according to
plans prepared by Hobin Architects Incorporated, dated June 2021, and
attached as Documents 5 and 7, conditional upon:
b. The applicant continuing to work with their heritage
consultant to provide a protection plan for Heritage staff’s approval prior to
the issuance of a building permit; the plan should identify any necessary
protection/ conservation treatment measures to be implemented prior to and/or
after the lifting process;
c. The applicant revising the design of the windows on the
front façade to replicate the divisions of the existing front windows to the
satisfaction of heritage staff;
d. Retention of the existing trees in the front yard, as
shown on the Landscape Plan, attached as Document 10 and submission of a Tree
Information Report outlining any identified tree protection measures to be
implemented for Heritage and Forestry staff’s approval to prior to the
issuance of a building permit; and
e. The applicant providing documentary photos of the existing
building as well as final exterior material samples to Heritage staff’s
satisfaction, prior to the issuance of a building permit;
2.. Delegate Authority for minor design changes to the
General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure, and Economic Development; and
3. Approve the heritage permit with a two-year expiry date
from the issuance, unless otherwise extended by Council.
That City Council observe the National Day for Truth
and Reconciliation and direct the City Manager to adjust the City's service
offerings as described in this report.
That Council approve:
1. That the $15,000,000 in City capital funds
approved by Council in the 2021 City Budget be allocated by the Director,
Housing Services to support the creation of new affordable housing through
conditional capital contributions, contributions in lieu of building permit and
school board fees, non-exempt planning fees and accessibility grants, and to
provide a project contingency fund, subject to the conditional contributions
being included in a contribution agreement between the City and each housing
provider, and that of the $15,000,000,
a. $5,877,549 has been allocated based on
the authority granted through a Council Motion on November 25, 2020, in
support of four Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI) projects and two Social
Services Relief Fund (SSRF2) projects;
b. Up to $5,000,000 be allocated by way of a
Request for Proposals for the development of affordable housing at 2040
Arrowsmith Drive, with the requirement that the successful proponent
construct, at its cost, a new space for the Gloucester Food Cupboard as an
integral part of the development;
c. Up to $4,000,000 be allocated for the
development of affordable housing under the federal Rapid Housing Initiative;
d. Any remaining funds form part of a
project contingency budget further described in Recommendation 3.
2. That the Director, Housing Services be
delegated the authority to allocate the Year 3 Ontario Priorities Housing
Initiative funding (OPHI Rental Housing Component 2021-2022), and that of the
available $4,691,904;
a. up to $750,000 be allocated by way of a
Request for Proposals for a Black-led family housing pilot project;
b. $2,700,000 to be allocated to Centretown
Citizens Ottawa Corporation for their affordable housing project at 147 and
159 Forward in order to add 18 additional units to the project;
c. That $1,000,000 be allocated through
Ontario Renovates to support the Housing Blitz as detailed in this report;
d. That any remaining or unallocated funds
be used to support the Ontario Renovates Program.
3. That the Director, Housing Services be
delegated authority to allocate a $2,036,000 contingency budget, which is
made up of the $2,036,000 short-term loan repayment by the Catholic Centre
for Immigrants for the Welcome House affordable housing project, on an
as-needed basis to affordable housing projects that are currently underway
and at risk due to price escalation of materials and labour and that of these
a. Up to $750,000 be allocated to Shepherds
of Good Hope at 765 Montreal Road for additional site related construction
b. Up to $1,240,000 be allocated to John
Howard Society at 289 Carling Avenue to offset unforeseen cost overruns; and
c. The remaining contingency funds be
allocated to other affordable housing projects currently underway, on an as
needed basis.
4. That the Director, Housing Services, be delegated
authority to reallocate $7,000,000 from 2020 capital funds from Ottawa
Community Housing’s (OCHC) Phase 1 Gladstone Village project to OCHC’s 715
Mikinak Road project, as detailed in this report;
5. That the Director, Housing Services, be
delegated authority to allocate $166,000 from unspent 2019/2020
pre-development funding to Nepean Housing for their Dunbar Court redevelopment
6. That the Director, Housing Services, be delegated
authority to allocate up to $300,000 from the unspent 2019/2020
pre-development funding, following an RFP, to support pre-development work
for Indigenous housing projects;
7. That a Request for Proposals be issued in
2021 to seek housing providers who will partner with the City to advance design
and funding plans for the provision of family-oriented affordable housing at
the City’s 1770 Heatherington Road property; and
8. That staff report back to Council in Q4,
2021 to detail the RHI Round 2 projects and funding requirements, and to seek
approval of the balance of the 2022 Capital budget.
Delegations: The
committee heard 15 delegations on this item
Debate: The committee
spent 5 hours and 27 minutes on this item
Vote: The committee
Carried the report recommendations on a vote of 6 yeas and 3 nays and Carried
Motion No PLC 2021-47/2 moved by Councillor Cloutier on a vote of 9 yeas and 0
Position of Ward
Councillor: The Ward Councillor is in support of the report recommendations.
Position of Advisory
Committee: n/a
1. That Council approve:
a. an amendment to the Official Plan to
create new Site Specific Policy in Volume 2b for the Heron Gate area as
detailed in Document 2;
b. the changes as shown in Document 2 be
carried forward for consideration in the new Official Plan, to be considered
by the Joint Committee of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and Planning
Committee and Council later this year;
c. that the implementing amendment to the
Official Plan/new Official Plan shall not proceed to Council until such time
as the Memorandum of Understanding is executed;
2. That Council delegate authority to the
General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department
to enter into a Front-Ending Agreement for the works related to the
Sandalwood Park improvement to be partially front-ended by Hazelview at an
upset limit of $350,000 (including applicable H.S.T.) with reimbursement
through Development Charge credits to occur upon the time when net new units
having paid the urban parks component of the overall rate.
Delegations: The committee
heard 8 delegations on this item
Debate: The committee
spent 1 hour and 36 minutes on this item
Vote: The committee
Carried the report recommendations with an amendment to Document 2 on a vote of
8 yeas and 0 nays
Position of Ward
Councillor: The Ward Councillor is aware of the application, as noted in the
Position of Advisory
Committee: n/a
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for
1356 Clyde Avenue to permit an 18 and 28 storey mixed use development, as
detailed in Document 2, as amended by the following:
• that Section 2(b)(v)(a) of Document 2, as found on page 19
of the report be amended, by deleting the section in its entirety and
replacing the text with the following:
a. The Site Plan Agreement will contain a condition requiring
10 affordable housing units (five one-bedrooms, three two bedrooms and two
three-bedroom units) for a commitment of 20 years which will be secured through
an Affordable Housing Agreement and which shall be built as part of the first
phase of construction.
1. That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for 133 Booth Street, 301 and 324 Lett Street to amend the holding
symbol provisions between the various properties and add site-specific
exceptions for the next phase of development, as detailed in Document 3.
2. That the implementing Zoning By-law not proceed to
Council until such time as the agreement under Section 37 of the Planning
Act is executed.
That Council approve:
1. an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 307 and 309
Lisgar Street to permit a 27 storey and a 25 storey residential tower, as
detailed in Document 3 and revised Document 4 (per Planning Committee
Motion No PLC 2021-47/4); and
2. that the implementing Zoning By-law Amendment does not
proceed to City Council until the agreement under Section 37 of the Planning
Act is executed by the applicant.
That Council:
1. Approve the functional design for the Montreal-Blair
Road Transit Priority Corridor Environmental Assessment Study, as described
in this report; and,
2. Direct Transportation Planning staff to finalize the
Environmental Study Report and proceed with its posting for the 30-day public
review period in accordance with the Ontario Municipal Class Environmental
Assessment process.
Delegations: The committee
heard 1 delegation on this item
Debate: The committee
spent 1 hour and 20 minutes on this item
Vote: The committee
Carried the report as presented with one direction to staff.
Position of Ward Councillor:
City Wide
Position of Advisory
Committee: As noted in the report
That City Council:
1. Approve the Cargo Power-Assisted Bicycles (E-Cargo Bike)
Pilot Project, as detailed in this report;
2. Approve the proposed E-cargo Bike By-law in the form
attached as Document 1 and as outlined in this report;
3. Approve the proposed amendments to the Licensing By-law
No. 2002-189, as amended, and the relevant Schedule to the by-law, as
described in Document 2 and as outlined in this report; and
4. Direct staff to report back to Transportation Committee
with an information report in 2024 outlining the results of the pilot project
up to the end of 2023.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250
for part of 1120 Manotick Station Road for the purposes of rezoning the lands
from Rural Countryside Zone (RU) to Rural Residential Subzone 2, rural
special exception xxxr (RR2 [xxxr]) and Open Space Zone, subzone C (O1C), as
detailed in Document 2
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for 3604 Innes Road to permit a residential subdivision as detailed
in Document 2.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for 1869 Maple Grove Road to permit a residential subdivision as detailed
in Document 2.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for 397 and 399 Winston Avenue to permit a seven storey mixed-use building
with at-grade commercial uses and residential dwelling units in the upper
storeys, as detailed in Document 2.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for Part of 8466 Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard North to permit a low-rise
apartment building containing 112 dwelling units, as detailed in Document 2.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for 622 River Road to permit an office use, as detailed in Document 2.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law
2008-250 for 388 and 400 Albert Street, 156 and 160 Lyon to add Hotel as an
additionally permitted use, define parking rates, and permit car-sharing spaces,
as detailed in Document 2.
That Council:
1. receive this report for information;
2. approve that all interest shall accrue and be
compounded annually based on the applicable dates as outlined in Section 26.1
(deferred payment) and Section 26.2 (frozen payment amount) of the Development
Charges Act, until the date all outstanding development charges are
received by the City, and to be pro-rated on a 365-day calendar.
That Council approve that the speed limit be lowered
to 30 km/h through the implementation of 30 km/h Gateway Speed Limit Signs
within the following zones and corresponding boundaries:
a) Zone 1 (“Glebe Annex”): Between Bronson
Avenue and Lebreton Street South, and between Carling Avenue and the 417 as
indicated in Document 1;
b) Zone 2 (“Glebe East”): Between Bank Street
and Queen Elizabeth Drive, and between the Rideau Canal and the 417 as
indicated in Document 2;
c) Zone 3 (“Old Ottawa East—East”): Between
Main Street and the Rideau River, and between the 417 and the Rideau River
which is generally shown in Documents 3 & 4;
d) Zone 4 (“Old Ottawa East—Northeast”):
Between Main Street and Nicholas Street, and between the 417 and Colonel By
Drive which is generally shown in Document 5;
e) A speed limit of 30 km/h on Lees Avenue
between Main Street and east of Chestnut Street to be included within the
adjacent Gateway zone 3; and,
f) A speed limit of 30 km/h on Greenfield
Avenue between Main Street and Mann Avenue to be included within the adjacent
Gateway zone 4.
That Council approve the installation of an all-way
stop control at the following intersections:
a) Evelyn Avenue and Chestnut Street
b) Harvard Avenue and Chesley Street
That Council approve that the speed limit on Main
Street from McIlraith Bridge to Colonel By Drive, be reduced to 40 km/h in
both directions.
That Council approve that the speed limit be lowered
from 50 km/h to 40 km/h on Paul Anka Drive between Hunt Club Road and
McCarthy Road.
That Council approve the Summaries of Oral and
Written Public Submissions for items considered at the City Council Meeting
of July 21, 2021, that are subject to the ‘Explanation Requirements’ being
the Planning Act, subsections 17(23.1), 22(6.7), 34(10.10) and 34(18.1), as
applicable, as described in this report and attached as Documents 1 to 5.
Moved by Councillor L. Dudas
Seconded by Councillor G. Gower
WHEREAS report ACS2021-PIE-PS-0088
was considered by Planning Committee on July 8, 2021, recommending approval for
the construction of an inflatable structure dome housing various sports courts
on the property of the existing École secondaire catholique Garneau located at
6588 Carrière Street; and
WHEREAS there is an opportunity through the New Comprehensive Zoning
By-law project implementing the New Official Plan, for staff to review the zoning
permissions and zone provisions that apply to domes; and
WHEREAS Planning, Infrastructure and
Economic Development staff have expressed support for such a review of the
applicable policies and zoning provisions for domes;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct Staff in Planning,
Infrastructure and Economic Development to
undertake, as part of the New Zoning By-law project, a comprehensive review of the policies and zoning for inflatable
structure domes; including evaluating:
a) Establishing appropriate setbacks from
residential properties;
the creation of a separate use for “inflatable structure dome”, recognizing
that it has significant differences to built form; and
c) Establishing minimum
landscaping requirements to mitigate impacts on neighbours.
Councillors M. Fleury and T. Kavanagh
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2017-180 respecting the appointment of
Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in accordance with private property
parking enforcement.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-499 being a by-law of the City of Ottawa
designating fire routes.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to designate certain lands at avenue des Oblats Avenue on Plan
4M-1596 as being exempt from Part Lot Control.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to correct the name of chemin Montreal Road, a municipal
highway in the City of Ottawa, to chemin de Montréal Road.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common and public highway and
assume them for public use (rue Fameflower Street and avenue Alex Polowin Avenue).
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common and public highway and
assume them for public use (Tenth Line Road).
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common and public highway and
assume them for public use (Ottawa Road 174).
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to designate certain lands at ruelle Basalt Lane, avenue
Calvington Avenue, chemin Winterset Road on Plan 4M-1680 and voie Clonrush
Way on Plan 4M-1535 as being exempt from Part Lot Control.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common and public highway and
assume them for public use (rue Ziegler Street).
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the lands
known municipally as 3610 Innes Road.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the lands
known municipally as 1120 Manotick Station Road.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the
lands known municipally as 1869 Maple Grove.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the
lands known municipally as 622 River Road.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the
lands known municipally as 8466 Jeanne D'arc Boulevard.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the
lands known municipally as 388 and 400 Albert Street, 156 and 160 Lyon
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the
lands known municipally as 397 and 399 Winston Avenue.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the
lands known municipally as 133 Booth Street, 301 and 324 Lett Street.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the
lands known municipally as 1356 Clyde Avenue.
A by-law of the City
of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the lands
known municipally as 30, 38, 42 and 48 Chamberlain Avenue.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning and remove
the holding symbol of part of the lands known municipally as 411 Corkstown
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to designate a part of the area covered by the Official Plan
for the City of Ottawa as the Integrated Orléans Community Improvement Plan
Project Area and to repeal By-law No. 2009-40 and By-law 2013-292.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to adopt the Integrated Orléans Community Improvement Plan and
to repeal By-law No. 2013-293 and By-law No. 2009-41.
A by-law of the
City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the lands
known municipally as 5254 Bank Street.
interpretation of these proceedings is available.
Accessible formats and communication supports are
available, upon request.
The City of
Ottawa continues to take COVID-19 seriously, and in following the advice of
provincial and federal governments, is making significant changes to services
and programming to help protect health and wellbeing of the community. Committee
and Council meetings will be held electronically until further notice.
Members of
the public may watch the Council meeting live on RogersTV or the Ottawa City
Council YouTube page. For more details and updates visit
In Camera
Items are not subject to public discussion
or audience. Any person has a right to
request an independent investigation of the propriety of dealing with matters
in a closed session. A form requesting such a review may be obtained, without
charge, from the City’s website or from the Chair of this meeting. Requests
are kept confidential pending any report by the Meetings Investigator and are
conducted without charge to the Requestor.