Wednesday, September 23, 2020
10:00 am
By Electronic Participation
This Meeting was held through electronic participation in accordance
with Section 238 of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended by Bill 197, the COVID-19
Economic Recovery Act, 2020.
The Council of
the City of Ottawa met on Wednesday, September 23, 2020 beginning at 10:00 AM. The
Mayor, Jim Watson, presided over the Zoom meeting from Andrew
S. Haydon Hall, with the remaining Members participating remotely by Zoom.
Mayor Watson led
Council in a moment of reflection.
Jim Watson presented the Mayor’s City Builder Award to Mr. Gurbachan Singh Bedi
in recognition of his outstanding volunteerism and contributions to the
community. A Second World War veteran, originally from India, Mr. Bedi moved to
Ottawa in 1987 and is being honoured for his service to both the Indo-Canadian
Community and the wider community in Ottawa.
Bedi has received many honours for his volunteer work over the years, including
the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012 and the Paul Harris Fellow
Award from the Rotary Club of West Ottawa. He volunteered with the Kanata
Seniors’ Centre and is now a Patron of the Punjabi Seniors Association, having
served as President of the organization for two consecutive terms. He initiated
interactions with the Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization and
Jewish Family Services Ottawa and continues to facilitate dialogue among
various faith groups to promote understanding between Hindus, Sikhs, Christians
and those of other faiths.
Bedi participated in the annual SEVA Walk, organized by the Ottawa Sikh
Community to raise money for the Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation. When a
magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti in 2010, he donated his pension cheque
and, two weeks later, donated his next pension cheque to relief efforts.
Mayor Watson announced the launch of the City of Ottawa
2020 United Way Employee Campaign taking place on September 23rd, 2020
at Council. Mr. Dan Chenier is the Campaign Chair and Councillor Laura Dudas is
the Honorary Chair for this year.
Members were present with the exception of Councillors R. Chiarelli and S.
No declarations
of interest were filed.
by Councillor E. El-Chantiry
Seconded by Councillor K. Egli
That the report from the Ottawa Community Lands Development Corporation
entitled “Ottawa Community Lands Development
Corporation 2019 ‑ Annual Report”; Built Heritage Sub-Committee Report 15;
Community and Protective Services Committee Report 13; Standing Committee on Environmental Protection, Water and Waste
Management Report 10; Planning Committee Report 29; Transit Commission Report 6; and the report from the City Clerk entitled “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to
the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting
of September 9, 2020”; be
received and considered.
Mayor’s remarks were followed by questions to the Medical Officer of Health and
City Staff.
That Council:
1. Receive the Audited
financial statements of the Ottawa Community Lands Development Corporation
for the year 2019 in the Annual Report attached as Document 1; and
2. Appoint Ernst & Young
LLP as the auditor of the Ottawa Community Lands Development Corporation for
the year 2020.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Ottawa
Community Lands Development Corporation, Board Chair Pamela
Sweet provided an overview of the Annual Report. A copy of her presentation is
held on file with the City Clerk.
That Council:
1. Approve the application to
alter the existing building at 235 Mariposa Avenue, according to plans by Jim
Bell Architectural Design Inc., dated and received September 3, 2020,
conditional upon:
a. The applicant providing
samples of all exterior cladding materials, for approval by Heritage staff
prior to the issuance of a building permit;
2. Approve the landscape plan
for 235 Mariposa Avenue, according to the plan submitted by Jim Bell Architectural
Design Inc., dated July 9, 2020 and received July 14, 2020, conditional upon:
a. The applicant revising the
planting list to replace any identified invasive species with native species,
to the satisfaction of City Forestry and Heritage staff; and
b. The applicant providing a
Tree Disclosure report prior to the issuance of a Building Permit and
implementing any required tree protection measures to the satisfaction of
City Forestry staff in consultation with Heritage staff.
3. Delegate authority for minor
design changes to the General Manager, Planning Infrastructure and Economic
Development; and
4. Approve the issuance of the
heritage permit with a three-year expiry date from the issuance unless otherwise
extended by Council.
Moved by Councillor R. King
Seconded by Councillor R. Brockington
WHEREAS the Built
Heritage Sub-Committee approved Motion No. BHSC 2020 15/1 at its meeting of
September 8, 2020, replacing the plans by Jim Bell Architectural Design Inc.,
dated July 9, 2020 and received on July 14, 2020, with those plans, dated and
received September 3, 2020, as reflected in the Committee Recommendations to
Council; and,
WHEREAS in the interest of transparency, a copy
of the September 3, 2020 plans may be appended as a supporting document to the
Built Heritage Sub-Committee Report 15;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Document 11[1], attached to this motion, be formally added to
Built Heritage Sub-Committee Report 15, reflecting the revised plans dated and
received September 3, 2020.
report recommendations, as amended by Motion no. 40/2, were then put to Council
and CARRIED as amended.
That Council receive this report for information.
That Council approve the proposed amendments to the Smoking and
Vaping By-law (No. 2019-241), all in the general form set out in Document 1,
and as described in this report.
That Council receive this report for information and approve the
minor change to the Crime Prevention Ottawa Terms of Reference as described
in supporting document 7.
That Council:
1. Delegate authority to the
General Manager of Public Works and Environmental Services, in consultation with
the City Solicitor, to negotiate, finalize and execute a contract with the
Municipality of North Grenville, in accordance with this report and including
any amendments by Council.
2. Delegate authority to the
General Manager of Public Works and Environmental Services, in consultation
with the City Solicitor, to negotiate, finalize and execute contracts with
other potential partners where the terms and conditions are consistent with
the proposed agreement framework, as detailed in this report.
That Council receive the 2019 Management Review Report of the
Drinking Water Quality Management System.
That Council approve:
1. an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 as
shown on Document 1 and detailed in Document 2a, 2b and 2c, as amended by
the following:
a. amend the report number to
b. amend Document 2a of the report by replacing
Map 58 with the attached Map 58, and by replacing Map 67 with the attached
Map 67, per Planning Committee Motion No PLC 2020-29/1;
c. amend Document 2a by adding the following
as Recommendation 3d:
• "(3d) Amend Table 137, Column 1,
Row 12 by adding the words ", other than the R4-UA, R4-UB, R4-UC and
R4-UD zones," after the words "In any R1 to R4 zone.";
d. amend Document 2a, Recommendation 5(j), by
inserting the words "or porches" after the word
"balconies" and by inserting the word "or porch" after
every instance of the word "balcony.";
e. amend Document 2a by deleting Recommendation
f. amend Document 2a by adding the following
as (5)(X1)(o):
• "(o) No rooftop amenity space is
permitted within the area shown on Schedule 383.";
g. amend Document 2b by appending rows to the
end of the table, as set out in Planning Committee Motion No PLC 2020-29/1;
h. amend Document 2b by replacing, in Column
XI (Endnotes) of the zone standards tables, all references to Endnote 10 with
Endnote 18;
2. that pursuant to the Planning
Act, subsection 34(17), no further notice be given.
CARRIED with Councillor M. Fleury
That staff be directed to:
monitor development in
inner-urban R4 zones after the coming into force of the R4 Phase 2 amendments, with
particular attention to any parking issues arising from multiple-unit development
without on-site parking, and
explore facilitating or
expanding the residential on-street parking permit program in R4 areas where
multiple-unit development is permitted without on-site parking, beginning with
policy support in the new Official Plan currently under development.
DIRECTIONS TO STAFF (Councillor R. King):
That the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development
be directed to report back to Council 18 months after the amendments to the R4
zones come into force as to:
The number applications on consolidated lots
within the study areas defined in the R4 Zoning Review;
The number of units to be built on these consolidated
lots; and
The number of applications on these lots that
required a variance seeking relief from setbacks in order to accommodate more
units; and
The number of units throughout the study area to
be proposed that are greater than 2 bedrooms in both actual number and
percentage of all units being built; and
further, that staff incorporate into the work being done around the
Official Plan a clear analysis of the projected intensification pressures to
occur within the original study area and that when examining the transition of
existing communities to a walkable neighbourhood an inventory of required hard
and soft infrastructure to support this intensification is completed.
DIRECTIONS TO STAFF (Councillor S. Menard):
That staff be directed to:
ensure, in the development
of Inclusionary Zoning policies and zoning, that the resulting Inclusionary
Zoning regime also apply to any R4 zones located within the designated
Protected Major Transit Station Areas, to the extent permitted by Provincial
law; and
requirements for green roofs in the scope of the new Comprehensive Zoning
By-law to be developed starting in 2021 and/or the High Performance
Standards that will come as an outcome of Energy Evolution"
DIRECTIONS TO STAFF (Councillor J. Leiper):
That staff be directed to:
encourage the use of front balconies
or French balconies in site plan discussions with new R4 buildings; and
ensure that staff providing comments
to the Committee of Adjustment are trained and coordinated to the new policy;
apply the "landscaping
first" approach that's described in the new infill rules to these
rear-yards as well.
That Council:
1. approve the application to
alter the building at 175 Main Street, which includes the removal of the
chapel wing and the construction of a temporary infill wall, according to plans
submitted by Hobin Architecture, dated May 2020 and July 2020; conditional
a. the approval of the Zoning
By-law Amendment for 205 Scholastic Drive to permit the existing Deschâtelets
Building to be converted to a school and that such amendment be in full force
and effect;
b. the documentation of the
building as described in Document 10 to be submitted to the City of Ottawa
archives; and
c. the retention of as many of
the stained-glass chapel windows as reasonably possible to be incorporated into
future development or public art within Greystone Village;
d. the submission of a complete
heritage permit application for alterations associated with the new school
use or community centre, including the alterations to the front entrance and
the bay on the east façade.
2. delegate authority for minor design
changes to the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic
3. approve the issuance of the heritage permit
with a three-year expiry date from the date of issuance unless otherwise
extended by Council;
4. direct staff work with
the owners to review opportunities for a display, in addition to a plaque,
within the designated building at 175 Main Street, that would commemorate the
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for
205 Scholastic Drive to permit the existing Deschâtelets Building to be
converted to a school, as detailed in Document 2.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 360
Deschâtelets Avenue to facilitate the construction of a nine-storey, 85-unit
apartment dwelling, mid-rise, as detailed in Document 2.
That Council approve:
1. an amendment to the South
Nepean Secondary Plan Areas 9 and 10 (Volume 2A), to redesignate 2740 Cedarview
Road, and 4190, 4200, and 4210 Fallowfield Road from ‘Institutional / Office’
to ‘Residential’, and to redesignate 4236 Fallowfield Road from
‘Institutional / Office’ and ‘Institutional’ to ‘Residential’, to permit 188
apartment and stacked dwelling units, as shown in Document 2;
2. an amendment to the South
Nepean Secondary Plan Areas 9 and 10 (Volume 2A), to increase the 10.7-metre
maximum building height for ground oriented residential units up to four
storeys, as detailed in Document 2;
3. an amendment to Zoning
By-law 2008-250 for 2740 Cedarview Road, and 4190, 4200, 4210 and 4236 Fallowfield
Road to rezone the lands from ‘Development Reserve’ (DR) to Residential Fourth
Density, Subzone Z, Exception Zone (R4Z[xxxx]), to permit 188 apartment and
stacked dwelling units, as shown in Document 3 and detailed in Document 4.
That Council approve:
1. an amendment to Zoning
By-law 2008-250 for 3030 St. Joseph Boulevard to permit a 52.4 metre (16
storey) high-rise apartment building, as detailed in Document 2, as
amended by the following:
a. that Document 2 – Details
of the Recommended Zoning 3(a) be amended to change the language from:
“(a) Minimum required yard setbacks, building stepbacks, and
maximum permitted building heights as per Schedule ‘YYY’”
“(a) Minimum and maximum required yard setbacks, building
stepbacks, and maximum permitted building heights as per Schedule ‘YYY’”
and that the legend on Schedule ‘YYY” be modified accordingly.
b. that the recommended Floor
Space Index be a maximum of 4.25 metres to avoid a FSI deficiency;
c. that Document 2 - Details
of the Recommended Zoning amend Section 239, by adding a new exception [xxxx]
with provisions similar in effect to the following:
o In Column II, add the text “(AM3
o In addition to those provisions
already recommended to be added to Column V, add the following provision be
• The maximum permitted Floor Space
Index is 4.25
2. that the implementing Zoning
By-law not proceed to Council until such time as the agreement under Section
37 of the Planning Act is executed;
3. that pursuant to the Planning
Act, subsection 34(17), no further notice be given.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for
6102 Renaud Road to permit construction of four low-rise apartment buildings,
as detailed in Document 2.
That Council approve the following:
1. That the Chief Financial
Officer submit a report to the Ministry of Transportation outlining the City of
Ottawa’s use of the Municipal Transit Funding - Phase 1 funds and a forecast
of eligible expenditures to March 31, 2021; and, seeking additional funding
under Phase 2 of the Safe Restart funding program – Transit Stream;
2. That the following capital funds
from capital projects be deferred to 2021 or later, as detailed in Document
4, and the following be returned to source:
a) Transit Capital Reserves
b) Federal Gas Tax $10,400,000
c) Transit Debt $1,000,000
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for
part of 2741 Longfields Drive to modify the minimum lot width for two lots to
permit the development of single detached dwellings, as detailed in Document
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for
737 River Road to rezone the property to allow this remnant parcel to be incorporated
into the surrounding subdivision, Parts of 510 and 520 Borbridge Avenue, Part
of 218 Hawkeswood Drive and Part of 351 Rosina Way to adjust the zoning
boundaries to match the revised plan of subdivision, as detailed in Documents
1 and 2.
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for
part of 3809 Borrisokane Road, as shown in Document 1, to permit
single-detached dwelling units, as detailed in Document 2.
That Council:
1. Authorize the City and
delegate authority to the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and
Economic Development Department, to enter into a Front-Ending Agreement with
2325483 Ontario Ltd. for the Feedmill Creek Stream Rehabilitation Measures,
Reaches 1 to 5, Kanata West as outlined in this report, to an upset limit of
$1,352,662 plus applicable taxes and indexing, in accordance with the
Front-Ending Agreement Principles and Policy set forth in Documents 1 and 2
and with the final form and content being to the satisfaction of the City
2. Pursuant to the City and
Kanata West Owners Group (KWOG) entering into an agreement for the payment of
$556,000 plus HST by KWOG for the Feedmill Creek Stream Rehabilitation
Measures, authorize the reimbursement of the $546,385 ($556,000 minus sunk
HST cost of 1.76%) to 2325483 Ontario Ltd. for the Feedmill Creek Stream Rehabilitation
Measures, Reached 1 to 5, Kanata West as outlined in this report, in accordance
with the Front-Ending Agreement Principles and Policy set forth in Documents
1 and 2 and with the final form and content being to the satisfaction of the
City Solicitor;
3. Authorize the financial disbursement
to reimburse the Feedmill Creek Stream Rehabilitation Measures, Reaches 1 to
5 remaining costs incurred by 2325483 Ontario Ltd. pursuant to the execution
of the Front-Ending Agreement, to a maximum amount of $806,278 plus
applicable taxes and indexing, from Area Specific development charges collected
and in accordance with the reimbursement schedule set out in the Front-Ending
Agreement; and;
4. Authorize the creation of a
budget for the design and construction work required per the Front-Ending
That Council approve the Summaries of Oral and Written Public
Submissions for items considered at the City Council Meeting of September 9,
2020 that are subject to the ‘Explanation Requirements’ being the Planning
Act, subsections 17(23.1), 22(6.7), 34(10.10) and 34(18.1), as applicable,
as described in this report and attached as Documents 1 to 7.
by Councillor E. El-Chantiry
Seconded by Councillor K. Egli
That the
report from the Ottawa Community Lands Development
Corporation entitled “Ottawa Community Lands Development
Corporation 2019 ‑ Annual Report”; Built Heritage Sub-Committee Report 15; Community and
Protective Services Committee Report 13; Standing
Committee on Environmental Protection, Water and Waste Management Report 10; Planning
Committee Report 29; Transit Commission Report 6;
and the report from the City Clerk entitled “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to
the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting
of September 9, 2020”; be received and adopted
as amended.
Moved by Councillor C. McKenney
Seconded by Mayor J. Watson
WHEREAS on July 24, 2002, City Council approved, as amended, the Commemorative
Naming Policy; and
in keeping with its powers set out in the Municipal
Act, 2001, Council may assign a commemorative name by resolution,
notwithstanding the provisions included in the Commemorative Naming Policy; and
WHEREAS residents of the City of Ottawa have relied on Boushey's Fruit Market, at the corner of Elgin and Waverley street, for
70 years; and
WHEREAS the past three generations of the
Boushey family has
run the market since 1946; and
WHEREAS the Boushey’s Fruit Market has been a prominent fixture in downtown Ottawa, offering a wide
range of diverse food; and
WHEREAS the history of the Boushey’s Fruit Market is remembered and
treasured by many residents of the City of Ottawa;
AND WHEREAS this proposal was circulated to establishments along
Elgin St. with overwhelming responses in support of the proposal;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Waverley Square, located at the corner of Elgin
and Waverley streets be renamed the “Boushey
Square”; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an appropriate stand and plaque be
installed in the square displaying the name “Boushey Square” and including a brief
history of the Boushey’s Fruit Market contributions; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all costs related to the production and
installation of the stand, plaque and subsequent event will be funded through
the Councillor’s office.
by Councillor L. Dudas
Seconded by Councillor J. Cloutier
WHEREAS in response to a recent Council Inquiry with respect to
Cyberbullying (OCC 20-07), City staff indicated Ottawa City Council has
established codes of conduct setting out ethical behavior expected of elected
officials, appointed citizen members on boards or commissions of the
municipality, and City staff; and
WHEREAS these codes of conduct could be applied to a variety of violations,
they are not specific or tailored to address the types of cyber bullying or attacks
that can occur on social media forums; and
Inquiry response presented examples, at the municipal, provincial and federal levels
of government, of social media guidelines or interpretation bulletins that
specify how an existing code of conduct applies to social media use/behaviour;
WHEREAS in the
Inquiry response, City staff indicated that “should Council request to have more
clarity respecting how the Code of Conduct for Members of Council applies to
social media behavior, that the Integrity Commissioner is prepared to respond to
a direction from Council to produce an interpretation bulletin to specifically
address social media behavior”;
THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED that the Integrity Commissioner work closely
with the Office of the City Clerk to review the existing Codes of Conduct with
the goal of producing an interpretation bulletin to specifically
address social media behavior by Councillors, Board and
Commission members for inclusion in the 2018-2022 Mid-term Governance Review report.
Moved by Councillor Leiper
Seconded by Mayor J. Watson
That City Council
approve that the Rules of Procedure be suspended, as the next Council meeting
is October 14, 2020 and the Dovercourt Recreation Association requires
immediate assistance to resume and maintain operation of the Dovercourt Recreation
Center following the facility expansion project and Covid19 closure:
the Dovercourt Recreation Association (DRA) has invested over $870,000 towards
the expansion of the City owned Dovercourt Recreation Centre, which has been
completed earlier this year and will allow additional space for after-school
care, camps and classes for seniors; and
the DRA has utilized its operating reserves to meet the requirements of the
expansion project and requires immediate assistance to continue to operate its
programming and continue to deliver municipal recreational services; and
WHEREAS the DRA’s investment has improved the City’s recreation infrastructure and
their continued management of recreation programing in the community is a
significant net benefit to the City of Ottawa; and
the forced cancellation of spring and summer programs at the Dovercourt
Recreation Centre has had a significant negative impact on DRA’s revenues, cash
flow and overall operating budget; and
Council authorize the Chief Financial Officer to extend a temporary
interest-free loan to the DRA in the amount of up to $350,000 repayable within
3 years in accordance with the terms and conditions established by the Chief
Financial Officer, to assist with the continued delivery of recreational
programming within the Dovercourt Recreational Centre.
Moved by Councillor S. Menard
Seconded by Councillor G. Gower
BE IT RESOLVED that Council suspend the Rules of
Procedure to permit the introduction of the following motion, in order to
respond in a timely manner to support all workers and to address the COVID-19
WHEREAS on March 17, 2020, the Government of the
Province of Ontario made an order declaring an emergency under Section 7.0.1
(1) the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, with a view to
ensuring that Ontario had available “every power possible to continue to
protect the health and safety of all individuals and families”; and
WHEREAS the Province of Ontario subsequently
issued a number of Orders pursuant to its authority under Section 7.0.1 (1) the
Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act; and
WHEREAS on July 24, 2020, the Ontario Government
enacted the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act,
thereby terminating the Province’s COVID-19 declared emergency but continuing
as valid and effective those orders made under the Emergency Management and
Civil Protection Act that had not otherwise been revoked before June 24,
2020, and also reserving a measure of authority necessary to amend and/or
continue those orders; and
WHEREAS on August 19, 2020, the Decent Work and
Health Care Network issued its report, “BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE: How to Close
the Paid Sick Days Gap During COVID-19 and Beyond”; and
WHEREAS that report recommended that, “all
provincial, territorial and federal jurisdictions update their employment
standards to require employers to provide at least 7 days of paid emergency
leave on a permanent basis”;
WHEREAS the COVID-19 pandemic continues to
evolve and is causing significant effects across the world and locally in
Mayor Watson to write a letter to Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Minister
McNaughton requesting that the provincial government immediately establish
job-protected sick leave, through regulation or legislation, that allows
workers seamless access of up to 10 days leave related to COVID-19; and
Mayor Watson to write a letter to the Prime Minister requesting that the temporary
pan-Canadian sick leave program be made permanent and include expanded seamless
access for workers.
suspension of the Rules of Procedure, the following motion was put forward
to defer Motion No 40/7 above:
Moved by Councillor R. Brockington
Seconded by Councillor E. El-Chantiry
That the Menard/Gower Motion be deferred to the Ottawa City Council
meeting of October 14, 2020.
CARRIED on a division of 13 YEAS and
8 NAYS, as follows:
YEAS (13):
Councillors D. Deans, J. Harder, J. Sudds, G. Darouze,
L. Dudas, T. Tierney, E. El-Chantiry, M. Luloff, A. Hubley,
R. Brockington, C. A. Meehan, J. Cloutier, Mayor J. Watson
NAYS (8):
Councillors G. Gower, T. Kavanagh, S. Menard, C. McKenney, M. Fleury,
R. King, J. Leiper, K. Egli
Moved by Mayor J. Watson
Seconded by Councillor
D. Deans
WHEREAS the Ontario Police Services Act currently does not
provide for any authority in a Chief of Police or any oversight body to suspend
a police officer, without pay, when that officer is charged with or convicted
of a serious offence under the laws of Canada; and
WHEREAS public reports of police officers continuing to receive
their full pay, even while facing charges of serious and even criminal
misconduct, can diminish public respect for, and confidence in, the integrity
of police services across the Province; and
WHEREAS the Ontario Government in 2018 introduced the Safer
Ontario Act to modernize policing in the Province, including provisions for
the suspension without pay of police officers who are charged with serious
offences, in certain defined cases, in order to address these concerns; and
WHEREAS the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) has
passed resolutions calling on the Government of Ontario to make the necessary
changes to the Police Service Act to allow for the suspension without
pay of police officers in situations where: they are charged with serious
Criminal Code of Canada and other federal offences not related to their
performance of duty; when held in custody or when subject to a Judicial Interim
Release order with such conditions that prevent the officer from carrying out
the duties of a police officer; or, who are charged with serious Police
Services Act violations where the Chief of Police will seek dismissal of
the officer; and
WHEREAS the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards has passed
a resolution joining with the OACP in calling on the Government of Ontario to
make the necessary changes to the Police Service Act to allow for the
suspension without pay of police officers in situations where: they are charged
with serious Criminal Code of Canada and other federal offences not related to
their performance of duty; when held in custody or when subject to a Judicial
Interim Release order with such conditions that prevent the officer from
carrying out the duties of a police officer; or, who are charged with serious Police
Services Act violations where the Chief of Police will seek dismissal of
the officer;
WHEREAS the Safer Ontario Act was not passed before the
Provincial election in 2018;
WHEREAS identical provisions were later incorporated into the Community
Safety and Policing Act, 2019, which was enacted by the Provincial
Government in March, 2019 but which has never been proclaimed in force;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Ottawa City Council hereby calls on
the Provincial Government to declare in force those sections of the Community
Safety and Policing Act, 2019 as soon as possible, that are
necessary to provide Chiefs of Police or Police Services Boards, as
applicable, with the discretion to suspend a member of the police service,
without pay, who is charged with or convicted of a serious offence, in those
circumstances set out in the statute; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Ottawa City Council hereby calls on the
Provincial Government to further amend the legislative scheme governing police
services so as to streamline the process for the termination of a police officer
who is found guilty of serious or criminal misconduct.
by Councillor E. El-Chantiry
Seconded by Councillor K. Egli
That the by-laws
listed on the Agenda under Motion to Introduce By-laws, Three Readings, be read
and passed.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2017-180 respecting
the appointment of Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in accordance with
private property parking enforcement.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend the South Nepean Secondary
Plan Areas 9 and 10 of Volume 2A of the Official Plan for the City of Ottawa
to redesignate and add a site-specific policy for the lands municipally known
as for 2740 Cedarview Road, and 4190, 4200, 4210 and 4236 Fallowfield Road.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change
the zoning of the lands known municipally as 2740 Cedarview Road, and 4190,
4200, 4210 and 4236 Fallowfield Road.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law
No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of part of the lands known municipally as
2741 Longfields Drive.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change
the zoning of part of the lands known municipally as 3809 Borrisokane Road.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change
the zoning of the lands known municipally as 360 Deschâtelets Avenue.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change
the zoning of the lands known municipally as 6102 Renaud Road.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change
the zoning of the lands known municipally as 205 Scholastic Drive.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change
the zoning of the lands known municipally as 737 River Road, parts of 510 and
520 Borbridge Avenue, part of 218 Hawkeswood Drive, and part of 351 Rosina
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate certain lands at chemin
Tawadina Road on Plan 4M-1651, as being exempt from Part Lot Control.
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common
and public highway and assume them for public use (cour Rideau Cove Court).
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common and
public highway and assume them for public use (avenue River Run Avenue and
bois Celestial Grove).
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common and
public highway and assume it for public use (Iris Street).
by Councillor E. El-Chantiry
Seconded by Councillor K. Egli
That the
following by-law be read and passed:
To confirm the proceedings of the Council meeting of September 23rd,
Council adjourned
the meeting at 1:40 pm.