City Council Minutes



Wednesday, 29 January 2020

10:00 AM

Andrew Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue W.



The Council of the City of Ottawa met at Andrew S. Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, on Wednesday, 29 January 2020 beginning at 10:00 a.m.

The Mayor, Jim Watson, presided and invited Algonquin Elder Claudette Commanda of Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation to deliver an opening blessing for the first City Council meeting of 2020.




The national anthem was performed by students from Ecole Notre Place.






Mayor Watson and Councillor Egli presented the Mayor’s City Builder Award to Susan Ingram, Executive Director, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa at the start of the City Council meeting today, in recognition of the organization’s commitment to making our city a better place through volunteerism and exemplary action.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa is celebrating their 50th anniversary in 2020 and the organization has had a positive impact on the lives of many Ottawa children and their big brothers and sisters. Annually, more than 1,000 big brothers and big sisters help 1,100 children who need a special friend.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa offers safe, quality programs that help children realize their potential, gain confidence and become future leaders. The organization brings people together through strong one-on-one relationships and uses mentoring to enrich the lives of everyone involved.



All Members were present at the meeting, except Councillor D. Deans (See Motion
No. 20/1 of September 25, 2019), and Councillor R. Chiarelli.




Moved by Councillor G. Darouze
Seconded by Councillor M. Luloff

BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor’s remarks given at the City Council meeting on January 29, 2020 be appended to the Minutes of today’s Council meeting.




Council received a verbal update from Dr. Vera Etches, Medical Officer of Health, provided an update on the current situation with respect to Novel Coronavirus and Ottawa Public Health’s ongoing response. Anthony DiMonte, General Manager of Emergency and Protective Services provided an update on activities of the Office of Emergency Management and Ottawa Paramedic Services in relation to this virus.





Confirmation of the Minutes of the regular Council meeting of December 11, 2019.




No declarations of interest were filed.




The following communications were received.



Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO):




AMO’s 2020 Pre-Budget Submission




Infrastructure and Court Security Funding News




Government announces consultation on re-composition of OPP Detachment Boards




Queen’s Park Update



Response to Inquiries:


OCC 19-19 - Maintenance Records Related to O-Train Door Issues




Petition received containing the signatures of 882 individuals calling on Ottawa City Council to adopt Councillor McKenney’s Housing Emergency Motion.


Other Communications Received:



Additional electronic submission received containing the names of 6698 individuals calling on Ottawa City Council to adopt Councillor McKenney’s Housing Emergency motion




Councillor D. Deans advised she would be absent from the City Council meeting of 29 January 2019 (See Motion No. 20/1 of September 25, 2019).





Moved by Councillor G. Gower
Seconded by Councillor M. Luloff

That Built Heritage Sub-Committee Reports 9 and 10; Standing Committee on Environmental Protection, Water and Waste Management Report 8; Planning Committee Reports 18 and 19;  and the reports from the City Clerk entitled “Status Update – Council Inquiries and Motions for the Period Ending November January 24, 2020” and “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of December 11, 2019”; be received and considered; and

That the Petition with respect to Councillor McKenney’s Housing Emergency Motion, listed on the Agenda, be received.













That Council receive this report for information.












That Council issue a Notice of Intention to Designate the property located at 1824 Farwel Street as a property of cultural heritage value and interest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act according to the Statement of Cultural Heritage Value attached as Document 4.









That Council:

1.         Receive the Phase II Clemow Estate Heritage Study, attached as Document 3 for information;

2.         Approve the designation of the Clemow-Monkland Driveway and Linden Terrace Heritage Conservation District as identified in Document 1 by by law under Section 41 of the Ontario Heritage Act;

3.         Adopt the proposed Clemow-Monkland Driveway and Linden Terrace Heritage Conservation District Plan by by-law as shown in Document 2 (see amended Document 2 distributed with this Report, as amended by Motion No. BHSC 10/1);

4.         Direct Heritage staff to include a preliminary heritage conservation district study of Bank Street between the Queensway and the Bank Street Bridge, with its prioritization to be identified in the 2020 Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department workplan for the remainder of the Term of Council.










That Council:

1.         Receive the 2017 and 2018 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventories attached as Document 3 and as outlined in this report;

2.         Approve:

a.         New 2025, 2030 and 2040 corporate targets to reduce GHG emissions 100% by 2040 below 2012 levels;

b.        New 2025, 2030, 2040 and 2050 community targets to reduce GHG emissions 100% by 2050 below 2012 levels;

3.         Approve the Climate Change Master Plan attached as Document 4 and as outlined in this report;

4.         Receive a project status update on Energy Evolution including the draft energy and emissions model and a draft list of proposed projects to be more fully developed as part of the Energy Evolution Final Report attached, as Documents 5, 6 and 7 and as outlined in this report;

5.         Direct staff to bring forward the final report for Energy Evolution: Ottawa’s Community Energy Transition Strategy in Q2 2020 that includes:

a.         Finalized energy and emissions model;

b.        A financial and affordability analysis of the model to identify the investment required, the net present value, the return on investment, marginal abatement costs, and employment impacts;

c.         Detailed descriptions of the proposed Energy Evolution projects listed in this report including roles and responsibilities, timelines, municipal authorities and barriers to implementation, equity and inclusion considerations, and resourcing needs;

d.        A proposed spending plan for the 2019 Hydro Ottawa Dividend Surplus once the value of the dividend surplus is known;

6.         Delegate authority to the Council Sponsors Group on Climate Change to provide the Mayor with a list of priority areas and activities, which are consistent with the Council-approved Climate Change Master Plan, to allow the Mayor to advocate with the provincial and federal governments on program funding, co-delivery opportunities and related policy and regulatory supports necessary to implement the Climate Change Master Plan priority projects, as appropriate; and

7.         Approve the spending plan in Document 13 and summarized in this report for $210,000 of unspent 2017 and 2018 Hydro Ottawa Dividend Surplus funds.








That Council:

1.         Approve the proposed Tree Protection By-law, in the form attached as Documents 1 and 2, and as described in this report;

2.         Approve the proposed Application Fees, attached in Document 2 as Schedule “D” of the proposed Tree Protection By-law, and summarized in Document 5 – Fee Schedule;

3.         Approve the phased approach to the implementation of the Tree By-law Review, as described in this report;

4.         Direct staff to report back with Phase 2 amendments to the Tree Protection By-law, as described in this report in Q3 2020;

5.         Approve the establishment of two new permanent full-time Forestry Inspector positions in Public Works and Environmental Services in 2020 for the implementation of Phase 1 of the Tree Protection By-law, the cost of which will be offset by increased revenues from the new fees for a net zero impact on the 2020 budget; and

6.         Delegate the authority to the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development and the City Solicitor to finalize and make any necessary adjustments to the proposed Tree Protection By-law to give effect to the intent of Council.


Moved by Councillor S. Moffatt
Seconded by            Councillor J. Cloutier

WHEREAS report ACS2019-PIE-EDP-0052 proposes a new Tree Protection By-law to support the protection and enhancement of the City’s urban tree canopy; and

WHEREAS the proposed By-law includes permit fees (on a per tree basis) for the removal of distinctive trees; and

WHEREAS the permit fee for removing a tree that is not associated with infill development is $150 per tree, up to a maximum of $750 (or five trees); and

WHEREAS the permit fee for removing a tree that is associated with infill development is $500 per tree, with no maximum limit set; and

WHEREAS after discussing with stakeholders and for consistency reasons, staff now recommend implementing a maximum permit fee for infill development to avoid overcharging applicants for the cost of processing a permit; and

WHEREAS application fees for permits under the Municipal Act are to be established with the goal of cost recovery (not for profit); and

WHEREAS there is no maximum limit on the tree compensation requirements;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the By-law be amended to set the maximum permit fee for infill development at $2500 (or five trees), to correspond with the limit set for non-infill tree removals.

CARRIED on a division of 15 YEAS and 7 NAYS, as follows:

YEAS (15):

Councillors S. Moffatt, M. Luloff, A. Hubley, G. Darouze, J. Sudds, G. Gower, L. Dudas, T. Tierney, J. Cloutier, J. Harder, K. Egli,
S. Blais, E. El-Chantiry, M. Fleury, Mayor J. Watson

NAYS (7):

Councillors R. King, C. A. Meehan, J. Leiper, T. Kavanagh,
R. Brockington, S. Menard, C. McKenney,


The item, as amended by Motion 26/3 was put to Council and CARRIED.









That Council:

1.         approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 1375 Clyde Avenue to permit a self-storage building and restaurant, as detailed in Document 2;

2.         add the completion of an urban design analysis of the Merivale Triangle to the Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department’s multi-year workplan, and direct staff to undertake this analysis as soon as feasible;

3.         approve that there be no further notice pursuant to Subsection 34 (17) of the Planning Act.


Recommendation 1 LOST on a division of 5 YEAS and 17 NAYS, as follows:

YEAS (5):

Councillors S. Moffatt, G. Darouze, T. Tierney, J. Harder,
E. El-Chantiry

NAYS (17):

Councillors M. Luloff, A. Hubley, J, Sudds, G. Gower, L. Dudas, R. King, C. A. Meehan, J. Leiper, T. Kavanagh, R. Brockington,
J. Cloutier, S. Menard, C. McKenney, K. Egli, S. Blais, M. Fleury, Mayor J. Watson


The following motion was then put to Council:


Moved by Councillor K. Egli
Seconded by Councillor G. Gower

Whereas 1375 Clyde Avenue is located on the last large developable parcel within the Fisher Heights Community; and

Whereas it is important that the development on this site takes place in conformity with the Merivale Road Secondary Plan; and

Whereas a warehouse limited to self-storage does not conform to nor implement the vision of the Merivale Road Secondary Plan; and

Whereas a restaurant is already a permitted use in the AM10 subzone and thus will continue to be permitted if the requested rezoning for 1375 Clyde Avenue is refused;

Therefore Be It Resolved that Recommendations 2 and 3 be renumbered as 3 and 4 respectively

Be It Further Resolved that Recommendation 1 be deleted and replaced with the following:

“1.          Approve that the requested amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 1375 Clyde Avenue to permit a self-storage building and restaurant be refused;

2.          Approve that the reasons for refusal are the following:

a.    The site is a gateway to the Fisher Heights community and the proposed self-storage use is not consistent with this site’s role as a gateway.

b.    The majority of the site is subject to the Merivale Road Secondary Plan and the proposed self-storage use is not in conformity with this Secondary Plan in that:

                                          i.    The rezoning does not promote a stronger movement to a mixed use that includes a residential use;

                                        ii.    The rezoning does not encourage the provision of additional housing opportunities;

                                       iii.    The rezoning for a warehouse limited to a self-storage use does not promote a use that is pedestrian oriented and fosters community and human interaction and is therefore contrary to the vision of the Merivale Secondary Official Plan.”

CARRIED on a division of 14 YEAS and 8 NAYS, as follows:

YEAS (14):

Councillors G. Gower, L. Dudas, R. King, C. A. Meehan,
J. Leiper, T. Kavanagh, R. Brockington, J. Cloutier, S. Menard,
C. McKenney, K. Egli, S. Blais, M. Fleury, Mayor J. Watson

NAYS (8):

Councillors S. Moffatt, M. Luloff, A. Hubley, G. Darouze, J. Sudds, T. Tierney, J. Harder, E. El-Chantiry,


The item, as amended by Motion 26/4, was put to Council and CARRIED with Councillor J. Harder dissenting.







That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 966, 968 and 974 Fisher Avenue to rezone the properties from the R2F zone to an R4N zone with exceptions and an associated schedule (R4N [XXXX] SXXX) to permit two, three-storey low-rise apartment buildings, as detailed in Document 2.


Moved by Councillor R. Brockington
Seconded by Councillor J. Harder

WHEREAS Report ACS2019-PIE-PS-0128 recommends approval and adoption of Zoning By-law Amendment – 966, 968 and 974 Fisher Avenue; and

WHEREAS staff has identified a minor change to the proposed Zoning By-law Schedule;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council approve that the Zoning By-law Schedule (Document 3) be amended by removing the reference to elevation above sea level.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the Planning Act, subsection 34(17) no further notice be given.



The item, as amended by Motion 26/5, was put to Council and CARRIED.







That Council:

1.         approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 2175 Carling Avenue to permit a 22-storey and a four-storey mixed-use building, as detailed in Document 2;

2.         approve that the Zoning By-law Schedule be amended, as detailed in attachment 1 of motion No PLC 2019-18/3 and as follows:

a.         remove reference to elevation above sea, which was erroneously used; and

b.        change a rounding error modifying the minimum setback between Area C to Carling Avenue from 4.8m to 4.7m;

3.         approve that pursuant to the Planning Act, subsection 34(17), no further notice be given.







That Council:

  1.  approve the filing of the Class Environmental Assessment for the Feedmill Creek Stream Rehabilitation Measures, listed as Document 1, for the 30-day public review period in accordance with the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act;

2.         approve the City of Ottawa Area-specific Development Charge Background Study for Feedmill Creek In-stream Measures, listed as Document 2, and authorize the enactment of the implementing Feedmill Creek In-stream Measures Development Charges By-law, 2020, as amended by the following:

a.         that the following amendments be made to                                        subsection 8(4) of the draft By-law:

•   in clause 8(4), add the words ‘plus applicable H.S.T’, such that the revised clause reads “(4) An amount of $566,000.00, plus applicable H.S.T,, shall be due from the Kanata West Owners Group Inc. in accordance with the following:”

•   in clause 8(4), subsection (b), add the words ‘plus applicable H.S.T’, such that the revised subsection reads “8(4)(b) The agreement shall provide for two payments, one for $200,000.00, plus applicable H.S.T, and one for $356,000.00, plus applicable H.S.T.”

•   in clause 8(4), subsection (c), add the words ‘subsection (2) and’, such that the revised subsection reads “8(4)(c) The amounts set in subsection (2) and clause (b) may be adjusted upon certification by the Treasurer and the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department that such is appropriate based upon the principles in the background study.”

3.         approve that no further notice be given, pursuant to the Development Charges Act, subsection 12(3).


Moved by Councillor G. Gower
Seconded by Councillor J. Harder

WHEREAS the amount due for the development charges from Kanata West for the Feedmill Creek In-Stream Measures is to be paid in two lump sums; and

WHEREAS these amounts ($200,000 and $356,000, each plus applicable H.S.T.) have been finalized and agreed to; and

WHEREAS it is therefore appropriate to modify the development charges by-law to delete the reference to these amounts being subject to adjustment and to reference the lands in Kanata West in the text of the by-law and Schedule “A” as to not being subject to any charges under the by-law other than the two lump sums referenced above;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Feedmill Creek In-Stream Measures Development Charges by-law, 2000 be modified:

(a)  in clause 8(4)(c) to delete the provision related to Kanata West;

(b)  in subsection  8(3) and Schedule “A”, to reference the lands within Kanata West; and

(c)  to clarify that two payments of $200,000 and $356,000, each plus applicable H.S.T., are to be made

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That, pursuant to the Development Charges Act, Subsection 12(3), no further notice be given.


The item, as amended by Motion 26/6, was put to Council and CARRIED.








No Committee recommendation


Moved by Councillor J. Leiper
Seconded by Councillor J. Harder

WHEREAS the recommendation to approve the extension of the temporary zoning for a parking lot was lost at the Planning Committee meeting of January 23, 2020; and

WHEREAS the Planning Act process provides for the formal refusal of a item together with the reasons for refusal;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council approve that:

1.          The application for an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 1426 Scott Street to permit the continuance of a non-conforming parking lot for the period of two years be refused.

2.          The reasons for the refusal of the zoning amendment are:

a.          The site is in proximity to the LRT line and therefore a transit supportive use rather than a surface parking lot is appropriate for this location;

b.          The Scott Street Secondary Plan encourages the redevelopment of parking lots; and

c.          While a short-term presence of a surface parking lot was acceptable in the past as a mediated solution, this continuing presence of a non-conforming surface parking lot is not consistent with the vision for the community.


The item, as amended by Motion 26/7, was put to Council and CARRIED.







That Council refuse an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 116 York Street to permit a 17-storey hotel, as detailed in Document 2.

CARRIED with Councillors R. Brockington and M. Luloff dissenting.






That Council approve:

a.         an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 17, 19 and 23 Robinson Avenue to permit the development of a mid-rise apartment building, as detailed in Document 2;

b.        an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 27, 29 and 31 Robinson Avenue to permit the development of a mid-rise apartment building, as detailed in Document 4;

c.         an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 130, 134 and 138 Robinson Avenue to permit the development of a mid-rise apartment building, as detailed in Document 6;

d.        Site Plan Control application D07-12-18-0174, concerning 17, 19 and 23 Robinson Avenue, for the construction of a new six-storey building containing 46 units, as provided in Documents 7 and 8;

e.         Site Plan Control application D07-12-18-0164, concerning 27, 29 and 31 Robinson Avenue, for the construction of a new six-storey building containing 46 units, as provided in Documents 9 and 10;

f.          Site Plan Control application D07-12-18-0172, concerning 130, 134 and 138 Robinson Avenue, for the construction of a new six-storey building containing 46 units, as provided in Documents 11 and 12;

g.        the Site Plan approvals of recommendations 3(a), (b) and (c) to only come into effect when the zoning, Recommendations 1 (a), (b) and (c), comes into full force and effect.


Moved by Councillor M. Fleury
Seconded by Councillor J. Harder

WHEREAS Report ACS2020-PIE-PS-0001, Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Control recommends approval for zoning by-law amendments and site plan control for three separate six-storey apartment buildings at each of the following municipal addresses:

a)    17, 19 and 23 Robinson,

b)   27, 29 and 31 Robinson, and

c)    130, 134 and 138 Robinson;

WHEREAS the plans recommended for approval include a rooftop amenity area on each building; and

WHEREAS Sandy Hill has experienced negative impacts with rooftop amenity areas associated with noise complaints and privacy concerns and it is desirable to prohibit this use in the circumstances;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a zoning provision be added to the Details of Recommended Zoning in Documents 2, 4 and 6 similar in effect to the following:

“Outdoor rooftop amenity areas are prohibited”

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to the Planning Act, Subsection 34(17) no further notice be given.



Moved by Councillor M. Fleury
Seconded by Councillor J. Harder

WHEREAS Report ACS2020-PIE-PS-0001, Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Control, recommends site plan approval for three proposed six-storey buildings at each of the following municipal addresses:

d)   17, 19 and 23 Robinson,

e)    27, 29 and 31 Robinson, and

f)     130, 134 and 138 Robinson;

WHEREAS delegated authority for staff to grant site plan approval for the said applications has not been removed by the Ward Councillor at this time;

WHEREAS the plans recommended for approval include an outdoor rooftop amenity area on each building;

WHEREAS Sandy Hill has experienced negative impacts with outdoor rooftop amenity areas associated with noise complaints and privacy concerns;

WHEREAS Council has now approved amended zoning provisions which require the developer to remove the outdoor rooftop amenity areas;

AND WHEREAS as of Tuesday January 28, 2020 the developer had proposed a revision to the plans and reports to remove the outdoor rooftop amenity areas and to make adjustments to engineering plans, site lighting, fencing, and indoor amenity areas, which require further review by Staff;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the site plan applications for

a)    17, 19 and 23 Robinson,

b)   27, 29 and 31 Robinson, and

c)    130, 134 and 138 Robinson;

be referred back to staff for approval in accordance with the recitals of this motion.


The Item, as amended by Motions 26/8 and 26/9, was put to Council and CARRIED, with Councillors M. Fleury and R. Brockington dissenting.






That Council approve or an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 36 Robinson Avenue to permit a nine-storey apartment building, as detailed in Document 2.


Moved by Councillor M. Fleury
Seconded by Councillor J. Harder

WHEREAS Report ACS2020-PIE-PS-0002, Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Control – 36 Robinson Avenue recommends approval for Zoning By-law Amendments and Site Plan Control to permit a nine-storey apartment building; and

WHEREAS the Ward Councillor raised concerns about the building and site design as it relates to resident safety; and

WHEREAS the Site Plan and Landscape Plan have been revised to show side yard gates and exterior lighting to ensure the safety and security of building residents;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Document 4, the list of approved plans and studies for the Site Plan Control application be amended to add updated plans and studies as follows:

1.    Site Plan, drawing no. SP-1, prepared by Hobin Architecture, dated January 10, 2019, project no. 1834, Revision 15, dated 20/01/28.

2.    Tree Conservation Report and Landscape Plan, project no. 19MIS1936, dated March 2019, prepared by James B. Lennox and Associates Inc., Revision 5, dated 01/28/2020.


The item, as amended by Motion 26/10, was put to Council and CARRIED, with Councillor M. Fleury dissenting.







That Council approve the Summaries of Oral and Written Public Submissions for items considered at the City Council Meeting of December 11, 2019 that are subject to the ‘Explanation Requirements’ being the Planning Act, subsections 17(23.1), 22(6.7), 34(10.10) and 34(18.1), as applicable, as described in this report and attached as Documents 1 to 8.


Moved by Councillor E. El-Chantiry
Seconded by Councillor S. Moffatt

WHEREAS, in accordance with the process approved by Council as part of the 2014-2018 Mid-term Governance Review, the Clerk’s Office prepared a report summarizing the Oral and Written public submissions received with respect to Planning Applications considered at the City Council meeting of December 11, 2019 that were subject to the relevant Planning Act provisions; and

WHEREAS Document 1 of the report includes the oral and written submissions were heard and received by the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee (ARAC) on 5 December 2019 regarding Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments – 1966 Roger Stevens Drive (Report ACS2019-PIE-PS-0132); and

WHEREAS additional written comments were received by the City Clerk’s office following the ARAC meeting and circulated to Council in advance of the before Council of 11 December; and

WHEREAS the latter submissions were omitted from noted on the Summary of Oral and Written Submissions report in error;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council replace Document 1 with the attached Revised Document 1 - Summary of Oral and Written Submissions for 1966 Roger Stevens Drive (Revised Document 1 on file with the City Clerk).


The item, as amended by Motion 26/11, was put to Council and CARRIED.












That Council approve the request to extend the heritage permit, issued to Robertson Martin Architects and dated June 27, 2018, to January 29, 2022.









That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 2190 Halifax Drive to permit a 56.5-metre-high (17 storey) apartment building, as detailed in Document 2.










That Council issue a Notice of Intention to Designate the Standard Bread Company Bakery, 951 Gladstone Avenue under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act.








That Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 4836 Bank Street to rezone the site from Rural Commercial, Subzone 4 (RC4) and General Mixed-Use (GM) to General Mixed-Use with an exception (GM[XXXX]) to permit a hotel and other commercial uses with exceptions; and to rezone a portion from Rural Commercial (RC) to Residential, Third Density, Subzone Z (R3Z); and to rezone a small portion of 4800 Bank Street from Residential, Third Density, Subzone Z (R3Z) to General Mixed-Use with an exception (GM[XXXX]), to permit a hotel and other commercial uses as detailed in Document 2.







That Council resolve as follows:

1.         for any development charges which became or become payable on or after January 1, 2020, and for which the applicant elects to defer payment in accordance with s. 26.1 of the Development Charges Act, 1997 (as amended), an annual interest rate equal to the greater of (a) the Infrastructure Construction Price Index plus 0.5%, OR (b) the average annual rate at which the City issues debentures to fund development charge projects plus 0.5%, shall apply to the principal amount of the said charge outstanding; and,

2.         for any development charges which, pursuant to s. 26.2 of the Development Charges Act, 1997 are calculated as of the date on which either a site plan approval application is deemed complete or a zoning by-law amendment application in respect of the development is deemed complete, an annual interest rate equal to the greater of (a) the Infrastructure Construction Price Index plus 0.5%, OR (b) the average annual rate at which the City issues debentures to fund development charge projects plus 0.5%, shall apply to the amount of the development charge from the date of the said complete application to the date the development charge is payable, as permitted by subsection 26.2 (3) of the said Act.





That Council receive the list of items approved by its Committees under Delegated Authority, attached as Document 1.






Moved by Councillor G. Gower
Seconded by Councillor M. Luloff

That Built Heritage Sub-Committee Reports 9 and 10;  Standing Committee on Environmental Protection, Water and Waste Management Report 8; Planning Committee Reports 18 and 19;  and the reports from the City Clerk entitled Status Update – Council Inquiries and Motions for the Period Ending November January 24, 2020 and “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of December 11, 2019”; be received and adopted as amended.





Moved by Councillor M. Fleury
Seconded by Councillor S. Blais

WHEREAS Ottawa’s Francophone community is deeply concerned with the fate of the daily newspaper Le Droit; and

WHEREAS Le Droit is Ontario’s only French-language daily newspaper; and

WHEREAS, since it was founded in 1913, Le Droit has defended the rights of Franco-Ontarians and provided our community with valuable media coverage; and

WHEREAS the media presence and media coverage of Francophone Ontario form a pillar of support for democracy in our city and our community; and

WHEREAS the newsroom and head office of Le Droit have been located in Ottawa for the past 106 years; and

WHEREAS we consider it essential that a newsroom remain in the National Capital and that the successful proposal protect the jobs of journalists assigned to covering the city of Ottawa and the province of Ontario, as well as those of correspondents based in Eastern Ontario;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Ottawa City Council acknowledge the importance of the daily newspaper Le Droit for Ottawa;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Ottawa City Council encourages the daily Le Droit to collaborate with the community and the business community to find strategies and solutions so that Le Droit maintains its presence in Ottawa and its coverage of the Francophone community in Ontario.


Pursuant to Subsection 59(5) of the Procedure By-law, the following revised Motion was substituted by the mover and seconder for the original one contained in the Notice of Motion:


Moved by Councillor C. McKenney
Seconded by Councillor R. King

WHEREAS the City of Ottawa prides itself as being a caring and compassionate city and continually strives to be a place where people want to live, work and play; and

WHEREAS providing access to safe, adequate, and affordable housing for everyone is fundamental to achieving that goal; and

WHEREAS in 1976 Canada signed onto the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which included labour, health care, and education rights, as well as rights to an adequate standard of living; and

WHEREAS on June 21, 2019, the Federal government enshrined housing as a right as part of the National Housing Strategy; and

WHEREAS the City of Ottawa has made investments in an effort to reduce chronic homelessness and increase the affordable housing supply; and

WHEREAS in 2019, these investments included $15 million in capital funding for new affordable housing and $111 million for operating and repair funding for community housing, housing subsidies, support services, and various housing and homelessness initiatives; and

WHEREAS despite these investments:

·         42% of renters spend more than 30% or more of their pre-tax income to pay the median rent for local housing that is adequate, affordable and suitable

·         at an average of $1,281 for all bedroom apartment types (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation rental Market reports, 2018), Ottawa has the third highest rents for a major urban centre in Ontario

·         the number of households on the Centralized Waiting list for affordable housing has increased by a staggering 14.8% from 2017 and is now over 12,000 households

·         the overall rate of emergency shelter use has increased by 6.5% from 2017 to 2018 to a total of 7,937 individuals accessing emergency shelters in the city with the increase driven by a significant rise in the numbers of women (5.5%) and families (10.6%) using shelters

·         in terms of chronic and episodic homelessness, significant increases were recorded amongst single men (10.8% and 5.6%), and amongst families (13.7% for chronic homelessness)

WHEREAS according to census data Indigenous people account for 2.5% of Ottawa’s population yet 25% of people experiencing homelessness in Ottawa identified as indigenous; and

WHEREAS people living in shelters are part of the crisis and not the solution; and

WHEREAS it is estimated that approximately 92 people are sleeping outside in Ottawa; and

WHEREAS since April 1, 2019, 698 women and their children who fled domestic violence were turned away from VAW shelters with few options for safe shelter often returning to unsafe circumstances; and

WHEREAS these statistics clearly indicate that our current plan and Federal and Provincial funding levels are not sufficient to provide adequate housing for all or to eliminate chronic homelessness in our city; and

WHEREAS the Province through the Housing Services Act requires the City to submit an updated 10 Year Housing and Homelessness Plan by January 31, 2020 that reflects the needs and priorities of the community; and

WHEREAS the success of the Plan is dependent on a commitment of sustained and increased funding from all levels of government to address the issues of housing insecurity and homelessness in Ottawa; and

WHEREAS the needs of the community far outweigh the City’s available resources and funding required to effectively address this issue and desperately needs the support of both the Provincial and Federal governments; and

WHEREAS the federal government mandates that the City of Ottawa collect information on homeless veterans on our point in time survey and, at last count, 65 homeless veterans were counted in the City of Ottawa;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Ottawa officially declare an Affordable Housing and Homelessness Emergency, acknowledging that the City of Ottawa does not possess the resources to manage this crisis alone and that Council must call on the Provincial and Federal governments to assist us by providing the City with an immediate increase in emergency funding for housing, housing supports, and housing allowances, as well as a long-term financial plan to meet the needs of the community; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT through the update to our 10 Year Housing and Homelessness Plan, staff provide City Council with what it will take to implement more aggressive targets and a framework for action, in order to:

·         Preserve and increase the affordable housing supply

·         Increase access to housing affordability

·         Prevent the occurrence of homelessness and eliminate by 100% chronic homelessness by 2024 with a special emphasis on Indigenous homelessness

·         Ensure people are supported to achieve housing stability and long-term housing retention; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to develop a long range financial plan to meet the targets as set out in the 10 Year Housing and Homelessness Plan; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to consider the feasibility of the conversion of buildings left unused and vacant to mixed income housing and/or supportive housing as part of the Empty Building Bylaw Review; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT staff review and report back to the appropriate Standing Committee and Council on the feasibility of establishing a formal structure or mechanism i.e. Land Trust to protect publicly-owned lands, including those identified by staff as appropriate for the development of affordable housing near rapid transit.

The following amending motion was introduced:


Moved by Councillor J. Harder
Seconded by Mayor J Watson

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the first resolution of the McKenney/ King Motion be amended to read as follows:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Ottawa officially recognize that Affordable Housing and Homelessness is an ongoing critical and urgent crisis that requires all levels of governments to commit, on an expedited basis, to adequate and permanent funding to implement initiatives outlined in the 10 Year Housing and Homelessness Plan.


Amending motion 26/15 was subsequently WITHDRAWN following debate, and the Mover and Seconder of Motion 26/14, with the will of Council, agreed to a revise the first resolution of their Motion to read as follows:


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Ottawa declare an Affordable Housing and Homelessness Crisis and Emergency, acknowledging that the City of Ottawa does not possess the resources to manage this crisis alone and that Council must call on the Provincial and Federal governments to assist us by providing the City with an immediate increase in emergency funding for housing, housing supports, and housing allowances, as well as a long-term financial plan to meet the needs of the community; and


The revised Motion 26/14, as set out in full below, was then put to Council:


Moved by Councillor C. McKenney
Seconded by Councillor R. King

WHEREAS the City of Ottawa prides itself as being a caring and compassionate city and continually strives to be a place where people want to live, work and play; and

WHEREAS providing access to safe, adequate, and affordable housing for everyone is fundamental to achieving that goal; and

WHEREAS in 1976 Canada signed onto the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which included labour, health care, and education rights, as well as rights to an adequate standard of living; and

WHEREAS on June 21, 2019, the Federal government enshrined housing as a right as part of the National Housing Strategy; and

WHEREAS the City of Ottawa has made investments in an effort to reduce chronic homelessness and increase the affordable housing supply; and

WHEREAS in 2019, these investments included $15 million in capital funding for new affordable housing and $111 million for operating and repair funding for community housing, housing subsidies, support services, and various housing and homelessness initiatives; and

WHEREAS despite these investments:

·         42% of renters spend more than 30% or more of their pre-tax income to pay the median rent for local housing that is adequate, affordable and suitable

·         at an average of $1,281 for all bedroom apartment types (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation rental Market reports, 2018), Ottawa has the third highest rents for a major urban centre in Ontario

·         the number of households on the Centralized Waiting list for affordable housing has increased by a staggering 14.8% from 2017 and is now over 12,000 households

·         the overall rate of emergency shelter use has increased by 6.5% from 2017 to 2018 to a total of 7,937 individuals accessing emergency shelters in the city with the increase driven by a significant rise in the numbers of women (5.5%) and families (10.6%) using shelters

·         in terms of chronic and episodic homelessness, significant increases were recorded amongst single men (10.8% and 5.6%), and amongst families (13.7% for chronic homelessness)

WHEREAS according to census data Indigenous people account for 2.5% of Ottawa’s population yet 25% of people experiencing homelessness in Ottawa identified as indigenous; and

WHEREAS people living in shelters are part of the crisis and not the solution; and

WHEREAS it is estimated that approximately 92 people are sleeping outside in Ottawa; and

WHEREAS since April 1, 2019, 698 women and their children who fled domestic violence were turned away from VAW shelters with few options for safe shelter often returning to unsafe circumstances; and

WHEREAS these statistics clearly indicate that our current plan and Federal and Provincial funding levels are not sufficient to provide adequate housing for all or to eliminate chronic homelessness in our city; and

WHEREAS the Province through the Housing Services Act requires the City to submit an updated 10 Year Housing and Homelessness Plan by January 31, 2020 that reflects the needs and priorities of the community; and

WHEREAS the success of the Plan is dependent on a commitment of sustained and increased funding from all levels of government to address the issues of housing insecurity and homelessness in Ottawa; and

WHEREAS the needs of the community far outweigh the City’s available resources and funding required to effectively address this issue and desperately needs the support of both the Provincial and Federal governments; and

WHEREAS the federal government mandates that the City of Ottawa collect information on homeless veterans on our point in time survey and, at last count, 65 homeless veterans were counted in the City of Ottawa;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Ottawa declare an Affordable Housing and Homelessness Crisis and Emergency, acknowledging that the City of Ottawa does not possess the resources to manage this crisis alone and that Council must call on the Provincial and Federal governments to assist us by providing the City with an immediate increase in emergency funding for housing, housing supports, and housing allowances, as well as a long-term financial plan to meet the needs of the community; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT through the update to our 10 Year Housing and Homelessness Plan, staff provide City Council with what it will take to implement more aggressive targets and a framework for action, in order to:

·         Preserve and increase the affordable housing supply

·         Increase access to housing affordability

·         Prevent the occurrence of homelessness and eliminate by 100% chronic homelessness by 2024 with a special emphasis on Indigenous homelessness

·         Ensure people are supported to achieve housing stability and long-term housing retention; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to develop a long range financial plan to meet the targets as set out in the 10 Year Housing and Homelessness Plan; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to consider the feasibility of the conversion of buildings left unused and vacant to mixed income housing and/or supportive housing as part of the Empty Building Bylaw Review; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT staff review and report back to the appropriate Standing Committee and Council on the feasibility of establishing a formal structure or mechanism i.e. Land Trust to protect publicly-owned lands, including those identified by staff as appropriate for the development of affordable housing near rapid transit.

CARRIED on a division of 20 YEAS and 0 NAYS, as follows:

YEAS (20):

Councillors S. Moffatt, M. Luloff, J. Sudds, G. Gower, L. Dudas, R. King, C. A. Meehan, J. Leiper, T. Kavanagh, T. Tierney,
R. Brockington, J. Cloutier, S. Menard, C. McKenney, J. Harder, K. Egli, S. Blais, E. El-Chantiry, M. Fleury, Mayor J. Watson

NAYS (0):




Moved by Councillor G. Gower
Seconded by Councillor J. Sudds

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Rules of Procedure be suspended to consider this time-sensitive matter pertaining to the provincial by-elections in Ottawa-Vanier and Orléans.

Whereas two by-laws govern election signs, being By-law 2003-520, as amended (“Signs on City Roads”) and By-law No. 2004-239, as amended (“Temporary Signs on Private Property”); and

WHEREAS under By-law 2003-520 (“Signs on City Roads”) signs on public properties are only permitted 30 days before Voting Day; and

WHEREAS under By-law No. 2004-239 (“Temporary Signs on Private Property”) signs on private properties are only permitted 60 days before Voting Day; and

WHEREAS under section 57 of the Canada Elections Act the federal election period must last between a minimum of 36 days and a maximum of 50 days (i.e. “Writs of election”) and this period does not align with the 30-day period set out in By-law 2003-520; and

WHEREAS section 9.1 of the Elections Act requires that the writ for a provincial election be dated on a Wednesday and Polling Day must occur on the fifth Thursday after the date of the writ and this period may not always align with the 30-day period set out in By-law 2003-520; and

WHEREAS enforcement of signs by-laws during an election period requires significant municipal resources; 

WHEREAS Motion No. 16/15 further directed staff to review the by-laws governing election signs to consider potential amendments to the by-laws governing election signs and that staff be directed to report back to Council as part of the Mid-Term Governance Review or at the earliest policy review opportunity; and

WHEREAS staff have not yet had an opportunity to conduct this review on by-laws governing election signs; and

WHEREAS on June 26, 2019, Council approved Motion No. 16/15, which among other things, directed staff to amend By-law 2003-520 for the purposes of the 2019 general federal election such that signs be permitted on public properties once the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada issued the Writs; and

WHEREAS on August 2, 2019, the Chief Electoral Officer of Ontario received a Notice of Vacancy in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario for the provincial electoral district of Ottawa-Vanier; and

WHEREAS on September 24, 2019, the Chief Electoral Officer of Ontario received a Notice of Vacancy in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario for the provincial electoral district of Orléans; and

Under the Legislative Assembly Act, a by-election must be called within six months of the Chief Electoral Officer’s receipt of the Speaker’s Warrant informing him of a vacancy; and

WHEREAS the Ottawa-Vanier provincial by-election must be called by February 2, 2020 and the Orléans provincial by-election must be called by March 23, 2020, with the date(s) of the by-elections to be determined by the Premier; and

WHEREAS January 29, 2020 is the last Wednesday in which a Writ can be issued before the above-noted February 2020 deadline;

Therefore be it resolved staff be directed to amend By-law 2003-520 for the purposes of the 2020 provincial by-elections in Ottawa-Vanier and Orléans such that signs be permitted on public properties once the Chief Electoral Officer of Ontario issues the relevant Writ; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this amendment to By-law 2003-520 respecting election signage on public property upon issuance of the relevant Writ remain in effect for any future provincial or federal by-elections or until such time that Council has an opportunity to receive and consider staff’s forthcoming review the by-laws governing election signs as part of the Mid-Term Governance Review or at the earliest policy review opportunity; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that staff from the Office of the City Clerk be directed to include the relevant By-law title in the procedural Motion to Adopt By-laws.  



That the City Clerk be directed to review the Motion approved by Council and make any amendments required to align with the writs issued on January 29, 2020 for the Ottawa-Vanier and Orléans provincial by-elections. (Motion 26/16 above reflects these amendments)


Moved by Councillor J. Leiper
Seconded by Councillor R. Brockington

That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to consider the following Motion, in order that the property owner may address these issues as soon as possible,

WHEREAS the building at 89 Richmond Road is considered to be unsafe and uninhabitable following a fire in 2017; and

WHEREAS there are neighbourhood concerns related to the state of the property; and

WHEREAS given the dilapidated condition of the building and the community’s concerns, it would be in the public interest to demolish the building; and 

WHEREAS there is currently no building permit application for a replacement building;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council approve demolition control for the existing building on the property upon application of the owner subject to the following conditions;

1.         That should the registered Owner fail to execute a Site Plan Control Agreement for 89 Richmond Road as part of application D07-12-19-0067 by May 31, 2020, the registered Owner shall landscape the property to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department. The registered Owner shall prohibit the use of the property for other interim uses and maintain the property in accordance with the Property Standards Control By-law;

2.         The landscaping of the property shall be finalized in accordance with conditions established by the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development;

 3.        The registered Owner agrees that, to the discretion of the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department, a replacement building must be substantially completed within five years from the date of this approval and in default thereof, the City Clerk shall enter on the collector’s roll the sum of $5,000 for the residential dwelling to be demolished;

 4.        The registered Owner shall enter into an Agreement with the City of Ottawa to include the foregoing conditions and pay all costs associated with the registration of said Agreement.  At such time as a building permit is issued to redevelop the site and the replacement building is in place, the Agreement will become null and void and will be released upon request of the Owner.  The Owner shall pay all costs associated with the release of the Agreement;

5.         The registered Owner agrees that a demolition permit will not be issued and the building cannot be demolished until such time that the Agreement referenced herein has been executed and registered on title;

6.         This approval is considered null and void if the Agreement is not executed within one month of Council’s approval or if the building is not demolished prior to March 31, 2020.


Moved by Councillor Egli
Seconded by Councillor Menard

That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to consider the following Motion:

WHEREAS Medhurst Park was hit by a tornado on September 21st, 2018; and

WHEREAS approximately 45 trees were lost in Medhurst Park; and

WHEREAS Forestry Services has begun replanting trees in Medhurst Park to replace those lost from the tornado; and

WHEREAS Tanglewood Hillsdale Community Association created and paid for a plaque in memory of the trees lost in Medhurst Park; and   

WHEREAS the plaque reads “In memory of our many trees lost in the tornado on Sept. 21, 2018”; and

WHEREAS Arbour Day is on April 24, 2020;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that City Council approve the installation of the plaque at 72 Medhurst Drive in Medhurst Park in memory of the trees lost due to the 2018 tornado by April 24 2020.





Moved by Councillor R. Brockington
Seconded by Councillor S. Blais

WHEREAS the City is undertaking a water, sewer and road renewal project on Claymor Avenue, Senio Avenue, and Falaise Road in Ward 16; and

WHEREAS as part of the design process for these streets, staff has reviewed the driveways within the project limits and found some driveway widths are not in full conformance with the City’s front yard parking restrictions and Private Approach By-law;

 WHEREAS for existing properties, the front yard parking restrictions and Private Approach By-law are normally enforced only on a complaint-driven basis; and

 WHEREAS there have been no complaints with respect to non-compliant driveways (private approaches) or front-yard parking in this area; and

 WHEREAS the area residents support providing relief for residents with existing driveways (private approaches) while acknowledging that any future driveways (private approaches) and front-yard parking must be in accordance with City by-laws.

 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that in respect of the renewal of Claymor Avenue, Senio Avenue, and Falaise Road, that private approaches be reinstated as they were immediately prior to the reconstruction of these streets.



Moved by Councillor S. Menard
Seconded by Councillor C. Meehan

WHEREAS On March 6th, 2019, City Council approved, on the basis of available information provided by senior staff and external legal counsel, the staff-recommended Stage 2 LRT proponent, TNEXT, to construct and maintain the north-south Trillium line; and

WHEREAS members of the public, transit users, media and Councillors have raised concerns with the integrity of the procurement and decision-making process that resulted in the staff recommendation to Council;

WHEREAS; staff have since confirmed that the bid put forward by TNEXT did not meet the 70% minimum technical requirement as set out in the RFP process; and

WHEREAS; On January 23rd, 2020 staff released the Technical Evaluation Committee’s Consensus presentation for the Trillium Line Extension which revealed significant technical deficiencies in the bid put forward by the preferred proponent TNEXT; and

WHEREAS; the release of this information has further eroded the public’s confidence in the procurement and decision-making process as well as in TNEXT’s ability to successfully deliver the Trillium Extension; and

WHEREAS; Council has engaged the city’s Auditor General who conducted an audit of specific elements of the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit (LRT) Project and provided Council with a list of recommendations to improve the process for future P3 projects which included enhancing public transparency; and

WHEREAS; the Auditor’s recommendations only address a portion of the public’s concerns and despite the audit there is still significant pressure from the public to continue the investigation into the Stage 2 LRT Trillium Line Extension procurement and decision-making processes; and

WHEREAS; Council is accountable to the public and therefore should explore all options to restore public trust;

THEREFORE FURTHER RESOLVED that, at its meeting of March 25, 2020, City Council select and approve the recruitment and engagement of an independent third party to review and report back to Council by September of 2020 on the City’s Purchasing By-law, being By-law No. 2017-362 as amended and the Delegation of Authority By-law, being By-law No. 2018-397 as amended, as it pertains to Public-Private Partnership (P3) Projects, as well as projects of significant public interest, in order to improve Council’s ability to exercise leadership and oversight as mandated by Subsection 224(d) and (d.1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and to ensure that procurement best practices are incorporated so that the process is more transparent to the public; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that staff provide a transparent evaluation criterion and the relative performance of a minimum of three recommended parties for the review of the procurement bylaws and delegation of authority bylaw for Council’s consideration and approval; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that staff provide Council with a report by March 2020 containing the solutions proposed by TransitNext in order to comply with the mandatory technical requirements outlined in the Stage 2 LRT Trillium Line extension RFP. The report should indicate how TNext responded to all of the deficiencies identified in their bid by the Technical Evaluation Committee and presented in the Trillium Line Extension Technical Evaluation Consensus Presentation on Oct 3 and Oct 23, 2018.  The report should also include all of the deficiencies we have witnessed with the roll out of Stage 1 and the necessary adjustments to Stage 2 as a result. 




Moved by Councillor G. Gower
Seconded by Councillor M. Luloff

That the by-laws listed on the Agenda under Motion to Introduce By-laws, Three Readings, be read and passed; and

That the by-law entitled “A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-520 respecting signs”, approved by Motion at today’s meeting, be read and passed.


Note: As a result of Motion 26/4 above, the By-law previously listed as By-law “o” on the Agenda (A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the lands known municipally as 1375 Clyde Avenue) was not adopted, as the associated Zoning By-law Amendment was refused by Council





2020-4.              A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common and public highway and assume them for public use (rue Rallidale Street, promenade Kelly Farm Drive, promenade Esban Drive, voie Ginebik Way, avenue Paakanaak Avenue).

2020-5.              A by-law of the City of Ottawa for the imposition of development charges for Feedmill Creek In-Stream Measures.

2020-6.              A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to remove the holding symbol from the lands known as the east side of Chaudière Island and Albert Island.

2020-7.              A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish fees and charges in the Building Code Services Branch for agency letters and to repeal By-law 2019-75.

2020-8.              A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2019-76 to address fees relating to the prohibition, inspection and remediation of buildings used for marijuana grow operations.

2020-9.              A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2019-77 respecting the naming of private roads and highways and the numbering of buildings and lots.

2020-10.           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2014-220 respecting the fees for building applications and permits, and to repeal By-law No. 2019-78.

2020-11.           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law 2003-69, respecting fees for compliance reports in the Building Code Services Branch, and to repeal By-law 2019-79

2020-12.           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law 2016-326 respecting fees for permanent signs on private property and to repeal By-law 2019-80.

2020-13.           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2015-85 respecting fees for enclosures for privately-owned outdoor pools.

2020-14.           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2015-96 respecting fees for planning applications.

2020-15.           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish certain lands as common and public highway and assume them for public use (Hartsmere Drive).

2020-16.           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2001-17 to appoint certain Inspectors, Property Standards Officers and Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in the Building Code Services Branch of the Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department.

2020-17.           A By-law of the City of Ottawa to establish fees and charges for services, activities and information provided by Revenue Services of the Finance Services Department

2020-19           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to establish stormwater service fees

2020-20           A by-law of the City of Ottawa respecting fees and charges for solid waste services

2020-21           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-445 with respect to road cut fees

2020-22           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-446 respecting fees for encroachments

2020-23           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-447 respecting fees for private approaches.

2020-24           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-497 respecting permit fees for over-dimensional vehicles.

2020-25           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-520 respecting the fees for certain signs and advertising devices on City roads.

2020-26           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2017-92 respecting fees for ROW patios on City highways

2020-27           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2017-92 respecting the regulation of Right of Way patios on City highways.

2020-28           To amend By-law No. 2003-499 respecting fire routes

2020-29           To amend By-law No. 2017-180 respecting the appointment of Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in accordance with private property parking enforcement

2020-30           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate certain lands at voie Gartersnake Way, chemin Miikana Road, voie Omagaki Way and croissant Wabikon Crescent on Plan 4M-1618, as being exempt from Part Lot Control.


2020-31           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate certain lands at rue Jardiniere Street, promenade Edenwylde Drive, voie Maygrass Way and rue Kayenta Street on Plan 4M-1647, as being exempt from Part Lot Control.


2020-32           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate certain lands at cercle de l’Argonaut Circle, cours Crevier Walk and rang de Loury Row on Plan 4M-1648, as being exempt from Part Lot Control.


2020-33           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate certain lands at Kingston Avenue on Registered Plan 294, as being exempt from Part Lot Control.


2020-34           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the lands known municipally as 36, 38, 40, 44 and 46 Robinson Avenue


2020-35           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change part of the zoning of the lands known municipally as 4800 and 4836 Bank Street.


2020-36           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the lands known municipally as 2175 Carling Avenue.



2020-37           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the lands known municipally as 966, 968 and 974 Fisher Avenue.

2020-38           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of the lands known municipally as 17, 19, 23, 27, 29, 31, 130, 134 and 138 Robinson Avenue.

2020-39           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2008-250 to change the zoning of part of the lands known municipally as 2190 Halifax Drive

2020-40           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to designate the all lands within the geographic boundary of the City of Ottawa as the Heritage Community Improvement Plan Area

2020-41           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to adopt the Heritage Community Improvement Plan

2020-42           A by-law of the City of Ottawa to amend By-law No. 2003-520 respecting signs


Mayor Watson advised Council of the following Notices of Intent from the Integrity Commissioner and Light Rail Regulatory Monitor and Compliance Officer:

·                  Notice of Intent from the Integrity Commissioner to Submit an Interim Report to Council pursuant to Section 9(3) of the Complaint Protocol respecting an ongoing investigation for consideration at the 12 February 2020 Council Meeting.

·                  Notice of Intent from Light Rail Regulatory Monitor and Compliance Officer to submit the Annual Compliance Report to the February 19, 2020 meeting of the Transit Commission, rising to the City Council meeting of February 26, 2020.





Moved by Councillor G. Gower
Seconded by Councillor M. Luloff

That the following by-law be read and passed:

To confirm the proceedings of the Council meeting of January 29, 2020.





Councillor S. Menard (Inquiry OCC 20-1)

I am requesting that staff provide a detailed breakdown of the costs, both upfront and ongoing, of the new security measures recently introduced at the entrance of Council Chambers. Further, I am requesting that staff provide evidence of the need for heightened security, as well as evidence that these new security measures are an effective and measured response to a demonstrable need. Finally, I am requesting that staff provide substantive evidence regarding the effect security measures may have on public participation through peer reviewed papers and journals published about the subject.


Councillor S. Menard (Inquiry OCC 20-2)

I am requesting that staff provide a detailed breakdown of the estimated cost to the City should we terminate the contract with RTG/RTM due to the negligence of the proponent, through convenience, or for any other avenue of termination that is currently available to the City through the Project Agreement.

Further, I am requesting that staff report back on the feasibility, and estimated cost, of a negotiated purchase of the controlling interest in RTG/RTM through purchase of equity.

Finally, I am requesting information regarding the process to terminate the contract and to bring these services in house.


Councillor S. Menard (Inquiry OCC 20-3)

That by the end of February 2020, city staff provide Council with a list of preferred mechanisms to look at the possibility of establishing an independent, external review of the Stage 2 Trillium Line decision-making and procurement process for Council’s consideration, such that the independent review report would, at a minimum, identify and critically review the Stage 2 LRT procurement and decision making process as follows:

i.      the use of delegated authority by City staff and the foundation used to exercise that authority;

ii.    the decision-making process of the Technical Evaluation Committee and the Executive Steering Committee in selecting the preferred proponent for Council recommendation;

iii.   the process and decision-making at the Council meeting that resulted in the Preferred Proponent being selected;

iv.   offer any options or best practices for similar infrastructure projects in the future.


Councillor M. Fleury (Inquiry OCC 20-4)

In reference to the January 23rd, 2020 Memo “O-Train Light Rail Transit Stage 2 Technical Evaluations” can City Staff advise how the following RFP technical requirements were resolved in the Final awarded contract for Stage 2 LRT?

·         Bidder’s failure to include signaling and train control system;

·         Bidder’s lack of plan for snow removal operations;

·         Bidder’s failing score for systems integration management plan;

·         Bidder’s lack of plan for future use of the Trillium Line's existing fleet of Alstom LINT diesel trains;

·         Bidder’s lack of description on how the Maintenance and Rehabilitation services will be executed in a timely, diligent, safe and professional manner.

In addition, can staff explain why a 70 percent score was initially determined as the threshold required for technical evaluations?


Councillor M. Fleury (Inquiry OCC 20-5)

In December 2019, the City of Ottawa’s Corporate Security implemented new security measures at the entrance of Council Chambers. These measures included new screening procedures for the public attending Council and Committee meetings in this room.  At the first two meetings in January 2020 in which these new security measures were employed, public complaints arose with respect to issues of accessibility and privacy.  Therefore, can staff please advise Council:

1.    Under what specific delegated authority, either in the Delegation of Authority By-Law or elsewhere, did staff develop and then implement these new security measures?

2.    When and through what mechanism did City Council authorize staff to implement these new security procedures?

3.    What public consultation or public meeting was undertaken prior to implementing these new security procedures and was the City’s Accessibility Advisory Committee or its Accessibility Office formally engaged?


Councillor R. Brockington (Inquiry OCC 2020-6)

The Municipal Act, 2001, specifically sets out the following statutory duties for all councils in Ontario [emphasis added]:

S. 224 It is the role of council,

(d) to ensure that administrative policies, practices and procedures and controllership policies, practices and procedures are in place to implement the decisions of council;

(d.1) to ensure the accountability and transparency of the operations of the municipality, including the activities of the senior management of the municipality.

In fulfillment of these mandatory responsibilities, Council considered and amended an original proposal for the Mayor to be given the delegated authority to “conduct performance reviews” for the City Manager and the Auditor General on December 3rd, 2014.  Being the only two positions that report directly to it and that Council hires, provides goals and objectives for, performance appraises and, ultimately dismisses, Council unanimously “carried” the following two significant components to Recommendation 4, Part V of the “2014-2018 Governance Review Report”:

 “that the Mayor be given delegated authority to conduct performance review meetings for the City Manager and the Auditor General based on written weighted evaluation forms filled out by each Member of Council and report the results of the meetings to Council in the manner deemed most appropriate by the Mayor”; and

“that the Mayor and the Deputy Mayors be given delegated authority to conduct performance reviews for the City Manager [and] that the Mayor and the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Audit Committee be given the delegated authority to conduct performance reviews for the Auditor General”.

With the unanimous hiring by Council of Steve Kanellakos at its Special Meeting on February 8th, 2016, the above-noted provisions were inserted into the City Manager’s employment contract with the additional proviso that his “performance shall be reviewed and assessed annually”.  In a similar manner, the Auditor General has a matching provision requiring an “annual review of [his] performance as Auditor General”.

In light of this factual background, can the City Clerk consult with the Mayor and advise Council as follows:

1.          Were these performance reviews for both the City Manager and the Auditor General carried out in the manner established by Council for the years 2016 to 2019 for Steve Kanellakos and for the years 2015 to 2019 for Ken Hughes?;

2.          If so, were the results for these performance reviews disclosed accordingly to Council?; and

3.          If not, why were these performance reviews not undertaken in the manner and timelines as directed by Council?



Council adjourned the meeting at 2:23 pm.




_______________________________                _______________________________

CITY CLERK                                                         MAYOR


State of the City Address

Mayor Jim Watson

Wednesday, 29 January 2020


I want to start by thanking Elder Claudette Commanda – the youngest elder I’ve ever met – for being here today to offer that wonderful Algonquin prayer and blessing.


We must always be mindful and recognize that we are on the sacred land of Claudette’s people – the Algonquin Anishnabeg Nation – who have been the stewards of this region for over 6,000 years.


I hope that her words – inspired by traditions and teachings passed down for millennia – will help guide Council’s deliberations and inspire us to make decisions that will benefit our communities for centuries to come.

Thank you, Claudette.


Inviting our Indigenous friends and partners to share their culture and language with us at these important events is vital to the reconciliation efforts that our city and our entire country have committed to bring justice and equality to this relationship.


I very much value our relationship with our surrounding Algonquin communities – Pikwakanagan and Kitigan Zibi – as well as with all First Nation, Métis and Inuit residents of Ottawa.


Last year, we announced with Pikwakanagan and Ottawa Tourism that our region would have the honour of hosting the 2021 Ontario Indigenous Summer Games, as well as the 2021 and 2023 Masters Indigenous Games.


Registration for the 2021 Masters Indigenous Games will open next week – and we’re very excited to welcome thousands of participants who will join us in Ottawa to celebrate their wonderful culture through sport.


We know that these major events are a great boost to Ottawa’s economy and help sustain good jobs in the tourism sector.


That’s why we are hard at work with Michael Crockatt and his team at Ottawa Tourism to strengthen this industry and the approximately 40,000 jobs it supports in our hotels, restaurants and small businesses across the city.


And we are keeping the momentum with many great sporting events coming to our city this year and next:


·         the 2020 Men’s and Women’s U-Sports Basketball Championships at TD Place in March

·         the 2020 Pan American Olympic Qualifying Wrestling Tournament at the Shaw Centre in March – where Stittsville’s own Olympic Gold medalist Erica Wiebe will be competing for her place in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics; and

·         the 2021 Canada Soccer Under-15 National Championships in March of next year.


And since we delivered Ottawa 2017 with our tourism partners, the industry has continued to grow – seeing once again a solid increase of 4.3% in hotel room nights last year, with visitors coming to Ottawa from 179 countries.


Confidence in our tourism industry continues to grow, with $25-million in improvements taking shape at the Ottawa International Airport – in addition to a new ALT Hotel and an LRT station that will both have direct access to the terminal.


Over the last two years, we’ve also seen more than 1,300 hotel rooms added across the city, in order to meet this growing demand from visitors from around the world.


This enthusiasm is being fueled by players in our tourism community, which are constantly innovating to ensure Ottawa remains an appealing destination for visitors.


In December, we learned that our region was going to be home to the first interprovincial zipline in the world.


Interzip Rogers at Zibi is a great addition to our region’s tourism offering.


This zipline will soar 120 feet above the Ottawa River and offer incredible views of the region – including the Parliament Buildings, the Supreme Court, the Chaudière Falls and the Museum of History.


This photo of former London Mayor Boris Johnson shows why I will nominate Gatineau Mayor Maxime Pedneaud-Jobin to test the system first.


And I see this project as a thriving symbol of the special connection that exists between our two cities.


For the first time ever, Ottawa will host the culminating event of a great nationwide tradition, the Canadian Culinary Championships – which will take place at the Shaw Centre this weekend.


And I know a lot of participants are looking forward to an incredible feast.


In a few months, we’ll also have a brand-new sports franchise to cheer on in the nation’s capital when the Ottawa Blackjacks make their debut in the Canadian Elite Basketball League at the Arena at TD Place.


But we also have a number of recurring events that are commemorating anniversaries – and we should be enthusiastically celebrating their success.


The Rideau Canal Skateway – the longest skating rink in the world – is celebrating its 50th anniversary.


Now as all you know, I can’t really skate – but I can certainly appreciate what this long-standing tradition means for our community and for tourism in Ottawa.


The Jazz Festival will celebrate its 40th edition – and I look forward to joining the crowds, who will once again return to Confederation Park for the occasion.


And last but not least, our beloved Canadian Tulip Festival will help us mark a special anniversary this year, as we celebrate 75 years of friendship between Canada and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


And I’m pleased that Chargé d’Affaires Frederieke Quispel and Taylor Heaven are here from the Dutch Embassy today on behalf of Ambassador Henk van der Zwan.


As many of you know, this friendship dates back to the Second World War – when Canadian soldiers led the forces that liberated the Netherlands in 1945.


And I’m proud that my father fought in those battles during the Second World War, as a member of the 1st Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Canada.


He fought alongside the brave young men who played a pivotal role in North Western Europe.


The Royal Regiment is credited with liberating the city of Assen on April 13, 1945 – before participating in the clearing of Groningen until April 15 – some 20 days before the Netherlands was liberated from German occupation.


For his efforts, my father – Bev Watson – was awarded the France and Germany Star, the Canadian Volunteer Service Medal and Clasp, and the 1939 to 1945 War Medal.


I’m very proud of my father’s service to our nation – and it was a special honour for me to visit the Netherlands last fall in the country where he served Canada and defended our freedom during the War.


During our time there, I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Her Royal Highness Princess Margriet – who was born at the Ottawa Civic Hospital while the Dutch Royal Family were living here in exile.


I took that opportunity to invite her to visit Ottawa to renew the special relationship between our two countries and attend a naming ceremony at the new Princess Margriet Park near the Civic Hospital.


And it’s my pleasure to announce today that Princess Margriet is indeed planning on joining us in Ottawa in May to mark this momentous occasion.


But before we fast forward to 2020, let’s take this opportunity to look back on the challenging and eventful year that was 2019 – during which we approved two budgets, launched the Confederation Line, moved ahead with Stage 2 of LRT – and once again overcame many challenges as a community.


It was certainly a productive year at City Hall – and our committees worked to deliver many ambitious initiatives with a great deal of success.


Following the historic back-to-back flooding that hit our region in 2017 and again last year, the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee updated the flood plain mapping for the region, which will provide more certainty to residents and developers looking for guidance on where to build new homes in our rural areas.


The flooding once again lasted for many weeks – but this time, our City had to declare a state of emergency to bring in some much-needed reinforcement from the Canadian Armed Forces.


As a result, approximately 600 women and men in uniform joined 15,000 residents who volunteered in this effort to fill and deploy 1.5 million sandbags to protect homes as well as critical infrastructure, like the Britannia Water Treatment Plant.


This emergency response – which was superbly coordinated and executed by our City staff and first responders – significantly limited the damage caused by these floods, when compared to the 2017 events.


And although more than 150 families had to evacuate their homes, our community came together once again to support our fellow residents in need.


However, it takes years for these affected neighbourhoods to recover from such devastating weather events.


Many residents of West Carleton – who were the victims of the devastating tornadoes in 2018 – will only be returning home in the coming months.


Encouraging signs of progress can we observed in this community, with the new Dunrobin Plaza taking shape once again – this time with a stronger roof.


And many are hoping that the Dunrobin Meat and Grocery – a family business owned by sisters Cindy and Julie Delahunt – will once again find a home there, as a welcome sign that things are getting back to normal.


Unfortunately, these natural disasters seem to be getting all too common – and their effects are being felt right around the world.


In the face of this, our Environment Committee has been working to tackle a worldwide climate challenge, adopting an important Climate Change Master Plan at its last meeting of 2019 – a plan that will be up for debate later today and that I hope you will all support.


This roadmap for a more sustainable community contains ambitious targets that will hopefully see our City eliminate its corporate greenhouse gas emissions by 2040 – and for our community to do the same by 2050.


Working with our partners, the Plan will deliver numerous concrete actions to achieve these targets – including many energy efficiency projects as part of Energy Evolution, the development of a climate resiliency plan, and applying a climate lens to the new Official Plan.


Despite these environmental challenges, I want to acknowledge the progress we have made over the last few years in reducing GHGs.


According to the latest greenhouse gas inventory, our community’s emissions decreased by 14 percent between 2012 and 2018.


The City’s corporate emissions – which account for about five percent of Ottawa’s total emissions – were reduced by an impressive 36 percent over that same period.


And later this year, OC Transpo will begin piloting electric buses as part of its operations – and I’m hopeful that this will put us on a path to greening our entire fleet, especially as battery technology improves in the coming years.


I want to thank Minister Catherine McKenna for her support of this initiative.


Although we still have much work to do to achieve our long-term targets, there are promising signs that our investments in new technologies and energy efficiency projects are paying off.


The Environment Committee also strengthened the Tree Protection Bylaw, which will put in place greater safeguards – like compensation for removals – and higher fines to help protect Ottawa’s precious tree canopy.


I encourage all colleagues to support these strengthened tree protection measures when they come to a vote today.


One of the City’s most important environmental initiatives will be completed later this year when we start operating the Combined Sewage Storage Tunnel.


This key project of the Ottawa River Action Plan will help us reduce by approximately 80% the discharge of waste water into the Ottawa River – thereby increasing our residents’ enjoyment and improving the water quality for our wildlife of this great waterway.


These are all important initiatives that will help improve our residents’ quality of life for generations to come – and the City is delivering on many others that will have a similar lasting impact.


Think of the new Ottawa Central Library and Library and Archives Canada joint facility, which has tremendous potential to become a people place like no other – both for residents and visitors.


After some of the most enthusiastic community consultations in recent history, the OPL team and the architects at Diamond Schmitt and KWC Architects unveiled the preliminary design last week to much acclaim.


I certainly look forward to us breaking ground on this amazing city-building project and witnessing its grand opening in 2024.


This facility will without a doubt become a stunning architectural addition to Ottawa’s downtown – and one that will kickstart the revitalization and encourage the type of development we want to see take place at LeBreton Flats and around Pimisi Station.


To help steer our city’s development, the Planning Committee and ARAC are in the midst of developing a new Official Plan, which will guide the growth of Ottawa over the next decades.


With its 5 Big Moves, the new OP will identify long-term trends, challenges and opportunities facing Ottawa – and it will ensure that our city remains on track to be the most liveable mid-sized city in North America.


The new Official Plan will prioritize the climate change lens across the board, but it will also facilitate economic activity thanks to special economic zone designations for Kanata North – where businesses are bursting at the seams – and the Ottawa International Airport, which is surrounded by underutilized properties.


As our high-tech community in Kanata continues to grow at an impressive rate – now is the time to introduce flexible policies that will foster the development of much-needed office space and attract the attention of investors worldwide.


There is no better time to conduct this important Official Plan review – because as you know, our city reached an important milestone last year when it surpassed the one million population mark.


By crossing that threshold, Ottawa now finds itself in a new league when competing with cities around the globe – and we have to live up to the expectations of a world-class G7 capital city.


For its part, the Transportation Committee has been tasked with finding mobility solutions to handle this growth – and this process is now underway following the launch of the Transportation Master Plan refresh in December.


It’s important for us to work with all our mobility partners across the region – as tens of thousands of residents cross the Ottawa River every morning and afternoon to get to and from work.


And I am proud of the good relationship that Mayor Pedneaud-Jobin and I have developed in recent years.


This relationship benefits several projects on both sides of the river, and it has led to increased collaboration between our transportation teams, as well as between OC Transpo and the STO.


We are both opposed to the construction of a sixth bridge between Ottawa and Gatineau, because we want the federal government to prioritize funding for light rail projects that will have positive effects on the quality of life of our residents and on the environment for decades to come.


We are working closely with each other to ensure that the Board of Directors of the NCC understands our position.


Our teams are also working on plans to connect Gatineau’s future light rail network from western Gatineau with Ottawa, in order to maximize the benefits of this system for users on both sides of the river.


I look forward to seeing the results of their study sometime in the next few months, when they make a presentation to the Transportation Committee.


The largest transportation projects have the potential to change not only how we get around – but also how we develop our city.


And the launch of the Confederation Line in September was certainly a defining moment in our city’s history – since this critical investment in public transit will help us manage our population’s growth for decades to come.


And although LRT has faced a number of significant challenges since its launch four months ago, I’m confident that we will find permanent solutions to these issues.


Yesterday afternoon, I had the opportunity to visit the Belfast Yard MSF with the Chair and Vice-Chair of our Transit Commission to meet with the team at JBA, who arrived from Britain a few days ago.


It was helpful to get an understanding of their focus over the coming days and weeks, as they assist RTM to increase the number of available trains, as well as help find permanent solutions to improve the reliability of LRT and the experience of our customers.


I wish to thank our transit users for their patience as we work through this.


You rightfully expect and deserve a higher level of service from our transit network.


I’m confident that we will start finding solutions to these issues in the coming weeks.


But LRT remains the right long-term investment for our city.


In a recent Globe & Mail article entitled ‘’Ottawa is poised to grow and meet new work force demand,’’ Adam Stanley highlights the enthusiasm that LRT has created given its long-term economic potential.


While describing it as the most impactful piece of transportation infrastructure since the construction of the Rideau Canal nearly 200 years ago, he goes on to say that: ‘’as a result of recent investments in LRT, and other new infrastructure, Ottawa seems poised at last to step out of the long shadows cast by Toronto and Montreal.’’


These are encouraging words for our city – and I’m proud that we are continuing the progress.


As you have all seen, our crews have been hard at work on the construction of our Stage 2 extensions to bring light-rail farther east, west and south.


The construction of Stage 2 LRT will add 44 kilometres of new rail and 24 new stations to our city’s O-Train network.


And we won’t stop there, having already laid the groundwork to keep extending the system to Kanata-Stittsville and Barrhaven as part of Stage 3.


LRT is also inspiring confidence amongst investors and creating economic opportunities right across the city.


Our local economy is firing on all cylinders, posting significant job gains in 2019, as the unemployment rate hovered between 4.2 and 4.4 percent for most of the year.


I’m proud as Mayor of the city to say that 50,000 new jobs were created in Ottawa in 2019 – spread across all sectors from construction to media & culture, and healthcare to high-tech.

This represented an annual job increase of 8.5 percent, ranking second amongst Canada’s 33 largest cities.


There is obviously a lot of confidence from employers and investors in the strength of our economy.


And these numbers also demonstrate the impact of many economic development projects taking shape in many areas across the city.


Next week, ARAC will be considering Hard Rock’s $320-million expansion plans for the Rideau Carleton Raceway in the south end.


If approved, this would lead to the construction of a new eight-story hotel with 178 rooms, a 1,600-seat theatre, and space for a number of restaurants and shops, in Osgoode Ward.


In Nepean, we have a number of exciting projects taking shape at the NCC Research Farm.


In May, working with Invest Ottawa, we launched the Ottawa L5 Testing Facility – which is helping our local partners grow and lead worldwide in the ever-growing Autonomous Vehicle industry.


This site is now the first and largest AV testing facility of its kind in North America – serving as a test track, research facility and data centre where we can test a number of new products and technologies.


We now have many partners that are benefitting from this initiative – including Smartcone, BlackBerry QNX, Autonomous Stuff, Aurrigo and Carleton University – who are actively testing and conducting leading-edge research at this facility.


This complements our AV test track in Kanata North, which has for a few years enabled the testing of vehicles that communicate in real time with live City infrastructure.


And as a result of L5, INDRO Robotics, Autonomous Stuff and Aurrigo – Britain’s leading AV company – are all opening offices in Ottawa, which speaks to the economic benefits of this strategic investment.


In a recent article defining what should be our business community’s long-term aspirations, journalist and entrepreneur Mark Sutcliffe described our driverless test track as a shining example of what defines our city as a place of innovation.


We have also been working with the Ottawa Film Office and TriBro Studios on a film studio project for this site, one that would create approximately 500 new jobs during construction – and hundreds of other full-time jobs in film, TV and animation.


Just a few days ago, we had a production using the Rink of Dreams and Confederation Park to film a winter scene – and we can all be sure that Ottawa will once again be showcased on the Lifetime Channel next December.


Following a thorough review of the business case for this project, staff will be bringing forward to FEDCO in March a proposal for the loan financing of this facility – one that will benefit taxpayers and the Film Office while growing this important cultural sector and creating good jobs in our city.


And another opportunity is percolating on the site, with the possible creation of a world-class Smart Farm.


This facility – located a stone’s throw away from the farming industry regulators – would bring together academic and private sector partners to advance precision agriculture and tackle the food insecurity challenges faced by our planet.


This precision agriculture innovation will eventually benefit the 1,045 farms that make up our rural areas and fuel our agricultural economy.


To support even more job creation in our rural villages, staff have been hard at work consulting with residents and businesses to develop a Rural Economic Development Strategy, which ARAC will be approving in the next few months.

In the east end, the arrival last year of the Amazon fulfillment centre in Carlsbad Springs certainly delivered opportunities in this rural village – with the facility now providing employment to over 600 residents.


But we need to do more to stimulate economic growth in Orléans – and I’m pleased that we are working on a roadmap to do this.


Thanks to our Orléans-Highway 174 Economic Corridor Study, we will identify available lands primed for development and target business opportunities to create jobs in the east end.


And although the new Civic Campus project is only in its infancy, we are working closely with the team at The Ottawa Hospital and the Province to ensure that the planning continues to progress on this important healthcare facility for our region.


All these projects are helping us diversify our local economy while creating businesses and jobs in all parts of the city.


To give a leg up to our local innovators and entrepreneurs, we opened the Innovation Centre at Bayview Yards in 2017 – where Michael Tremblay and the team at Invest Ottawa are delivering the tools and coaching that will ensure our local start-ups continue to grow.


They have so far accelerated and grown more than 200 small local companies – and the centre is bursting at the seams.

In November, Council approved a two-storey addition to Bayview Yards in order to meet the growing demand.


And with the demand for office, commercial and industrial space continuing to rise – vacancy rates reached new lows in 2019.


According to Avison Young – one of Canada’s largest commercial real estate firms – the Ottawa market shows no signs of slowing down in 2020.


And as we know, there’s a similar reality in the rental housing market right across the city: as the vacancy rates drop, prices increase.


I know that access to and affordability of housing has been top of mind for City Council and for thousands of residents who are struggling to find a suitable place to live.


But I’m proud that for two years in a row now, this Council has invested $15 million per year to build new affordable housing units for our residents in need.


This two-year $30-million-dollar investment in housing infrastructure is the single largest in the City of Ottawa’s history.


Working with our community partners and other levels of government, we leveraged this funding last year and launched many projects across the city – representing a total of 519 affordable housing units that are currently in the works.


·         140 units for seniors and families in Centretown with OCH;

·         40 supportive housing units in the Glebe Annex with the John Howard Society;

·         40 units dedicated to homeless veterans at Veteran’s House – named in honour of former Air Force pilot Andy Carswell – delivered with Multifaith Housing;

·         42 supportive housing units with the Shepherds of Good Hope near Montfort Hospital; and

·         35 Units of affordable and supportive housing in Bell’s Corners with the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa.


This is in addition to many projects that were completed and opened last year – including 58 units for seniors on Cambridge Street South, and a project with the Youth Services Bureau that delivered 39 supportive housing units for youth in Riverside Park.


Just last fall, Council approved a joint initiative with Ottawa Community Housing that will produce another 271 affordable housing units in Rideau-Rockcliffe.


We are currently working with our not-for-profit partners to ensure that the sites they have identified for affordable housing projects are shovel ready this year and next.


Last year, Council also approved the refinancing of many OCH mortgages, which will generate as much as $35 million to reinvest in critical repairs to our existing social housing stock.


I’m also committed to continuing our work with our federal and provincial partners to ensure that they take on an increased role and invest their fair share to help us tackle this housing crisis, which is being felt right across the country.


I recently spoke to the provincial Minister of Finance and the Housing Minister, in advance of the provincial budget, to stress the urgent need for new funding to support and build more affordable housing.


And I will be meeting with federal Minister Ahmed Hussen later this week to ask the federal government to move forward with historic investments on affordable housing in the upcoming federal budget – in order to reduce the 56% funding share currently being absorbed by municipalities.


The City is also planning for longer-term opportunities to locate affordable housing near transit stations – because affordable transit is also essential to many residents who cannot afford to own a car to get around the city.


And that’s why this past year, FEDCO approved a plan from the Interdepartmental Task Force on Housing to target 18 prime pieces of land that will become transit-oriented neighbourhoods.


These publicly-owned properties along Bus Rapid Transit and the Trillium and Confederation Lines will be developed over the next 20 years and transformed into communities with a strong mix of affordable housing units.


The first of these affordable housing projects will be located beside our new Central Library Project and will help us kickstart the revitalization of LeBreton Flats.


And in response to record-low vacancy rates and market demand, private sector developers have launched a wave of apartment and multi-residential projects.


Earlier this month, we learned of the Bayshore Centre’s plans for two towers on its property – a project with 500 rental units for residents who want convenient access to the future Bayshore Station of Stage 2 LRT.


And similar projects are planned for the Trillium Line, with Arnon announcing its plans for six buildings containing 295 rental units within a few hundred metres of the Carling LRT Station.


These are only two examples of many projects providing additional rental housing units while encouraging greater density along our light-rail transit projects – and it is clearly good news in our city’s efforts to tackle urban sprawl.


In addition to these new developments, I’m encouraged that old and decrepit office buildings are being transformed into apartment rental buildings.


The nearby redevelopment of 170 Metcalfe at the corner of Nepean went online last summer with 64 rental units – which are almost all spoken for.


The old Government of Canada building at the corner of King Edward and Rideau is in the midst of a similar transformation and has been taking in uOttawa students since last fall.


Along the same line, we learned a few weeks ago that the office building at 473 Albert Street had been purchased by a real estate investment trust for the same purpose – and it will undergo a complete renewal this year that will add 153 units to the rental stock.


What’s encouraging is that the private sector is finding greater value in offering decent and affordable rental units rather than lower grade office space.


And although I’m hopeful this increase in the rental stock will provide some relief to apartment seekers, we know the City has an important role to play to ensure that housing remains accessible for our most vulnerable residents.


I very much look forward to the important review of both the 10-Year Housing and Homelessness Plan, as well as the emergency shelter standards – a review that our Community and Protective Services Committee will undertake in the coming months.


And there is more that can be done at the municipal level to address these issues of affordability and accessibility to housing.


That is why last year, CPSC considered a major report to regulate the business of short-term rentals and limit their presence to primary residences – which could bring back as many as 1,200 units into the long-term ownership or rental market.


When this framework is implemented later this year, it will ensure that condos and apartment units cannot be purchased and used for the sole purpose of acting as illegal hotels.


We know that over the last few years, this practice has negatively affected our community by reducing the housing stock, changing the fabric of our neighbourhoods – and in certain instances, has led to criminal activity in residential neighbourhoods.


These are social issues that all large cities are faced with – but we must do everything we can to continue to address some of their root causes.


That’s why I’m proud of the work that City Council has done in recent years to bolster the inclusion of underrepresented and vulnerable communities.


·         Our ongoing efforts on Indigenous Reconciliation;

·         Affordable transit services for all residents by freezing the EquiPass and EquiFare;

·         The Transit Commission’s ongoing work to decrease waiting times for Para Transpo customers by introducing online booking;

·         The appointment of our City’s first Women and Gender Equity Liaison and the creation of a Women and Gender Equity Strategy.


These are all concrete actions that this Council has endorsed to make our city more inclusive and more liveable for all.


The development of our Women and Gender Equity Strategy engaged over 400 residents last year and recently led to productive consultations with members of our 2SLGBTQ+ community.


The team is also in the process of establishing its Working Group – and they have engaged with 22 different community partners and allies that will help us envision and deliver on the strategy.


In the last budget, we also set aside the funding required to create an Anti-Racism Secretariat, which will complement our work on Women and Gender Equity and help us fight back against racism in our community.


Although our community is a welcoming and accepting one – as I learned firsthand when I came out last summer – there is always work left to do on this front, particularly at a time when populism and intolerance are on the rise around the world.


Interestingly, a program delivered by Economic Development is also helping us become a more supportive and inclusive community.


One of the initiatives currently being piloted under the Innovation Pilot Program – in partnership with Ottawa Public Health – is a mobile app called Timsle, which is revolutionizing the way we manage mental health.


Created here in Ottawa by Quayce Thomas – who’s in the audience today – Timsle creates a social accountability network that can help improve users’ mental health by leveraging the support of family and friends.


Users of the app are asked to establish goals – like exercising, taking medication or having healthy and regular meals – and then identify the friends or family members that will keep them on track along the way.


Users will then check-in every day as they accomplish these tasks – but if they fail to do so, Timsle will notify members of their network so they can reach out to see if everything is okay and offer their support.


OPH has recognized its value in supporting positive mental health through strong routines and healthy living – and I’m pleased that Timsle is being added to our community’s wellness toolbox.


I also want to take this opportunity to thank the team at Ottawa Public Health for their efforts to tackle the vaping epidemic which has invaded our schoolyards.

We must do much more to combat teenagers’ access to these deceptive and dangerous vaping products.


I want to thank Premier Ford, who acted quickly – only a few days after I called him on the topic – to announce a ban on the promotion of these products in convenience stores and gas stations.


Unfortunately, companies are using appealing flavours and marketing to win over these customers – and the federal government must also act quickly on this front nationwide in order to protect our teenagers from these hazardous side effects.


As an inclusive city, it is also our responsibility to provide a safe environment for our marginalized or vulnerable residents – and the City does that on a few fronts.


With the Coronavirus having now made its way to 16 countries, Dr. Etches and her team at OPH are keeping a close eye on the matter and working with their healthcare partners to make sure that Ottawa is prepared to deal with any local cases.


I look forward to Dr. Etches’ update on this following my remarks.


I was encouraged when Chief Sloly announced a few weeks ago the creation of three new Neighbourhood Resource Teams, which are a pillar of the OPS Community Policing Strategy.


This announcement follows the successful deployment of three teams in Vanier/Overbrook, Heron Gate/South Ottawa and Carlington/Caldwell in 2019.


These three new teams will be deployed in the ByWard Market/Lowertown in May, followed by Centretown and Bayshore in the fall.


The OPS officers that form these teams will be dedicated exclusively to their assigned neighbourhoods, where they will spend a minimum of two years working with residents and community agencies to tackle crime and its underlying socioeconomic factors.


I also welcome the decision of the Ottawa Police Services Board to support Chief Sloly’s plan to hire 100 officers this year – fast tracking the hiring of officers slated for between now and 2023.


This move will see 100 road-ready officers be fully deployed and improving public safety in our community by next year – and supporting initiatives like neighbourhood policing, reducing gun and gang violence, and violence against women.


We also need to ensure that our neighbourhood streets remain safe for children and families to enjoy.


And that’s why in 2019, the Transportation Committee made permanent the successful Pedestrian Crossover Program, which had led to a reduction in collisions where these had been installed.


The Committee also enacted a series of road safety measures to protect vulnerable users, starting with the creation of eight new Community Safety Zones meant to protect children walking to nearby schools and community parks.


With the recent approval from the Province, Transportation staff will start deploying automated speed enforcement measures in the coming months, with the goal of eliminating speeding and dangerous driving around children in those safety zones.


A few months ago, the Transportation Committee also adopted its third Strategic Road Safety Action Plan – a comprehensive roadmap to reduce by 20% the rate of fatal and major injury collisions over the next five years.


In 2020, this plan will lead to investments of 31.5 million dollars in road safety measures and initiatives – up from $25 million in 2019 – which will help make our streets safer for all road users, including downtown, in the suburbs and on our rural roads.


Over the next few years, this Plan will deliver traffic calming measures in school zones, improvements to warranted pedestrian signals and infrastructure changes that will make our streets safer.


To help us deliver these initiatives, the revenue generated by all new red-light cameras installed beyond 2020 will be directed to funding this Strategic Road Safety Action Plan.


And we’re seeing great results from some of the measures that Safer Roads Ottawa has piloted and deployed in recent years.


I’m happy to report that in the seven months following the launch of the school bus stop-arm camera project last May, the Ottawa Police have laid a total of 110 charges – of $490 each – to drivers who had dangerously failed to stop for a school bus.


To put this in perspective, OPS officers had issued on average 35 fines per year in the two years leading up to the launch of the project.


Since it was first introduced in 2016, OPS has leveraged its now five Automated License Plate Recognition units to apprehend close to 800 suspended drivers still roaming freely on our roads.


It has also generated close to $2.7 million in fine revenue for the City.


In 2020, the Transportation Committee will consider safety countermeasures for 34 high-volume intersections with heavy traffic and cycling interactions – and our cycling community will also benefit from the adoption and implementation of the City’s Bike Parking Strategy.


And we are constantly providing our residents with more options to get around our city without using a car.


This past year, I was excited to open the beautiful new Flora Footbridge – and it’s a highlight of my year at City Hall.


This popular bridge over the Rideau Canal now connects the residents of Old Ottawa East to Lansdowne and the Glebe – and it greatly enhances our pedestrian and cycling networks.


And between its opening day and January 22nd, it had been used by pedestrians and cyclists close to 450,000 times.


I hope the excitement will be as great when we reopen the Harmer Avenue pedestrian and cycling bridge this fall, which will finally reconnect the Civic Hospital and Wellington West communities.


And in honour of a true community builder, I will bring forward a proposal to name the bridge after former Mayor Jackie Holzman, who now lives in Kitchissippi.


As a passionate advocate for the disabled and the first Jewish woman to become mayor of Ottawa, Jackie worked tirelessly during her time at City Hall to bridge differences between communities and to unite residents around important issues.


I hope City Council and residents will join me in supporting this naming proposal and the well-deserved acknowledgment of Jackie Holzman’s contributions to our community.


Please join me in welcoming Jackie Holzman today.

This coming spring, we will also begin a number of major renewal projects that will greatly revitalize certain neighbourhoods.


Vanier will benefit from the revitalization of Montreal Road, which will take place over the next two years, in conjunction with the deployment of the Montreal Road Community Improvement Plan.


Jointly, these two initiatives will help us inject vitality and attract investments and urban renewal to Vanier.


Following the opening of LRT, the redevelopment of Mackenzie Avenue and Rideau Street – from Sussex to Dalhousie – will start this spring to rejuvenate this arts, culture and fashion district connecting the ByWard Market to the new Ottawa Art Gallery and Arts Court.


With the addition of bike lanes and some greenery, Rideau Street will become more liveable and inviting – especially for shoppers and commuters using the Rideau Station of LRT.


This year, we will also complete the revitalization of Elgin Street, which will feature much wider sidewalks, benches and trees.


I know this great street will regain its glory and soon become a pedestrian destination.


We are seeing that renewal projects like Main Street, Queen Street, Montreal Road and Elgin Street are all revitalizing neighbourhoods and creating business and job opportunities for the future – and that’s why we are also planning for the revitalization of Sparks Street and the ByWard Market.


These are only a few of the investments we are making to maintain our extensive road network in good condition for all road users.


This year, the City will invest $51 million in road resurfacing projects across the city – up from the yearly average of $35.5 million over the last Term of Council.


We are also investing $66.2 million for growth projects that will benefit commuters in rapidly expanding neighbourhoods, who use roads like Strandherd Drive, Campeau Drive and the Kanata South Link.


And because residents across the city have to benefit from these improvements, we are making critical investments of $44.5 million in our rural infrastructure – up from the four-year average of $39.7 million.


This will deliver a number of important culvert projects and will improve the conditions of many rural roads and bridges – like Spruce Ridge Road in West-Carleton, Ashton Station Road in Rideau-Goulburn and River Road in Osgoode.


And we are also making significant investments to support the development of our Francophone community, which is now established in every corner of the city.


I look forward to officially opening the Maison de la Francophonie tomorrow evening – this multi-service hub is set to become an important meeting place for the growing Francophone community in Ottawa’s west end.


And I am proud of the City’s role in giving this project a home, by donating the former Grant School on Richmond Road to the CMFO.


Following several years of community efforts, I want to thank all the volunteers who contributed hundreds of hours to achieving this project, as well as the Conseil des écoles publiques, which ensured that the centre was completed.


I am certain that tomorrow’s event will be a memorable opportunity to celebrate the opening of this important facility and to recognize the contributions of volunteers and the community.


So many individuals in the community and here at the City are behind the success of these countless initiatives that strengthen our community.


I want to take this opportunity to thank our City Manager Steve Kanellakos, his Senior Leadership Team, and all our dedicated City staff.


They work day in and day out to make Ottawa such a wonderful place to live.


I know 2019 was a tough and demanding year for many teams at the City – and I thank all of you who sacrificed family time and personal commitments to ensure you were serving our residents and our community in times of need.


Finally, I’m pleased to announce that this year, I will be recognizing the work of distinguished individuals as well as an organization who have made our city proud by presenting the Key to the City to:


·         Accomplished golfer and three-time Canadian Press female athlete of the year: Brooke Henderson;

·         Former Governor General, accomplished journalist and worldwide ambassador of La Francophonie: Michaëlle Jean;

·         TSN sportscaster and proud Carleton University journalism graduate: James Duthie;

·         and last but not least, the Ottawa Citizen, an organization that has been providing news coverage in the nation’s capital for 175 years – the longest continuing local business in Ottawa today.


There is a lot to celebrate in Ottawa – and we are sometimes too modest when boasting about our city.


But when speaking recently about Ottawa’s employment growth, Shawn Hamilton, who’s Senior Vice-President at CBRE in Ottawa, recently acknowledged that ‘’a confluence of well-timed events – a thriving tech scene, multiple postsecondary institutions, easy access to green space, and new infrastructure such as a new library and a new hospital coming down the pipe – have contributed to an upward spiral for the city, and I’m hard-pressed to find a strike against us for growth.’’


And similar aspirations were echoed in Harley Finkelstein and Lindsay Taub’s ‘’Love Letter to Ottawa,’’ published in the Citizen at the end of December, in which they state that ‘’in the next decade, we can transform this city by saying yes more often.’’


I love their enthusiasm and passion for this great city we all call home.


And I believe they come at it with the right attitude, recognizing that ‘’there’s a lot of work to be done – but there is also so much opportunity ahead.’’


I very much share their point of view that there is a lot we can do to brighten the future of our city.


We need to invest in our infrastructure if we want our local economy to continue to prosper, sustaining good paying jobs in communities across the city.


But we must also ensure that this rising tide of prosperity lifts all boats and helps us support residents from all walks of life, including those who are most vulnerable.


I believe City Council can deliver on all these goals if we continue to take the right approach.


There’s an ancient African proverb that says: ‘’If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.’’


I invite us all to continue this important work together, to the benefit of our community.

Thank you.

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